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synced 2025-01-09 06:50:49 +00:00
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abcd=add decimal with extend
adda=add address
addi=add immediate
addq=add quick
addx=add with extend
and=logical and
andi=logical and immediate
asl=arithmetic shift left
asr=arithmetic shift right
bcc=branch conditionally
bchg=test bit and change
bclr=test bit and clear
bfchg=test bit field and change
bfclr=test bit field and clear
bfexts=signed bit field extract
bfextu=unsigned bit field extract
bfffo=bit field find first one
bfins=bit field insert
bfset=test bit field and set
bftst=test bit field
bgnd=enter background mode
bset=test bit and set
bsr=branch to subroutine
btst=test bit
callm=call module
cas=compare and swap operands
cas2=compare and swap dual operands
chk=check register against bound
chk2=check register against upper and lower bounds
cinv=invalidate cache entries
cmp2=compare register against upper and lower bounds
cmpa=compare address
cmpi=compare immediate
cmpm=compare memory to memory
cpbcc=branch on coprocessor condition
cpdbcc=test coprocessor condition decrement and branch
cpgen=coprocessor general function
cprestore=coprocessor restore function
cpsave=coprocessor save function
cpscc=set on coprocessor condition
cptracpcc=trap on coprocessor condition
cptrapcc=trap on coprocessor condition
cpush=push then invalidate cache entries
dbcc=test condition, decrement and branch
divs=signed divide
divsl=signed divide
divu=unsigned divide
divul=unsigned divide
eor=logical exclusive-or
eori=logical exclusive-or immediate
exg=exchange registers
ext=sign extend
extb=sign extend
fabs=floating-point absolute value
facos=floating-point arc cosine
fadd=floating-point add
fasin=floating-point arc sine
fatan=floating-point arc tangent
fatanh=floating-point hyperbolic arc tangent
fbcc=floating-point branch
fcmp=floating-point compare
fcos=floating-point cosine
fcosh=floating-point hyperbolic cosine
fdabs=floating-point absolute value double precision
fdadd=floating-point add double precision
fdbcc=floating-point decrement and branch
fddiv=floating-point divide double precision
fdfabs=floating-point absolute value double precision
fdiv=floating-point divide
fdmove=move floating-point register single
fdmul=floating-point multiply double precision
fdneg=floating-point negate double precision
fdsqrt=floating-point square root double precision
fdsub=floating-point subtract double precision
fetox=floating-point ex
fetoxm=floating-point ex -1
fgetexp=floating-point get exponent
fgetman=floating-point get mantissa
fint=floating-point integer part
fintrz=floating-point integer part, round-to-zero
flog10=floating-point log10
flog2=floating-point log2
flogn=floating-point loge
flognp=floating-point loge (x + 1)
fmod=floating-point modulo remainder
fmove=move floating-point register
fmovecr=move constant rom
fmovem=move multiple floating-point registers
fmul=floating-point multiply
fneg=floating-point negate
fnop=floating-point no operation
frem=ieee remainder
frestore=restore floating-point internal state
fsabs=floating-point absolute value single precision
fsadd=floating-point add single
fsave=save floating-point internal state
fscale=floating-point scale exponent
fscc=floating-point set according to condition
fsdiv=floating-point divide simple precision
fsfabs=floating-point absolute value single precision
fsgldiv=single-precision divide
fsglmul=single-precision multiply
fsincos=simultaneous sine and cosine
fsinh=hyperbolic sine
fsmove=move floating-point register double precision
fsmul=floating-point multiply single precision
fsneg=floating-point negate single precision
fsqrt=floating-point square root
fssqrt=floating-point square root single precision
fssub=floating-point subtract single precision
fsub=floating-point subtract
ftanh=hyperbolic tangent
ftentox=floating-point 10x
ftrapcc=floating-point trap on condition
ftst=floating-point test
ftwotox=floating-point 2x
illegal=take illegal instruction trap
jsr=jump to subroutine
lea=load effective address
link=link and allocate
lpstop=low-power stop
lsl=logical shift left
lsr=logical shift right
move16=16-byte block move
movea=move address
movec=move control register
movem=move multiple registers
movep=move peripheral
moveq=move quick
moves=move address space
muls=signed multiply
mulu=unsigned multiply
nbcd=negate decimal with extend
negx=negate with extend
nop=no operation
not=logical complement
or=logical inclusive-or
ori=logical inclusive-or immediate
pack=pack bcd
pbcc=branch on pmmu condition
pdbcc=test, decrement, and branch on pmmu condition
pea=push effective address
pflush*=invalidate entries in the atc
pflush=flush entry(ies) in the atcs
pflusha*=invalidate all entries in the atc
pflusha=flush entry(ies) in the atcs
pflushr=flush entry(ies) in the atcs and rpt entries
pflushs=flush entry(ies) in the atcs
pload*=load an entry into the atc
pload=load an entry into the atc
pmove=move pmmu register
prestore=pmmu restore function
psave=pmmu save function
pscc=set on pmmu condition
ptest=test a logical address
ptrapcc=trap on pmmu condition
pvalid=validate a pointer
reset=reset external devices
rol=rotate left
ror=rotate right
roxl=rotate with extend left
roxr=rotate with extend right
rtd=return and deallocate
rte=return from exception
rtm=return from module
rtr=return and restore
rts=return from subroutine
sbcd=subtract decimal with extend
scc=set conditionally
suba=subtract address
subi=subtract immediate
subq=subtract quick
subx=subtract with extend
swap=swap register words
tas=test operand and set
tbls=unsigned table lookup with interpolate
tblsn=signed table lookup with interpolate
tblu=unsigned table lookup with interpolate
tblun=unsigned table lookup with interpolate
trapcc=trap conditionally
trapv=trap on overflow
tst=test operand
unpk=unpack bcd