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358 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2013-2014 - pancake */
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#define NARGS 64
typedef struct r_anal_esil_t {
RAnal *anal;
int rightside;
int opsize;
RList *stack;
RList *opstack;
int (*set)(struct r_anal_esil_t *c, const char *str, ut64 n);
ut64 (*get)(struct r_anal_esil_t *c, const char *str);
ut64 (*num)(struct r_anal_esil_t *c, const char *str);
int (*iterate)(struct r_anal_esil_t *c, char *buf, int *tkns);
} RAnalEsil;
#if 0
mov ecx, 3 ecx=3
rep push ebx esp-=4,[esp]=ebx,ecx--,@ecx
jb 0x804840 ?cf,eip=4[eip+1]
cmovc eax, 3 ?cf,eax=3
add eax, 44 cf=eax+44<eax,eax+=44
int 0x80 $0x80
static int token(char c) {
switch (c) {
case '(': // open scope
return 5;
case ')': // close scope
return 6;
case '$': // syscall
case '@': // repeat if condition matches
case '?': // conditional
case '[': // store
case ']': // store
case '.':
return 1;
case ',':
return 4;
case '+':
case '-':
case '=':
case '*':
case '/':
case '|':
case '&':
case '!':
case '>':
case '<':
return 2;
if ((c>='a' && c<='z')
|| (c>='A' && c<='Z')
|| (c>='0' && c<='9'))
return 3;
return 0; // unknown
static int r_anal_esil (RAnalEsil *c, const char *str) {
char buf[128];
const char *chr = str;
int t, bufi, tok, tknsi, tkns[128];
bufi = tok = tknsi = 0;
for (; *chr; chr++) {
t = token (*chr);
if (!t) {
printf ("unknown!\n");
return -1;
if (tok != t) {
buf[bufi++] = 0;
tkns[tknsi++] = t;
tkns[tknsi++] = bufi;
tok = t;
buf[bufi++] = *chr;
tkns[tknsi++] = 0;
buf[bufi] = 0;
return c->iterate (c, buf, tkns);
#if 0
static int iterate (RAnalEsil *c, char *buf, int *tkns) {
char *str;
int i, type;
for (i=0; tkns[i]; i+=2) {
type = tkns[i];
str = buf+tkns[i+1];
eprintf ("(%d) (%s)\n", type, str);
if (type==1) {
if (!strcmp (str, "?")) {
printf (" CONDITIONAL\n");
return 0;
#define TOKEN_IS(x,y,z) (x[i]==y && !strcmp (x[i+1]==z))
#define TOKEN_GET(x,y) x=tkns[i]; y=buf+tkns[i+1]
#define IS(x) (!strcmp(x,op))
static int esil_set (RAnalEsil *e, const char *s, ut64 n) {
if (e->anal && e->anal->reg) {
RRegItem *item;
item = r_reg_get (e->anal->reg, s, 0); // GPR only wtf?
eprintf ("SET (%p)\n", item);
if (item) return r_reg_set_value (e->anal->reg, item, n);
return R_TRUE;
static ut64 esil_get (RAnalEsil *e, const char *s) {
RRegItem *item;
// check for register
if (!s) return 0LL;
item = r_reg_get (e->anal->reg, s, 0); // GPR only wtf?
if (item) return r_reg_get_value (e->anal->reg, item);
return r_num_get (NULL, s);
#define OPUSH(x) r_list_push (c->opstack,x)
#define PUSH(x) r_list_push (c->stack,(void*)x)
#define OPOP() r_list_pop (c->opstack)
#define POP() r_list_pop (c->stack)
static int esil_commit (RAnalEsil *c, const char *op) {
const char *q = POP();
const char *p = POP();
//const char *o = op;
int ss = c->opsize;
if (ss) {
// eprintf (";; GET %d[%s]\n", ss, q);
// eprintf ("PSUH %s %s\n", p, q);
eprintf (";; -> this means that we have to resolve before accessing memory %d\n", c->opsize);
c->opsize = 0;
PUSH (p);
PUSH (q);
return 0;
if (!op) {
eprintf ("COMMIT UNKNOWN OP.. THIs IS []\n");
return 0;
//eprintf (";;; COMMIT ;;; (%s) %s (%s)\n", p, o, q);
if (IS ("[=")) {
eprintf ("EQUAL------SET\n");
} else
if (IS ("+")) {
// push (get (p)+get (q));
ut64 n = esil_get (c, p) + esil_get (c, q);
char *ns = malloc (32); // XXX memleak
sprintf (ns, "0x%"PFMT64x, n);
PUSH (ns);
eprintf (";;; %s %s\n", p, q);
//eprintf (" (((0x%llx)))\n", esil_get (c, p));
eprintf (";;; +EQUAL! (%s)\n", ns);
} else
if (IS ("-")) {
// push (get (p)+get (q));
ut64 n = esil_get (c, p) - esil_get (c, q);
char *ns = malloc (32); // XXX memleak
sprintf (ns, "0x%"PFMT64x, n);
PUSH (ns);
eprintf (";;; %s %s\n", p, q);
eprintf (";;; -EQUAL! (%s)\n", ns);
} else
if (IS ("*")) {
// push (get (p)+get (q));
ut64 n = esil_get (c, p) * esil_get (c, q);
char *ns = malloc (32); // XXX memleak
sprintf (ns, "0x%"PFMT64x, n);
PUSH (ns);
eprintf (";;; %s %s\n", p, q);
eprintf (";;; *EQUAL! (%s)\n", ns);
if (IS ("=")) {
if (p == NULL || q == NULL) {
eprintf ("Invalid construction\n");
return -1;
// set (p, get (q))
c->set (c, p, c->get (c, q));
eprintf (";;; EQUAL! (%s=%s)\n", p, q);
return 0;
static int emulate (RAnalEsil *c, char *buf, int *tkns) {
ut64 num = 0;
char *op = NULL;
char *str = NULL;
int i, type;
c->opstack = r_list_new ();
c->stack = r_list_new ();
c->opsize = 0;
c->rightside = 0;
for (i=0; tkns[i]; i+=2) {
TOKEN_GET (type, str);
eprintf ("(%d) (%s)\n", type, str);
switch (type) {
// case 0 handled in for conditional
case 1: /* special command */
if (!strcmp (str, "[")) {
int curstack = r_list_length (c->stack);
eprintf ("STACK POINTER %d\n", curstack);
c->opsize = (int)num;
// TODO: test for size
// read tokens until ']'
// TOKEN_UNTIL (1, "]");
for (i+=2; tkns[i]; i+=2) {
TOKEN_GET (type, str);
eprintf ("--- %d (%s)\n", tkns[i], buf+tkns[i+1]);
switch (tkns[i]) {
case 1:
if (!strcmp (str, "]")) {
if (!c->opsize) c->opsize =
//int j, len = r_list_length (c->stack) - curstack;
char *a;
OPUSH (op);
while ((a = OPOP ())) {
// eprintf ("---> op %s\n", op);
esil_commit (c, a);
//op = NULL;
printf (" %s (size %d)\n", c->rightside?"GET":"SET", (int)num);
goto dungeon;
// set destination for write
// expect '='
case 2:
op = str;
OPUSH (op);
case 3:
PUSH (str);
if (!tkns[i]) {
printf ("Unexpected eof\n");
return 1;
} else
if (!strcmp (str, "?")) {
printf (" CONDITIONAL\n");
i += 2;
TOKEN_GET (type, str);
if (!type) {
eprintf (" UNEXPECTED EOF\n");
return 1;
if (type!=3) {
printf (" UNEXPECTED TOKEN\n");
return 1;
//while () { i += 2; }
case 2:
if (op) {
//eprintf (" XXX Redefine op %s\n", op);
if (!strcmp (op, "*")) { // prio
esil_commit (c, op);
} else OPUSH (op);
op = str;
if (IS ("=")) {
c->rightside = 1;
case 3:
num = c->num (c, str); //
// eprintf ("; push %s\n" , str);
PUSH (str);
case 4:
esil_commit (c, op);
op = NULL;
case 5:
// newcontext();
//esil_push_scope (c);
eprintf ("OPEN SCOPE\n");
case 6:
//char *res = esil_pop_scope (c);
// if scope > 0 :
//PUSH (res);
esil_commit (c, op);
// free (res);
// commit()
// closecontext()
// push result
eprintf ("CLOSE SCOPE\n");
{/*trick*/int/*label*/x/*parsing*/=/*fix*/0;x = !x;}
eprintf (";;; COMMIT (%s) (%s)\n", op, str);
esil_commit (c, op);
if (r_list_length (c->opstack)>0) {
char *a;
while ((a = OPOP ())) {
esil_commit (c, a);
op = NULL;
return 0;
static ut64 num(struct r_anal_esil_t *c, const char *str) {
return r_num_get (NULL, str);
#define C(x) r_anal_esil(&c,x)
#ifdef MAIN
int main() {
RAnalEsil c = {
.num = num,
.iterate = emulate //iterate
//C ("esp=32,eax++");
C ("4[eax+3]=123");
//C ("?cf,esp=32+2,eax++");
//C ("cf=eax+44<eax,eax+=44");
//C ("esp-=4,[esp]=ebx,ecx--,@ecx");
return 0;
R_API int r_anal_esil_eval(RAnal *anal, const char *str) {
RAnalEsil c = {
.anal = anal,
.get = esil_get,
.set = esil_set,
.num = num,
.iterate = emulate //iterate
C (str);
return 0;