pancake 7f5a84b57a Add new code analysis vars and update manpages
rasm2 defaults -o to 0 instead of 0x8048000
fixes in rarun2 to make it more userfriendly
update some manpages with examples
enhace output of 'afi' command
fix 'pi' bug setting blocksize
fix 'pdi' bug ignoring user defined len
add $C $J $X and $F $I code analysis variables
run r2irc.js in sandbox mode
2012-10-22 02:28:42 +02:00

55 lines
1.0 KiB

.Dd Oct 20, 2011
.Nm radiff2
.Nd unified binary diffing utility
.Nm radiff2
.Op Fl cCOdrspvh
.Op Fl t Ar 0-100
.Op Fl g Ar sym
.Ar file1
.Ar file2
radiff2 implements many binary diffing algorithms for data and code.
.Bl -tag -width Fl
.It Fl c
Count number of differences.
.It Fl C
Graphdiff code instead of data
.It Fl O
Do code diffing with all bytes instead of just the fixed opcode bytes
.It Fl t Ar 0-100
Choose matching threshold for binary code diffing
.It Fl d
Use delta diffing (slower).
.It Fl g Ar sym
Graph diff output of given symbol
.It Fl r
Output in radare commands as a binary patch.
.It Fl s
Calculate text distance from two files.
.It Fl p
Use physical addressing (io.va=0)
.It Fl v
Show version information.
.It Fl h
Show usage help message.
.Xr radare2(1) ,
.Xr rafind2(1) ,
.Xr rahash2(1) ,
.Xr rabin2(1) ,
.Xr rasm2(1) ,
.Xr ragg2(1) ,
.Xr rarun2(1) ,
.Xr rax2(1) ,
pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>,
nibble <nibble@develsec.org>