pancake dfb9d11474 Initial implementation of the new ESIL. (RPNESIL)
Use the 's' key with static analysis to step
Anal backends must be updated to use the new syntax
Uses 'ar' to get/set regs, and anal->io for read/write mem
Some few commands implemented, no extend api yet
2014-06-16 05:58:00 +02:00

343 lines
7.9 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2008-2014 - pancake */
#include "r_types.h"
#include "r_util.h"
#include "r_lib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
/* TODO: support for nested plugins ?? here */
#if __UNIX__
#include <dlfcn.h>
#define DLOPEN(x) dlopen(x, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW)
#define DLSYM(x,y) dlsym(x,y)
#define DLCLOSE(x) dlclose(x)
#elif __WINDOWS__
#include <windows.h>
#define DLOPEN(x) LoadLibrary(x)
#define DLSYM(x,y) GetProcAddress(x,y)
#define DLCLOSE(x) 0//(x)
#define DLOPEN(x) NULL
#define DLSYM(x,y) NULL
#define DLCLOSE(x) NULL
/* XXX : this must be registered in runtime */
static const char *r_lib_types[] = {
"io", "dbg", "lang", "asm", "anal", "parse", "bin", //"bininfo",
"bp", "syscall", "fastcall", "crypto", "cmd", "egg", NULL
static int __has_debug = 0;
#define IFDBG if(__has_debug)
/* XXX: Rename this helper function */
R_API const char *r_lib_types_get(int idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx > R_LIB_TYPE_LAST-1)
return "unk";
return r_lib_types[idx];
R_API void *r_lib_dl_open(const char *libname) {
void *ret;
if (!libname || !*libname)
return NULL;
ret = DLOPEN (libname);
if (__has_debug && ret == NULL)
#if __UNIX__
eprintf ("dlerror(%s): %s\n", libname, dlerror ());
eprintf ("r_lib_dl_open: Cannot open '%s'\n", libname);
return ret;
R_API void *r_lib_dl_sym(void *handler, const char *name) {
return DLSYM (handler, name);
R_API int r_lib_dl_close(void *handler) {
return DLCLOSE (handler);
/* ---- */
R_API char *r_lib_path(const char *libname) {
char *next, *path0, libpath[1024];
#if __APPLE__
char *env = r_sys_getenv ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH");
const char *ext = ".dylib";
env = r_str_concat (env, ":/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib");
#elif __UNIX__
char *env = r_sys_getenv ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
const char *ext = ".so";
env = r_str_concat (env, ":/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib");
char *env = strdup (".:../../../../../../../windows/system32");
const char *ext = ".dll";
if (!env) env = strdup (".");
path0 = env;
do {
next = strchr (path0, ':');
if (next) *next = 0;
snprintf (libpath, sizeof (libpath), "%s/%s%s", path0, libname, ext);
//eprintf ("--> %s\n", libpath);
if (r_file_exists (libpath)) {
free (env);
return strdup (libpath);
path0 = next+1;
} while (next);
free (env);
return NULL;
R_API RLib *r_lib_new(const char *symname) {
RLib *lib = R_NEW (RLib);
char *env_debug;
if (lib) {
env_debug = r_sys_getenv ("R_DEBUG");
__has_debug = env_debug ? R_TRUE : R_FALSE;
if (env_debug) {
free (env_debug);
lib->handlers = r_list_newf (free);
lib->plugins = r_list_newf (free);
strncpy (lib->symname, symname, sizeof (lib->symname)-1);
return lib;
R_API RLib *r_lib_free(RLib *lib) {
if (!lib) return NULL;
r_lib_close (lib, NULL);
r_list_free (lib->handlers);
r_list_free (lib->plugins);
free (lib);
return NULL;
R_API int r_lib_dl_check_filename(const char *file) {
if (strstr (file, "."R_LIB_EXT))
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
/* high level api */
R_API int r_lib_run_handler(RLib *lib, RLibPlugin *plugin, RLibStruct *symbol) {
RLibHandler *h = plugin->handler;
if (h && h->constructor) {
IFDBG eprintf ("PLUGIN HANDLER %p %p\n", h, h->constructor);
return h->constructor (plugin, h->user, symbol->data);
} else IFDBG eprintf ("Cannot find plugin constructor\n");
return R_FAIL;
R_API RLibHandler *r_lib_get_handler(RLib *lib, int type) {
RLibHandler *h;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (lib->handlers, iter, h) {
if (h->type == type)
return h;
return NULL;
R_API R_API int r_lib_close(RLib *lib, const char *file) {
RLibPlugin *p;
RListIter *iter;
/* No _safe loop necessary because we return immediately after the delete. */
r_list_foreach (lib->plugins, iter, p) {
if ((file==NULL || (!strcmp(file, p->file))) && p->handler->destructor != NULL) {
int ret = p->handler->destructor (p, p->handler->user, p->data);
free (p->file);
r_list_delete (lib->plugins, iter);
return ret;
return -1;
// XXX ugly hack ?
static int samefile(const char *a, const char *b) {
char *sa = strdup (a);
char *sb = strdup (b);
char *ptr;
int len, ret = R_FALSE;
if (sa != NULL && sb != NULL) {
do {
ptr = strstr (sa, "//");
if (ptr) {
len = strlen (ptr+1) + 1;
memmove (ptr, ptr+1, len);
} while (ptr);
do {
ptr = strstr (sb, "//");
if (ptr) {
len = strlen (ptr+1) + 1;
memmove (ptr, ptr+1, len);
} while (ptr);
ret = strcmp (sa,sb)? R_FALSE: R_TRUE;
free (sa);
free (sb);
return ret;
R_API int r_lib_open(RLib *lib, const char *file) {
RLibPlugin *p;
RListIter *iter;
RLibStruct *stru;
void *handler;
int ret = R_FALSE;
/* ignored by filename */
if (!r_lib_dl_check_filename (file)) {
eprintf ("Invalid library extension: %s\n", file);
return R_FAIL;
handler = r_lib_dl_open (file);
if (handler == NULL) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Cannot open library: '%s'\n", file);
return R_FAIL;
stru = (RLibStruct *) r_lib_dl_sym (handler, lib->symname);
if (stru == NULL) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Cannot find symbol '%s' in library '%s'\n",
lib->symname, file);
r_lib_dl_close (handler);
return R_FAIL;
// TODO: Use Sdb here. just a single line
r_list_foreach (lib->plugins, iter, p) {
if (samefile (file, p->file)) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Dupped\n");
r_lib_dl_close (handler);
return R_FAIL;
p = R_NEW (RLibPlugin);
p->type = stru->type;
p->data = stru->data;
p->file = strdup (file);
p->dl_handler = handler;
p->handler = r_lib_get_handler (lib, p->type);
ret = r_lib_run_handler (lib, p, stru);
if (ret == R_FAIL) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Library handler has failed for '%s'\n", file);
free (p->file);
free (p);
r_lib_dl_close (handler);
} else r_list_append (lib->plugins, p);
return ret;
R_API int r_lib_opendir(RLib *lib, const char *path) {
char file[1024];
struct dirent *de;
DIR *dh;
if (path == NULL)
if (path == NULL)
return R_FALSE;
dh = opendir (path);
if (dh == NULL) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Cannot open directory '%s'\n", path);
return R_FALSE;
while ((de = (struct dirent *)readdir (dh))) {
snprintf (file, sizeof (file), "%s/%s", path, de->d_name);
if (r_lib_dl_check_filename (file))
r_lib_open (lib, file);
closedir (dh);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_lib_add_handler(RLib *lib,
int type, const char *desc,
int (*cb)(RLibPlugin *, void *, void *), /* constructor */
int (*dt)(RLibPlugin *, void *, void *), /* destructor */
void *user)
RLibHandler *h;
RListIter *iter;
RLibHandler *handler = NULL;
r_list_foreach (lib->handlers, iter, h) {
if (type == h->type) {
IFDBG eprintf ("Redefining library handler constructor for %d\n", type);
handler = h;
if (handler == NULL) {
handler = R_NEW (RLibHandler);
if (handler == NULL)
return R_FALSE;
handler->type = type;
r_list_append (lib->handlers, handler);
strncpy (handler->desc, desc, sizeof (handler->desc)-1);
handler->user = user;
handler->constructor = cb;
handler->destructor = dt;
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_lib_del_handler(RLib *lib, int type) {
RLibHandler *h;
RListIter *iter;
// TODO: remove all handlers for that type? or only one?
/* No _safe loop necessary because we return immediately after the delete. */
r_list_foreach (lib->handlers, iter, h) {
if (type == h->type) {
r_list_delete (lib->handlers, iter);
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
/* XXX _list methods must be deprecated before r2-1.0 */
R_API void r_lib_list(RLib *lib) {
RListIter *iter;
RLibPlugin *p;
#if 0
printf("Plugin Plugins:\n");
list_for_each_prev(pos, &lib->handlers) {
RLibHandler *h = list_entry(pos, RLibHandler, list);
printf(" - %d: %s\n", h->type, h->desc);
//printf("Loaded plugins:\n");
r_list_foreach (lib->plugins, iter, p) {
printf (" %5s %p %s \n", r_lib_types_get (p->type),
p->handler->destructor, p->file);