mirror of
synced 2025-01-25 07:15:19 +00:00
- Fix flickering while keeping pressed s or S (step, step over) - Prompt "Press any key" after using ':' * r_core - Group refs under CODE & DATA in afl output - Remove command CF (use af+ instead)
472 lines
14 KiB
472 lines
14 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2010 */
/* pancake<nopcode.org> */
/* nibble<.ds@gmail.com> */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_list.h>
#include <r_flags.h>
#include <r_core.h>
static char *r_core_anal_graph_label(RCore *core, struct r_anal_bb_t *bb, int opts) {
RAnalOp *aopi;
RListIter *iter;
char cmd[1024], file[1024], *cmdstr = NULL, *filestr = NULL, *str = NULL;
int i, j, line = 0, oline = 0, idx = 0;
r_list_foreach (bb->aops, iter, aopi) {
r_bin_meta_get_line (core->bin, aopi->addr, file, sizeof (file)-1, &line);
if (line != 0 && line != oline && strcmp (file, "??")) {
filestr = r_file_slurp_line (file, line, 0);
if (filestr) {
cmdstr = realloc (cmdstr, idx + strlen (filestr) + 3);
cmdstr[idx] = 0;
strcat (cmdstr, filestr);
strcat (cmdstr, "\\l");
idx+=strlen (filestr);
free (filestr);
oline = line;
} else if (opts & R_CORE_ANAL_GRAPHBODY) {
snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "pD %"PFMT64d" @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"", bb->size, bb->addr);
cmdstr = r_core_cmd_str (core, cmd);
if (cmdstr) {
if (!(str = malloc(strlen(cmdstr)*2)))
return NULL;
for(i=j=0;cmdstr[i];i++,j++) {
switch(cmdstr[i]) {
case 0x1b:
/* skip ansi chars */
case '"':
case '\n':
case '\r':
free (cmdstr);
return str;
static void r_core_anal_graph_nodes(RCore *core, RList *pbb, ut64 addr, int opts) {
struct r_anal_bb_t *bbi, *bbc;
RListIter *iter;
char *str;
/* In partial graphs test if the bb is already printed */
if (pbb)
r_list_foreach (pbb, iter, bbi)
if (addr == bbi->addr)
r_list_foreach (core->anal->bbs, iter, bbi) {
if (addr == 0 || addr == bbi->addr) {
if (pbb) { /* Copy BB and append to the list of printed bbs */
bbc = R_NEW (RAnalBlock);
if (bbc) {
memcpy (bbc, bbi, sizeof (RAnalBlock));
/* We don't want to free this refs when the temporary list is destroyed */
bbc->aops = NULL;
bbc->fingerprint = NULL;
bbc->cond = NULL;
r_list_append (pbb, bbc);
if (bbi->jump != -1) {
r_cons_printf ("\t\"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" -> \"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" "
"[color=\"%s\"];\n", bbi->addr, bbi->jump,
bbi->fail != -1 ? "green" : "blue");
r_cons_flush ();
if (addr != 0) r_core_anal_graph_nodes (core, pbb, bbi->jump, opts);
if (bbi->fail != -1) {
r_cons_printf ("\t\"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" -> \"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" "
"[color=\"red\"];\n", bbi->addr, bbi->fail);
r_cons_flush ();
if (addr != 0) r_core_anal_graph_nodes (core, pbb, bbi->fail, opts);
if ((str = r_core_anal_graph_label (core, bbi, opts))) {
r_cons_printf (" \"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" [color=%s,label=\"%s\"]\n", bbi->addr,
} else {
r_cons_printf (" \"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" [color=%s,label=\"%s\"]\n", bbi->addr,
r_cons_flush ();
free (str);
R_API int r_core_anal_bb(RCore *core, ut64 at, int depth, int head) {
struct r_anal_bb_t *bb, *bbi;
RListIter *iter;
ut64 jump, fail;
ut8 *buf;
int ret = R_ANAL_RET_NEW, buflen, bblen = 0;
int split = r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.split");
if (depth < 0)
return R_FALSE;
if (!(bb = r_anal_bb_new()))
return R_FALSE;
if (split) ret = r_anal_bb_split (core->anal, bb, core->anal->bbs, at);
else r_list_foreach (core->anal->bbs, iter, bbi)
if (at == bbi->addr)
if (ret == R_ANAL_RET_DUP) { /* Dupped bb */
r_anal_bb_free (bb);
return R_FALSE;
} else if (ret == R_ANAL_RET_NEW) { /* New bb */
if (!(buf = malloc (core->blocksize)))
return R_FALSE;
do {
if ((buflen = r_io_read_at (core->io, at+bblen, buf, core->blocksize)) != core->blocksize)
return R_FALSE;
bblen = r_anal_bb (core->anal, bb, at+bblen, buf, buflen, head);
if (bblen == R_ANAL_RET_ERROR) { /* Error analyzing bb */
r_anal_bb_free (bb);
return R_FALSE;
} else if (bblen == R_ANAL_RET_END) { /* bb analysis complete */
if (split)
ret = r_anal_bb_overlap (core->anal, bb, core->anal->bbs);
if (ret == R_ANAL_RET_NEW) {
r_list_append (core->anal->bbs, bb);
fail = bb->fail;
jump = bb->jump;
if (fail != -1)
r_core_anal_bb (core, fail, depth-1, R_FALSE);
if (jump != -1)
r_core_anal_bb (core, jump, depth-1, R_FALSE);
} while (bblen != R_ANAL_RET_END);
free (buf);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_anal_bb_list(RCore *core, int rad) {
struct r_anal_bb_t *bbi;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (core->anal->bbs, iter, bbi) {
if (rad) {
r_cons_printf ("ab+ 0x%08"PFMT64x" %04"PFMT64d" ", bbi->addr, bbi->size);
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", bbi->jump);
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", bbi->fail);
if (bbi->type != R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_NULL) {
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY))
r_cons_printf ("b");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_FOOT))
r_cons_printf ("f");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD))
r_cons_printf ("h");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_LAST))
r_cons_printf ("l");
} else r_cons_printf ("n");
if ((bbi->diff == R_ANAL_DIFF_MATCH))
r_cons_printf (" m");
else if ((bbi->diff == R_ANAL_DIFF_UNMATCH))
r_cons_printf (" u");
else r_cons_printf (" n");
r_cons_printf ("\n");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"] size=%04"PFMT64d, bbi->addr, bbi->size);
if (bbi->jump != -1)
r_cons_printf (" jump=0x%08"PFMT64x, bbi->jump);
if (bbi->fail != -1)
r_cons_printf (" fail=0x%08"PFMT64x, bbi->fail);
r_cons_printf (" type=");
if (bbi->type != R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_NULL) {
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY))
r_cons_printf ("body,");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_FOOT))
r_cons_printf ("foot,");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD))
r_cons_printf ("head,");
if ((bbi->type & R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_LAST))
r_cons_printf ("last ");
} else r_cons_printf ("null ");
r_cons_printf ("diff=");
if ((bbi->diff == R_ANAL_DIFF_MATCH))
r_cons_printf ("match");
else if ((bbi->diff == R_ANAL_DIFF_UNMATCH))
r_cons_printf ("unmatch");
else r_cons_printf ("new");
r_cons_printf (" traced=%d", bbi->traced);
if (bbi->cond)
r_cons_printf (" cond=\"%s\" match=%d\n",
r_anal_cond_to_string (bbi->cond),
r_anal_cond_eval (core->anal, bbi->cond));
else r_cons_newline();
r_cons_flush ();
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_anal_bb_seek(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
struct r_anal_bb_t *bbi;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (core->anal->bbs, iter, bbi)
if (addr >= bbi->addr && addr < bbi->addr+bbi->size)
return r_core_seek (core, bbi->addr, R_FALSE);
return r_core_seek (core, addr, R_FALSE);
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn(RCore *core, ut64 at, ut64 from, int depth) {
RAnalFcn *fcn, *fcni;
struct r_anal_ref_t *refi;
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
RAnalRef *ref;
ut8 *buf;
int buflen, fcnlen = 0;
if (depth < 0)
return R_FALSE;
r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni)
if (at == fcni->addr) {
if (from != -1) {
r_list_foreach (fcni->xrefs, iter2, refi) {
if (from == refi->addr)
return R_FALSE;
if (!(ref = r_anal_ref_new ())) {
eprintf ("Error: new (xref)\n");
ref->addr = from;
ref->at = at;
r_list_append (fcni->xrefs, ref);
return R_FALSE;
if (!(fcn = r_anal_fcn_new()))
return R_FALSE;
if (!(buf = malloc (core->blocksize)))
return R_FALSE;
do {
if ((buflen = r_io_read_at (core->io, at+fcnlen, buf, core->blocksize)) != core->blocksize)
return R_FALSE;
fcnlen = r_anal_fcn (core->anal, fcn, at+fcnlen, buf, buflen);
if (fcnlen == R_ANAL_RET_ERROR) { /* Error analyzing function */
eprintf ("Unknown opcode at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", at+fcnlen);
r_anal_fcn_free (fcn);
return R_FALSE;
} else if (fcnlen == R_ANAL_RET_END) { /* function analysis complete */
RFlagItem *f = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, at);
if (f) { /* Check if it's already flagged */
fcn->name = strdup (f->name);
} else {
fcn->name = r_str_dup_printf ("fcn.%08"PFMT64x"", at);
/* Add flag */
r_flag_space_set (core->flags, "functions");
r_flag_set (core->flags, fcn->name, at, fcn->size, 0);
if (from != -1) {
if (!(ref = r_anal_ref_new ())) {
eprintf ("Error: new (xref)\n");
ref->addr = from;
ref->at = at;
r_list_append (fcn->xrefs, ref);
r_list_append (core->anal->fcns, fcn);
r_list_foreach (fcn->refs, iter, refi) {
if (refi->addr != -1 && (refi->addr < fcn->addr || refi->addr > fcn->addr+fcn->size))
r_core_anal_fcn (core, refi->addr, refi->at, depth-1);
} while (fcnlen != R_ANAL_RET_END);
free (buf);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn_clean(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
RAnalFcn *fcni;
RListIter *iter;
if (addr == 0) {
r_list_destroy (core->anal->fcns);
if (!(core->anal->fcns = r_anal_fcn_list_new ()))
return R_FALSE;
} else r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni)
if (addr >= fcni->addr && addr < fcni->addr+fcni->size)
r_list_unlink (core->anal->fcns, fcni);
return R_TRUE;
R_API void r_core_anal_refs(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int gv) {
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
RAnalRef *fcnr;
RAnalFcn *fcni;
if (gv) r_cons_printf ("digraph code {\n"
"\tgraph [bgcolor=white];\n"
"\tnode [color=lightgray, style=filled shape=box"
" fontname=\"Courier\" fontsize=\"8\"];\n");
r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni) {
if (addr != 0 && addr != fcni->addr)
if (!gv) r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", fcni->addr);
r_list_foreach (fcni->refs, iter2, fcnr) {
// TODO: display only code or data refs?
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, fcnr->addr);
if (gv) r_cons_printf ("\t\"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" -> \"0x%08"PFMT64x"\" "
"[label=\"%s\" color=\"%s\"];\n",
fcni->addr, fcnr->addr, flag?flag->name:"",
else r_cons_printf (" - 0x%08"PFMT64x" (%c)\n", fcnr->addr, fcnr->type);
r_cons_printf ("}\n");
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn_list(RCore *core, const char *input, int rad) {
RAnalFcn *fcni;
struct r_anal_ref_t *refi;
struct r_anal_var_t *vari;
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni)
if (input == NULL || input[0] == '\0' || !strcmp (fcni->name, input+1)) {
if (!rad) {
r_cons_printf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"] size=%"PFMT64d" name=%s",
fcni->addr, fcni->size, fcni->name);
r_cons_printf (" diff=%s",
r_cons_printf ("\n CODE refs: ");
r_list_foreach (fcni->refs, iter2, refi)
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE)
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", refi->addr);
r_cons_printf ("\n DATA refs: ");
r_list_foreach (fcni->refs, iter2, refi)
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_DATA)
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", refi->addr);
r_cons_printf ("\n CODE xrefs: ");
r_list_foreach (fcni->xrefs, iter2, refi)
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE)
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", refi->addr);
r_cons_printf ("\n DATA xrefs: ");
r_list_foreach (fcni->xrefs, iter2, refi)
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_DATA)
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", refi->addr);
r_cons_printf ("\n vars:\n");
r_list_foreach (fcni->vars, iter2, vari)
r_cons_printf (" %-10s delta=0x%02x type=%s\n", vari->name,
vari->delta, r_anal_var_type_to_str (core->anal, vari->type));
r_cons_newline ();
} else r_cons_printf ("af+ 0x%08"PFMT64x" %"PFMT64d" %s (%c)\n",
fcni->addr, fcni->size, fcni->name, fcni->diff?fcni->diff:'n');
r_cons_flush ();
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_anal_graph(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int opts) {
RList *pbb = NULL;
int reflines = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lines");
int bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bytes");
int dwarf = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.dwarf");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines", 0);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", 0);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.dwarf", 0);
r_cons_printf ("digraph code {\n"
"\tgraph [bgcolor=white];\n"
"\tnode [color=lightgray, style=filled shape=box"
" fontname=\"Courier\" fontsize=\"8\"];\n");
r_cons_flush ();
if (addr != 0) pbb = r_anal_bb_list_new (); /* In partial graphs define printed bb list */
r_core_anal_graph_nodes (core, pbb, addr, opts);
if (pbb) r_list_free (pbb);
r_cons_printf ("}\n");
r_cons_flush ();
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines", reflines);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", bytes);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.dwarf", dwarf);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_anal_graph_fcn(RCore *core, char *fname, int opts) {
RListIter *iter;
RAnalFcn *fcni;
r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni)
if (!strcmp (fname, fcni->name))
return r_core_anal_graph (core, fcni->addr, opts);
return R_FALSE;
#define OPSZ 32
R_API int r_core_anal_search(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 ref) {
ut8 *buf = (ut8 *)malloc (core->blocksize);
int ret, i, count = 0;
RAnalOp op;
ut32 at;
// TODO: get current section range here or gtfo
// ???
// XXX must read bytes correctly
if (buf==NULL)
return -1;
r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd);
if (ref==0LL)
eprintf ("Null reference search is not supported\n");
if (core->blocksize<=OPSZ)
eprintf ("erro: block size too small\n");
for (at = from; at < to; at += core->blocksize) {
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked)
ret = r_io_read_at (core->io, at, buf, core->blocksize);
if (ret != core->blocksize)
for (i=0; i<core->blocksize-OPSZ; i++) {
r_anal_aop (core->anal, &op, at+i, buf+i, sizeof (buf)-i);
if (op.jump == ref) {
r_cons_printf ("Cx 0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n",
(ut64)(at+i), (ut64) ref);
count ++;
if (op.ref == ref) {
r_cons_printf ("CX 0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n",
//(ut64)(ref), (ut64)at+i);
(ut64)(at+i), (ut64)ref);
count ++;
at -= OPSZ;
free (buf);
return count;