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synced 2025-02-02 03:32:04 +00:00
241 lines
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241 lines
7.0 KiB
abs=absolute value
abs.s=absolute value single
add.n=narrow add
add.s=add single
addi=add immediate
addi.n=narrow add immediate
addmi=add immediate with shift by 8
addx2=add with shift by 1
addx4=add with shift by 2
addx8=add with shift by 3
all4=all 4 booleans true
all8=all 8 booleans true
and=bitwise logical and
andb=boolean and
andbc=boolean and with complement
any4=any 4 booleans true
any8=any 8 booleans true
ball=branch if all bits set
bany=branch if any bit set
bbc=branch if bit clear
bbci=branch if bit clear immediate
bbci.l=branch if bit clear immediate LE
bbs=branch if bit set
bbsi=branch if bit set immediate
bbsi.l=branch if bit set immediate LE
beq=branch if equal
beqi=branch if equal immediate
beqz=branch if equal to zero
beqz.n=narrow branch if equal zero
bf=branch if false
bge=branch if greater than or equal
bgei=branch if greater than or equal immediate
bgeu=branch if greater than or equal unsigned
bgeui=i branch if greater than or equal unsigned immediate
bgez=branch if greater than or equal to zero
blt=branch if less than
blti=branch if less than immediate
bltu=branch if less than unsigned
bltui=branch if less than unsigned immediate
bltz=branch if less than zero
bnall=branch if not-all bits set
bne=branch if not equal
bnei=branch if not equal immediate
bnez=branch if not-equal to zero
bnez.n=narrow branch if not equal zero
bnone=branch if no bit set
break.n=narrow breakpoint
bt=branch if true
call0=non-windowed call
call4=call PC-relative, rotate window by 4
call8=call PC-relative, rotate window by 8
call12=call PC-relative, rotate window by 12
callx0=non-windowed call register
callx4=call register, rotate window by 4
callx8=call register, rotate window by 8
callx12=call register, rotate window by 12
ceil.s=ceiling single to fixed
clamps=signed clamp
dhi=data cache hit invalidate
dhu=data cache hit unlock
dhwb=data cache hit writeback
dhwbi=data cache hit writeback invalidate
dii=data cache index invalidate
diu=data cache index unlock
diwb=data cache index write back
diwbi=data cache index write back invalidate
dpfl=data cache prefetch and lock
dpfr=data cache prefetch for read
dpfro=data cache prefetch for read once
dpfw=data cache prefetch for write
dpfwo=data cache prefetch for write once
dsync=load/store synchronize
entry=subroutine entry
esync=execute synchronize
excw=exception wait
extui=extract unsigned immediate
extw=external wait
float.s=convert fixed to single
floor.s=floor single to fixed
idtlb=invalidate data TLB entry
ihi=instruction cache hit invalidate
ihu=instruction cache hit unlock
iii=instruction cache index invalidate
iitlb=invalidate instruction TLB entry
iiu=instruction cache index unlock
ill=illegal instruction
ill.n=narrow illegal instruction
ipf=instruction cache prefetch
ipfl=instruction cache prefetch and lock
isync=instruction fetch synchronize
j=unconditional jump
j.l=unconditional jump long
jx=unconditional jump register
l8ui=load 8-bit unsigned
l16si=load 16-bit signed
l16ui=load 16-bit unsigned
l32ai=load 32-bit acquire
l32e=load 32-bit for window exceptions
l32i=load 32-bit
l32i.n=narrow load 32-bit
l32r=load 32-bit PC-relative
ldct=load data cache tag
lddec=load with autodecrement
ldinc=load with autoincrement
lict=load instruction cache tag
licw=load instruction cache word
loopgtz=loop if greater than zero
loopnez=loop if not-equal zero
lsi=load single immediate
lsiu=load single immediate with update
lsx=load single indexed
lsxu=load single indexed with update
madd.s=multiply and add single
max=maximum value
maxu=maximum value unsigned
memw=memory wait
min=minimum value
minu=minimum value unsigned
mov.n=narrow move
mov.s=move single
moveqz=move if equal to zero
moveqz.s=move single if equal to zero
movf=move if false
movf.s=move single if false
movgez=move if greater than or equal to zero
movgez.s=move single if greater than or equal to zero
movi=move immediate
movi.n=narrow move immediate
movltz=move if less than zero
movltz.s=move single if less than zero
movnez=move if not-equal to zero
movnez.s=move single if not equal to zero
movsp=move to stack pointer
movt=move if true
movt.s=move single if true
msub.s=multiply and subtract single
mul.s=multiply single
mul16s=multiply 16-bit signed
mul16u=multiply 16-bit unsigned
mull=multiply low
mulsh=multiply signed high
muluh=multiply unsigned high
neg.s=negate single
nop.n=narrow no-operation
nsa=normalization shift amount
nsau=normalization shift amount unsigned
oeq.s=compare single equal
ole.s=compare single ordered and less than or equal
olt.s=compare single ordered and less than
or=bitwise logical or
orb=boolean or
orbc=boolean or with complement
pdtlb=probe data tlb
pitlb=probe instruction TLB
quos=quotient signed
quou=quotient unsigned
rdtlb0=read data TLB entry virtual
rdtlb1=read data TLB entry translation
rems=remainder signed
remu=remainder unsigned
rer=read external register
ret=non-windowed return
ret.n=narrow non-windowed return
retw=windowed return
retw.n=narrow windowed return
rfdd=return from debug and dispatch
rfde=return from double exception
rfdo=return from debug operation
rfe=return from exception
rfi=return from high-priority interrupt
rfme=return from memory error
rfr=move FR to AR
rfue=return from user-mode exception
rfwo=return from window overflow
rfwu=return from window underflow
ritlb0=read instruction TLB entry virtual
ritlb1=read instruction TLB entry translation
rotw=rotate window
round.s=round single to fixed
rsil=read and set interrupt level
rsr=read special register
rsync=register read synchronize
rur=read user register
s8i=store 8-bit
s16i=store 16-bit
s32c1i=store 32-bit compare conditional
s32e=store 32-bit for window exceptions
s32i=store 32-bit
s32i.n=narrow store 32-bit
s32ri=store 32-bit release
sdct=store data cache tag
sext=sign extend
sict=store instruction cache tag
sicw=store instruction cache word
simcall=simulator call
sll=shift left logical
slli=shift left logical immediate
sra=shift right arithmetic
srai=shift right arithmetic immediate
src=shift right combined
srl=shift right logical
srli=shift right logical immediate
ssa8b=set shift amount for BE byte shift
ssa8l=set shift amount for LE byte shift
ssai=set shift amount immediate
ssi=store single immediate
ssiu=store single immediate with update
ssl=set shift amount for left shift
ssr=set shift amount for right shift
ssx=store single indexed
ssxu=store single indexed with update
sub.s=subtract single
subx2=subtract with shift by 1
subx4=subtract with shift by 2
subx8=subtract with shift by 3
syscall=system call
trunc.s=truncate single to fixed
ueq.s=compare single unordered or equal
ufloat.s=convert unsigned fixed to single
ule.s=compare single unord or less than or equal
ult.s=compare single unordered or less than
un.s=compare single unordered
utrunc.s=truncate single to fixed unsigned
waiti=wait for interrupt
wdtlb=write data TLB entry
wer=write external register
wfr=move AR to FR
witlb=write instruction TLB entry
wsr=write special register
wur=write user register
xor=bitwise logical exclusive or
xorb=boolean exclusive or
xsr=exchange special register