mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:27:40 +00:00
514 lines
14 KiB
514 lines
14 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2022 - pancake */
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_util/r_print.h>
static const char* bits_to_c_code_fmtstr(int bits) {
switch (bits) {
case 16:
return "0x%04" PFMT64x;
case 32:
return "0x%08" PFMT64x "U";
case 64:
return "0x%016" PFMT64x "ULL";
return "0x%02" PFMT64x;
static int get_instruction_size(RPrint *p, ut64 at) {
char *is = p->coreb.cmdstrf (p->coreb.core, "ao @ 0x%08" PFMT64x "~^size[1]", at);
int res = atoi (is);
free (is);
return res;
static void print_c_instructions(RPrint *p, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
const char *fmtstr = bits_to_c_code_fmtstr (8);
const char *namenm = p->codevarname;
char *namesz = NULL;
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (namenm)) {
namenm = "buffer";
namesz = strdup ("_BUFFER_SIZE");
} else {
namesz = r_str_newf ("_%s_SIZE", namenm);
r_str_case (namesz, true);
p->cb_printf ("#define %s %d\n", namesz, len);
p->cb_printf ("const uint8_t %s[%s] = {\n", namenm, namesz);
free (namesz);
const int orig_align = p->coreb.cfggeti (p->coreb.core, "asm.cmt.col") - 40;
size_t k, i = 0;
bool be = (p && p->config)? R_ARCH_CONFIG_IS_BIG_ENDIAN (p->config): R_SYS_ENDIAN;
while (!r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len) {
ut64 at = addr + i;
int inst_size = get_instruction_size (p, at);
if (inst_size <= 0) {
// some times the instruction size is reported as zero,
// just skip the current instruction and go ahead
inst_size = 1;
p->cb_printf (" ");
size_t limit = R_MIN (i + inst_size, len);
for (k = i; k < limit; k++) {
r_print_cursor (p, k, 1, true);
p->cb_printf (fmtstr, r_read_ble (buf++, be, 8));
r_print_cursor (p, k, 1, false);
p->cb_printf (", ");
size_t j = k - i;
int pad = orig_align - ((j - 1) * 6);
p->cb_printf ("%*s", R_MAX (pad, 0), "");
if (j == inst_size) {
char *instr = p->coreb.cmdstrf (p->coreb.core, "pi 1 @ 0x%08" PFMT64x, at);
r_str_trim (instr);
p->cb_printf (" /* %s */\n", instr);
free (instr);
} else {
p->cb_printf (" /* invalid */\n");
i += j;
p->cb_printf ("};\n");
static void print_c_code(RPrint *p, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len, int ws, int w, bool headers) {
r_return_if_fail (p && p->cb_printf);
size_t i;
ws = R_MAX (1, R_MIN (ws, 8));
bool be = (p && p->config)? R_ARCH_CONFIG_IS_BIG_ENDIAN (p->config): R_SYS_ENDIAN;
int bits = ws * 8;
const char *fmtstr = bits_to_c_code_fmtstr (bits);
len /= ws;
if (headers) {
const char *namenm = p->codevarname;
char *namesz = NULL;
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (namenm)) {
namenm = "buffer";
namesz = strdup ("_BUFFER_SIZE");
} else {
namesz = r_str_newf ("_%s_SIZE", namenm);
r_str_case (namesz, true);
p->cb_printf ("#define %s %d\n", namesz, len);
p->cb_printf ("const uint%d_t %s[%s] = {", bits, namenm, namesz);
free (namesz);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (headers) {
if (!(i % w)) {
p->cb_printf ("\n ");
} else {
if (i == 0) {
p->cb_printf (" ");
} else if (!(i % w)) {
p->cb_printf ("\n ");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf (fmtstr, r_read_ble (buf, be, bits));
if ((i + 1) < len) {
p->cb_printf (",");
if ((i + 1) % w) {
p->cb_printf (" ");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
buf += ws;
if (headers) {
p->cb_printf ("\n};\n");
R_API void r_print_code(RPrint *p, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len, char lang) {
r_return_if_fail (p && buf);
int i, w = (int)(p->cols * 0.7);
if (w < 1) {
w = 1;
switch (lang) {
case 'q':
print_c_code (p, addr, buf, len, 1, (int)(p->cols / 1.5), false);
case '*':
p->cb_printf ("wx+");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (i && !(i % 32)) {
p->cb_printf (";\nwx+");
p->cb_printf ("%02x", buf[i]);
p->cb_printf (";\ns-%d\n", len);
case 'A': // "pcA"
/* implemented in core because of disasm :( */
case 'c': // "pcc"
int col = 0;
const int max_cols = 60;
p->cb_printf ("const unsigned char cstr[%d] = \"", len);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (col == 0 || col > max_cols) {
p->cb_printf ("\"\\\n \"");
col = 0;
ut8 ch = buf[i];
switch (ch) {
case '\\':
p->cb_printf ("\\\\");
case '\t':
p->cb_printf ("\\t");
case '\r':
p->cb_printf ("\\r");
case '\n':
p->cb_printf ("\\n");
case '"':
p->cb_printf ("\\\"");
if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
p->cb_printf ("%c", buf[i]);
} else {
p->cb_printf ("\"\"\\x%02x\"\"", buf[i]);
col += 3;
col += 1;
p->cb_printf ("\";\n");
case 'a': // "pca"
p->cb_printf ("shellcode:");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (!(i % 8)) {
p->cb_printf ("\n.byte ");
} else {
p->cb_printf (", ");
p->cb_printf ("0x%02x", buf[i]);
p->cb_printf ("\n.equ shellcode_len, %d\n", len);
case 'g': // "pcg"
p->cb_printf ("var BUFF = [%d]byte{", len);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("}\n");
case 's': // "pcs"
p->cb_printf ("\"");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
p->cb_printf ("\\x%02x", buf[i]);
p->cb_printf ("\"\n");
case 'S': // "pcS"
const int trunksize = 16;
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (!(i % trunksize)) {
p->cb_printf ("printf \"");
p->cb_printf ("\\%03o", buf[i]);
if ((i % trunksize) == (trunksize - 1)) {
p->cb_printf ("\" %s bin\n", (i <= trunksize)? ">": ">>");
if ((i % trunksize)) {
p->cb_printf ("\" %s bin\n", (i <= trunksize)? ">": ">>");
} break;
case 'J': { // "pcJ"
char *out = malloc (len * 3);
p->cb_printf ("var buffer = new Buffer(\"");
out[0] = 0;
r_base64_encode (out, buf, len);
p->cb_printf ("%s", out);
p->cb_printf ("\", 'base64');\n");
free (out);
} break;
case 'n': // "pcn"
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("%d%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? " ": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("\n");
case 'k': // "pck" kotlin
p->cb_printf ("val arr = byteArrayOfInts(");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf (")\n");
case 'z': // "pcz" // swift
p->cb_printf ("let byteArray : [UInt8] = [");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ", ": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("]\n");
case 'r': // "pcr" // Rust
p->cb_printf ("let _: [u8; %d] = [\n", len);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("];\n");
case 'o': // "pco" // Objective-C
p->cb_printf ("NSData *endMarker = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:{\n");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("}];\n");
case 'v': // "pcv" // JaVa
p->cb_printf ("byte[] ba = {");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("%d%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("};\n");
case 'V': // "pcV" // vlang.io
p->cb_printf ("const data = [ byte(%d),\n ", buf[0]);
for (i = 1; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("%d%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ", ": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
if ((i %10) == 0) {
p->cb_printf ("\n ");
p->cb_printf ("\n]\n");
case 'y': // "pcy"
p->cb_printf ("$hex_%"PFMT64x" = {", addr);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf (" %02x", buf[i] & 0xff);
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("}\n");
case 'j': // "pcj"
p->cb_printf ("[");
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("%d%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("]\n");
case 'P':
case 'p': // "pcp" "pcP"
p->cb_printf ("import struct\nbuf = struct.pack (\"%dB\", *[", len);
for (i = 0; !r_print_is_interrupted () && i < len; i++) {
if (!(i % w)) {
p->cb_printf ("\n");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 1);
p->cb_printf ("0x%02x%s", buf[i], (i + 1 < len)? ",": "])");
r_print_cursor (p, i, 1, 0);
p->cb_printf ("\n");
case 'h': // "pch"
print_c_code (p, addr, buf, len, 2, p->cols / 2, true); // 9
case 'w': // "pcw"
print_c_code (p, addr, buf, len, 4, p->cols / 3, true); // 6);
case 'i': // "pci"
print_c_instructions (p, addr, buf, len);
case 'd': // "pcd"
print_c_code (p, addr, buf, len, 8, p->cols / 5, true); //3);
print_c_code (p, addr, buf, len, 1, (int)(p->cols / 1.5), true); // 12);
R_API char *r_print_code_indent(const char *s) {
// honors {} not implemented
return NULL;
R_API char *r_print_code_tocolor(const char *o) {
char *s = strdup (o);
s = r_str_replace (s, "\r", "", 1);
s = r_str_replace (s, "goto ", Color_GREEN"goto "Color_RESET, 1);
s = r_str_replace (s, "(byte)", Color_RED"(byte)"Color_RESET, 1);
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
const char *p = s;
while (*p) {
if (r_str_startswith (p, "\n\n")) {
const char *nl = strchr (p, '\n');
const char *cm = strstr (p, "//");
const char *ox = strstr (p, "0x");
const char *lb = strchr (p, ':');
const char *cl = strstr (p, " ()");
const char *st = strstr (p, " str.");
const char *w = r_str_trim_head_ro (p);
if (st > cm && st < nl) {
st = NULL;
if (w == nl) {
p = w;
if (lb && lb > p) {
const char *prev = lb - 1;
if (*prev == ' ') {
lb = 0;
if (r_str_startswith (w, "(byte)")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_RED "(byte)"Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 6;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "if ")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_YELLOW"if "Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 3;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "do {")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_YELLOW"do {"Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 4;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "int ")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_CYAN"int "Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 4;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "return ")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_GREEN "return "Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 7;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "break;")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_GREEN "break;"Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 6;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "while ")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_GREEN "while "Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 6;
} else if (r_str_startswith (w, "goto ")) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, w - p);
const char *msg = Color_GREEN "goto "Color_RESET;
r_strbuf_append (sb, msg);
p = w + 5;
} else if (ox > 0 && ox < nl) {
const char *eos = ox + 2;
while (eos && *eos) {
char ch = *eos;
if (IS_HEXCHAR (ch)) {
} else {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, ox - p); // pre
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_YELLOW); // numbers in yellow
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, ox, eos - ox); // number
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_RESET);
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, eos, 2); // number
p = eos + 2;
} else if (st > 0 && st < nl) {
const char *eos = R_MIN (nl, cm);
if (eos < st) {
eos = nl;
st += 5;
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, st - p); // pre
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_CYAN);
r_strbuf_append (sb, " \"");
char *trim = r_str_ndup (st, eos - st);
r_str_trim (trim);
r_strbuf_append (sb, trim);
free (trim);
r_strbuf_append (sb, "\"");
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_RESET);
p = eos;
} else if (cl > 0 && cl < nl && cl < cm) {
// colorize calls
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_GREEN);
if (cm > 0 && cm < nl) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, cm - p);
p = cm;
} else {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, nl - p);
p = nl;
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_RESET);
} else if (cm > 0 && cm < nl) {
// colorize comments
if (cm > p) {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, cm - p);
} else {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, " ", 1);
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_MAGENTA);
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, cm, nl - cm);
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_RESET);
p = nl;
} else if (lb > 0 && lb < nl && lb < cm && (lb[1] == ' ' || lb[1] == '\n')) {
// colorize labels
size_t len = lb - p + 1;
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_YELLOW);
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, len);
r_strbuf_append (sb, Color_RESET);
p = lb + 1;
} else {
r_strbuf_append_n (sb, p, 1);
free (s);
char *r = r_strbuf_drain (sb);
r_str_trim_emptylines (r);
return r;