pancake 35c078584c * Fix build of r_debug
* Some random warning fixups
* extern plugins defined in handle.c for asm, bin, .. cleaner
* RAPIfy the r_bininfo
* Initial implementation of Rarray Iterator
  - Needs some tuning in core Vala..but it is ok for demos
  - r_bin API is now using the Rarray iterator
  - Added Vala test program for it
* Fix build of some test programs
* Added r_diff and r_bininfo VAPI files
  - The APIs are inconsistent and untested. Proposals welcome
  - Fix possible overflow in r_bininfo
* Initial implementation of pool.c
  - Implements Memory.Pool class (Extracted from 'alt')
  - Added test program
2009-09-22 13:27:33 +02:00
2009-07-21 22:59:34 +00:00
2009-09-22 13:27:33 +02:00

| r.db | Simple and performance-friendly relational database

The database of r.db is based on index tables of key-size depth.
The key is the index of the key-bucket array which opens the search
space to a single key.

Items are directly sorted

  [255] key buckets
    `-> [0..255]           -----.
         |     \                |
         |      \               |
     [0..255]  [0..255]         |
         |        |             |-- size of key (depth)
     [0..255]    ...            |
         |                      |
     [0..255]              -----'




     r_db_delete_by_key(db, K_ID, &tmp) # specify more than one key?


| r.db.sql | The SQL frontend for r.db

 - Compiles simple SQL-like sentences into a set of r.db queries

void **iter = r_db_sql_query("select * from flags");
while(r_db_ptr(iter)) {
	struct foo_t *foo = r_db_ptr(iter);
	iter = r_db_ptr_next(iter);