
939 lines
31 KiB

/* radare - Apache 2.0 - Copyright 2010-2015 - pancake and
Adam Pridgen <dso@rice.edu || adam.pridgen@thecoverofnight.com> */
#include <string.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_anal_ex.h>
#include <r_cons.h>
#include "../../../shlr/java/code.h"
#include "../../../shlr/java/class.h"
#ifdef IFDBG
#define dprintf eprintf
#define DO_THE_DBG 0
#define IFDBG if(DO_THE_DBG)
#define IFINT if(0)
struct r_anal_java_access_t;
typedef struct r_anal_java_access_t {
char *method;
ut64 addr;
ut64 value;
ut64 op_type;
struct r_anal_java_access_t *next;
struct r_anal_java_access_t *previous;
} RAnalJavaAccess;
typedef struct r_anal_java_local_var_t {
char *name;
char *type;
RList *writes;
RList *reads;
RList *binops;
} RAnalJavaLocalVar;
typedef struct r_anal_ex_java_lin_sweep {
RList *cfg_node_addrs;
ut64 METHOD_START = 0;
// XXX - TODO add code in the java_op that is aware of when it is in a
// switch statement, like in the shlr/java/code.c so that this does not
// report bad blocks. currently is should be easy to ignore these blocks,
// in output for the pdj
//static int java_print_ssa_bb (RAnal *anal, char *addr);
static int java_reset_counter (RAnal *anal, ut64 addr);
static int java_new_method (ut64 addr);
static void java_update_anal_types (RAnal *anal, RBinJavaObj *bin_obj);
static void java_set_function_prototype (RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RBinJavaField *method);
static int java_cmd_ext(RAnal *anal, const char* input);
static int analyze_from_code_buffer (RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, const ut8 *code_buf, ut64 code_length);
static int analyze_from_code_attr (RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RBinJavaField *method, ut64 loadaddr);
static int analyze_method(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RAnalState *state);
static int java_op(RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *data, int len);
//static int java_bb(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, ut64 len, int reftype);
//static int java_fn(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, ut64 len, int reftype);
static int java_recursive_descent(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
static int handle_bb_cf_recursive_descent (RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state);
static int java_linear_sweep(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
static int handle_bb_cf_linear_sweep (RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state);
static int java_post_anal_linear_sweep(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
static RBinJavaObj * get_java_bin_obj(RAnal *anal);
static RList * get_java_bin_obj_list(RAnal *anal);
static int java_analyze_fns( RAnal *anal, ut64 start, ut64 end, int reftype, int depth);
//static RAnalOp * java_op_from_buffer(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
//static RAnalBlock * java_bb_from_buffer(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
//static RAnalFunction * java_fn_from_buffer(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
static int check_addr_in_code (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr);
static int check_addr_less_end (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr);
static int check_addr_less_start (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr);
static int java_revisit_bb_anal_recursive_descent(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr);
static RBinJavaObj * get_java_bin_obj(RAnal *anal) {
RBin *b = anal->binb.bin;
RBinPlugin *plugin = b->cur && b->cur->o ? b->cur->o->plugin : NULL;
ut8 is_java = (plugin && strcmp (plugin->name, "java") == 0) ? 1 : 0;
return is_java ? b->cur->o->bin_obj : NULL;
static RList * get_java_bin_obj_list(RAnal *anal) {
RBinJavaObj *bin_obj = (RBinJavaObj * )get_java_bin_obj(anal);
// See libr/bin/p/bin_java.c to see what is happening here. The original intention
// was to use a shared global db variable from shlr/java/class.c, but the
// BIN_OBJS_ADDRS variable kept getting corrupted on Mac, so I (deeso) switched the
// way the access to the db was taking place by using the bin_obj as a proxy back
// to the BIN_OBJS_ADDRS which is instantiated in libr/bin/p/bin_java.c
// not the easiest way to make sausage, but its getting made.
return r_bin_java_get_bin_obj_list_thru_obj (bin_obj);
static int check_addr_less_end (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr) {
ut64 end = r_bin_java_get_method_code_size (method);
return (addr < end);
static int check_addr_in_code (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr) {
return !check_addr_less_start (method, addr) && \
check_addr_less_end ( method, addr);
static int check_addr_less_start (RBinJavaField *method, ut64 addr) {
ut64 start = r_bin_java_get_method_code_offset (method);
return (addr < start);
static int java_new_method (ut64 method_start) {
METHOD_START = method_start;
// reset the current bytes consumed counter
r_java_new_method ();
return 0;
static ut64 java_get_method_start () {
static int java_revisit_bb_anal_recursive_descent(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr) {
RAnalBlock *current_head = state && state->current_bb_head ? state->current_bb_head : NULL;
if (current_head && state->current_bb &&
state->current_bb->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_TAIL) {
r_anal_ex_update_bb_cfg_head_tail (current_head, current_head, state->current_bb);
// XXX should i do this instead -> r_anal_ex_perform_post_anal_bb_cb (anal, state, addr+offset);
state->done = 1;
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
static int java_recursive_descent(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr) {
RAnalBlock *bb;
RAnalBlock *current_head;
if (!anal || !state || !state->current_bb || state->current_bb_head)
return 0;
bb = state->current_bb;
current_head = state->current_bb_head;
if (current_head && state->current_bb->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_TAIL) {
r_anal_ex_update_bb_cfg_head_tail (current_head, current_head, state->current_bb);
// basic filter for handling the different type of operations
// depending on flags some may be called more than once
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_ILL_OP) handle_bb_ill_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_COND_OP) handle_bb_cond_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_UNK_OP) handle_bb_unknown_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_NULL_OP) handle_bb_null_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_NOP_OP) handle_bb_nop_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_REP_OP) handle_bb_rep_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_STORE_OP) handle_bb_store_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_LOAD_OP) handle_bb_load_op (anal, state
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_REG_OP) handle_bb_reg_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_OBJ_OP) handle_bb_obj_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_STACK_OP) handle_bb_stack_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_BIN_OP) handle_bb_bin_op (anal, state);
if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_CODE_OP) handle_bb_cf_recursive_descent (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_DATA_OP) handle_bb_data_op (anal, state);
return 0;
static int java_linear_sweep(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr) {
RAnalBlock *bb = state->current_bb;
if (state->current_bb_head && state->current_bb->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_TAIL) {
//r_anal_ex_update_bb_cfg_head_tail (state->current_bb_head, state->current_bb_head, state->current_bb);
// basic filter for handling the different type of operations
// depending on flags some may be called more than once
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_ILL_OP) handle_bb_ill_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_COND_OP) handle_bb_cond_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_UNK_OP) handle_bb_unknown_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_NULL_OP) handle_bb_null_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_NOP_OP) handle_bb_nop_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_REP_OP) handle_bb_rep_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_STORE_OP) handle_bb_store_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_LOAD_OP) handle_bb_load_op (anal, state
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_REG_OP) handle_bb_reg_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_OBJ_OP) handle_bb_obj_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_STACK_OP) handle_bb_stack_op (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_BIN_OP) handle_bb_bin_op (anal, state);
if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_CODE_OP) handle_bb_cf_linear_sweep (anal, state);
// if (bb->type2 & R_ANAL_EX_DATA_OP) handle_bb_data_op (anal, state);
return 0;
static int handle_bb_cf_recursive_descent (RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state) {
RAnalBlock *bb = state->current_bb;
ut64 addr = 0;
int result = 0;
if (!bb) {
eprintf ("Error: unable to handle basic block @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
} else if (state->max_depth <= state->current_depth) {
addr = bb->addr;
IFDBG eprintf ("Handling a control flow change @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
ut64 control_type = r_anal_ex_map_anal_ex_to_anal_op_type (bb->type2);
// XXX - transition to type2 control flow condtions
switch (control_type) {
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a call @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
r_anal_fcn_xref_add (anal, state->current_fcn, bb->addr, bb->jump, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL);
result = R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
RList * jmp_list;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a jmp @ 0x%04"PFMT64x" to 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr, bb->jump);
// visited some other time
if (!r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->jump)) {
jmp_list = r_anal_ex_perform_analysis ( anal, state, bb->jump );
if (jmp_list)
bb->jumpbb = (RAnalBlock *) r_list_get_n (jmp_list, 0);
if (bb->jumpbb)
bb->jump = bb->jumpbb->addr;
} else {
bb->jumpbb = r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->jump);
if (bb->jumpbb)
bb->jump = bb->jumpbb->addr;
if (state->done == 1) {
IFDBG eprintf (" Looks like this jmp (bb @ 0x%04"PFMT64x") found a return.\n", addr);
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
RList *jmp_list;
ut8 encountered_stop = 0;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a cjmp @ 0x%04"PFMT64x" jmp to 0x%04"PFMT64x" and fail to 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr, bb->jump, bb->fail);
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling jmp to 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", bb->jump);
// visited some other time
if (!r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->jump)) {
jmp_list = r_anal_ex_perform_analysis ( anal, state, bb->jump );
if (jmp_list)
bb->jumpbb = (RAnalBlock *) r_list_get_n (jmp_list, 0);
if (bb->jumpbb) {
bb->jump = bb->jumpbb->addr;
} else {
bb->jumpbb = r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->jump);
bb->jump = bb->jumpbb->addr;
if (state->done == 1) {
IFDBG eprintf (" Looks like this jmp (bb @ 0x%04"PFMT64x") found a return.\n", addr);
state->done = 0;
encountered_stop = 1;
if (!r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->fail)) {
jmp_list = r_anal_ex_perform_analysis ( anal, state, bb->fail );
if (jmp_list)
bb->failbb = (RAnalBlock *) r_list_get_n (jmp_list, 0);
if (bb->failbb) {
bb->fail = bb->failbb->addr;
} else {
bb->failbb = r_anal_state_search_bb (state, bb->fail);
if (bb->failbb) {
bb->fail = bb->failbb->addr;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling an cjmp @ 0x%04"PFMT64x" jmp to 0x%04"PFMT64x" and fail to 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr, bb->jump, bb->fail);
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling fail to 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", bb->fail);
// r_anal_state_merge_bb_list (state, fail_list);
if (state->done == 1) {
IFDBG eprintf (" Looks like this fail (bb @ 0x%04"PFMT64x") found a return.\n", addr);
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
if (encountered_stop) state->done = 1;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling an switch @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
if (bb->switch_op) {
RAnalCaseOp *caseop;
RListIter *iter;
RList *jmp_list = NULL;
ut8 encountered_stop = 0;
r_list_foreach (bb->switch_op->cases, iter, caseop) {
if (caseop) {
if (r_anal_state_addr_is_valid (state, caseop->jump) ) {
jmp_list = r_anal_ex_perform_analysis ( anal, state, caseop->jump );
if (jmp_list)
caseop->jumpbb = (RAnalBlock *) r_list_get_n (jmp_list, 0);
if (state->done == 1) {
IFDBG eprintf (" Looks like this jmp (bb @ 0x%04"PFMT64x") found a return.\n", addr);
state->done = 0;
encountered_stop = 1;
r_list_free (jmp_list);
if (encountered_stop) state->done = 1;
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling an ret @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
state->done = 1;
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
default: break;
return result;
static int java_post_anal_linear_sweep(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr) {
RAnalJavaLinearSweep *nodes = state->user_state;
RList *jmp_list = NULL;
ut64 *paddr64;
state->done = 0;
if (!nodes || !nodes->cfg_node_addrs) {
state->done = 1;
while (r_list_length (nodes->cfg_node_addrs) > 0) {
paddr64 = r_list_get_n (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, 0);
r_list_del_n (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, 0);
if (paddr64 && !r_anal_state_search_bb (state, *paddr64)) {
ut64 list_length = 0;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Visiting 0x%04"PFMT64x" for analysis.\n", *paddr64);
jmp_list = r_anal_ex_perform_analysis ( anal, state, *paddr64 );
list_length = r_list_length (jmp_list);
r_list_free (jmp_list);
if ( list_length > 0) {
IFDBG eprintf (" - Found %"PFMT64d" more basic blocks missed on the initial pass.\n", *paddr64);
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
static int handle_bb_cf_linear_sweep (RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state) {
ut64 * paddr64;
RAnalBlock *bb = state->current_bb;
RAnalJavaLinearSweep *nodes = state->user_state;
if (!nodes || !nodes->cfg_node_addrs) {
state->done = 1;
ut64 addr = 0;
int result = 0;
if (!bb) {
eprintf ("Error: unable to handle basic block @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
} else if (state->max_depth <= state->current_depth) {
addr = bb->addr;
IFDBG eprintf ("Handling a control flow change @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
ut32 control_type = r_anal_ex_map_anal_ex_to_anal_op_type (bb->type2);
// XXX - transition to type2 control flow condtions
switch (control_type) {
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a call @ 0x%04"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
r_anal_fcn_xref_add (anal, state->current_fcn, bb->addr, bb->jump, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL);
result = R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
paddr64 = malloc (sizeof(ut64));
*paddr64 = bb->jump;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a jmp @ 0x%04"PFMT64x", adding for future visit\n", addr);
r_list_append (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, paddr64);
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
paddr64 = malloc (sizeof(ut64));
*paddr64 = bb->jump;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a bb->jump @ 0x%04"PFMT64x", adding 0x%04"PFMT64x" for future visit\n", addr, *paddr64);
r_list_append (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, paddr64);
paddr64 = malloc (sizeof(ut64));
*paddr64 = bb->fail;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a bb->fail @ 0x%04"PFMT64x", adding 0x%04"PFMT64x" for future visit\n", addr, *paddr64);
r_list_append (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, paddr64);
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
if (bb->switch_op) {
RAnalCaseOp *caseop;
RListIter *iter;
//RList *jmp_list = NULL;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling a switch_op @ 0x%04"PFMT64x":\n", addr);
r_list_foreach (bb->switch_op->cases, iter, caseop) {
ut64 * paddr64;
if (caseop) {
paddr64 = malloc (sizeof(ut64));
*paddr64 = caseop->jump;
IFDBG eprintf ("Adding 0x%04"PFMT64x" for future visit\n", *paddr64);
r_list_append (nodes->cfg_node_addrs, paddr64);
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
IFDBG eprintf (" - Handling an ret @ 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", addr);
state->done = 1;
result = R_ANAL_RET_END;
default: break;
return result;
//many flaws UAF
static int analyze_from_code_buffer(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, const ut8 *code_buf, ut64 code_length) {
char gen_name[1025];
RListIter *bb_iter;
RAnalBlock *bb;
ut64 actual_size = 0;
RAnalState *state = NULL;
int result = R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
RAnalJavaLinearSweep *nodes;
free (fcn->name);
free (fcn->dsc);
snprintf (gen_name, 1024, "sym.%08"PFMT64x"", addr);
fcn->name = strdup (gen_name);
fcn->dsc = strdup ("unknown");
r_anal_fcn_set_size (fcn, code_length);
fcn->type = R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_FCN;
fcn->addr = addr;
state = r_anal_state_new (addr, (ut8*) code_buf, code_length);
nodes = R_NEW0 (RAnalJavaLinearSweep);
nodes->cfg_node_addrs = r_list_new ();
nodes->cfg_node_addrs->free = free;
state->user_state = nodes;
result = analyze_method (anal, fcn, state);
r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, bb_iter, bb) {
actual_size += bb->size;
r_anal_fcn_set_size (fcn, state->bytes_consumed);
result = state->anal_ret_val;
r_list_free (nodes->cfg_node_addrs);
free (nodes);
//leak to avoid UAF is the easy solution otherwise a whole rewrite is needed
//r_anal_state_free (state);
if (r_anal_fcn_size (fcn) != code_length) {
eprintf ("WARNING Analysis of %s Incorrect: Code Length: 0x%"PFMT64x", Function size reported 0x%x\n", fcn->name, code_length, r_anal_fcn_size(fcn));
eprintf ("Deadcode detected, setting code length to: 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", code_length);
r_anal_fcn_set_size (fcn, code_length);
return result;
static int analyze_from_code_attr (RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RBinJavaField *method, ut64 loadaddr) {
RBinJavaAttrInfo* code_attr = method ? r_bin_java_get_method_code_attribute(method) : NULL;
ut8 * code_buf = NULL;
int result = false;
ut64 code_length = 0;
ut64 code_addr = -1;
if (!code_attr) {
fcn->name = strdup ("sym.UNKNOWN");
fcn->dsc = strdup ("unknown");
r_anal_fcn_set_size (fcn, code_length);
fcn->type = R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_FCN;
fcn->addr = 0;
code_length = code_attr->info.code_attr.code_length;
code_addr = code_attr->info.code_attr.code_offset;
code_buf = malloc (code_length);
anal->iob.read_at (anal->iob.io, code_addr + loadaddr, code_buf, code_length);
result = analyze_from_code_buffer (anal, fcn, code_addr + loadaddr, code_buf, code_length);
free (code_buf);
char *cname = NULL;
char *name = strdup (method->name);
r_name_filter (name, 80);
free (fcn->name);
if (method->class_name) {
cname = strdup (method->class_name);
r_name_filter (cname, 50);
fcn->name = r_str_newf ("sym.%s.%s", cname, name);
} else {
fcn->name = r_str_newf ("sym.%s", name);
free (cname);
free (name);
free (fcn->dsc);
fcn->dsc = strdup (method->descriptor);
IFDBG eprintf ("Completed analysing code from attr, name: %s, desc: %s", fcn->name, fcn->dsc);
return result;
static int analyze_method(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RAnalState *state) {
// deallocate niceties
r_list_free (fcn->bbs);
fcn->bbs = r_anal_bb_list_new ();
java_new_method (fcn->addr);
state->current_fcn = fcn;
// Not a resource leak. Basic blocks should be stored in the state->fcn
// TODO: ? RList *bbs =
r_anal_ex_perform_analysis (anal, state, fcn->addr);
return state->anal_ret_val;
static int java_analyze_fns_from_buffer( RAnal *anal, ut64 start, ut64 end, int reftype, int depth) {
int result = R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
ut64 addr = start;
ut64 offset = 0;
ut64 buf_len = end - start;
ut8 analyze_all = 0,
*buffer = NULL;
if (end == UT64_MAX) {
//analyze_all = 1;
buf_len = anal->iob.size (anal->iob.io);
if (buf_len == UT64_MAX) buf_len = 1024;
end = start + buf_len;
buffer = malloc (buf_len);
if (!buffer) return R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
anal->iob.read_at (anal->iob.io, addr, buffer, buf_len);
while (offset < buf_len) {
ut64 length = buf_len - offset;
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_fcn_new ();
fcn->cc = r_str_const (r_anal_cc_default (anal));
result = analyze_from_code_buffer ( anal, fcn, addr, buffer+offset, length );
if (result == R_ANAL_RET_ERROR) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse java fn: %s @ 0x%04"PFMT64x"\n", fcn->name, fcn->addr);
// XXX - TO Stop or not to Stop ??
//r_listrange_add (anal->fcnstore, fcn);
r_list_append (anal->fcns, fcn);
offset += r_anal_fcn_size (fcn);
if (!analyze_all) break;
free (buffer);
return result;
static int java_analyze_fns( RAnal *anal, ut64 start, ut64 end, int reftype, int depth) {
//anal->iob.read_at (anal->iob.io, op.jump, bbuf, sizeof (bbuf));
RBinJavaObj *bin = NULL;// = get_java_bin_obj (anal);
RBinJavaField *method = NULL;
RListIter *methods_iter, *bin_obs_iter;
RList * bin_objs_list = get_java_bin_obj_list (anal),
* methods_list = NULL;// = bin ? r_bin_java_get_methods_list (bin) : NULL;
ut8 analyze_all = 0;
//RAnalRef *ref = NULL;
int result = R_ANAL_RET_ERROR;
if (end == UT64_MAX) {
analyze_all = 1;
if (!bin_objs_list || r_list_empty (bin_objs_list)) {
r_list_free (bin_objs_list);
return java_analyze_fns_from_buffer (anal, start, end, reftype, depth);
r_list_foreach (bin_objs_list, bin_obs_iter, bin) {
// loop over all bin object that are loaded
java_update_anal_types (anal, bin);
methods_list = (RList *) r_bin_java_get_methods_list (bin);
if (methods_list) {
ut64 loadaddr = bin->loadaddr;
// loop over all methods in the binary object and analyse
// the functions
r_list_foreach ( methods_list, methods_iter, method ) {
if ((method && analyze_all) ||
(check_addr_less_start (method, end) ||
check_addr_in_code (method, end))) {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_fcn_new ();
fcn->cc = r_str_const (r_anal_cc_default (anal));
java_set_function_prototype (anal, fcn, method);
result = analyze_from_code_attr (anal, fcn, method, loadaddr);
if (result == R_ANAL_RET_ERROR) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse java fn: %s @ 0x%04"PFMT64x"\n", fcn->name, fcn->addr);
// XXX - TO Stop or not to Stop ??
//r_listrange_add (anal->fcnstore, fcn);
r_list_append (anal->fcns, fcn);
} // End of methods loop
}// end of methods_list is valid conditional
}// end of bin_objs list loop
return result;
/*static int java_fn(RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, ut64 len, int reftype) {
// XXX - this may clash with malloc:// uris because the file name is
// malloc:// **
RBinJavaObj *bin = (RBinJavaObj *) get_java_bin_obj (anal);
RBinJavaField *method = bin ? r_bin_java_get_method_code_attribute_with_addr (bin, addr) : NULL;
ut64 loadaddr = bin ? bin->loadaddr : 0;
IFDBG eprintf ("Analyzing java functions for %s\n", anal->iob.io->fd->name);
if (method) return analyze_from_code_attr (anal, fcn, method, loadaddr);
return analyze_from_code_buffer (anal, fcn, addr, buf, len);
static int java_switch_op(RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *data, int len) {
ut8 op_byte = data[0];
ut64 offset = addr - java_get_method_start ();
ut8 pos = (offset+1)%4 ? 1 + 4 - (offset+1)%4 : 1;
if (op_byte == 0xaa) {
// handle a table switch condition
if (pos + 8 > len) {
return op->size;
int min_val = (ut32)(UINT (data, pos + 4)),
max_val = (ut32)(UINT (data, pos + 8));
ut32 default_loc = (ut32) (UINT (data, pos)), cur_case = 0;
op->switch_op = r_anal_switch_op_new (addr, min_val, default_loc);
RAnalCaseOp *caseop = NULL;
pos += 12;
if (max_val > min_val && ((max_val - min_val)<(UT16_MAX/4))) {
//caseop = r_anal_switch_op_add_case(op->switch_op, addr+default_loc, -1, addr+offset);
for (cur_case = 0; cur_case <= max_val - min_val; pos += 4, cur_case++) {
//ut32 value = (ut32)(UINT (data, pos));
if (pos + 4 >= len) {
// switch is too big cant read further
int offset = (int)(ut32)(R_BIN_JAVA_UINT (data, pos));
caseop = r_anal_switch_op_add_case (op->switch_op, addr+pos, cur_case+min_val, addr+offset);
caseop->bb_ref_to = addr+offset;
caseop->bb_ref_from = addr; // TODO figure this one out
} else {
eprintf ("Invalid switch boundaries at 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
op->size = pos;
return op->size;
static int java_op(RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *data, int len) {
int sz = 1;
/* get opcode size */
//ut8 op_byte = data[0];
ut8 op_byte = data[0];
sz = JAVA_OPS[op_byte].size;
if (!op) return sz;
memset (op, '\0', sizeof (RAnalOp));
//eprintf ("Extracting op from buffer (%d bytes) @ 0x%04x\n", len, addr);
//eprintf ("Parsing op: (0x%02x) %s.\n", op_byte, JAVA_OPS[op_byte].name);
op->addr = addr;
op->size = sz;
op->id = data[0];
op->type2 = JAVA_OPS[op_byte].op_type;
op->type = r_anal_ex_map_anal_ex_to_anal_op_type (op->type2);
// handle lookup and table switch offsets
if (op_byte == 0xaa || op_byte == 0xab) {
java_switch_op (anal, op, addr, data, len);
// IN_SWITCH_OP = 1;
/* TODO:
// not sure how to handle the states for IN_SWITCH_OP, SWITCH_OP_CASES,
// and NUM_CASES_SEEN, because these are dependent on whether or not we
// are in a switch, and given the non-reentrant state of opcode analysis
// this can't always be guaranteed. Below is the pseudo code for handling
// the easy parts though
op->addr = addr;
op->size = 4;
op->type2 = 0;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CASE
op->eob = 0;
return op->sizes;
op->eob = r_anal_ex_is_op_type_eop (op->type2);
const char *ot_str = r_anal_optype_to_string (op->type);
eprintf ("op_type2: %s @ 0x%04"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x" op_type: (0x%02"PFMT64x") %s.\n", JAVA_OPS[op_byte].name, addr, op->type2, op->type, ot_str);
//eprintf ("op_eob: 0x%02x.\n", op->eob);
//eprintf ("op_byte @ 0: 0x%02x op_byte @ 0x%04x: 0x%02x.\n", data[0], addr, data[addr]);
if (len < 4) {
// incomplete analysis here
return 0;
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CJMP) {
op->jump = addr + (short)(USHORT (data, 1));
op->fail = addr + sz;
IFDBG eprintf ("%s jmpto 0x%04"PFMT64x" failto 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n",
JAVA_OPS[op_byte].name, op->jump, op->fail);
} else if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_JMP) {
op->jump = addr + (short)(USHORT (data, 1));
IFDBG eprintf ("%s jmpto 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", JAVA_OPS[op_byte].name, op->jump);
} else if ( (op->type & R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL) == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL ) {
op->jump = (int)(short)(USHORT (data, 1));
op->fail = addr + sz;
//IFDBG eprintf ("%s callto 0x%04x failto 0x%04x.\n", JAVA_OPS[op_byte].name, op->jump, op->fail);
//r_java_disasm(addr, data, len, output, outlen);
//IFDBG eprintf ("%s\n", output);
return op->size;
static RAnalOp * java_op_from_buffer(RAnal *anal, RAnalState *state, ut64 addr) {
RAnalOp *op = r_anal_op_new ();
// get opcode size
if (!op) return 0;
memset (op, '\0', sizeof (RAnalOp));
java_op (anal, op, addr, state->buffer, state->len - (addr - state->start) );
return op;
static void java_set_function_prototype (RAnal *anal, RAnalFunction *fcn, RBinJavaField *method) {
RList *the_list = r_bin_java_extract_type_values (method->descriptor);
Sdb *D = anal->sdb_types;
Sdb *A = anal->sdb_args;
const char *type_fmt = "%08"PFMT64x".arg.%d.type",
*namek_fmt = "%08"PFMT64x".var.%d.name",
*namev_fmt = "%08"PFMT64x"local.%d";
char key_buf[1024], value_buf [1024];
RListIter *iter;
char *str;
if (the_list) {
ut8 start = 0, stop = 0;
int idx = 0;
r_list_foreach (the_list, iter, str) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Adding type: %s to known types.\n", str);
if (str && *str == '('){
start = 1;
if (str && start && *str != ')') {
// set type
// set arg type
snprintf (key_buf, sizeof(key_buf)-1, type_fmt, (ut64)fcn->addr, idx);
sdb_set (A, str, key_buf, 0);
sdb_set (D, str, "type", 0);
// set value
snprintf (key_buf, sizeof(key_buf)-1, namek_fmt, fcn->addr, idx);
snprintf (value_buf, sizeof(value_buf)-1, namev_fmt, fcn->addr, idx);
sdb_set (A, value_buf, key_buf, 0);
idx ++;
if (start && str && *str == ')') {
stop = 1;
if ((start & stop & 1) && str) {
sdb_set (A, str, "ret.type", 0);
sdb_set (D, str, "type", 0);
r_list_free (the_list);
static void java_update_anal_types (RAnal *anal, RBinJavaObj *bin_obj) {
Sdb *D = anal->sdb_types;
if (D && bin_obj) {
RListIter *iter;
char *str;
RList * the_list = r_bin_java_extract_all_bin_type_values (bin_obj);
if (the_list) {
r_list_foreach (the_list, iter, str) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Adding type: %s to known types.\n", str);
if (str) sdb_set (D, str, "type", 0);
r_list_free (the_list);
static int java_cmd_ext(RAnal *anal, const char* input) {
RBinJavaObj *obj = (RBinJavaObj *) get_java_bin_obj (anal);
if (!obj) {
eprintf ("Execute \"af\" to set the current bin, and this will bind the current bin\n");
return -1;
switch (*input) {
case 'c':
// reset bytes counter for case operations
r_java_new_method ();
case 'u':
switch (*(input+1)) {
case 't': {java_update_anal_types (anal, obj); return true;}
default: break;
case 's':
switch (*(input+1)) {
//case 'e': return java_resolve_cp_idx_b64 (anal, input+2);
default: break;
default: eprintf("Command not supported"); break;
return 0;
static int java_reset_counter (RAnal *anal, ut64 start_addr ) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Setting the new METHOD_START to 0x%08"PFMT64x" was 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", start_addr, METHOD_START);
METHOD_START = start_addr;
r_java_new_method ();
return true;
RAnalPlugin r_anal_plugin_java = {
.name = "java",
.desc = "Java bytecode analysis plugin",
.license = "Apache",
.arch = "java",
.bits = 32,
.custom_fn_anal = 1,
.reset_counter = java_reset_counter,
.analyze_fns = java_analyze_fns,
.post_anal_bb_cb = java_recursive_descent,
.revisit_bb_anal = java_revisit_bb_anal_recursive_descent,
.op = &java_op,
.cmd_ext = java_cmd_ext,
RAnalPlugin r_anal_plugin_java_ls = {
.name = "java_ls",
.desc = "Java bytecode analysis plugin with linear sweep",
.license = "Apache",
.arch = "java",
.bits = 32,
.custom_fn_anal = 1,
.analyze_fns = java_analyze_fns,
.post_anal_bb_cb = java_linear_sweep,
.post_anal = java_post_anal_linear_sweep,
.revisit_bb_anal = java_revisit_bb_anal_recursive_descent,
.op = &java_op,
.cmd_ext = java_cmd_ext,
#ifndef CORELIB
RLibStruct radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_ANAL,
//.data = &r_anal_plugin_java
.data = &r_anal_plugin_java_ls,
.version = R2_VERSION