
395 lines
12 KiB

#ifndef R2_DEBUG_H
#define R2_DEBUG_H
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_cons.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_reg.h>
#include <r_bp.h>
#include <r_db.h>
#include <r_io.h>
#include <r_syscall.h>
#include "list.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* hack to fix compilation of debugger on BSD systems */
/* This needs some testing (netbsd, freebsd, openbsd, kfreebsd) */
#if __BSD__
#include <machine/reg.h>
/* hakish hack to hack the openbsd/sparc64 hack */
#undef reg
#undef fpreg
#undef fpstate
#undef trapframe
#undef rwindow
enum {
R_DBG_PROC_RAISED = 'R' // has produced a signal, breakpoint, etc..
// signal handling must support application and debugger level options
enum {
R_DBG_SIGNAL_IGNORE=0, // ignore signal handler
R_DBG_SIGNAL_CONT=1, // pass signal to chlidren and continue execution
enum { // TODO: not yet used by r_debug
/* TODO: move to r_anal */
typedef struct r_debug_frame_t {
ut64 addr;
int size;
} RDebugFrame;
typedef struct r_debug_map_t {
char *name;
ut64 addr;
ut64 addr_end;
ut64 size;
char *file;
int perm;
int user;
} RDebugMap;
typedef struct r_debug_signal_t {
int type;
int num;
ut64 handler;
} RDebugSignal;
typedef struct r_debug_desc_t {
int fd;
char *path;
int perm;
int type;
ut64 off;
} RDebugDesc;
typedef struct r_debug_trace_t {
RList *traces;
int count;
int enabled;
//int changed;
int tag;
int dup;
char *addresses;
// TODO: add range here
} RDebugTrace;
typedef struct r_debug_tracepoint_t {
ut64 addr;
ut64 tags; // XXX
int tag; // XXX
int size;
int count;
int times;
ut64 stamp;
} RDebugTracepoint;
typedef struct r_debug_t {
int arch;
int bits; /// XXX: MUST SET ///
int pid; /* selected process id */
int tid; /* selected thread id */
int swstep; /* steps with software traps */
int steps; /* counter of steps done */
int newstate;
int reason; /* stop reason */
int signum;
RDebugTrace *trace;
int stop_all_threads;
RReg *reg;
RBreakpoint *bp;
void *user;
/* io */
PrintfCallback printf;
struct r_debug_plugin_t *h;
struct list_head plugins;
RAnal *anal;
RIOBind iob;
RList *maps; // <RDebugMap>
RList *maps_user; // <RDebugMap>
RGraph *graph;
Sdb *sgnls;
- list of processes and their threads
- list of mapped memory (from /proc/XX/maps)
- list of managed memory (allocated in child...)
} RDebug;
typedef struct r_debug_desc_plugin_t {
int (*open)(const char *path);
int (*close)(int fd);
int (*read)(int fd, ut64 addr, int len);
int (*write)(int fd, ut64 addr, int len);
int (*seek)(int fd, ut64 addr);
int (*dup)(int fd, int newfd);
RList* (*list)(int pid);
} RDebugDescPlugin;
typedef struct r_debug_info_t {
int pid;
int tid;
int uid;
int gid;
char *exe;
char *cmdline;
char *cwd;
int status; // zombie, running, sleeping, ...
// retrieve mem/fd/core limits?
// list of threads ? hasthreads? counter?
// environment?
// /proc/pid/stack ???
// /proc/pid/syscall ???
} RDebugInfo;
/* TODO: pass dbg and user data pointer everywhere */
typedef struct r_debug_plugin_t {
const char *name;
const char *license;
//const char **archs; // MUST BE DEPREACTED!!!!
ut32 bits;
ut64 arch;
int canstep;
/* life */
RDebugInfo* (*info)(RDebug *dbg, const char *arg);
int (*startv)(int argc, char **argv);
int (*attach)(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
int (*detach)(int pid);
int (*select)(int pid, int tid);
RList *(*threads)(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
RList *(*pids)(int pid);
RList *(*tids)(int pid);
RFList (*backtrace)(int count);
/* flow */
int (*stop)(RDebug *dbg);
int (*step)(RDebug *dbg);
int (*step_over)(RDebug *dbg);
int (*cont)(RDebug *dbg, int pid, int tid, int sig);
int (*wait)(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
int (*kill)(RDebug *dbg, int pid, int tid, int sig);
RList* (*kill_list)(RDebug *dbg);
int (*contsc)(RDebug *dbg, int pid, int sc);
RList* (*frames)(RDebug *dbg, ut64 at);
RBreakpointCallback breakpoint;
// XXX: specify, pid, tid, or RDebug ?
int (*reg_read)(RDebug *dbg, int type, ut8 *buf, int size);
int (*reg_write)(RDebug *dbg, int type, const ut8 *buf, int size); //XXX struct r_regset_t regs);
char* (*reg_profile)(RDebug *dbg);
/* memory */
RList *(*map_get)(RDebug *dbg);
RDebugMap* (*map_alloc)(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size);
int (*map_dealloc)(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size);
int (*map_protect)(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size, int perms);
int (*init)(RDebug *dbg);
int (*drx)(RDebug *dbg, int n, ut64 addr, int size, int rwx, int g);
RDebugDescPlugin desc;
// TODO: use RList here
struct list_head list;
} RDebugPlugin;
// TODO: rename to r_debug_process_t ? maybe a thread too ?
typedef struct r_debug_pid_t {
int pid;
char status; /* stopped, running, zombie, sleeping ,... */
int runnable; /* when using 'run', 'continue', .. this proc will be runnable */
const char *path;
ut64 pc;
} RDebugPid;
#ifdef R_API
R_API int r_debug_attach(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API int r_debug_detach(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API int r_debug_startv(RDebug *dbg, int argc, char **argv);
R_API int r_debug_start(RDebug *dbg, const char *cmd);
R_API int r_debug_stop_reason(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_wait(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_step_over(RDebug *dbg, int steps);
R_API int r_debug_continue_until(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_debug_continue_until_optype(RDebug *dbg, int type, int over);
R_API int r_debug_continue_until_nontraced(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_continue_syscall(RDebug *dbg, int sc);
//R_API int r_debug_pid_add(RDebug *dbg);
//R_API int r_debug_pid_add_thread(RDebug *dbg);
//R_API int r_debug_pid_del(RDebug *dbg);
//R_API int r_debug_pid_del_thread(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_pid_list(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API RDebugPid *r_debug_pid_new(const char *path, int pid, char status, ut64 pc);
R_API RDebugPid *r_debug_pid_free(RDebugPid *pid);
R_API RList *r_debug_pids(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API int r_debug_set_arch(RDebug *dbg, int arch, int bits);
R_API int r_debug_use(RDebug *dbg, const char *str);
R_API RDebugInfo *r_debug_info(RDebug *dbg, const char *arg);
R_API void r_debug_info_free (RDebugInfo *rdi);
R_API RDebug *r_debug_new(int hard);
R_API RDebug *r_debug_free(RDebug *dbg);
/* send signals */
R_API void r_debug_signal_init(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_signal_send(RDebug *dbg, int num);
R_API int r_debug_signal_what(RDebug *dbg, int num);
R_API int r_debug_signal_resolve(RDebug *dbg, const char *signame);
R_API const char *r_debug_signal_resolve_i(RDebug *dbg, int signum);
R_API void r_debug_signal_setup(RDebug *dbg, int num, int opt);
R_API int r_debug_signal_set(RDebug *dbg, int num, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_debug_signal_list(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_kill(RDebug *dbg, int pid, int tid, int sig);
R_API RList *r_debug_kill_list(RDebug *dbg);
// XXX: must be uint64 action
R_API int r_debug_kill_setup(RDebug *dbg, int sig, int action);
R_API int r_debug_step(RDebug *dbg, int steps);
R_API int r_debug_continue(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_continue_kill(RDebug *dbg, int signal);
R_API int r_debug_select(RDebug *dbg, int pid, int tid);
/* handle.c */
R_API int r_debug_plugin_init(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_plugin_set(RDebug *dbg, const char *str);
R_API int r_debug_plugin_list(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_plugin_add(RDebug *dbg, RDebugPlugin *foo);
/* memory */
R_API RDebugMap *r_debug_map_alloc(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size);
R_API int r_debug_map_dealloc(RDebug *dbg, RDebugMap *map);
R_API RList *r_debug_map_list_new();
R_API void r_debug_map_list_free(RList *maps);
R_API RDebugMap *r_debug_map_get(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr);
R_API RDebugMap *r_debug_map_new (char *name, ut64 addr, ut64 addr_end, int perm, int user);
R_API void r_debug_map_free(RDebugMap *map);
R_API void r_debug_map_list(RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int rad);
/* descriptors */
R_API RDebugDesc *r_debug_desc_new (int fd, char* path, int perm, int type, int off);
R_API void r_debug_desc_free (RDebugDesc *p);
R_API int r_debug_desc_open(RDebug *dbg, const char *path);
R_API int r_debug_desc_close(RDebug *dbg, int fd);
R_API int r_debug_desc_dup(RDebug *dbg, int fd, int newfd);
R_API int r_debug_desc_read(RDebug *dbg, int fd, ut64 addr, int len);
R_API int r_debug_desc_seek(RDebug *dbg, int fd, ut64 addr); // TODO: whence?
R_API int r_debug_desc_write(RDebug *dbg, int fd, ut64 addr, int len);
R_API int r_debug_desc_list(RDebug *dbg, int rad);
/* registers */
R_API int r_debug_reg_sync(RDebug *dbg, int type, int write);
R_API int r_debug_reg_list(RDebug *dbg, int type, int size, int rad, const char *use_color);
R_API int r_debug_reg_set(RDebug *dbg, const char *name, ut64 num);
R_API ut64 r_debug_reg_get(RDebug *dbg, const char *name);
R_API void r_debug_io_bind(RDebug *dbg, RIO *io);
R_API ut64 r_debug_execute(RDebug *dbg, const ut8 *buf, int len, int restore);
R_API int r_debug_map_sync(RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_stop(RDebug *dbg);
/* backtrace */
R_API RList *r_debug_frames (RDebug *dbg, ut64 at);
R_API int r_debug_is_dead (RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_map_protect (RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size, int perms);
/* args XXX: weird food */
R_API ut64 r_debug_arg_get (RDebug *dbg, int fast, int num);
R_API int r_debug_arg_set (RDebug *dbg, int fast, int num, ut64 value);
/* pid */
R_API int r_debug_pid_list(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API int r_debug_thread_list(RDebug *dbg, int pid);
R_API void r_debug_trace_reset (RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_trace_pc (RDebug *dbg);
R_API void r_debug_trace_at (RDebug *dbg, const char *str);
R_API RDebugTracepoint *r_debug_trace_get (RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_debug_trace_list (RDebug *dbg, int mode);
R_API RDebugTracepoint *r_debug_trace_add (RDebug *dbg, ut64 addr, int size);
R_API RDebugTrace *r_debug_trace_new ();
R_API void r_debug_trace_free (RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_trace_tag (RDebug *dbg, int tag);
R_API int r_debug_child_fork (RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_child_clone (RDebug *dbg);
R_API void r_debug_drx_list (RDebug *dbg);
R_API int r_debug_drx_set (RDebug *dbg, int idx, ut64 addr, int len, int rwx, int g);
R_API int r_debug_drx_unset (RDebug *dbg, int idx);
/* plugin pointers */
extern RDebugPlugin r_debug_plugin_native;
extern RDebugPlugin r_debug_plugin_esil;
extern RDebugPlugin r_debug_plugin_rap;
extern RDebugPlugin r_debug_plugin_gdb;
extern RDebugPlugin r_debug_plugin_bf;
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* regset */
//R_API struct r_regset_t* r_regset_diff(struct r_regset_t *a, struct r_regset_t *b);
//R_API int r_regset_set(struct r_regset_t *r, int idx, const char *name, ut64 value);
//R_API struct r_regset_t *r_regset_new(int size);
//R_API void r_regset_free(struct r_regset_t *r);
#if 0
Missing callbacks
- alloc
- dealloc
- list maps (memory regions)
- change memory protections
- touchtrace
- filedescriptor set/get/mod..
- get/set signals
- get regs, set regs