2023-01-16 18:41:04 +01:00

573 lines
17 KiB

#include <r_util.h>
#include "minunit.h"
//TODO test r_str_chop_path
bool test_r_str_wrap(void) {
char *s = r_str_wrap ("hello world\nhow are you\n", 5);
char *res = strdup ("hello \nworld\nhow ar\ne you\n");
mu_assert_streq (s, res, "error, invalid string wrapping");
free (s);
free (res);
bool test_r_str_replace_char_once(void) {
char* str = strdup ("hello world");
(void) r_str_replace_char_once (str, 'l', 'x');
mu_assert_streq (str, "hexlo world", "error, replace char once failed");
free (str);
bool test_r_str_replace(void) {
// infinite loop test
char *str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello world"), "hell", "ihell", 0);
mu_assert_streq (str, "ihello world", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello world"), "hell", "ihell", 1);
mu_assert_streq (str, "ihello world", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello world"), "hello", "", 1);
mu_assert_streq (str, " world", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello world"), "h", "hello", 0);
mu_assert_streq (str, "helloello world", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello horld"), "h", "hello", 1);
mu_assert_streq (str, "helloello helloorld", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
str = r_str_replace (strdup ("hello horld"), "h", "hello", 0);
mu_assert_streq (str, "helloello horld", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
bool test_r_str_replace_char(void) {
char* str = strdup ("hello world");
(void) r_str_replace_char (str, 'l', 'x');
mu_assert_streq (str, "hexxo worxd", "error, replace char multi failed");
free (str);
//TODO test r_str_bits
bool test_r_str_bits64(void) {
char buf[65];
(void)r_str_bits64 (buf, 0);
mu_assert_streq (buf, "00000000", "binary of 0");
(void)r_str_bits64 (buf, 1);
mu_assert_streq (buf, "00000001", "binary of 1");
(void)r_str_bits64 (buf, 2);
mu_assert_streq (buf, "00000010", "binary of 2");
//TODO test r_str_bits_from_string
bool test_r_str_rwx(void) {
int rwx = r_str_rwx ("rwx");
int rw = r_str_rwx ("rw-");
int rx = r_str_rwx ("rx");
int none = r_str_rwx ("---");
int number = r_str_rwx ("999");
int rx_number = r_str_rwx ("5");
int rwx_number = r_str_rwx ("7");
mu_assert_eq (rwx, 7, "rwx");
mu_assert_eq (rw, 6, "rw");
mu_assert_eq (rx, 5, "rx");
mu_assert_eq (none, 0, "no permissions");
mu_assert_eq (number, 0, "large input number string");
mu_assert_eq (rx_number, 5, "rx number");
mu_assert_eq (rwx_number, 7, "rwx number");
//TODO test r_str_binstr2bin
bool test_r_str_rwx_i(void) {
const char* rwx = r_str_rwx_i (7);
const char* rw = r_str_rwx_i (6);
const char* rx = r_str_rwx_i (5);
const char* invalid_mode = r_str_rwx_i (898);
const char* invalid_mode_neg = r_str_rwx_i (-10);
mu_assert_streq (rwx, "rwx", "rwx = 7 mode");
mu_assert_streq (rw, "rw-", "rw = 6 mode");
mu_assert_streq (rx, "r-x", "rx = 5 mode");
mu_assert_streq (invalid_mode, "---", "invalid permissions mode");
mu_assert_streq (invalid_mode_neg, "---", "invalid permissions mode (negative value)");
bool test_r_str_trim(void) {
// 1
const char* one = r_str_trim_head_ro (" hello ");
mu_assert_streq (one, "hello ", "one");
// 2
char* two = strdup (" hello ");
r_str_trim_head (two);
mu_assert_streq (two, "hello ", "two");
r_str_trim (two);
// 2
mu_assert_streq (two, "hello", "three");
free (two);
bool test_r_str_bool(void) {
const char* one = r_str_bool (1);
const char* zero = r_str_bool (0);
const char* fifty = r_str_bool (50);
const char* negative = r_str_bool (-1);
mu_assert_streq (one, "true", "one");
mu_assert_streq (zero, "false", "zero");
mu_assert_streq (fifty, "true", "large positive value");
mu_assert_streq (negative, "true", "negative number");
bool test_r_str_case(void) {
char* str1_mixedcase = strdup ("mIxEdCaSe");
char* str2_mixedcase = strdup ("mIxEdCaSe");
r_str_case (str1_mixedcase, true /*upcase*/);
r_str_case (str2_mixedcase, false /*downcase*/);
mu_assert_streq (str1_mixedcase, "MIXEDCASE", "upcase");
mu_assert_streq (str2_mixedcase, "mixedcase", "downcase");
char* non_alphanum_1 = strdup ("c00lstring!");
char* non_alphanum_2 = strdup ("c00lstrinG!");
r_str_case (non_alphanum_1, true /*upcase*/);
r_str_case (non_alphanum_2, false /*downcase*/);
mu_assert_streq (non_alphanum_1, "C00LSTRING!", "upcase, nonalpanum");
mu_assert_streq (non_alphanum_2, "c00lstring!", "downcase, nonalpanum");
free (str1_mixedcase);
free (str2_mixedcase);
free (non_alphanum_1);
free (non_alphanum_2);
//TODO test r_str_hash64, r_str_hash
//TODO test r_str_delta (WTF!)
bool test_r_str_split(void) {
char* hi = strdup ("hello world");
int r = r_str_split (hi, ' ');
mu_assert_eq (r, 2, "split on space");
char* hello = hi;
char* world = hi + 6;
mu_assert_streq (hello, "hello", "first string in split");
mu_assert_streq (world, "world", "second string in split");
free (hi);
bool test_r_str_split_list(void) {
#if 0
> "".split("\n")
[ '' ]
> "\n".split("\n")
[ '', '' ]
char* hi = strdup ("");
RList *r = r_str_split_list (hi, "\n", 0);
mu_assert_eq (r_list_length (r), 1, "split empty");
free (hi);
char* hi = strdup ("\n");
RList *r = r_str_split_list (hi, "\n", 0);
mu_assert_eq (r_list_length (r), 2, "split newline");
free (hi);
bool test_r_str_tokenize(void) {
//XXX r_str_word0 doesn't work on "hello world" to
// tokenize into ["hello", "world"]
char* hi = strdup ("hello world");
int r = r_str_word_set0 (hi);
mu_assert_eq (r, 2, "tokenize hello world");
const char* hello = r_str_word_get0 (hi, 0);
const char* world = r_str_word_get0 (hi, 1);
mu_assert_streq (hello, "hello", "first string in split");
mu_assert_streq (world, "world", "second string in split");
free (hi);
bool test_r_str_char_count(void) {
mu_assert_eq (r_str_char_count ("poop", 'p'), 2, "number of p in poop");
bool test_r_str_word_count(void) {
mu_assert_eq (r_str_word_count ("let's test\nradare2 \t libraries!"), 4,
"words in a string");
bool test_r_str_ichr(void) {
char* test = "rrrrrradare2";
char* out = r_str_ichr (test, 'r');
mu_assert_streq (out, "adare2",
"string after the first non-r character in rrrrrradare2");
bool test_r_str_lchr(void) {
const char* test = "radare2";
const char* out = r_str_lchr (test, 'r');
mu_assert_streq (out, "re2", "pointer to last r in radare2");
bool test_r_sub_str_lchr(void) {
const char* test = "raddddare2d";
const char* out = r_sub_str_lchr (test, 1, 8, 'd');
mu_assert_streq (out, "dare2d", "pointer to last d in range in radddddare2d");
bool test_r_sub_str_rchr(void) {
const char* test = "raddddare2d";
const char* out = r_sub_str_rchr (test, 1, 8, 'd');
mu_assert_streq (out, "ddddare2d", "pointer to first d in range in radddddare2d");
bool test_r_str_rchr(void) {
const char* test = "raddddare2d";
const char* out = r_str_rchr (test, NULL, '2');
mu_assert_streq (out, "2d", "pointer to last p in range in raddddare2d");
out = r_str_rchr (test, NULL, 'p');
if (out) {
mu_assert ("non NULL value returned", 0);
out = test + 9;
out = r_str_rchr (test, out, 'd');
mu_assert_streq (out, "dare2d", "pointer to last d in range in raddddare2d");
out = test + strlen (test);
out = r_str_rchr (test, out, 'p');
if (out) {
mu_assert ("non NULL value of out", 0);
bool test_r_str_ansi_len(void) {
int len;
len = r_str_ansi_len ("\x1b[0m");
mu_assert_eq (len, 0, "len(ansi only)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("radare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii only)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("r\x1b[38;2;208;80;0madare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with m)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("r\x1b[0Jadare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with J)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("r\x1b[42;42Hadare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with H)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("r\xc3\xa4""dare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 8, "len(ascii + 2 byte utf-8 counted as 2 chars)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("radar\xe2\x82\xac""2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 9, "len(ascii + 3 byte utf-8 counted as 3 chars)");
len = r_str_ansi_len ("radar\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e""2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 10, "len(ascii + 4 byte utf-8 counted as 4 chars)");
bool test_r_str_len_utf8_ansi(void) {
int len;
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("radare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii only)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("r\x1b[38;2;208;80;0madare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with m)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("r\x1b[0Jadare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with J)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("r\x1b[42;42Hadare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + ansi ending with H)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("r\xc3\xa4""dare2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + 2 byte utf-8 counted as 1 char)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("radar\xe2\x82\xac""2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + 3 byte utf-8 counted as 1 char)");
len = r_str_len_utf8_ansi ("radar\xf0\x9d\x84\x9e""2");
mu_assert_eq (len, 7, "len(ascii + 4 byte utf-8 counted as 1 char)");
bool test_r_str_utf8_charsize(void) {
char s[16] = "\x61\xc3\xa1\xe6\x97\xa5\xf0\x9f\x91\x8c\xf0\x9f\x91\x8c\x8c"; // aá日👌
int sz;
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize (s);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 1, "1 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize (s + 1);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 2, "2 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize (s + 3);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 3, "3 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize (s + 6);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 4, "4 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize (s + 10);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 0, "Malformed UTF-8");
bool test_r_str_utf8_charsize_prev(void) {
char s[16] = "\x61\xc3\xa1\xe6\x97\xa5\xf0\x9f\x91\x8c\xf0\x9f\x91\x8c\x8c"; // aá日👌
int sz;
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize_last (s);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 0, "Malformed UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize_prev (s + 10, 10);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 4, "4 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize_prev (s + 6, 6);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 3, "3 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize_prev (s + 3, 3);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 2, "2 byte UTF-8");
sz = r_str_utf8_charsize_prev (s + 1, 1);
mu_assert_eq (sz, 1, "1 byte UTF-8");
bool test_r_str_sanitize_sdb_key(void) {
char *s = r_str_sanitize_sdb_key("rada.re2<is>::Cool");
mu_assert_streq (s, "rada_re2_is_::Cool", "sanitize");
free (s);
bool test_r_str_escape_sh(void) {
char *escaped = r_str_escape_sh ("Hello, \"World\"");
mu_assert_streq (escaped, "Hello, \\\"World\\\"", "escaped \"double quotes\"");
free (escaped);
escaped = r_str_escape_sh ("Hello, \\World\\");
mu_assert_streq (escaped, "Hello, \\\\World\\\\", "escaped backspace");
free (escaped);
#if __UNIX__
escaped = r_str_escape_sh ("Hello, $(World)");
mu_assert_streq (escaped, "Hello, \\$(World)", "escaped $(command)");
free (escaped);
escaped = r_str_escape_sh ("Hello, `World`");
mu_assert_streq (escaped, "Hello, \\`World\\`", "escaped `command`");
free (escaped);
bool test_r_str_unescape(void) {
char buf[] = "Hello\\x31World\\n";
r_str_unescape (buf);
mu_assert_streq (buf, "Hello1World\n", "unescaped");
bool test_r_str_newf(void) {
char *a = r_str_newf ("hello");
mu_assert_streq (a, "hello", "oops");
free (a);
a = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", "hello", "world");
mu_assert_streq (a, "hello/world", "oops");
free (a);
a = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", "hello", "world");
a = r_str_appendf (a, "..%s/%s", "cow", "low");
a = r_str_appendf (a, "PWN");
mu_assert_streq (a, "hello/world..cow/lowPWN", "oops");
free (a);
bool test_r_str_constpool(void) {
RStrConstPool pool;
bool s = r_str_constpool_init (&pool);
mu_assert ("pool init success", s);
const char *a_ref = "deliverance";
const char *a_pooled = r_str_constpool_get (&pool, a_ref);
mu_assert_ptrneq (a_pooled, a_ref, "pooled != ref");
mu_assert_streq (a_pooled, a_ref, "pooled == ref (strcmp)");
const char *a_pooled2 = r_str_constpool_get (&pool, a_ref);
mu_assert_ptreq (a_pooled2, a_pooled, "same on re-get");
char *a_ref_cpy = strdup (a_ref);
a_pooled2 = r_str_constpool_get (&pool, a_ref_cpy);
free (a_ref_cpy);
mu_assert_ptreq (a_pooled2, a_pooled, "same on re-get with different ptr");
const char *b_ref = "damnation";
const char *b_pooled = r_str_constpool_get (&pool, b_ref);
mu_assert_ptrneq (b_pooled, b_ref, "pooled != ref (second)");
mu_assert_streq (b_pooled, b_ref, "pooled == ref (strcmp, second)");
r_str_constpool_fini (&pool);
bool test_r_str_format_msvc_argv() {
// Examples from http://daviddeley.com/autohotkey/parameters/parameters.htm#WINCRULES
const char *a = "CallMePancake";
char *str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "CallMePancake", "no escaping");
free (str);
a = "Call Me Pancake";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "\"Call Me Pancake\"", "just quoting");
free (str);
a = "CallMe\"Pancake";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "CallMe\\\"Pancake", "just escaping");
free (str);
a = "CallMePancake\\";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "CallMePancake\\", "no escaping of backslashes");
free (str);
a = "Call Me Pancake\\";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "\"Call Me Pancake\\\\\"", "escaping of backslashes before closing quote");
free (str);
a = "CallMe\\\"Pancake";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "CallMe\\\\\\\"Pancake", "escaping of backslashes before literal quote");
free (str);
a = "Call Me\\\"Pancake";
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (1, &a);
mu_assert_streq (str, "\"Call Me\\\\\\\"Pancake\"", "escaping of backslashes before literal quote in quote");
free (str);
const char *args[] = { "rm", "-rf", "\\"};
str = r_str_format_msvc_argv (3, args);
mu_assert_streq (str, "rm -rf \\", "multiple args");
free (str);
bool test_r_str_str_xy(void) {
char *canvas = "Hello World\n"
"This World is World\n"
"World is Hello\n";
int x = 0, y = 0;
const char *next = r_str_str_xy (canvas, "World", NULL, &x, &y);
mu_assert_eq (x, 6, "x of first occurrence");
mu_assert_eq (y, 0, "y of first occurrence");
next = r_str_str_xy (canvas, "World", next, &x, &y);
mu_assert_eq (x, 5, "x of second occurrence");
mu_assert_eq (y, 1, "y of second occurrence");
next = r_str_str_xy (canvas, "World", next, &x, &y);
mu_assert_eq (x, 14, "x of third occurrence");
mu_assert_eq (y, 1, "y of third occurrence");
next = r_str_str_xy (canvas, "World", next, &x, &y);
mu_assert_eq (x, 0, "x of fourth occurrence");
mu_assert_eq (y, 2, "y of fourth occurrence");
next = r_str_str_xy (canvas, "World", next, &x, &y);
mu_assert_null (next, "no more occurrences");
bool test_r_str_encoded_json(void) {
char *invalidJsonString = "This is my \xe2 sample © string\n";
size_t len = strlen (invalidJsonString);
const char *array = r_str_encoded_json (invalidJsonString, len, PJ_ENCODING_STR_ARRAY);
mu_assert_streq (array, "084,104,105,115,032,105,115,032,109,121,032,226,032,115,097,109,112,108,101,032,194,169,032,115,116,114,105,110,103,010", "string as array of uchar");
free ((void *)array);
const char *hex = r_str_encoded_json (invalidJsonString, len, PJ_ENCODING_STR_HEX);
mu_assert_streq (hex, "54686973206973206D7920E22073616D706C6520C2A920737472696E670A", "string as hexpairs");
free ((void *)hex);
const char *b64 = r_str_encoded_json (invalidJsonString, len, PJ_ENCODING_STR_BASE64);
mu_assert_streq (b64, "VGhpcyBpcyBteSDiIHNhbXBsZSDCqSBzdHJpbmcK", "string as base64 encoded");
free ((void *)b64);
const char *stripped = r_str_encoded_json (invalidJsonString, len, PJ_ENCODING_STR_STRIP);
mu_assert_streq (stripped, "This is my sample © string\\n", "string with bad chars stripped");
free ((void *)stripped);
const char *none = r_str_encoded_json (invalidJsonString, len, PJ_ENCODING_STR_DEFAULT);
mu_assert_streq (none, "This is my \\xe2 sample © string\\n", "default encoding");
free ((void *)none);
bool all_tests () {
mu_run_test (test_r_str_wrap);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_newf);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_replace_char_once);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_replace_char);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_replace);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_bits64);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_rwx);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_rwx_i);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_bool);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_trim);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_case);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_split);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_split_list);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_tokenize);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_char_count);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_word_count);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_ichr);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_lchr);
mu_run_test (test_r_sub_str_lchr);
mu_run_test (test_r_sub_str_rchr);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_rchr);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_ansi_len);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_len_utf8_ansi);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_utf8_charsize);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_utf8_charsize_prev);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_sanitize_sdb_key);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_escape_sh);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_unescape);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_constpool);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_format_msvc_argv);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_str_xy);
mu_run_test (test_r_str_encoded_json);
return tests_passed != tests_run;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return all_tests();