Nibble 7abcfe6852 * Refactoring
- Remove all init functions (included in _new)
  - Update vapi's (needs more work)
2010-05-20 17:40:58 +02:00

31 lines
590 B

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2010 pancake<nopcode.org> */
#include <r_line.h>
static RLine r_line_instance;
#define I r_line_instance
/* definitions to be removed */
int r_line_dietline_init();
void r_line_hist_free();
R_API RLine *r_line_singleton () {
return &r_line_instance;
R_API RLine *r_line_new () {
I.prompt = strdup ("> ");
if (!r_line_dietline_init ())
eprintf ("error: r_line_dietline_init\n");
return &I;
R_API void r_line_free () {
// XXX: prompt out of the heap?
free ((void*)I.prompt);
I.prompt = NULL;
r_line_hist_free ();
#include "dietline.c"