Riccardo Schirone 0948f9536b
Use r_buf_size to get the size of a buffer, not the private field (#13380)
* Use r_buf_size to get the size of a buffer, not the private field
* Use r_buf_seek instead of adjusting the private cur RBuffer field
* use r_buf_read instead of r_buf_read_at(.., cur, ..)
* Fix RBuffer usage in REgg
* Introduce r_buf_tell API instead of using seek
* write_at(cur) == write
2019-03-15 20:28:52 +01:00

145 lines
2.8 KiB

#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_bin.h>
#define R_BIN_DEX_MAXSTR 256
#define DEX_CLASS_SIZE (32)
typedef struct dex_header_t {
ut8 magic[8];
ut32 checksum;
ut8 signature[20];
ut32 size;
ut32 header_size;
ut32 endian;
ut32 linksection_size;
ut32 linksection_offset;
ut32 map_offset;
ut32 strings_size;
ut32 strings_offset;
ut32 types_size;
ut32 types_offset;
ut32 prototypes_size;
ut32 prototypes_offset;
ut32 fields_size;
ut32 fields_offset;
ut32 method_size;
ut32 method_offset;
ut32 class_size;
ut32 class_offset;
ut32 data_size;
ut32 data_offset;
}) DexHeader;
typedef struct dex_proto_t {
ut32 shorty_id;
ut32 return_type_id;
ut32 parameters_off;
}) DexProto;
typedef struct dex_type_t {
ut32 descriptor_id;
} DexType;
// #pragma pack(1)
typedef struct dex_field_t {
ut16 class_id;
ut16 type_id;
ut32 name_id;
} DexField;
typedef struct dex_method_t {
ut16 class_id;
ut16 proto_id;
ut32 name_id;
}) RBinDexMethod;
typedef struct dex_class_t {
ut32 class_id; // index into typeids
ut32 access_flags;
ut32 super_class;
ut32 interfaces_offset;
ut32 source_file;
ut32 anotations_offset;
ut32 class_data_offset;
ut32 static_values_offset;
struct dex_class_data_item_t *class_data;
}) RBinDexClass;
typedef struct dex_class_data_item_t {
ut64 static_fields_size;
ut64 instance_fields_size;
ut64 direct_methods_size;
ut64 virtual_methods_size;
}) RBinDexClassData;
typedef struct r_bin_dex_obj_t {
int size;
const char *file;
RBuffer *b;
struct dex_header_t header;
ut32 *strings;
struct dex_type_t *types;
struct dex_proto_t *protos;
struct dex_field_t *fields;
struct dex_method_t *methods;
struct dex_class_t *classes;
RList *methods_list;
RList *imports_list;
RList *classes_list;
RList *lines_list;
ut64 code_from;
ut64 code_to;
char *version;
Sdb *kv;
} RBinDexObj;
struct r_bin_dex_str_t {
char str[R_BIN_DEX_MAXSTR];
ut64 offset;
ut64 ordinal;
int size;
int last;
struct dex_encoded_type_addr_pair_t {
ut64 type_idx;
ut64 addr;
struct dex_encoded_catch_handler_t {
st64 size;
struct dex_encoded_type_addr_pair_t *handlers;
ut64 catch_all_addr;
struct dex_debug_position_t {
ut32 source_file_idx;
ut64 address;
ut64 line;
struct dex_debug_local_t {
const char *name;
const char *descriptor;
const char *signature;
ut16 startAddress;
bool live;
int reg;
ut16 endAddress;
char* r_bin_dex_get_version(struct r_bin_dex_obj_t* bin);
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *r_bin_dex_new_buf(RBuffer *buf);
struct r_bin_dex_str_t *r_bin_dex_get_strings (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin);
int dex_read_uleb128 (const ut8 *ptr, int size);
int dex_read_sleb128 (const char *ptr, int size);
int dex_uleb128_len (const ut8 *ptr, int size);