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synced 2025-03-05 04:50:43 +00:00

rasm2 defaults -o to 0 instead of 0x8048000 fixes in rarun2 to make it more userfriendly update some manpages with examples enhace output of 'afi' command fix 'pi' bug setting blocksize fix 'pdi' bug ignoring user defined len add $C $J $X and $F $I code analysis variables run r2irc.js in sandbox mode
290 lines
7.3 KiB
290 lines
7.3 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2012 nibble<.ds@gmail.com> */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.c> /* getopt.h is not portable :D */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
static struct r_lib_t *l;
static struct r_asm_t *a;
static int coutput = R_FALSE;
static void r_asm_list(RAsm *a) {
RAsmPlugin *h;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (a->plugins, iter, h) {
const char *feat="---";
if (h->assemble && h->disassemble) feat = "ad";
if (h->assemble && !h->disassemble) feat = "a_";
if (!h->assemble && h->disassemble) feat = "_d";
printf ("%s %-8s %s\n", feat, h->name, h->desc);
static int rasm_show_help() {
printf ("rasm2 [-de] [-o offset] [-a arch] [-s syntax] [-f file ..] \"code\"|hex|-\n"
" -d Disassemble from hexpair bytes\n"
" -D Disassemble showing hexpair and opcode\n"
" -f Read data from file\n"
" -F [in:out] Specify input and/or output filters (att2intel, x86.pseudo, ...)\n"
" -o [offset] Set start address for code (default 0)\n"
" -a [arch] Set assemble/disassemble plugin\n"
" -b [bits] Set cpu register size in bits (16, 32, 64)\n"
" -s [syntax] Select syntax (intel, att)\n"
" -B Binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input)\n"
" -l [int] Input/Output length\n"
" -C Output in C format\n"
" -L List supported asm plugins\n"
" -e Use big endian\n"
" -v Show version information\n"
" If '-l' value is greater than output length, output is padded with nops\n"
" If the last argument is '-' reads from stdin\n");
return 0;
static int rasm_disasm(char *buf, ut64 offset, ut64 len, int ascii, int bin, int hex) {
struct r_asm_code_t *acode;
ut8 *data = NULL;
char *ptr = buf;
int ret = 0;
ut64 word = 0, clen = 0;
if (bin) {
if (len<0)
return R_FALSE;
clen = len; // XXX
data = (ut8*)buf;
} else if (ascii) {
clen = strlen (buf);
data = (ut8*)buf;
} else {
for (; *ptr; ptr++)
if (*ptr!=' ' && *ptr!='\n' && *ptr!='\r')
if (!(++word%2)) clen++;
data = malloc (clen+1);
if (r_hex_str2bin (buf, data)==-1)
goto beach;
if (!len || clen <= len)
len = clen;
if (hex) {
RAsmOp op;
r_asm_set_pc (a, offset);
while (len-ret > 0 && r_asm_disassemble (a, &op, data+ret, len-ret) != -1) {
printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" %d %12s %s\n",
a->pc, op.inst_len, op.buf_hex, op.buf_asm);
ret += op.inst_len;
r_asm_set_pc (a, offset+ret);
} else {
r_asm_set_pc (a, offset);
if (!(acode = r_asm_mdisassemble (a, data, len)))
goto beach;
printf ("%s", acode->buf_asm);
ret = acode->len;
r_asm_code_free (acode);
if (data && data != (ut8*)buf) free (data);
return ret;
static void print_buf(char *str) {
int i;
if (coutput) {
printf ("\"");
for (i=1; *str; str+=2, i+=2) {
if (!(i%41)) {
printf ("\" \\\n\"");
printf ("\\x%c%c", *str, str[1]);
printf ("\"\n");
} else printf ("%s\n", str);
static int rasm_asm(char *buf, ut64 offset, ut64 len, int bin) {
struct r_asm_code_t *acode;
struct r_asm_op_t op;
int ret, idx, i;
r_asm_set_pc (a, offset);
if (!(acode = r_asm_massemble (a, buf)))
return 0;
if (bin)
for (i = 0; i < acode->len; i++)
printf ("%c", acode->buf[i]);
else print_buf (acode->buf_hex);
for (ret = 0, idx = acode->len; idx < len; idx+=ret) {
if (!(ret = r_asm_assemble (a, &op, "nop")))
return 0;
if (bin)
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
printf ("%c", op.buf[i]);
else print_buf (op.buf_hex);
if (!bin && len && idx == len) printf ("\n");
r_asm_code_free (acode);
return idx;
/* asm callback */
static int __lib_asm_cb(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *user, void *data) {
RAsmPlugin *hand = (struct r_asm_plugin_t *)data;
r_asm_add (a, hand);
return R_TRUE;
static int __lib_asm_dt(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *p, void *u) { return R_TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *arch = NULL, *file = NULL, *filters = NULL;
ut64 offset = 0;
int dis = 0, ascii = 0, bin = 0, ret = 0, bits = 32, c;
ut64 len = 0, idx = 0;
a = r_asm_new ();
l = r_lib_new ("radare_plugin");
r_lib_add_handler (l, R_LIB_TYPE_ASM, "(dis)assembly plugins",
&__lib_asm_cb, &__lib_asm_dt, NULL);
r_lib_opendir (l, r_sys_getenv ("LIBR_PLUGINS"));
if (argc<2)
return rasm_show_help ();
r_asm_use (a, R_SYS_ARCH);
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "DCeva:b:s:do:Bl:hLf:F:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'D':
dis = 2;
case 'f':
file = optarg;
case 'F':
filters = optarg;
case 'C':
coutput = R_TRUE;
case 'a':
arch = optarg;
case 'b':
bits = r_num_math (NULL, optarg);
case 's':
if (!strcmp (optarg, "att"))
r_asm_set_syntax (a, R_ASM_SYNTAX_ATT);
else r_asm_set_syntax (a, R_ASM_SYNTAX_INTEL);
case 'd':
dis = 1;
case 'o':
offset = r_num_math (NULL, optarg);
case 'B':
bin = 1;
case 'l':
len = r_num_math (NULL, optarg);
case 'L':
r_asm_list (a);
exit (1);
case 'e':
r_asm_set_big_endian (a, R_TRUE);
case 'v':
printf ("rasm2 v"R2_VERSION"\n");
return 0;
case 'h':
return rasm_show_help ();
if (arch) {
if (!r_asm_use (a, arch)) {
eprintf ("Error: Unknown asm plugin '%s'\n", arch);
return 0;
if (!strcmp (arch, "bf"))
ascii = 1;
} else if (!r_asm_use (a, "x86")) {
eprintf ("Error: Cannot find asm.x86 plugin\n");
return 0;
r_asm_set_bits (a, bits);
//if (!r_asm_set_bits (a, bits))
// eprintf ("WARNING: cannot set asm backend to %d bits\n", bits);
if (filters) {
char *p = strchr (filters, ':');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
if (*filters) r_asm_filter_input (a, filters);
if (p[1]) r_asm_filter_output (a, p+1);
*p = ':';
} else {
if (dis) r_asm_filter_output (a, filters);
else r_asm_filter_input (a, filters);
if (file) {
char *content;
int length;
if (!strcmp (file, "-")) {
char buf[R_ASM_BUFSIZE]; // TODO: Fix this limitation
ret = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf)-1, stdin);
if (ret == R_ASM_BUFSIZE)
eprintf ("WARNING: Cannot slurp more from stdin\n");
if (ret>=0)
buf[ret] = '\0';
if (dis)
ret = rasm_disasm (buf, offset, len, ascii, bin, dis-1);
else ret = rasm_asm (buf, offset, len, bin);
} else {
content = r_file_slurp (file, &length);
if (content) {
content[length] = '\0';
if (dis) ret = rasm_disasm (content, offset, len, ascii, bin, dis-1);
else ret = rasm_asm (content, offset, len, bin);
free (content);
} else eprintf ("Cannot open file %s\n", file);
} else if (argv[optind]) {
if (!strcmp (argv[optind], "-")) {
char buf[R_ASM_BUFSIZE];
for (;;) {
fgets (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, stdin);
if ((!bin || !dis) && feof (stdin))
if (!bin || !dis) buf[strlen (buf)-1]='\0';
if (dis) ret = rasm_disasm (buf, offset, len, ascii, bin, dis-1);
else ret = rasm_asm (buf, offset, len, bin);
idx += ret;
offset += ret;
if (!ret) {
eprintf ("invalid\n");
return 0;
if (len && idx >= len)
return idx;
if (dis) ret = rasm_disasm (argv[optind], offset, len, ascii, bin, dis-1);
else ret = rasm_asm (argv[optind], offset, len, bin);
if (!ret) eprintf ("invalid\n");
return ret;
return 0;