2014-06-04 22:33:56 +02:00

155 lines
4.7 KiB

#ifndef R2_SOCKET_H
#define R2_SOCKET_H
#include "r_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if __UNIX__
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#if __WINDOWS__
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
typedef struct r_socket_t {
int fd;
int is_ssl;
int local; // TODO: merge ssl with local -> flags/options
int port;
struct sockaddr_in sa;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
SSL *sfd;
BIO *bio;
} RSocket;
#define R_SOCKET_PROTO_UNIX 0x1337
#ifdef R_API
R_API RSocket *r_socket_new_from_fd (int fd);
R_API RSocket *r_socket_new (int is_ssl);
R_API int r_socket_connect (RSocket *s, const char *host, const char *port, int proto, int timeout);
#define r_socket_connect_tcp(a,b,c,d) r_socket_connect(a,b,c,R_SOCKET_PROTO_TCP,d)
#define r_socket_connect_udp(a,b,c,d) r_socket_connect(a,b,c,R_SOCKET_PROTO_UDP,d)
#if __UNIX__
#define r_socket_connect_unix(a,b) r_socket_connect(a,b,NULL,R_SOCKET_PROTO_UNIX)
R_API int r_socket_unix_listen (RSocket *s, const char *file);
R_API int r_socket_port_by_name(const char *name);
R_API int r_socket_close (RSocket *s);
R_API int r_socket_free (RSocket *s);
R_API int r_socket_listen (RSocket *s, const char *port, const char *certfile);
R_API RSocket *r_socket_accept (RSocket *s);
R_API int r_socket_block_time (RSocket *s, int block, int sec);
R_API int r_socket_flush (RSocket *s);
R_API int r_socket_ready (RSocket *s, int secs, int usecs);
R_API char *r_socket_to_string (RSocket *s);
R_API int r_socket_write (RSocket *s, void *buf, int len);
R_API int r_socket_puts (RSocket *s, char *buf);
R_API void r_socket_printf (RSocket *s, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API int r_socket_read (RSocket *s, ut8 *read, int len);
R_API int r_socket_read_block (RSocket *s, unsigned char *buf, int len);
R_API int r_socket_gets (RSocket *s, char *buf, int size);
R_API int r_socket_is_connected (RSocket *);
/* process */
typedef struct r_socket_proc_t {
int fd0[2];
int fd1[2];
int pid;
} RSocketProc;
R_API RSocketProc *r_socket_proc_open(char* const argv[]);
R_API int r_socket_proc_close(RSocketProc *sp);
R_API int r_socket_proc_read (RSocketProc *sp, unsigned char *buf, int len);
R_API int r_socket_proc_gets (RSocketProc *sp, char *buf, int size);
R_API int r_socket_proc_write (RSocketProc *sp, void *buf, int len);
R_API void r_socket_proc_printf (RSocketProc *sp, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API int r_socket_proc_ready (RSocketProc *sp, int secs, int usecs);
/* HTTP */
R_API char *r_socket_http_get (const char *url, int *code, int *rlen);
R_API char *r_socket_http_post (const char *url, const char *data, int *code, int *rlen);
typedef struct r_socket_http_request {
RSocket *s;
char *path;
char *host;
char *agent;
char *method;
ut8 *data;
int data_length;
} RSocketHTTPRequest;
R_API RSocketHTTPRequest *r_socket_http_accept (RSocket *s, int timeout);
R_API void r_socket_http_response (RSocketHTTPRequest *rs, int code, const char *out, int x, const char *headers);
R_API void r_socket_http_close (RSocketHTTPRequest *rs);
R_API ut8 *r_socket_http_handle_upload(const ut8 *str, int len, int *olen);
typedef int (*rap_server_open)(void *user, const char *file, int flg, int mode);
typedef int (*rap_server_seek)(void *user, ut64 offset, int whence);
typedef int (*rap_server_read)(void *user, ut8 *buf, int len);
typedef int (*rap_server_write)(void *user, ut8 *buf, int len);
typedef char *(*rap_server_cmd)(void *user, const char *command);
typedef int (*rap_server_close)(void *user, int fd);
enum {
RAP_RMT_OPEN = 0x01,
RAP_RMT_MAX = 4096
typedef struct r_socket_rap_server_t {
RSocket *fd;
char port[5];
ut8 buf[4101]; //This should be used as a static buffer for everything done by the server
rap_server_open open;
rap_server_seek seek;
rap_server_read read;
rap_server_write write;
rap_server_cmd system;
rap_server_cmd cmd;
rap_server_close close;
void *user; //Allways first arg for callbacks
} RSocketRapServer;
R_API RSocketRapServer *r_socket_rap_server_new (int is_ssl, const char *port);
R_API RSocketRapServer *r_socket_rap_server_create (const char *pathname);
R_API void r_socket_rap_server_free (RSocketRapServer *rap_s);
R_API int r_socket_rap_server_listen (RSocketRapServer *rap_s, const char *certfile);
R_API RSocket* r_socket_rap_server_accept (RSocketRapServer *rap_s);
R_API int r_socket_rap_server_continue (RSocketRapServer *rap_s);
#ifdef __cplusplus