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synced 2025-01-24 06:48:46 +00:00
1474 lines
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1474 lines
41 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2012 - pancake<nopcode.org>
2015 - condret
this file was based on anal_i8080.c */
#include <string.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_reg.h>
#include "../../asm/arch/gb/gbdis.c"
#include "../arch/gb/meta_gb_cmt.c"
#include <gb_makros.h>
#include <gb.h>
static const char *regs_1[] = { "Z", "N", "H", "C"};
static const char *regs_8[] = { "b", "c", "d", "e", "h", "l", "a", "a"}; //deprecate this and rename regs_x
static const char *regs_x[] = { "b", "c", "d", "e", "h", "l", "hl", "a"};
static const char *regs_16[] = { "bc", "de", "hl", "sp"};
static const char *regs_16_alt[] = { "bc", "de", "hl", "af" };
static ut8 gb_op_calljump(RAnal *a, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data, ut64 addr)
if (GB_IS_RAM_DST (data[1],data[2])) {
op->jump = GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]);
r_meta_set_string (a, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, addr, "--> unpredictable");
return false;
if (!GB_IS_VBANK_DST (data[1], data[2]))
op->jump = GB_SOFTCAST(data[1], data[2]);
else op->jump = GB_IB_DST (data[1], data[2], addr);
return true;
#if 0
static inline int gb_anal_esil_banksw (RAnalOp *op) //remove that
ut64 base = op->dst->base;
if (op->addr < 0x4000 && 0x1fff < base && base < 0x4000) {
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "mbcrom=0,?a%0x20,mbcrom=a-1"); //if a is a multiple of 0x20 mbcrom is 0, else it gets its value from a
return true;
if (base < 0x6000 && 0x3fff < base) {
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "mbcram=a");
return true;
return false;
static void gb_anal_esil_call (RAnalOp *op)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "2,sp,-=,pc,sp,=[2],%"PFMT64d",pc,=", (op->jump & 0xffff));
static inline void gb_anal_esil_ccall (RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
char cond;
switch (data) {
case 0xc4:
case 0xcc:
cond = 'Z';
cond = 'C';
if (op->cond == R_ANAL_COND_EQ)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,?{,2,sp,-=,pc,sp,=[2],%"PFMT64d",pc,=,}", cond, (op->jump & 0xffff));
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,!,?{,2,sp,-=,pc,sp,=[2],%"PFMT64d",pc,=,}", cond, (op->jump & 0xffff));
static inline void gb_anal_esil_ret (RAnalOp *op)
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, "sp,[2],pc,=,2,sp,+=");
static inline void gb_anal_esil_cret (RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
char cond;
if ((data & 0xd0) == 0xd0)
cond = 'C';
else cond = 'Z';
if (op->cond == R_ANAL_COND_EQ)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,?{,sp,[2],pc,=,2,sp,+=,}", cond);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,!,?{,sp,[2],pc,=,2,sp,+=,}", cond);
static inline void gb_anal_esil_cjmp (RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
char cond;
switch (data) {
case 0x20:
case 0x28:
case 0xc2:
case 0xca:
cond = 'Z';
cond = 'C';
if (op->cond == R_ANAL_COND_EQ)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,?{,0x%"PFMT64x",pc,=,}", cond, (op->jump & 0xffff));
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%c,!,?{,0x%"PFMT64x",pc,=,}", cond, (op->jump & 0xffff));
static inline void gb_anal_esil_jmp (RAnalOp *op)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%"PFMT64x",pc,=", (op->jump & 0xffff));
static inline void gb_anal_jmp_hl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "PC", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "hl,pc,=");
static inline void gb_anal_id (RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
if (data == 0x34 || data == 0x35) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (anal->reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD)
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "1,hl,[1],+,hl,=[1],$c3,H,=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=");
else r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "1,hl,[1],-,hl,=[1],$b4,H,=,$z,Z,=,1,N,=");
} else {
if (!(data & (1<<2))) {
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (anal->reg, regs_16[data>>4], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,+=", regs_16[data>>4]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,-=", regs_16[data>>4]);
} else {
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (anal->reg, regs_8[data>>3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,+=,$c3,H,=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=", regs_8[data>>3]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,-=,$b4,H,=,$z,Z,=,1,N,=", regs_8[data>>3]);
static inline void gb_anal_add_hl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[((data & 0xf0)>>4)], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,hl,+=,0,N,=", regs_16[((data & 0xf0)>>4)]); //hl+=<reg>,N=0
static inline void gb_anal_add_sp (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "sp", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = (st8)data;
if (data < 128)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,sp,+=", data);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,sp,-=", 0 - (st8)data);
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, ",0,Z,=,0,N,=");
static void gb_anal_mov_imm (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
if (data[0] & 1) {
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[data[0]>>4], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%04x,%s,=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_16[data[0]>>4]);
} else {
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[data[0]>>3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = data[1];
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,%s,=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_8[data[0]>>3]);
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
op->val = op->src[0]->imm;
static inline void gb_anal_mov_sp_hl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "sp", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "hl,sp,=");
static inline void gb_anal_mov_hl_sp (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[2], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[1]->imm = (st8)data;
if (data < 128)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,sp,+,hl,=", data);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,sp,-,hl,=", 0 - (st8)data);
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, ",0,Z,=,0,N,=");
static void gb_anal_mov_reg (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[(data/8) - 8], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,%s,=", regs_8[data & 7], regs_8[(data/8) - 8]);
static inline void gb_anal_mov_ime (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "ime", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
op->src[0]->imm = (data != 0xf3);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%d,ime,=", (int)op->src[0]->imm);
if (data == 0xd9)
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, ",");
static inline void gb_anal_mov_scf (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_1[3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "1,C,=");
static inline void gb_anal_xor_cpl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = 0xff;
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "0xff,a,^=,1,N,=,1,H,=");
static inline void gb_anal_xor_ccf (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_1[3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "C,!=");
static inline void gb_anal_cond (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
if (data & 0x8) op->cond = R_ANAL_COND_EQ;
else op->cond = R_ANAL_COND_NE;
switch (data) {
case 0x20:
case 0x28:
case 0xc0:
case 0xc2:
case 0xc4:
case 0xc8:
case 0xca:
case 0xcc:
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_1[0], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_1[3], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
static inline void gb_anal_pp (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) //push , pop
RAnalValue *val = r_anal_value_new ();
val->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16_alt[(data>>4) - 12], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data & 0xf) == 1) {
op->dst = val;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "sp,[2],%s,=,2,sp,+=", regs_16_alt[(data>>4) - 12]); //pop
} else {
op->src[0] = val;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "2,sp,-=,%s,sp,=[2]", regs_16_alt[(data>>4) - 12]); //push
static inline void gb_anal_and_res (RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = ((~(0x1 << ((data >> 3) & 7))) & 0xff);
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (anal->reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,%s,[1],&,%s,=[1]", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,%s,&=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_and_bit (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1<<((data>>3) & 7);
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%i,%s,[1],&,0,==,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,1,H,=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%i,%s,&,0,==,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,1,H,=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_or_set (RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = (data>>3) & 7;
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (anal->reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,%s,[1],|,%s,=[1]", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], op->src[0]->imm);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,%s,|=", op->src[0]->imm, regs_x[data & 7]);
static void gb_anal_xoaasc (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "a", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data[0] & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->memref = ((data[0] & 7) == 6);
switch (op->type) {
if (op->src[0]->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,^=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,^=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
if (op->src[0]->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,|=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] &7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,|=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
if (op->src[0]->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,&=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,1,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,&=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,1,H,=,0,C,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
if (op->src[0]->memref) {
if (data[0] > 0x87) {
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf ( &op->esil, "C,%s,[1],+,a,+=,$z,Z,=,$c3,H,=,$c7,C,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,+=,$z,Z,=,$c3,H,=,$c7,C,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
if (data[0] > 0x87) {
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "C,%s,+,a,+=,$z,Z,=,$c3,H,=,$c7,C,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,+=,$z,Z,=,$c3,H,=,$c7,C,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
if (op->src[0]->memref) {
if (data[0] > 0x97) {
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "C,%s,[1],+,a,-=,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,-=,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
if (data[0] > 0x97) {
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "C,%s,+,a,-=,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
} else {
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,-=,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
if (op->src[0]->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,==,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,a,==,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", regs_x[data[0] & 7]);
static void gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data) //xor , or, and, add, adc, sub, sbc, cp
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "a", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
op->src[0]->imm = data[1];
switch (op->type) {
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,a,^=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", data[1]);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,a,|=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=,0,C,=", data[1]);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,a,&=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,1,H,=,0,C,=", data[1]);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,", data[1]);
if (data[0] == 0xce) { //adc
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, "a,+=,C,NUM,$c7,C,=,$c3,H,=,a,+=,$c7,C,|=,$c3,H,|=,a,a,=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=");
} else r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, "a,+=,$c3,H,=,$c7,C,=,0,N,=,a,a,=,$z,Z,=");
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,", data[1]);
if (data[0] == 0xde) { //sbc
op->src[1] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[1]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "C", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, "a,-=,C,NUM,$b8,C,=,$b4,H,=,a,-=,$b8,C,|=,$b4,H,|=,a,a,=,$z,Z,=,1,N,=");
} else r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, "a,-=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=,a,a,=,$z,Z,=");
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%d,a,==,$z,Z,=,$b4,H,=,$b8,C,=,1,N,=", data[1]);
static inline void gb_anal_load_hl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) //load with [hl] as memref
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->memref = 1;
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[((data & 0x38)>>3)], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "hl,[1],%s,=", regs_8[((data & 0x38)>>3)]);
if (data == 0x3a) {
r_strbuf_append (&op->esil, ",1,hl,-=");
if (data == 0x2a) {
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "hl,[1],a,=,1,hl,+="); //hack in concept
static inline void gb_anal_load (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "a", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->src[0]->memref = 1;
switch (data[0]) {
case 0xf0:
op->src[0]->base = 0xff00 + data[1];
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%04x,[1],a,=", op->src[0]->base);
case 0xf2:
op->src[0]->base = 0xff00;
op->src[0]->regdelta = r_reg_get (reg, "c", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "0xff00,c,+,[1],a,=");
case 0xfa:
op->src[0]->base = GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]);
if (op->src[0]->base < 0x4000) {
op->ptr = op->src[0]->base;
} else {
if (op->addr > 0x3fff && op->src[0]->base < 0x8000) { /* hack */
op->ptr = op->src[0]->base + (op->addr & 0xffffffffffff0000LL);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%04x,[1],a,=", op->src[0]->base);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[(data[0] & 0xf0) >> 4], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,[1],a,=", regs_16[(data[0] & 0xf0) >> 4]);
static inline void gb_anal_store_hl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "hl", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->dst->memref = 1;
op->src[0]->absolute = true;
if (data[0] == 0x36) {
op->src[0]->imm = data[1];
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "0x%02x,hl,=[1]", data[1]);
} else {
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_8[data[0] & 0x07], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "%s,hl,=[1]", regs_8[data[0] & 0x07]);
if (data[0] == 0x32)
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "a,hl,=[1],1,hl,-=");
if (data[0] == 0x22)
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "a,hl,=[1],1,hl,+=");
static void gb_anal_store (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->dst->memref = 1;
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "a", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
switch (data[0]) {
case 0x08:
op->dst->memref = 2;
op->dst->base = GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]);
op->src[0]->reg = r_reg_get (reg, "sp", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "sp,0x%04x,=[2]", op->dst->base);
case 0xe0:
op->dst->base = 0xff00 + data[1];
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "a,0x%04x,=[1]", op->dst->base);
case 0xe2:
op->dst->base = 0xff00;
op->dst->regdelta = r_reg_get (reg, "c", R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "a,0xff00,c,+,=[1]");
case 0xea:
op->dst->base = GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "a,0x%04x,=[1]", op->dst->base);
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_16[(data[0] & 0xf0)>>4], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil , "a,%s,=[1]", regs_16[(data[0] & 0xf0)>>4]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_swap (RReg *reg, RAnalOp* op, const ut8 data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 4;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data & 7) == 6) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "4,%s,[1],>>,4,%s,[1],<<,|,%s,=[1],$z,Z,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
} else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "4,%s,>>,4,%s,<<,|,%s,=,$z,Z,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_rlc (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data & 7) == 6) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "7,%s,[1],>>,1,&,C,=,1,%s,[1],<<,C,|,%s,=[1],$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
} else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,<<=,$c7,C,=,C,%s,|=,$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_rl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data & 7) == 6) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,<<,C,|,%s,=[1],$c7,C,=,$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
} else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,<<,C,|,%s,=,$c7,C,=,$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_rrc (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get(reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data &7) == 6) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,[1],&,C,=,1,%s,[1],>>,7,C,<<,|,%s,=[1],$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
} else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,&,C,=,1,%s,>>,7,C,<<,|,%s,=,$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_rr (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data)
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
if ((data & 7) == 6) {
op->dst->memref = 1;
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,[1],&,H,=,1,%s,[1],>>,7,C,<<,|,%s,=[1],H,C,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
} else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,&,H,=,1,%s,>>,7,C,<<,|,%s,=,H,C,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]); //HACK
static inline void gb_anal_cb_sla (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) //sra+sla+srl in one function, like xoaasc
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,[1],<<,%s,=[1],$c7,C,=,%s,[1],%s,=[1],$z,Z,=,0,H,=,0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,<<=,$c7,C,=,%s,%s,=,$z,Z,=,0,H,=0,N,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]); // %s,%s,= is a HACK for $z
static inline void gb_anal_cb_sra (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,[1],&,C,=,0x80,%s,[1],&,1,%s,[1],>>,|,%s,=[1],$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]); //spaguesil
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,&,C,=,0x80,%s,&,1,%s,>>,|,%s,=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static inline void gb_anal_cb_srl (RReg *reg, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 data) {
op->dst = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0] = r_anal_value_new ();
op->src[0]->imm = 1;
op->dst->reg = r_reg_get (reg, regs_x[data & 7], R_REG_TYPE_GPR);
op->dst->memref = ((data & 7) == 6);
if (op->dst->memref)
r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,[1],&,C,=,1,%s,[1],>>,%s,=[1],$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
else r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, "1,%s,&,C,=,1,%s,>>=,$z,Z,=,0,N,=,0,H,=", regs_x[data & 7], regs_x[data & 7]);
static int gb_custom_daa (RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut8 a, H, C, Z;
ut64 n;
if (!esil || !esil->anal || !esil->anal->reg)
return false;
r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, "H", &n, NULL);
H = (ut8)n;
r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, "C", &n, NULL);
C = (ut8)n;
r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, "a", &n, NULL);
esil->old = n;
a = (ut8)n;
r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, "N", &n, NULL);
if (n) {
if (C)
a = (a - 0x60) & 0xff;
else r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "C", 0LL);
if (H)
a = (a - 0x06) & 0xff;
} else {
if (C || (a > 0x99)) {
a = (a + 0x60) & 0xff;
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "C", 1LL);
if (H || ((a & 0x0f) > 0x09))
a += 0x06;;
esil->cur = a;
Z = (a == 0);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "a", (ut64)a);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "Z", (ut64)Z);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "H", 0LL);
return true;
static int gb_anop(RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *data, int len){
int ilen = gbOpLength (gb_op[data[0]].type);
if (ilen > len)
memset (op, '\0', sizeof (RAnalOp));
op->addr = addr;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UNK;
op->size = ilen;
op->nopcode = 1;
r_strbuf_init (&op->esil);
switch (data[0])
case 0x00:
case 0x40:
case 0x49:
case 0x52:
case 0x5b:
case 0x64:
case 0x6d:
case 0x7f:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_NOP;
case 0x01:
case 0x11:
case 0x21:
case 0x31:
gb_anal_mov_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
case 0xf8:
gb_anal_mov_hl_sp (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
op->type2 = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
case 0x06:
case 0x0e:
case 0x16:
case 0x1e:
case 0x26:
case 0x2e:
case 0x3e:
gb_anal_mov_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
case 0xf9:
gb_anal_mov_sp_hl (anal->reg, op);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV; // LD
case 0x03:
case 0x13:
case 0x23:
case 0x33:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0x04:
case 0x0c:
case 0x14:
case 0x1c:
case 0x24:
case 0x2c:
case 0x3c:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD; // INC
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0x34:
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0xea:
meta_gb_bankswitch_cmt (anal, addr, GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]));
gb_anal_store (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_STORE;
case 0x08:
meta_gb_bankswitch_cmt (anal, addr, GB_SOFTCAST (data[1], data[2]));
gb_anal_store (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 20;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_STORE;
case 0x02:
case 0x12:
case 0xe2:
gb_anal_store (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_STORE;
case 0x36:
case 0x22:
case 0x32:
case 0x70:
case 0x71:
case 0x72:
case 0x73:
case 0x74:
case 0x75:
case 0x77:
gb_anal_store_hl (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_STORE; //LD
case 0xe0:
meta_gb_hardware_cmt (anal, data[1], addr);
gb_anal_store (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_STORE;
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
case 0x43:
case 0x44:
case 0x45:
case 0x47:
case 0x48:
case 0x4a:
case 0x4b:
case 0x4c:
case 0x4d:
case 0x4f:
case 0x50:
case 0x51:
case 0x53:
case 0x54:
case 0x55:
case 0x57:
case 0x58:
case 0x59:
case 0x5a:
case 0x5c:
case 0x5d:
case 0x5f:
case 0x60:
case 0x61:
case 0x62:
case 0x63:
case 0x65:
case 0x67:
case 0x68:
case 0x69:
case 0x6a:
case 0x6b:
case 0x6c:
case 0x6f:
case 0x78:
case 0x79:
case 0x7a:
case 0x7b:
case 0x7c:
case 0x7d:
gb_anal_mov_reg (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV; // LD
case 0x0a:
case 0x1a:
case 0xf2:
gb_anal_load (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LOAD;
case 0x2a:
case 0x3a:
case 0x46:
case 0x4e:
case 0x56:
case 0x5e:
case 0x66:
case 0x6e:
case 0x7e:
gb_anal_load_hl (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LOAD;
case 0xf0:
gb_anal_load (anal->reg, op, data);
meta_gb_hardware_cmt (anal, data[1], addr);
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LOAD;
case 0xfa:
gb_anal_load (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LOAD;
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
case 0x82:
case 0x83:
case 0x84:
case 0x85:
case 0x87:
case 0x88:
case 0x89:
case 0x8a:
case 0x8b:
case 0x8c:
case 0x8d:
case 0x8f:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0x09:
case 0x19:
case 0x29:
case 0x39:
gb_anal_add_hl (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
case 0x86:
case 0x8e:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0xc6:
case 0xce:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xe8:
gb_anal_add_sp (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ADD;
case 0x90:
case 0x91:
case 0x92:
case 0x93:
case 0x94:
case 0x95:
case 0x97:
case 0x98:
case 0x99:
case 0x9a:
case 0x9b:
case 0x9c:
case 0x9d:
case 0x9f:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0x96:
case 0x9e:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0xd6:
case 0xde:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xa0:
case 0xa1:
case 0xa2:
case 0xa3:
case 0xa4:
case 0xa5:
case 0xa7:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_AND;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xe6:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_AND;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xa6:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_AND;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0x07: //rlca
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROL;
gb_anal_cb_rlc (anal->reg, op, 7);
case 0x17: //rla
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROL;
gb_anal_cb_rl (anal->reg, op, 7);
case 0x0f: //rrca
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROR;
gb_anal_cb_rrc (anal->reg, op, 7);
case 0x1f: //rra
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROR;
gb_anal_cb_rr (anal->reg, op, 7);
case 0x2f:
gb_anal_xor_cpl (anal->reg, op); //cpl
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
case 0x3f: //ccf
gb_anal_xor_ccf (anal->reg, op);
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
case 0xa8:
case 0xa9:
case 0xaa:
case 0xab:
case 0xac:
case 0xad:
case 0xaf:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xee:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xae:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0xb0:
case 0xb1:
case 0xb2:
case 0xb3:
case 0xb4:
case 0xb5:
case 0xb7:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_OR;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xf6:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_OR;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xb6:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_OR;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0xb8:
case 0xb9:
case 0xba:
case 0xbb:
case 0xbc:
case 0xbd:
case 0xbf:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CMP;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xfe:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CMP;
gb_anal_xoaasc_imm (anal->reg, op, data);
case 0xbe:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CMP;
gb_anal_xoaasc (anal->reg, op, data);
op->cycles = 8;
case 0xc0:
case 0xc8:
case 0xd0:
case 0xd8:
gb_anal_cond (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
gb_anal_esil_cret (op, data[0]);
op->eob = true;
op->cycles = 20;
op->failcycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CRET;
case 0xd9:
gb_anal_mov_ime (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->type2 = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
case 0xc9:
op->eob = true;
op->cycles = 16;
gb_anal_esil_ret (op);
op->stackop = R_ANAL_STACK_INC;
op->stackptr = -2;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_RET;
case 0x0b:
case 0x1b:
case 0x2b:
case 0x3b:
op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB;
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0x05:
case 0x0d:
case 0x15:
case 0x1d:
case 0x25:
case 0x2d:
case 0x3d:
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB; // DEC
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0x35:
op->cycles = 12;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SUB;
gb_anal_id (anal, op, data[0]);
case 0xc5:
case 0xd5:
case 0xe5:
case 0xf5:
gb_anal_pp (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 16;
op->stackop = R_ANAL_STACK_INC;
op->stackptr = 2;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_PUSH;
case 0xc1:
case 0xd1:
case 0xe1:
case 0xf1:
gb_anal_pp (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 12;
op->stackop = R_ANAL_STACK_INC;
op->stackptr = -2;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_POP;
case 0xc3:
if( gb_op_calljump (anal, op, data, addr)) {
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_JMP;
gb_anal_esil_jmp (op);
} else {
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UJMP;
op->eob = true;
op->cycles = 16;
op->fail = addr+ilen;
case 0x18: // JR
op->jump = addr + ilen + (st8)data[1];
op->fail = addr + ilen;
gb_anal_esil_jmp (op);
op->cycles = 12;
op->eob = true;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_JMP;
case 0x20:
case 0x28:
case 0x30:
case 0x38: //JR cond
gb_anal_cond (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->jump = addr + ilen + (st8)data[1];
op->fail = addr + ilen;
gb_anal_esil_cjmp (op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 12;
op->failcycles = 8;
op->eob = true;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CJMP;
case 0xc2:
case 0xca:
case 0xd2:
case 0xda:
if( gb_op_calljump (anal, op, data, addr)) {
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CJMP;
} else {
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UCJMP;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_cond (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
gb_anal_esil_cjmp (op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 16;
op->failcycles = 12;
op->fail = addr+ilen;
case 0xe9:
op->cycles = 4;
op->eob = true;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UJMP;
gb_anal_jmp_hl (anal->reg, op);
case 0x76:
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CJMP;
op->eob = true; //halt migth wait for interrupts
op->fail = addr + ilen;
if(len > 1)
op->jump = addr + gbOpLength (gb_op[data[1]].type) + ilen;
case 0xcd:
if ( gb_op_calljump (anal, op, data, addr))
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
else op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UCALL;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 24;
case 0xc4:
case 0xcc:
case 0xd4:
case 0xdc:
gb_anal_cond (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
if( gb_op_calljump (anal, op, data, addr))
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CCALL;
else op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_UCCALL;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_ccall (op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 24;
op->failcycles = 12;
case 0xc7: //rst 0
op->jump = 0x00;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xcf: //rst 8
op->jump = 0x08;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xd7: //rst 16
op->jump = 0x10;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xdf: //rst 24
op->jump = 0x18;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xe7: //rst 32
op->jump = 0x20;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xef: //rst 40
op->jump = 0x28;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xf7: //rst 48
op->jump = 0x30;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xff: //rst 56
op->jump = 0x38;
op->fail = addr + ilen;
op->eob = true;
gb_anal_esil_call (op);
op->cycles = 16;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
case 0xf3: //di
case 0xfb: //ei
gb_anal_mov_ime (anal->reg, op, data[0]);
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
case 0x37:
gb_anal_mov_scf (anal->reg, op);
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV;
case 0x27: //daa
op->cycles = 4;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_XOR;
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "daa");
case 0x10: //stop
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_NULL;
r_strbuf_set (&op->esil, "TODO,stop");
case 0xcb:
op->nopcode = 2;
switch (data[1]>>3)
case 0:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROL;
gb_anal_cb_rlc (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 1:
if ((data[1] & 7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROR;
gb_anal_cb_rrc (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 2:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROL;
gb_anal_cb_rl (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 3:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROR;
gb_anal_cb_rr (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 4:
if ((data [1] & 7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SAL;
gb_anal_cb_sla (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 6:
if ((data[1] & 7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ROL;
gb_anal_cb_swap (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 5:
if ((data [1] & 7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SAR;
gb_anal_cb_sra (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 7:
if ((data [1] & 7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_SHR;
gb_anal_cb_srl (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 12;
else op->cycles = 8;
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ACMP;
gb_anal_and_bit (anal->reg, op, data[1]);
break; //bit
case 16:
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
gb_anal_and_res (anal, op, data[1]);
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_AND;
break; //res
case 24:
case 25:
case 26:
case 27:
case 28:
case 29:
case 30:
case 31:
if ((data[1]&7) == 6)
op->cycles = 16;
else op->cycles = 8;
gb_anal_or_set (anal, op, data[1]);
op->type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_OR;
break; //set
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL)
op->stackop = R_ANAL_STACK_INC;
op->stackptr = 2;
return op->size;
The reg-profile below does not represent the real gameboy registers.
->There is no such thing like m, mpc or mbc. there is only pc.
m and mbc should make it easier to inspect the current mbc-state, because
the mbc can be seen as a register but it isn't. For the Gameboy the mbc is invisble.
static int set_reg_profile(RAnal *anal) {
const char *p =
"=PC mpc\n"
"=SP sp\n"
"=A0 af\n"
"=A1 bc\n"
"=A2 de\n"
"=A3 hl\n"
"gpr mpc .32 0 0\n"
"gpr pc .16 0 0\n"
"gpr m .16 2 0\n"
"gpr sp .16 4 0\n"
"gpr af .16 6 0\n"
"gpr f .8 6 0\n"
"gpr a .8 7 0\n"
"gpr Z .1 .55 0\n"
"gpr N .1 .54 0\n"
"gpr H .1 .53 0\n"
"gpr C .1 .52 0\n"
"gpr bc .16 8 0\n"
"gpr c .8 8 0\n"
"gpr b .8 9 0\n"
"gpr de .16 10 0\n"
"gpr e .8 10 0\n"
"gpr d .8 11 0\n"
"gpr hl .16 12 0\n"
"gpr l .8 12 0\n"
"gpr h .8 13 0\n"
"gpr mbcrom .16 14 0\n"
"gpr mbcram .16 16 0\n"
"gpr ime .1 18 0\n";
return r_reg_set_profile_string (anal->reg, p);
static int esil_gb_init (RAnalEsil *esil) {
GBUser *user = R_NEW0 (GBUser);
r_anal_esil_set_op (esil, "daa", gb_custom_daa);
if (user) {
if (esil->anal) {
esil->anal->iob.read_at (esil->anal->iob.io, 0x147, &user->mbc_id, 1);
esil->anal->iob.read_at (esil->anal->iob.io, 0x148, &user->romsz_id, 1);
esil->anal->iob.read_at (esil->anal->iob.io, 0x149, &user->ramsz_id, 1);
if (esil->anal->reg) { //initial values
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "mpc", -1), 0x100);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "sp", -1), 0xfffe);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "af", -1), 0x01b0);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "bc", -1), 0x0013);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "de", -1), 0x00d8);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "hl", -1), 0x014d);
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, "ime", -1), true);
esil->cb.user = user;
return true;
static int esil_gb_fini (RAnalEsil *esil) {
R_FREE (esil->cb.user);
return true;
RAnalPlugin r_anal_plugin_gb = {
.name = "gb",
.desc = "Gameboy CPU code analysis plugin",
.license = "LGPL3",
.arch = "z80",
.esil = true,
.bits = 16,
.op = &gb_anop,
.set_reg_profile = &set_reg_profile,
.esil_init = esil_gb_init,
.esil_fini = esil_gb_fini,
#ifndef CORELIB
RLibStruct radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_ANAL,
.data = &r_anal_plugin_gb,
.version = R2_VERSION