pancake 7e7fd5835a
Add 'pFB' command to use the new BPLIST parser ##print
* Kudos to https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist
* Licensed under LGPL
* Add pj_kraw() api
* Add bplist00 magic and add tests for /m and pFBj
2022-01-30 22:30:10 +01:00

115 lines
2.9 KiB

#ifndef R_PJ_H
#define R_PJ_H 1
#include <r_util/r_strbuf.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* new encoding options of j commands */
typedef enum PJEncodingStr {
} PJEncodingStr;
typedef enum PJEncodingNum {
} PJEncodingNum;
typedef struct pj_t {
RStrBuf sb;
bool is_first;
bool is_key;
const char *comma;
int level;
PJEncodingStr str_encoding;
PJEncodingNum num_encoding;
} PJ;
/* lifecycle */
R_API PJ *pj_new(void);
R_API PJ *pj_new_with_encoding(PJEncodingStr str_encoding, PJEncodingNum num_encoding);
R_API void pj_free(PJ *j);
R_API void pj_reset(PJ *j); // clear the pj contents, but keep the buffer allocated to re-use it
R_API char *pj_drain(PJ *j);
/* encode the pj data as a string */
R_API const char *pj_string(PJ *pj);
// R_API void pj_print(PJ *j, PrintfCallback cb);
/* nesting */
//R_API PJ *pj_begin(char type, PrintfCallback cb);
/* close the current json list or array */
R_API PJ *pj_end(PJ *j);
R_API void pj_raw(PJ *j, const char *k);
R_API void pj_kraw(PJ *j);
/* object, array */
/* open new json list { */
R_API PJ *pj_o(PJ *j);
/* open new array [ */
R_API PJ *pj_a(PJ *j);
/* keys, values */
/* new key with no value "name": */
R_API PJ *pj_k(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* "name":"null" */
R_API PJ *pj_knull(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* unsigned "name":n */
R_API PJ *pj_kn(PJ *j, const char *k, ut64 n);
/* signed "name":n */
R_API PJ *pj_kN(PJ *j, const char *k, st64 n);
/* literal key "name":"key" */
R_API PJ *pj_ks(PJ *j, const char *k, const char *v);
/* begin named array entry: "name": [...] */
R_API PJ *pj_ka(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* begin named json entry: "name": {...} */
R_API PJ *pj_ko(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* named entry for primitive types */
R_API PJ *pj_ki(PJ *j, const char *k, int d);
R_API PJ *pj_kd(PJ *j, const char *k, double d);
R_API PJ *pj_kf(PJ *j, const char *k, float d);
R_API PJ *pj_kb(PJ *j, const char *k, bool v);
/* named "null" */
R_API PJ *pj_null(PJ *j);
/* append all uchars in v as signed ints (?) */
R_API PJ *pj_r(PJ *j, const unsigned char *v, size_t v_len);
/* named entry with pj_r */
R_API PJ *pj_kr(PJ *j, const char *k, const unsigned char *v, size_t v_len);
/* string, escaped for json */
R_API PJ *pj_s(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* string, raw */
R_API PJ *pj_j(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* string, encoded */
R_API PJ *pj_se(PJ *j, const char *k);
/* ut64, encoded */
R_API PJ *pj_ne(PJ *j, ut64 n);
/* formatted primitive types */
R_API PJ *pj_n(PJ *j, ut64 n);
R_API PJ *pj_N(PJ *j, st64 n);
R_API PJ *pj_i(PJ *j, int d);
R_API PJ *pj_d(PJ *j, double d);
R_API PJ *pj_f(PJ *j, float d);
R_API PJ *pj_b(PJ *j, bool v);
#ifdef __cplusplus