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424 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2008-2014 pancake */
#include <r_search.h>
#include <r_list.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Experimental search engine (fails, because stops at first hit of every block read
#define USE_BMH 0
R_LIB_VERSION (r_search);
R_API RSearch *r_search_new(int mode) {
RSearch *s = R_NEW0 (RSearch);
if (!s) return NULL;
if (!r_search_set_mode (s, mode)) {
free (s);
eprintf ("Cannot init search for mode %d\n", mode);
return R_FALSE;
s->inverse = R_FALSE;
s->user = NULL;
s->callback = NULL;
s->align = 0;
s->distance = 0;
s->contiguous = 0;
s->pattern_size = 0;
s->string_max = 255;
s->string_min = 3;
s->hits = r_list_new ();
// TODO: review those mempool sizes. ensure never gets NULL
s->pool = r_mem_pool_new (sizeof (RSearchHit), 1024, 10);
s->kws = r_list_new ();
s->kws->free = (RListFree) r_search_keyword_free;
return s;
R_API RSearch *r_search_free(RSearch *s) {
if (!s) return NULL;
// TODO: it leaks
r_mem_pool_free (s->pool);
r_list_free (s->hits);
r_list_free (s->kws);
//r_io_free(s->iob.io); this is suposed to be a weak reference
free (s);
return NULL;
R_API int r_search_set_string_limits(RSearch *s, ut32 min, ut32 max) {
if (max < min)
return R_FALSE;
s->string_min = min;
s->string_max = max;
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_search_set_mode(RSearch *s, int mode) {
s->update = NULL;
switch (mode) {
case R_SEARCH_KEYWORD: s->update = r_search_mybinparse_update; break;
case R_SEARCH_XREFS: s->update = r_search_xrefs_update; break;
case R_SEARCH_REGEXP: s->update = r_search_regexp_update; break;
case R_SEARCH_AES: s->update = r_search_aes_update; break;
case R_SEARCH_STRING: s->update = r_search_strings_update; break;
case R_SEARCH_DELTAKEY: s->update = r_search_deltakey_update; break;
if (s->update || mode == R_SEARCH_PATTERN) {
s->mode = mode;
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
R_API int r_search_begin(RSearch *s) {
RListIter *iter;
RSearchKeyword *kw;
r_list_foreach (s->kws, iter, kw) {
kw->count = 0;
kw->idx[0] = 0;
kw->distance = 0; //s->distance;
kw->last = 0;
#if 0
/* TODO: compile regexpes */
switch(s->mode) {
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_search_hit_new(RSearch *s, RSearchKeyword *kw, ut64 addr) {
RSearchHit* hit;
if (s->align && (addr%s->align)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" unaligned\n", addr);
return R_FALSE;
if (!s->contiguous) {
if (kw->last && addr == kw->last) {
kw->last = addr + kw->keyword_length;
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" Sequencial hit ignored.\n", addr);
return R_TRUE;
kw->last = addr + kw->keyword_length;
if (s->callback)
return s->callback (kw, s->user, addr);
if (!(hit = r_mem_pool_alloc (s->pool)))
return R_FALSE;
hit->kw = kw;
hit->addr = addr;
r_list_append (s->hits, hit);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_search_deltakey_update(void *_s, ut64 from, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
RListIter *iter;
unsigned char pch = 0;
int i, j, count = 0;
RSearch *s = (RSearch*)_s;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
RSearchKeyword *kw;
r_list_foreach (s->kws, iter, kw) {
for (j=0; j<=kw->distance; j++) {
char ch = kw->bin_keyword[kw->idx[j]]; // signed char
ut8 ch2 = buf[i];
/* no icase in delta keys */
/* no binmask in delta keys */
/* no inverse support for delta keys */
if (pch+ch == ch2) {
if (kw->idx[j] == kw->keyword_length) {
if (!r_search_hit_new (s, kw, (ut64)
return -1;
kw->idx[j] = 0;
//kw->idx[0] = 0;
kw->distance = 0;
pch = ch2;
count = 0;
return count;
/* Boyer-Moore-Horspool pattern matching */
R_API int r_search_bmh (const RSearchKeyword *kw, const ut64 from, const ut8 *buf, const int len, ut64 *out) {
ut64 bad_char_shift[UT8_MAX + 1];
ut64 pos = from;
int i, kw_len;
ut8 ch;
kw_len = kw->keyword_length - 1;
if (kw_len < 0)
return R_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
bad_char_shift[i] = kw->keyword_length;
for (i = 0; i < kw_len; i++) {
ch = kw->bin_keyword[i];
bad_char_shift[kw->icase?tolower(ch):ch] = kw_len - i;
while (pos < len) {
for (i = kw_len; ; i--) {
ut8 ch1 = buf[pos + i];
ut8 ch2 = kw->bin_keyword[i];
if (kw->icase) {
ch1 = tolower(ch1);
ch2 = tolower(ch2);
if (kw->binmask_length && i < kw->binmask_length) {
ch1 &= kw->bin_binmask[i];
ch2 &= kw->bin_binmask[i];
if (ch1 != ch2)
if (i == 0) {
if (out)
*out = pos;
return R_TRUE;
ch = buf[pos + kw_len];
pos += bad_char_shift[kw->icase?tolower(ch):ch];
return R_FALSE;
static int maskHits(const ut8* buf, int len, RSearchKeyword *kw) {
int i, k;
ut8 a, b;
if (len<kw->binmask_length)
return 0;
for (i=0; i<kw->binmask_length; i++) {
k = (i % kw->binmask_length);
a = buf[i];
b = kw->bin_keyword[i];
if (kw->icase) {
a = tolower (a);
b = tolower (b);
a &= kw->bin_binmask[k];
b &= kw->bin_binmask[k];
if (a != b)
return 0;
return 1;
R_API int r_search_mybinparse_update(void *_s, ut64 from, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
RSearch *s = (RSearch*)_s;
RSearchKeyword *kw;
RListIter *iter;
int count = 0;
ut64 offset;
ut64 match_pos;
RSearchKeyword *kw;
r_list_foreach (s->kws, iter, kw) {
offset = 0;
while (offset < len && r_search_bmh(kw, offset, buf, len, &match_pos)) {
if (!r_search_hit_new (s, kw, from + match_pos)) {
eprintf ("Something very bad has happened...\n");
return -1;
offset += match_pos + kw->keyword_length;
/* Stop at the first occurrence */
if (s->inverse)
return -1;
int i, j, hit;
#if 0
int hasmask;
// XXX this shouldnt be necessary
/** remove unnecesary binmasks here */
r_list_foreach (s->kws, iter, kw) {
if (kw->binmask_length) {
hasmask = 1;
for (i=0;i<kw->binmask_length; i++) {
if (kw->bin_binmask[i] != 0xff) {
hasmask = 0;
if (!hasmask)
kw->binmask_length = 0;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
r_list_foreach (s->kws, iter, kw) {
if (s->inverse && s->nhits>0) {
//eprintf ("nhits = %d\n", s->nhits);
return -1;
for (j=0; j<=kw->distance; j++) {
/* TODO: refactor: hit = checkKeyword() */
// TODO: assert len(kw) == len(bm)
if (kw->binmask_length != 0) {
if (kw->binmask_length < (len-i)) {
if (maskHits (buf+i, len-i, kw)) {
i += kw->keyword_length-1;
kw->idx[j] = kw->keyword_length-1;
kw->distance = 0;
hit = R_TRUE;
} else {
hit = R_FALSE;
} else {
hit = R_FALSE;
} else {
ut8 ch = kw->bin_keyword[kw->idx[j]];
ut8 ch2 = buf[i];
if (kw->icase) {
ch = tolower (ch);
ch2 = tolower (ch2);
if (ch != ch2) {
if (s->inverse) {
if (!r_search_hit_new (s, kw, (ut64)
return -1;
kw->idx[j] = 0;
//kw->idx[0] = 0;
kw->distance = 0;
//eprintf ("HIT FOUND !!! %x %x 0x%llx %d\n", ch, ch2, from+i, i);
return 1; // only return 1 keyword if inverse mode
if (kw->distance<s->distance) {
kw->idx[kw->distance+1] = kw->idx[kw->distance];
hit = R_TRUE;
} else {
kw->idx[0] = 0;
kw->distance = 0;
hit = R_FALSE;
} else {
hit = R_TRUE;
if (hit) {
if (kw->idx[j] == kw->keyword_length) {
if (s->inverse) {
kw->idx[j] = 0;
if (!r_search_hit_new (s, kw, (ut64)
return -1;
kw->idx[j] = 0;
kw->distance = 0;
count = 0;
return count;
R_API void r_search_set_distance(RSearch *s, int dist) {
eprintf ("Invalid distance\n");
s->distance = 0;
} else s->distance = (dist>0)?dist:0;
// deprecate? or standarize with ->align ??
R_API void r_search_pattern_size(RSearch *s, int size) {
s->pattern_size = size;
R_API void r_search_set_callback(RSearch *s, RSearchCallback(callback), void *user) {
s->callback = callback;
s->user = user;
/* TODO: initialize update callback in _init or begin... */
R_API int r_search_update(RSearch *s, ut64 *from, const ut8 *buf, long len) {
int ret = -1;
if (s->update != NULL) {
ret = s->update (s, *from, buf, len);
if (s->mode == R_SEARCH_AES) {
if (len<l) l = len;
return l;
} else eprintf ("r_search_update: No search method defined\n");
return ret;
R_API int r_search_update_i(RSearch *s, ut64 from, const ut8 *buf, long len) {
return r_search_update (s, &from, buf, len);
static int listcb(RSearchKeyword *k, void *user, ut64 addr) {
RSearchHit *hit = R_NEW (RSearchHit);
hit->kw = k;
hit->addr = addr;
r_list_append (user, hit);
return R_TRUE;
R_API RList *r_search_find(RSearch *s, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
RList *ret = r_list_new ();
r_search_set_callback (s, listcb, ret);
r_search_update (s, &addr, buf, len);
return ret;
/* --- keywords --- */
R_API int r_search_kw_add(RSearch *s, RSearchKeyword *kw) {
if (!kw) return R_FALSE;
r_list_append (s->kws, kw);
kw->kwidx = s->n_kws++;
return R_TRUE;
R_API void r_search_kw_reset(RSearch *s) {
r_list_free (s->kws);
s->kws = r_list_new ();
R_API void r_search_reset(RSearch *s, int mode) {
r_list_purge (s->hits);
s->nhits = 0;
s->hits = r_list_new ();
s->hits->free = free;
r_search_kw_reset (s);
if (!r_search_set_mode (s, mode))
eprintf ("Cannot init search for mode %d\n", mode);