Khairul Azhar Kasmiran 95773cdc30 Fix #10420 - Enable anal.jmpmid and support overlapping bbs ##anal
* anal.jmpmid: Added proper overlapping bb support (inc. for loops)
* Fix for multi-byte nop sled test
* No else after return
* Use r_anal_bb_is_in_offset()
2018-11-02 18:30:14 +01:00

3130 lines
110 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2018 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
#define NODECB(w,x,y) r_config_set_cb (cfg,w,x,y)
#define NODEICB(w,x,y) r_config_set_i_cb (cfg,w,x,y)
#define SETDESC(x,y) r_config_node_desc (x,y)
#define SETOPTIONS(x, ...) set_options (x, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SETI(x,y,z) SETDESC (r_config_set_i (cfg,x,y), z)
#define SETICB(w,x,y,z) SETDESC (NODEICB (w,x,y), z)
#define SETPREF(x,y,z) SETDESC (r_config_set (cfg,x,y), z)
#define SETCB(w,x,y,z) SETDESC (NODECB (w,x,y), z)
static void set_options(RConfigNode *node, ...) {
va_list argp;
char *option = NULL;
va_start (argp, node);
option = va_arg (argp, char *);
while (option) {
r_list_append (node->options, option);
option = va_arg (argp, char *);
va_end (argp);
static bool isGdbPlugin(RCore *core) {
if (core->io && core->io->desc && core->io->desc->plugin) {
if (core->io->desc->plugin->name && !strcmp (core->io->desc->plugin->name, "gdb")) {
return true;
return false;
static void print_node_options(RConfigNode *node) {
RListIter *iter;
char *option;
r_list_foreach (node->options, iter, option) {
r_cons_printf ("%s\n", option);
/* TODO: use loop here */
static int compareName(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
return a && b && a->name && b->name && strcmp (a->name, b->name);
static int compareNameLen(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
return a && b && a->name && b->name && strlen (a->name) > strlen (b->name);
static int compareAddress(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
return a && b && a->addr && b->addr && a->addr > b->addr;
static int compareType(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
return a && b && a->diff->type && b->diff->type && a->diff->type > b->diff->type;
static int compareSize(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
// return a && b && a->_size < b->_size;
return a && b && r_anal_fcn_realsize (a) > r_anal_fcn_realsize (b);
static int compareDist(const RAnalFunction *a, const RAnalFunction *b) {
return a && b && a->diff->dist && b->diff->dist && a->diff->dist > b->diff->dist;
static int cb_diff_sort(void *_core, void *_node) {
RConfigNode *node = _node;
const char *column = node->value;
RCore *core = _core;
if (column && strcmp (column, "?")) {
if (!strcmp (column, "name")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareName;
} else if (!strcmp (column, "namelen")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareNameLen;
} else if (!strcmp (column, "addr")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareAddress;
} else if (!strcmp (column, "type")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareType;
} else if (!strcmp (column, "size")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareSize;
} else if (!strcmp (column, "dist")) {
core->anal->columnSort = (RListComparator)compareDist;
} else {
goto fail;
return true;
eprintf ("e diff.sort = [name, namelen, addr, type, size, dist]\n");
return false;
static const char *has_esil(RCore *core, const char *name) {
RListIter *iter;
RAnalPlugin *h;
if (!core || !core->anal || !name) {
return NULL;
RAnal *a = core->anal;
r_list_foreach (a->plugins, iter, h) {
if (!strcmp (name, h->name)) {
return h->esil? "Ae": "A_";
return "__";
// copypasta from binr/rasm2/rasm2.c
static void rasm2_list(RCore *core, const char *arch, int fmt) {
int i;
const char *feat2, *feat;
RAsm *a = core->assembler;
char bits[32];
RAsmPlugin *h;
RListIter *iter;
if (fmt == 'j') {
r_cons_print ("{");
r_list_foreach (a->plugins, iter, h) {
if (arch && *arch) {
if (h->cpus && !strcmp (arch, h->name)) {
char *c = strdup (h->cpus);
int n = r_str_split (c, ',');
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
r_cons_println (r_str_word_get0 (c, i));
free (c);
} else {
bits[0] = 0;
/* The underscore makes it easier to distinguish the
* columns */
if (h->bits & 8) {
strcat (bits, "_8");
if (h->bits & 16) {
strcat (bits, "_16");
if (h->bits & 32) {
strcat (bits, "_32");
if (h->bits & 64) {
strcat (bits, "_64");
if (!*bits) {
strcat (bits, "_0");
feat = "__";
if (h->assemble && h->disassemble) {
feat = "ad";
if (h->assemble && !h->disassemble) {
feat = "a_";
if (!h->assemble && h->disassemble) {
feat = "_d";
feat2 = has_esil (core, h->name);
if (fmt == 'q') {
r_cons_println (h->name);
} else if (fmt == 'j') {
const char *str_bits = "32, 64";
const char *license = "GPL";
r_cons_printf ("\"%s\":{\"bits\":[%s],\"license\":\"%s\",\"description\":\"%s\",\"features\":\"%s\"}%s",
h->name, str_bits, license, h->desc, feat, iter->n? ",": "");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s %-9s %-11s %-7s %s\n",
feat, feat2, bits, h->name,
h->license?h->license:"unknown", h->desc);
if (fmt == 'j') {
r_cons_print ("}\n");
static inline void __setsegoff(RConfig *cfg, const char *asmarch, int asmbits) {
int autoseg = (!strncmp (asmarch, "x86", 3) && asmbits == 16);
r_config_set (cfg, "asm.segoff", r_str_bool (autoseg));
static int cb_debug_hitinfo(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->hitinfo = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analarmthumb(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.armthumb = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analeobjmp(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.eobjmp = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analdepth(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.depth = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analafterjmp(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.afterjmp = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_endsize(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.endsize = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analvars(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.vars = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analstrings(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->i_value) {
r_config_set (core->config, "bin.strings", "false");
return true;
static int cb_analsleep(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->sleep = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analmaxrefs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->maxreflines = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analnopskip (void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.nopskip = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analhpskip (void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.hpskip = node->i_value;
return true;
/* obey section permissions */
static int cb_analnoncode(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.noncode = !!node->i_value;
return true;
static void update_analarch_options(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
RAnalPlugin *h;
RListIter *it;
if (core && core->anal && node) {
r_list_purge (node->options);
r_list_foreach (core->anal->plugins, it, h) {
SETOPTIONS (node, h->name, NULL);
static int cb_analarch(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
update_analarch_options (core, node);
print_node_options (node);
return false;
if (*node->value) {
if (r_anal_use (core->anal, node->value)) {
return true;
const char *aa = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch");
if (!aa || strcmp (aa, node->value)) {
eprintf ("anal.arch: cannot find '%s'\n", node->value);
} else {
r_config_set (core->config, "anal.arch", "null");
return true;
return false;
static int cb_analcpu(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_anal_set_cpu (core->anal, node->value);
/* set pcalign */
int v = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ANAL_ARCHINFO_ALIGN);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.pcalign", (v != -1)? v: 0);
return true;
static int cb_analrecont(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.recont = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_analijmp(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.ijmp = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_asmvarsubmin(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->parser->minval = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_asmtailsub(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->parser->tailsub = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrlast(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->context->lastEnabled = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrrainbow(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_RAINBOW;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_RAINBOW);
r_print_set_flags (core->print, core->print->flags);
return true;
static int cb_asmsecsub(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_SECSUB;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_SECSUB);
r_print_set_flags (core->print, core->print->flags);
return true;
static int cb_asmassembler(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_asm_use_assembler (core->assembler, node->value);
return true;
static void update_asmcpu_options(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
RAsmPlugin *h;
RListIter *iter;
if (!core || !core->assembler) {
const char *arch = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch");
if (!arch || !*arch) {
r_list_purge (node->options);
r_list_foreach (core->assembler->plugins, iter, h) {
if (h->cpus && !strcmp (arch, h->name)) {
char *c = strdup (h->cpus);
int i, n = r_str_split (c, ',');
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SETOPTIONS (node, r_str_word_get0 (c, i), NULL);
free (c);
static int cb_asmcpu(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
update_asmcpu_options (core, node);
/* print verbose help instead of plain option listing */
rasm2_list (core, r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch"), node->value[1]);
return 0;
r_asm_set_cpu (core->assembler, node->value);
r_config_set (core->config, "anal.cpu", node->value);
return true;
static void update_asmarch_options(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
RAsmPlugin *h;
RListIter *iter;
if (core && node && core->assembler) {
r_list_purge (node->options);
r_list_foreach (core->assembler->plugins, iter, h) {
SETOPTIONS (node, h->name, NULL);
static int cb_asmarch(void *user, void *data) {
char asmparser[32];
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
const char *asmos = NULL;
int bits = R_SYS_BITS;
if (!*node->value || !core || !core->assembler) {
return false;
asmos = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.os");
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->bits) {
bits = core->anal->bits;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
update_asmarch_options (core, node);
if (strlen (node->value) > 1 && node->value[1] == '?') {
/* print more verbose help instead of plain option values */
rasm2_list (core, NULL, node->value[1]);
return false;
} else {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
r_egg_setup (core->egg, node->value, bits, 0, R_SYS_OS);
if (!r_asm_use (core->assembler, node->value)) {
eprintf ("asm.arch: cannot find (%s)\n", node->value);
return false;
//we should strdup here otherwise will crash if any r_config_set
//free the old value
char *asm_cpu = strdup (r_config_get (core->config, "asm.cpu"));
if (core->assembler->cur) {
const char *newAsmCPU = core->assembler->cur->cpus;
if (newAsmCPU) {
if (*newAsmCPU) {
char *nac = strdup (newAsmCPU);
char *comma = strchr (nac, ',');
if (comma) {
*comma = 0;
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.cpu", nac);
free (nac);
} else {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.cpu", "");
bits = core->assembler->cur->bits;
if (8 & bits) {
bits = 8;
} else if (16 & bits) {
bits = 16;
} else if (32 & bits) {
bits = 32;
} else {
bits = 64;
snprintf (asmparser, sizeof (asmparser), "%s.pseudo", node->value);
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.parser", asmparser);
if (core->assembler->cur && core->anal &&
!(core->assembler->cur->bits & core->anal->bits)) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", bits);
//r_debug_set_arch (core->dbg, r_sys_arch_id (node->value), bits);
r_debug_set_arch (core->dbg, node->value, bits);
if (!r_config_set (core->config, "anal.arch", node->value)) {
char *p, *s = strdup (node->value);
if (s) {
p = strchr (s, '.');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
if (!r_config_set (core->config, "anal.arch", s)) {
/* fall back to the anal.null plugin */
r_config_set (core->config, "anal.arch", "null");
free (s);
// set pcalign
if (core->anal) {
const char *asmcpu = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.cpu");
if (!r_syscall_setup (core->anal->syscall, node->value, core->anal->bits, asmcpu, asmos)) {
//eprintf ("asm.arch: Cannot setup syscall '%s/%s' from '%s'\n",
// node->value, asmos, R2_LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/syscall");
//if (!strcmp (node->value, "bf"))
// r_config_set (core->config, "dbg.backend", "bf");
__setsegoff (core->config, node->value, core->assembler->bits);
// set a default endianness
int bigbin = r_bin_is_big_endian (core->bin);
if (bigbin == -1 /* error: no endianness detected in binary */) {
bigbin = r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.bigendian");
// try to set endian of RAsm to match binary
r_asm_set_big_endian (core->assembler, bigbin);
// set endian of display to match binary
core->print->big_endian = bigbin;
r_asm_set_cpu (core->assembler, asm_cpu);
free (asm_cpu);
RConfigNode *asmcpu = r_config_node_get (core->config, "asm.cpu");
if (asmcpu) {
update_asmcpu_options (core, asmcpu);
int v = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ANAL_ARCHINFO_ALIGN);
if (v != -1) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.pcalign", v);
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.pcalign", 0);
/* reload types and cc info */
// changing asm.arch changes anal.arch
// changing anal.arch sets types db
// so ressetting is redundant and may lead to bugs
// 1 case this is usefull is when sdb_types is null
if (!core->anal || !core->anal->sdb_types) {
r_core_anal_type_init (core);
r_core_anal_cc_init (core);
return true;
static int cb_dbgbpsize(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->bpsize = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_dbgbtdepth(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->btdepth = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_asmbits(void *user, void *data) {
const char *asmos, *asmarch, *asmcpu;
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
int ret = 0, bits;
if (!core) {
eprintf ("user can't be NULL\n");
return false;
bits = node->i_value;
#if 0
// TODO: pretty good optimization, but breaks many tests when arch is different i think
if (bits == core->assembler->bits && bits == core->anal->bits && bits == core->dbg->bits) {
// early optimization
return true;
if (bits > 0) {
ret = r_asm_set_bits (core->assembler, bits);
if (!ret) {
RAsmPlugin *h = core->assembler->cur;
if (!h) {
eprintf ("e asm.bits: Cannot set value, no plugins defined yet\n");
ret = true;
// else { eprintf ("Cannot set bits %d to '%s'\n", bits, h->name); }
if (!r_anal_set_bits (core->anal, bits)) {
eprintf ("asm.arch: Cannot setup '%d' bits analysis engine\n", bits);
core->print->bits = bits;
if (core->dbg && core->anal && core->anal->cur) {
r_debug_set_arch (core->dbg, core->anal->cur->arch, bits);
bool load_from_debug = r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug");
if (load_from_debug) {
if (core->dbg->h && core->dbg->h->reg_profile) {
// XXX. that should depend on the plugin, not the host os
#if __WINDOWS__
#if !defined(__MINGW64__) && !defined(_WIN64)
core->dbg->bits = R_SYS_BITS_32;
core->dbg->bits = R_SYS_BITS_64;
char *rp = core->dbg->h->reg_profile (core->dbg);
r_reg_set_profile_string (core->dbg->reg, rp);
r_reg_set_profile_string (core->anal->reg, rp);
free (rp);
} else {
(void)r_anal_set_reg_profile (core->anal);
asmos = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.os");
asmarch = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch");
asmcpu = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.cpu");
if (core->anal) {
if (!r_syscall_setup (core->anal->syscall, asmarch, bits, asmcpu, asmos)) {
//eprintf ("asm.arch: Cannot setup syscall '%s/%s' from '%s'\n",
// node->value, asmos, R2_LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/syscall");
__setsegoff (core->config, asmarch, core->anal->bits);
if (core->dbg) {
r_bp_use (core->dbg->bp, asmarch, core->anal->bits);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "dbg.bpsize", r_bp_size (core->dbg->bp));
/* set pcalign */
int v = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ANAL_ARCHINFO_ALIGN);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.pcalign", (v != -1)? v: 0);
return ret;
static void update_asmfeatures_options(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
int i, argc;
char *features;
if (core && core->assembler && core->assembler->cur) {
if (core->assembler->cur->features) {
features = strdup (core->assembler->cur->features);
argc = r_str_split (features, ',');
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
node->options->free = free;
const char *feature = r_str_word_get0 (features, i);
r_list_append (node->options, strdup (feature));
free (features);
static int cb_flag_realnames(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->flags->realnames = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_asmfeatures(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
update_asmfeatures_options (core, node);
print_node_options (node);
return 0;
free (core->assembler->features);
core->assembler->features = NULL;
if (node->value[0]) {
core->assembler->features = strdup (node->value);
return 1;
static int cb_asmlineswidth(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->anal->lineswidth = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_emustr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.emu", "true");
return true;
static int cb_emuskip(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
if (strlen (node->value) > 1 && node->value[1] == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("Concatenation of meta types encoded as characters:\n" \
"'d': data\n'c': code\n's': string\n'f': format\n'm': magic\n" \
"'h': hide\n'C': comment\n'r': run\n" \
"(default is 'ds' to skip data and strings)\n");
} else {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
return true;
static int cb_asm_armimm(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->assembler->immdisp = node->i_value ? true : false;
return true;
static int cb_asm_invhex(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->assembler->invhex = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_asm_pcalign(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
int align = node->i_value;
if (align < 0) {
align = 0;
core->assembler->pcalign = align;
core->anal->pcalign = align;
return true;
static int cb_asmos(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
int asmbits = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bits");
RConfigNode *asmarch, *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return 0;
if (!node->value[0]) {
free (node->value);
node->value = strdup (R_SYS_OS);
asmarch = r_config_node_get (core->config, "asm.arch");
if (asmarch) {
const char *asmcpu = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.cpu");
r_syscall_setup (core->anal->syscall, asmarch->value, core->anal->bits, asmcpu, node->value);
__setsegoff (core->config, asmarch->value, asmbits);
r_anal_set_os (core->anal, node->value);
return true;
static int cb_asmparser(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
return r_parse_use (core->parser, node->value);
static int cb_asmstrenc (void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
r_cons_printf (" -- if string's 2nd & 4th bytes are 0 then utf16le else "
"if 2nd - 4th & 6th bytes are 0 & no char > 0x10ffff then utf32le else "
"if utf8 char detected then utf8 else latin1\n");
return false;
return true;
static int cb_binfilter(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->bin->filter = node->i_value;
return true;
/* BinDemangleCmd */
static int cb_bdc(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->bin->demanglercmd = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_useldr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->bin->use_ldr = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_usextr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->bin->use_xtr = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_strpurge(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
r_cons_printf (
"There can be multiple entries separated by commas. No whitespace before/after entries.\n"
"Possible entries:\n"
" all : purge all strings\n"
" true : use the false_positive() classifier in cbin.c\n"
" addr : purge string at addr\n"
" addr1-addr2 : purge all strings in the range addr1-addr2 inclusive\n"
" !addr : prevent purge of string at addr by prev entries\n"
" !addr1-addr2 : prevent purge of strings in range addr1-addr2 inclusive by prev entries\n"
"Neither !true nor !false is supported.\n"
" e bin.strpurge=true,0-0xff,!0x1a\n"
" -- purge strings using the false_positive() classifier in cbin.c and also strings \n"
" with addresses in the range 0-0xff, but not the string at 0x1a.\n"
" e bin.strpurge=all,!0x1000-0x1fff\n"
" -- purge all strings except the strings with addresses in the range 0x1000-0x1fff.\n");
return false;
free (core->bin->strpurge);
core->bin->strpurge = !*node->value || !strcmp (node->value, "false")
? NULL : strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_midflags (void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
return true;
static int cb_strfilter(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
if (strlen (node->value) > 1 && node->value[1] == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("Valid values for bin.strfilter:\n"
"a only alphanumeric printable\n"
"8 only strings with utf8 chars\n"
"p file/directory paths\n"
"e email-like addresses\n"
"u urls\n"
"i IPv4 address-like strings\n"
"U only uppercase strings\n"
"f format-strings\n");
} else {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
} else {
core->bin->strfilter = node->value[0];
return true;
static int cb_binforce(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
r_bin_force_plugin (core->bin, node->value);
return true;
static int cb_asmsyntax(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
} else {
int syntax = r_asm_syntax_from_string (node->value);
if (syntax == -1) {
return false;
r_asm_set_syntax (core->assembler, syntax);
return true;
static int cb_dirzigns(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
free (core->anal->zign_path);
core->anal->zign_path = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_bigendian(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
// Try to set endian based on preference, restrict by RAsmPlugin
bool isbig = r_asm_set_big_endian (core->assembler, node->i_value);
// Set anal endianness the same as asm
r_anal_set_big_endian (core->anal, isbig);
// the big endian should also be assigned to dbg->bp->endian
if (core->dbg && core->dbg->bp) {
core->dbg->bp->endian = isbig;
// Set printing endian to user's choice
core->print->big_endian = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_cfgdatefmt(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
snprintf (core->print->datefmt, 32, "%s", node->value);
return true;
static int cb_timezone(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->print->datezone = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_cfgcorelog(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cfglog = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_cfgdebug(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (!core) {
return false;
if (core->io) {
core->io->va = !node->i_value;
core->io->debug = node->i_value;
if (core->dbg && node->i_value) {
const char *dbgbackend = r_config_get (core->config, "dbg.backend");
core->bin->is_debugger = true;
r_debug_use (core->dbg, dbgbackend);
if (!strcmp (r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.prompt"), "")) {
r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.prompt", ".dr*");
if (!strcmp (dbgbackend, "bf")) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.arch", "bf");
if (core->file) {
r_debug_select (core->dbg, r_io_fd_get_pid (core->io, core->file->fd),
r_io_fd_get_tid (core->io, core->file->fd));
} else {
r_debug_use (core->dbg, NULL);
core->bin->is_debugger = false;
return true;
static int cb_dirsrc(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
free (core->bin->srcdir);
core->bin->srcdir = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cfgsanbox(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
int ret = r_sandbox_enable (node->i_value);
if (node->i_value != ret) {
eprintf ("Cannot disable sandbox\n");
return (!node->i_value && ret)? 0: 1;
static int cb_str_escbslash(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->print->esc_bslash = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_cfg_fortunes(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
// TODO CN_BOOL option does not receive the right hand side of assignment as an argument
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
r_core_fortune_list (core);
return false;
return true;
static int cb_cfg_fortunes_type(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
r_core_fortune_list_types ();
return false;
return true;
static int cb_cmdpdc(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("pdc\n");
return false;
return true;
static int cb_cmdlog(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
R_FREE (core->cmdlog);
core->cmdlog = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cmdrepeat(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cmdrepeat = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrnull(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cons->null = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_color(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_COLOR;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_COLOR);
if (!strcmp (node->value, "true")) {
node->i_value = 1;
} else if (!strcmp (node->value, "false")) {
node->i_value = 0;
r_cons_singleton ()->color = (node->i_value > COLOR_MODE_16M)
? COLOR_MODE_16M: node->i_value;
r_cons_pal_update_event ();
r_print_set_flags (core->print, core->print->flags);
return true;
static int cb_decoff(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_ADDRDEC;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_ADDRDEC);
r_print_set_flags (core->print, core->print->flags);
return true;
static int cb_dbgbep(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
return true;
static int cb_dbg_btalgo(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
free (core->dbg->btalgo);
core->dbg->btalgo = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_libs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
free (core->dbg->glob_libs);
core->dbg->glob_libs = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_unlibs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
free (core->dbg->glob_unlibs);
core->dbg->glob_unlibs = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_forks(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->trace_forks = node->i_value;
if (core->io->debug) {
r_debug_attach (core->dbg, core->dbg->pid);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_gdb_page_size(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->i_value < 64) { // 64 is hardcoded min packet size
return false;
if (isGdbPlugin (core)) {
char cmd[64];
snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "page_size %"PFMT64d, node->i_value);
free (r_io_system (core->io, cmd));
return true;
static int cb_dbg_gdb_retries(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->i_value <= 0) {
return false;
if (isGdbPlugin (core)) {
char cmd[64];
snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "retries %"PFMT64d, node->i_value);
free (r_io_system (core->io, cmd));
return true;
static int cb_dbg_execs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->trace_execs = node->i_value;
if (core->io->debug) {
r_debug_attach (core->dbg, core->dbg->pid);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_clone(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->trace_clone = node->i_value;
if (core->io->debug) {
r_debug_attach (core->dbg, core->dbg->pid);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_follow_child(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->follow_child = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_dbg_aftersc(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->dbg->trace_aftersyscall = node->i_value;
if (core->io->debug) {
r_debug_attach (core->dbg, core->dbg->pid);
return true;
static int cb_runprofile(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *r = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
free ((void*)r->io->runprofile);
if (!node || !*(node->value)) {
r->io->runprofile = NULL;
} else {
r->io->runprofile = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_dbg_args(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (!node || !*(node->value)) {
core->io->args = NULL;
} else {
core->io->args = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_dbgstatus(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *r = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (r_config_get_i (r->config, "cfg.debug")) {
if (node->i_value) {
r_config_set (r->config, "cmd.prompt",
".dr*; drd; sr PC;pi 1;s-");
} else {
r_config_set (r->config, "cmd.prompt", ".dr*");
return true;
static int cb_dbgbackend(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "?")) {
r_debug_plugin_list (core->dbg, 'q');
return false;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "bf")) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.arch", "bf");
r_debug_use (core->dbg, node->value);
return true;
static int cb_gotolimit(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
eprintf ("Cannot change gotolimit\n");
return false;
if (core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil_goto_limit = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_esilverbose (void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->verbose = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_esilstackdepth (void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->i_value < 3) {
eprintf ("esil.stack.depth must be greater than 2\n");
node->i_value = 32;
return true;
static int cb_fixrows(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->fix_rows = (int)node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_fixcolumns(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->fix_columns = atoi (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_rows(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->force_rows = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_hexcompact(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_COMPACT;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_COMPACT);
return true;
static int cb_hexpairs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->print->pairs = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_hexcomments(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_COMMENT;
} else {
core->print->flags &= ~R_PRINT_FLAGS_COMMENT;
return true;
static int cb_iopcache(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if ((bool)node->i_value) {
if (core) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache.read", true);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache.write", true);
} else {
if (core && core->io) {
r_io_desc_cache_fini_all (core->io);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache.read", false);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache.write", false);
return true;
static int cb_iopcacheread(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if ((bool)node->i_value) {
if (core && core->io) {
core->io->p_cache |= 1;
} else {
if (core && core->io && core->io->p_cache) {
core->io->p_cache &= 2;
if (!(core->io->p_cache & 2)) {
r_io_desc_cache_fini_all (core->io);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache", false);
return true;
static int cb_iopcachewrite(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if ((bool)node->i_value) {
if (core && core->io) {
core->io->p_cache |= 2;
} else {
if (core && core->io && core->io->p_cache) {
core->io->p_cache &= 1;
if (!(core->io->p_cache & 1)) {
r_io_desc_cache_fini_all (core->io);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.pcache", false);
return true;
R_API bool r_core_esil_cmd(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *cmd, ut64 a1, ut64 a2) {
if (cmd && *cmd) {
RCore *core = esil->anal->user;
r_core_cmdf (core, "%s %"PFMT64d" %" PFMT64d, cmd, a1, a2);
return true;
return false;
static int cb_cmd_esil_ioer(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
free (core->anal->esil->cmd_ioer);
core->anal->esil->cmd_ioer = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cmd_esil_todo(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
free (core->anal->esil->cmd_todo);
core->anal->esil->cmd_todo = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cmd_esil_intr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
free (core->anal->esil->cmd_intr);
core->anal->esil->cmd_intr = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_mdevrange(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
free (core->anal->esil->mdev_range);
core->anal->esil->mdev_range = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cmd_esil_mdev(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
free (core->anal->esil->cmd_mdev);
core->anal->esil->cmd_mdev = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_cmd_esil_trap(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core && core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->cmd = r_core_esil_cmd;
core->anal->esil->cmd_trap = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_fsview(void *user, void *data) {
int type = R_FS_VIEW_NORMAL;
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "all")) {
type = R_FS_VIEW_ALL;
if (!strstr (node->value, "del")) {
if (!strstr (node->value, "spe")) {
r_fs_view (core->fs, type);
return true;
static int cb_cmddepth(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
int c = R_MAX (((RConfigNode*)data)->i_value, 0);
core->max_cmd_depth = c;
core->cmd_depth = c;
return true;
static int cb_hexcols(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
int c = R_MIN (1024, R_MAX (((RConfigNode*)data)->i_value, 0));
if (c < 0) {
c = 0;
core->print->cols = c & ~1;
core->dbg->regcols = c/4;
return true;
static int cb_hexstride(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
((RCore *)user)->print->stride = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_search_kwidx(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->search->n_kws = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_io_cache_mode(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->io->cachemode = true;
} else {
core->io->cachemode = false;
return true;
static int cb_io_cache_read(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->io->cached |= R_PERM_R;
} else {
core->io->cached &= ~R_PERM_R;
return true;
static int cb_io_cache_write(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->io->cached |= R_PERM_W;
} else {
core->io->cached &= ~R_PERM_W;
return true;
static int cb_io_cache(void *user, void *data) {
(void)cb_io_cache_read (user, data);
(void)cb_io_cache_write (user, data);
return true;
static int cb_ioaslr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value != core->io->aslr) {
core->io->aslr = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_io_pava(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->pava = node->i_value;
if (node->i_value && core->io->va) {
eprintf ("WARNING: You may probably want to disable io.va too\n");
return true;
static int cb_iova(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value != core->io->va) {
core->io->va = node->i_value;
/* ugly fix for r2 -d ... "r2 is going to die soon ..." */
if (core->io->desc) {
r_core_block_read (core);
#if 0
/* reload symbol information */
if (r_list_length (r_bin_get_sections (core->bin)) > 0) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, ".ia*");
return true;
static int cb_ioff(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->io->ff = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_io_oxff(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->io->Oxff = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_filepath(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
char *pikaboo = strstr (node->value, "://");
if (pikaboo) {
if (pikaboo[3] == '/') {
r_config_set (core->config, "file.lastpath", node->value);
char *ovalue = node->value;
node->value = strdup (pikaboo + 3);
free (ovalue);
return true;
return false;
r_config_set (core->config, "file.lastpath", node->value);
return true;
static int cb_ioautofd(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->io->autofd = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scr_color_grep(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
/* Let cons know we have a new pager. */
core->cons->grep_color = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_pager(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "?")) {
eprintf ("Usage: scr.pager must be '..' for internal less, or the path to a program in $PATH");
return false;
/* Let cons know we have a new pager. */
free (core->cons->pager);
core->cons->pager = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_breaklines(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->break_lines = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_fps(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->fps = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrbreakword(void* user, void* data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value) {
r_cons_breakword (node->value);
} else {
r_cons_breakword (NULL);
return true;
static int cb_scrcolumns(void* user, void* data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
int n = atoi (node->value);
core->cons->force_columns = n;
core->dbg->regcols = n / 20;
return true;
static int cb_scrfgets(void* user, void* data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->cons->user_fgets = node->i_value
? NULL : (void *)r_core_fgets;
return true;
static int cb_scrhtml(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->is_html = node->i_value;
// TODO: control error and restore old value (return false?) show errormsg?
return true;
static int cb_scrhighlight(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_highlight (node->value);
return true;
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
static int scr_ansicon(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->ansicon = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_screcho(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->echo = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrlinesleep(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->linesleep = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrpagesize(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->pagesize= node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrflush(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->flush = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrstrconv(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
if (strlen (node->value) > 1 && node->value[1] == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("Valid values for scr.strconv:\n"
" asciiesc convert to ascii with non-ascii chars escaped\n"
" asciidot convert to ascii with non-ascii chars turned into a dot (except control chars stated below)\n"
"Ascii chars are in the range 0x20-0x7e. Always escaped control chars are alert (\\a),\n"
"backspace (\\b), formfeed (\\f), newline (\\n), carriage return (\\r), horizontal tab (\\t)\n"
"and vertical tab (\\v). Also, double quotes (\\\") are always escaped, but backslashes (\\\\)\n"
"are only escaped if str.escbslash = true.\n");
} else {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
} else {
free ((char *)core->print->strconv_mode);
core->print->strconv_mode = strdup (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_graphformat(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "?")) {
r_cons_printf ("png\njpg\npdf\nps\nsvg\njson\n");
return false;
return true;
static int cb_exectrap(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
if (core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->exectrap = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_iotrap(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
if (core->anal && core->anal->esil) {
core->anal->esil->iotrap = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrint(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value && r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
return false;
r_cons_singleton ()->is_interactive = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrnkey(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (!strcmp (node->value, "help") || *node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
return true;
static int cb_scrprompt(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->print->scr_prompt = node->i_value;
r_line_singleton()->echo = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_scrrows(void* user, void* data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
int n = atoi (node->value);
((RCore *)user)->cons->force_rows = n;
return true;
static int cb_contiguous(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->search->contiguous = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_searchalign(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->search->align = node->i_value;
core->print->addrmod = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_segoff(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_SEGOFF;
} else {
core->print->flags &= (((ut32)-1) & (~R_PRINT_FLAGS_SEGOFF));
return true;
static int cb_seggrn(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->assembler->seggrn = node->i_value;
core->anal->seggrn = node->i_value;
core->print->seggrn = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_stopthreads(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->stop_all_threads = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_swstep(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->swstep = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_consbreak(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->consbreak = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_teefile(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
r_cons_singleton ()->teefile = node->value;
return true;
static int cb_trace(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->trace->enabled = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_tracetag(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->dbg->trace->tag = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_utf8(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cons->use_utf8 = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_utf8_curvy(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cons->use_utf8_curvy = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_dotted(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->cons->dotted_lines = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_zoombyte(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
switch (*node->value) {
case 'p': case 'f': case 's': case '0':
case 'F': case 'e': case 'h':
core->print->zoom->mode = *node->value;
eprintf ("Invalid zoom.byte value. See pz? for help\n");
r_cons_printf ("pzp\npzf\npzs\npz0\npzF\npze\npzh\n");
return false;
return true;
static int cb_binverbose(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->bin->verbose = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_rawstr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->bin->rawstr = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_debase64(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
core->bin->debase64 = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_binstrings(void *user, void *data) {
const ut32 req = R_BIN_REQ_STRINGS;
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (node->i_value) {
core->bin->filter_rules |= req;
} else {
core->bin->filter_rules &= ~req;
return true;
static int cb_bindbginfo(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (!core || !core->bin) {
return false;
core->bin->want_dbginfo = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_binprefix(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (!core || !core->bin) {
return false;
if (node->value && *node->value) {
if (!strcmp (node->value, "auto")) {
if (!core->bin->file) {
return false;
char *name = (char *)r_file_basename (core->bin->file);
if (name) {
r_name_filter (name, strlen (name));
r_str_filter (name, strlen (name));
core->bin->prefix = strdup (name);
free (name);
} else {
core->bin->prefix = node->value;
return true;
static int cb_binmaxstrbuf(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core->bin) {
int v = node->i_value;
ut64 old_v = core->bin->maxstrbuf;
if (v < 1) {
v = 4; // HACK
core->bin->maxstrbuf = v;
if (v>old_v) {
r_core_bin_refresh_strings (core);
return true;
return true;
static int cb_binmaxstr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core->bin) {
int v = node->i_value;
if (v < 1) {
v = 4; // HACK
core->bin->maxstrlen = v;
// TODO: Do not refresh if nothing changed (minstrlen ?)
r_core_bin_refresh_strings (core);
return true;
return true;
static int cb_binminstr(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore *) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *) data;
if (core->bin) {
int v = node->i_value;
if (v < 1) {
v = 4; // HACK
core->bin->minstrlen = v;
// TODO: Do not refresh if nothing changed (minstrlen ?)
r_core_bin_refresh_strings (core);
return true;
return true;
static int cb_searchin(void *user, void *data) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->value[0] == '?') {
if (strlen (node->value) > 1 && node->value[1] == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("Valid values for search.in (depends on .from/.to and io.va):\n"
"raw search in raw io (ignoring bounds)\n"
"block search in the current block\n"
"io.map search in current map\n"
"io.maps search in all maps\n"
"io.maps.[rwx] search in all r-w-x io maps\n"
// "io.section search in current mapped section\n"
// "io.sections search in all mapped sections\n"
// "io.sections.[rwx] search in all r-w-x sections\n"
"bin.section search in current mapped section\n"
"bin.sections search in all mapped sections\n"
"bin.sections.[rwx] search in all r-w-x sections\n"
"dbg.stack search in the stack\n"
"dbg.heap search in the heap\n"
"dbg.map search in current memory map\n"
"dbg.maps search in all memory maps\n"
"dbg.maps.[rwx] search in all executable marked memory maps\n"
"anal.fcn search in the current function\n"
"anal.bb search in the current basic-block\n");
} else {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
return true;
static int __dbg_swstep_getter(void *user, RConfigNode *node) {
RCore *core = (RCore*)user;
node->i_value = core->dbg->swstep;
return true;
static int cb_dirpfx(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
r_sys_prefix (node->value);
return true;
static int cb_anal_gp(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
core->anal->gp = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_from(RCore *core, RConfigNode *node) {
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.limits")) {
r_anal_set_limits (core->anal,
r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.from"),
r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.to"));
return true;
static int cb_anal_limits(void *user, RConfigNode *node) {
RCore *core = (RCore*)user;
if (node->i_value) {
r_anal_set_limits (core->anal,
r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.from"),
r_config_get_i (core->config, "anal.to"));
} else {
r_anal_unset_limits (core->anal);
return 1;
static int cb_anal_rnr(void *user, RConfigNode *node) {
RCore *core = (RCore*)user;
core->anal->recursive_noreturn = node->i_value;
return 1;
static int cb_anal_jmptbl(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.jmptbl = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_cjmpref(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.cjmpref = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_jmpref(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.jmpref = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_jmpabove(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.jmpabove = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_followdatarefs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.followdatarefs = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_jmpmid(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.jmpmid = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_searchstringrefs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.searchstringrefs = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_pushret(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.pushret = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_brokenrefs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.followbrokenfcnsrefs = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_bb_max_size(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->anal->opt.bb_max_size = node->i_value;
return true;
static int cb_anal_cpp_abi(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (*node->value == '?') {
print_node_options (node);
return false;
if (*node->value) {
if (strcmp (node->value, "itanium") == 0) {
core->anal->cpp_abi = R_ANAL_CPP_ABI_ITANIUM;
return true;
} else if (strcmp (node->value, "msvc") == 0) {
core->anal->cpp_abi = R_ANAL_CPP_ABI_MSVC;
return true;
eprintf ("anal.cpp.abi: cannot find '%s'\n", node->value);
return false;
static int cb_linesto(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
ut64 from = (ut64)r_config_get_i (core->config, "lines.from");
int io_sz = r_io_size (core->io);
ut64 to = r_num_math (core->num, node->value);
if (to == 0) {
core->print->lines_cache_sz = -1; //r_core_lines_initcache (core, from, to);
return false;
if (to > from+io_sz) {
eprintf ("ERROR: \"lines.to\" can't exceed addr 0x%08"PFMT64x
" 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d\n", from, to, io_sz);
return true;
if (to > from) {
core->print->lines_cache_sz = r_core_lines_initcache (core, from, to);
//if (core->print->lines_cache_sz == -1) { eprintf ("ERROR: Can't allocate memory\n"); }
} else {
eprintf ("Invalid range 0x%08"PFMT64x" .. 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", from, to);
return true;
static int cb_linesabs(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
core->print->lines_abs = node->i_value;
if (core->print->lines_abs && core->print->lines_cache_sz <= 0) {
ut64 from = (ut64)r_config_get_i (core->config, "lines.from");
ut64 to = (ut64)r_config_get_i (core->config, "lines.to");
core->print->lines_cache_sz = r_core_lines_initcache (core, from, to);
if (core->print->lines_cache_sz == -1) {
eprintf ("ERROR: \"lines.from\" and \"lines.to\" must be set\n");
} else {
eprintf ("Found %d lines\n", core->print->lines_cache_sz-1);
return true;
static int cb_malloc(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->value) {
if (!strcmp ("jemalloc", node->value) || !strcmp ("glibc", node->value)) {
if (core->dbg) {
core->dbg->malloc = data;
return true;
static int cb_dbgsnap(void *user, void *data) {
RCore *core = (RCore*) user;
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode*) data;
if (node->value){
r_debug_session_path (core->dbg, node->value);
return true;
static int cb_log_config_level(void *coreptr, void *nodeptr) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)nodeptr;
const char *value = node->value;
char *bad_data = NULL;
long int ival = strtol (value, &bad_data, 10);
if (*bad_data) {
return false;
r_log_set_level (ival);
return true;
static int cb_log_config_traplevel(void *coreptr, void *nodeptr) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)nodeptr;
const char *value = node->value;
char *bad_data = NULL;
long int ival = strtol (value, &bad_data, 10);
if (*bad_data) {
return false;
r_log_set_traplevel (ival);
return true;
static int cb_log_config_file(void *coreptr, void *nodeptr) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)nodeptr;
const char *value = node->value;
r_log_set_file (value);
return true;
static int cb_log_config_srcinfo(void *coreptr, void *nodeptr) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)nodeptr;
const char *value = node->value;
switch (value[0]) {
case 't':
case 'T':
r_log_set_srcinfo (true);
r_log_set_srcinfo (false);
return true;
static int cb_log_config_colors(void *coreptr, void *nodeptr) {
RConfigNode *node = (RConfigNode *)nodeptr;
const char *value = node->value;
switch (value[0]) {
case 't':
case 'T':
r_log_set_colors (true);
r_log_set_colors (false);
return true;
#define SLURP_LIMIT (10*1024*1024)
R_API int r_core_config_init(RCore *core) {
int i;
char buf[128], *p, *tmpdir;
RConfigNode *n;
RConfig *cfg = core->config = r_config_new (core);
if (!cfg) {
return 0;
cfg->cb_printf = r_cons_printf;
cfg->num = core->num;
/* dir.prefix is used in other modules, set it first */
char *pfx = r_sys_getenv("R2_PREFIX");
#if __WINDOWS__
char invoke_dir[MAX_PATH];
if (!pfx && r_sys_get_src_dir_w32 (invoke_dir)) {
pfx = strdup (invoke_dir);
if (!pfx) {
pfx = strdup (R2_PREFIX);
SETCB ("dir.prefix", pfx, (RConfigCallback)&cb_dirpfx, "Default prefix r2 was compiled for");
free (pfx);
/* pdb */
SETPREF ("pdb.useragent", "Microsoft-Symbol-Server/6.11.0001.402", "User agent for Microsoft symbol server");
SETPREF ("pdb.server", "https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols", "Base URL for Microsoft symbol server");
char *pdb_path = r_str_home(R2_HOME_PDB);
SETPREF("pdb.symstore", pdb_path, "Path to downstream symbol store");
SETI ("pdb.extract", 1, "Avoid extract of the pdb file, just download");
SETI ("pdb.autoload", false, "Automatically load the required pdb files for loaded DLLs");
/* anal */
SETPREF ("anal.fcnprefix", "fcn", "Prefix new function names with this");
SETPREF ("anal.a2f", "false", "Use the new WIP analysis algorithm (core/p/a2f), anal.depth ignored atm");
SETICB ("anal.gp", 0, (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_gp, "Set the value of the GP register (MIPS)");
SETI ("anal.gp2", 0, "Set anal.gp before emulating each instruction (workaround)");
SETCB ("anal.limits", "false", (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_limits, "Restrict analysis to address range [anal.from:anal.to]");
SETCB ("anal.rnr", "false", (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_rnr, "Recursive no return checks (EXPERIMENTAL)");
SETCB ("anal.limits", "false", (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_limits, "Restrict analysis to address range [anal.from:anal.to]");
SETICB ("anal.from", -1, (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_from, "Lower limit on the address range for analysis");
SETICB ("anal.to", -1, (RConfigCallback)&cb_anal_from, "Upper limit on the address range for analysis");
n = NODECB ("anal.in", "io.maps", &cb_searchin);
SETDESC (n, "Specify search boundaries for analysis");
SETOPTIONS (n, "raw", "block",
"bin.section", "bin.sections", "bin.sections.rwx", "bin.sections.r", "bin.sections.rw", "bin.sections.rx", "bin.sections.wx", "bin.sections.x",
"io.map", "io.maps", "io.maps.rwx", "io.maps.r", "io.maps.rw", "io.maps.rx", "io.maps.wx", "io.maps.x",
"dbg.stack", "dbg.heap",
"dbg.map", "dbg.maps", "dbg.maps.rwx", "dbg.maps.r", "dbg.maps.rw", "dbg.maps.rx", "dbg.maps.wx", "dbg.maps.x",
"anal.fcn", "anal.bb",
SETI ("anal.timeout", 0, "Stop analyzing after a couple of seconds");
SETCB ("anal.armthumb", "false", &cb_analarmthumb, "aae computes arm/thumb changes (lot of false positives ahead)");
SETCB ("anal.eobjmp", "false", &cb_analeobjmp, "jmp is end of block mode (option)");
SETCB ("anal.afterjmp", "true", &cb_analafterjmp, "Continue analysis after jmp/ujmp");
SETCB ("anal.endsize", "true", &cb_anal_endsize, "Adjust function size at the end of the analysis (known to be buggy)");
SETICB ("anal.depth", 64, &cb_analdepth, "Max depth at code analysis"); // XXX: warn if depth is > 50 .. can be problematic
SETICB ("anal.sleep", 0, &cb_analsleep, "Sleep N usecs every so often during analysis. Avoid 100% CPU usage");
SETPREF ("anal.calls", "false", "Make basic af analysis walk into calls");
SETPREF ("anal.autoname", "true", "Automatically set a name for the functions, may result in some false positives");
SETPREF ("anal.hasnext", "false", "Continue analysis after each function");
SETPREF ("anal.esil", "false", "Use the new ESIL code analysis");
SETCB ("anal.strings", "false", &cb_analstrings, "Identify and register strings during analysis (aar only)");
SETPREF ("anal.types.spec", "gcc", "Set profile for specifying format chars used in type analysis");
SETPREF ("anal.types.verbose", "false", "Verbose output from type analysis");
SETPREF ("anal.types.constraint", "false", "Enable constraint types analysis for variables");
SETCB ("anal.vars", "true", &cb_analvars, "Analyze local variables and arguments");
SETPREF ("anal.vinfun", "true", "Search values in functions (aav) (false by default to only find on non-code)");
SETPREF ("anal.vinfunrange", "false", "Search values outside function ranges (requires anal.vinfun=false)\n");
SETCB ("anal.nopskip", "true", &cb_analnopskip, "Skip nops at the beginning of functions");
SETCB ("anal.hpskip", "false", &cb_analhpskip, "Skip `mov reg, reg` and `lea reg, [reg] at the beginning of functions");
SETCB ("anal.noncode", "false", &cb_analnoncode, "Analyze data as code");
n = NODECB ("anal.arch", R_SYS_ARCH, &cb_analarch);
SETDESC (n, "Select the architecture to use");
update_analarch_options (core, n);
SETCB ("anal.cpu", R_SYS_ARCH, &cb_analcpu, "Specify the anal.cpu to use");
SETPREF ("anal.prelude", "", "Specify an hexpair to find preludes in code");
SETCB ("anal.recont", "false", &cb_analrecont, "End block after splitting a basic block instead of error"); // testing
SETCB ("anal.ijmp", "false", &cb_analijmp, "Follow the indirect jumps in function analysis"); // testing
SETI ("anal.ptrdepth", 3, "Maximum number of nested pointers to follow in analysis");
SETICB ("anal.maxreflines", 0, &cb_analmaxrefs, "Maximum number of reflines to be analyzed and displayed in asm.lines with pd");
SETCB ("anal.jmptbl", "true", &cb_anal_jmptbl, "Analyze jump tables in switch statements");
SETCB ("anal.cjmpref", "false", &cb_anal_cjmpref, "Create references for conditional jumps");
SETCB ("anal.jmpref", "true", &cb_anal_jmpref, "Create references for unconditional jumps");
SETCB ("anal.jmpabove", "true", &cb_anal_jmpabove, "Jump above function pointer");
SETCB ("anal.datarefs", "false", &cb_anal_followdatarefs, "Follow data references for code coverage");
SETCB ("anal.brokenrefs", "false", &cb_anal_brokenrefs, "Follow function references as well if function analysis was failed");
SETCB ("anal.jmpmid", "true", &cb_anal_jmpmid, "Continue analysis after jump to middle of instruction (x86 only)");
SETCB ("anal.refstr", "false", &cb_anal_searchstringrefs, "Search string references in data references");
SETCB ("anal.bb.maxsize", "1024", &cb_anal_bb_max_size, "Maximum basic block size");
SETCB ("anal.pushret", "false", &cb_anal_pushret, "Analyze push+ret as jmp");
n = NODECB ("anal.cpp.abi", "itanium", &cb_anal_cpp_abi);
SETDESC (n, "Select C++ ABI (Compiler)");
SETOPTIONS (n, "itanium", "msvc", NULL);
#if __linux__ && __GNU_LIBRARY__ && __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC_MINOR__
SETCB("dbg.malloc", "glibc", &cb_malloc, "Choose malloc structure parser");
SETCB("dbg.malloc", "jemalloc", &cb_malloc, "Choose malloc structure parser");
#if __GLIBC_MINOR__ > 25
SETPREF ("dbg.glibc.tcache", "true", "Set glib tcache parsing");
SETPREF ("dbg.glibc.tcache", "false", "Set glib tcache parsing");
#if __x86_64__
SETI ("dbg.glibc.ma_offset", 0x000000, "Main_arena offset from his symbol");
SETI ("dbg.glibc.fc_offset", 0x00240, "First chunk offset from brk_start");
SETI ("dbg.glibc.ma_offset", 0x1bb000, "Main_arena offset from his symbol");
SETI ("dbg.glibc.fc_offset", 0x148, "First chunk offset from brk_start");
SETPREF ("dbg.libc.dbglib", "", "Set libc debug library file");
SETPREF ("esil.prestep", "true", "Step before esil evaluation in `de` commands");
SETPREF ("esil.fillstack", "", "Initialize ESIL stack with (random, debrujn, sequence, zeros, ...)");
SETICB ("esil.verbose", 0, &cb_esilverbose, "Show ESIL verbose level (0, 1, 2)");
SETICB ("esil.gotolimit", core->anal->esil_goto_limit, &cb_gotolimit, "Maximum number of gotos per ESIL expression");
SETICB ("esil.stack.depth", 32, &cb_esilstackdepth, "Number of elements that can be pushed on the esilstack");
SETI ("esil.stack.size", 0xf0000, "Number of elements that can be pushed on the esilstack");
SETI ("esil.stack.addr", 0x100000, "Number of elements that can be pushed on the esilstack");
SETPREF ("esil.stack.pattern", "0", "Specify fill pattern to initialize the stack (0, w, d, i)");
SETI ("esil.addr.size", 64, "Maximum address size in accessed by the ESIL VM");
SETPREF ("esil.breakoninvalid", "false", "Break esil execution when instruction is invalid");
/* asm */
//asm.os needs to be first, since other asm.* depend on it
n = NODECB ("asm.os", R_SYS_OS, &cb_asmos);
SETDESC (n, "Select operating system (kernel)");
SETOPTIONS (n, "ios", "dos", "darwin", "linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "netbsd", "windows", NULL);
SETI ("asm.xrefs.fold", 5, "Maximum number of xrefs to be displayed as list (use columns above)");
SETI ("asm.xrefs.max", 20, "Maximum number of xrefs to be displayed without folding");
SETCB ("asm.invhex", "false", &cb_asm_invhex, "Show invalid instructions as hexadecimal numbers");
SETPREF ("asm.meta", "true", "Display the code/data/format conversions in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.bytes", "true", "Display the bytes of each instruction");
SETPREF ("asm.midcursor", "false", "Cursor in visual disasm mode breaks the instruction");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.flgrefs", "true", "Show comment flags associated to branch reference");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.right", "true", "Show comments at right of disassembly if they fit in screen");
SETI ("asm.cmt.col", 71, "Column to align comments");
SETICB ("asm.pcalign", 0, &cb_asm_pcalign, "Only recognize as valid instructions aligned to this value");
// maybe rename to asm.cmt.calls
SETPREF ("asm.calls", "true", "Show callee function related info as comments in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.bbline", "false", "Show empty line after every basic block");
SETPREF ("asm.comments", "true", "Show comments in disassembly view");
SETPREF ("asm.usercomments", "false", "Show user comments even if asm.comments is false");
SETPREF ("asm.jmphints", "true", "Show jump hints [numbers] in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.jmpsub", "false", "Always substitute jump, call and branch targets in disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.leahints", "false", "Show LEA hints [numbers] in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.slow", "true", "Perform slow analysis operations in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.decode", "false", "Use code analysis as a disassembler");
SETICB ("asm.imm.arm", false, &cb_asm_armimm, "Display # for immediates in ARM");
SETPREF ("asm.imm.str", "true", "Show immediates values as strings");
SETPREF ("asm.imm.trim", "false", "Remove all offsets and constants from disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.indent", "false", "Indent disassembly based on reflines depth");
SETI ("asm.indentspace", 2, "How many spaces to indent the code");
SETPREF ("asm.dwarf", "false", "Show dwarf comment at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.dwarf.abspath", "false", "Show absolute path in asm.dwarf");
SETPREF ("asm.dwarf.file", "true", "Show filename of asm.dwarf in pd");
SETPREF ("asm.esil", "false", "Show ESIL instead of mnemonic");
SETPREF ("asm.nodup", "false", "Do not show dupped instructions (collapse disasm)");
SETPREF ("asm.emu", "false", "Run ESIL emulation analysis on disasm");
SETPREF ("emu.pre", "false", "Run ESIL emulation starting at the closest flag in pd");
SETPREF ("emu.stack", "false", "Create a temporary fake stack when emulating in disasm (asm.emu)");
SETCB ("emu.str", "false", &cb_emustr, "Show only strings if any in the asm.emu output");
SETPREF ("emu.stroff", "false", "Always show offset when printing asm.emu strings");
SETPREF ("emu.strinv", "true", "Color-invert asm.emu strings");
SETPREF ("emu.strflag", "true", "Also show flag (if any) for asm.emu string");
SETPREF ("emu.write", "false", "Allow asm.emu to modify memory (WARNING)");
n = NODECB ("emu.skip", "ds", &cb_emuskip);
SETDESC (n, "Skip metadata of given types in asm.emu");
SETOPTIONS (n, "d", "c", "s", "f", "m", "h", "C", "r", NULL);
SETPREF ("asm.filter", "true", "Replace numeric values by flags (e.g. 0x4003e0 -> sym.imp.printf)");
SETPREF ("asm.strip", "", "strip all instructions given comma separated types");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.fcn", "true", "Show function boundary lines");
SETPREF ("asm.flags", "true", "Show flags");
SETPREF ("asm.flags.offset", "false", "Show offset in flags");
SETPREF ("asm.flags.inbytes", "false", "Display flags inside the bytes space");
n = NODEICB ("asm.flags.middle", 2, &cb_midflags);
SETOPTIONS (n, "0 = do not show flag", "1 = show without realign", "2 = realign at middle flag",
"3 = realign at middle flag if sym.*", NULL);
SETDESC (n, "Realign disassembly if there is a flag in the middle of an instruction");
SETCB ("asm.flags.real", "false", &cb_flag_realnames, "Show flags unfiltered realnames instead of names");
SETPREF ("asm.bb.middle", "true", "Realign disassembly if a basic block starts in the middle of an instruction");
SETPREF ("asm.lbytes", "true", "Align disasm bytes to left");
SETPREF ("asm.lines", "true", "Show ASCII-art lines at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.bb", "true", "Show flow lines at jumps");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.call", "false", "Enable call lines");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.ret", "false", "Show separator lines after ret");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.out", "true", "Show out of block lines");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.right", "false", "Show lines before opcode instead of offset");
SETPREF ("asm.lines.wide", "false", "Put a space between lines");
SETICB ("asm.lines.width", 7, &cb_asmlineswidth, "Number of columns for program flow arrows");
SETICB ("asm.var.submin", 0x100, &cb_asmvarsubmin, "Minimum value to substitute in instructions (asm.var.sub)");
SETCB ("asm.tailsub", "false", &cb_asmtailsub, "Replace addresses with prefix .. syntax");
SETPREF ("asm.middle", "false", "Allow disassembling jumps in the middle of an instruction");
SETPREF ("asm.noisy", "true", "Show comments considered noisy but possibly useful");
SETPREF ("asm.offset", "true", "Show offsets at disassembly");
SETCB ("scr.rainbow", "false", &cb_scrrainbow, "Shows rainbow colors depending of address");
SETCB ("scr.last", "true", &cb_scrlast, "Cache last output after flush to make _ command work (disable for performance)");
SETPREF ("asm.reloff", "false", "Show relative offsets instead of absolute address in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.reloff.flags", "false", "Show relative offsets to flags (not only functions)");
SETPREF ("asm.section", "false", "Show section name before offset");
SETPREF ("asm.section.perm", "false", "Show section permissions in the disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.section.name", "true", "Show section name in the disasm");
SETI ("asm.section.col", 20, "Columns width to show asm.section");
SETCB ("asm.section.sub", "false", &cb_asmsecsub, "Show offsets in disasm prefixed with section/map name");
SETPREF ("asm.pseudo", "false", "Enable pseudo syntax");
SETPREF ("asm.size", "false", "Show size of opcodes in disassembly (pd)");
SETPREF ("asm.stackptr", "false", "Show stack pointer at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.cyclespace", "false", "Indent instructions depending on CPU-cycles");
SETPREF ("asm.cycles", "false", "Show CPU-cycles taken by instruction at disassembly");
SETI ("asm.tabs", 0, "Use tabs in disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.tabs.once", "false", "Only tabulate the opcode, not the arguments");
SETI ("asm.tabs.off", 0, "tabulate spaces after the offset");
SETPREF ("asm.trace", "false", "Show execution traces for each opcode");
SETPREF ("asm.tracespace", "false", "Indent disassembly with trace.count information");
SETPREF ("asm.ucase", "false", "Use uppercase syntax at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.capitalize", "false", "Use camelcase at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.var", "true", "Show local function variables in disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.var.access", "false", "Show accesses of local variables");
SETPREF ("asm.var.sub", "true", "Substitute variables in disassembly");
SETI ("asm.var.summary", 0, "Show variables summary instead of full list in disasm (0, 1, 2)");
SETPREF ("asm.var.subonly", "true", "Substitute the entire variable expression with the local variable name (e.g. [local10h] instead of [ebp+local10h])");
SETPREF ("asm.relsub", "true", "Substitute pc relative expressions in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.fold", "false", "Fold comments, toggle with Vz");
SETPREF ("asm.family", "false", "Show family name in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.symbol", "false", "Show symbol+delta instead of absolute offset");
SETPREF ("asm.anal", "false", "Analyze code and refs while disassembling (see anal.strings)");
SETI ("asm.shortcut", 1, "Shortcut position (-1, 0, 1)");
SETI ("asm.symbol.col", 40, "Columns width to show asm.section");
SETCB ("asm.assembler", "", &cb_asmassembler, "Set the plugin name to use when assembling");
SETPREF ("asm.minicols", "false", "Only show the instruction in the column disasm");
RConfigNode *asmcpu = NODECB ("asm.cpu", R_SYS_ARCH, &cb_asmcpu);
SETDESC (asmcpu, "Set the kind of asm.arch cpu");
RConfigNode *asmarch = NODECB ("asm.arch", R_SYS_ARCH, &cb_asmarch);
SETDESC (asmarch, "Set the arch to be used by asm");
/* we need to have both asm.arch and asm.cpu defined before updating options */
update_asmarch_options (core, asmarch);
update_asmcpu_options (core, asmcpu);
n = NODECB ("asm.features", "", &cb_asmfeatures);
SETDESC (n, "Specify supported features by the target CPU");
update_asmfeatures_options (core, n);
SETCB ("asm.parser", "x86.pseudo", &cb_asmparser, "Set the asm parser to use");
SETCB ("asm.segoff", "false", &cb_segoff, "Show segmented address in prompt (x86-16)");
SETCB ("asm.decoff", "false", &cb_decoff, "Show segmented address in prompt (x86-16)");
SETICB ("asm.seggrn", 4, &cb_seggrn, "Segment granularity in bits (x86-16)");
n = NODECB ("asm.syntax", "intel", &cb_asmsyntax);
SETDESC (n, "Select assembly syntax");
SETOPTIONS (n, "att", "intel", "masm", "jz", "regnum", NULL);
SETI ("asm.nbytes", 6, "Number of bytes for each opcode at disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.bytespace", "false", "Separate hexadecimal bytes with a whitespace");
SETICB ("asm.bits", 64, &cb_asmbits, "Word size in bits at assembler");
SETICB ("asm.bits", 32, &cb_asmbits, "Word size in bits at assembler");
SETPREF ("asm.functions", "true", "Show functions in disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.xrefs", "true", "Show xrefs in disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.demangle", "true", "Show demangled symbols in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.describe", "false", "Show opcode description");
SETPREF ("asm.hints", "false", "Show hints for magic numbers in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.highlight", "", "Highlight current line");
SETPREF ("asm.marks", "true", "Show marks before the disassembly");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.refs", "false", "Show flag and comments from refs in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.patch", "false", "Show patch comments in disasm");
SETPREF ("asm.cmt.off", "nodup", "Show offset comment in disasm (true, false, nodup)");
SETPREF ("asm.payloads", "false", "Show payload bytes in disasm");
n = NODECB ("asm.strenc", "guess", &cb_asmstrenc);
SETDESC (n, "Assumed string encoding for disasm");
SETOPTIONS (n, "latin1", "utf8", "utf16le", "utf32le", "guess", NULL);
/* bin */
SETCB ("bin.usextr", "true", &cb_usextr, "Use extract plugins when loading files");
SETCB ("bin.useldr", "true", &cb_useldr, "Use loader plugins when loading files");
SETCB ("bin.strpurge", "", &cb_strpurge, "Purge strings (e bin.strpurge=? provides more detail)");
SETPREF ("bin.b64str", "false", "Try to debase64 the strings");
SETPREF ("bin.libs", "false", "Try to load libraries after loading main binary");
n = NODECB ("bin.strfilter", "", &cb_strfilter);
SETDESC (n, "Filter strings");
SETOPTIONS (n, "a", "8", "p", "e", "u", "i", "U", "f", NULL);
SETCB ("bin.filter", "true", &cb_binfilter, "Filter symbol names to fix dupped names");
SETCB ("bin.force", "", &cb_binforce, "Force that rbin plugin");
SETPREF ("bin.lang", "", "Language for bin.demangle");
SETPREF ("bin.demangle", "true", "Import demangled symbols from RBin");
SETCB ("bin.demanglecmd", "false", &cb_bdc, "run xcrun swift-demangle and similar if available (SLOW)");
SETI ("bin.baddr", -1, "Base address of the binary");
SETI ("bin.laddr", 0, "Base address for loading library ('*.so')");
SETCB ("bin.dbginfo", "true", &cb_bindbginfo, "Load debug information at startup if available");
SETPREF ("bin.relocs", "true", "Load relocs information at startup if available");
SETICB ("bin.minstr", 0, &cb_binminstr, "Minimum string length for r_bin");
SETICB ("bin.maxstr", 0, &cb_binmaxstr, "Maximum string length for r_bin");
SETICB ("bin.maxstrbuf", 1024*1024*10, & cb_binmaxstrbuf, "Maximum size of range to load strings from");
SETCB ("bin.prefix", NULL, &cb_binprefix, "Prefix all symbols/sections/relocs with a specific string");
SETCB ("bin.rawstr", "false", &cb_rawstr, "Load strings from raw binaries");
SETCB ("bin.strings", "true", &cb_binstrings, "Load strings from rbin on startup");
SETCB ("bin.debase64", "false", &cb_debase64, "Try to debase64 all strings");
SETPREF ("bin.classes", "true", "Load classes from rbin on startup");
SETCB ("bin.verbose", "true", &cb_binverbose, "Show RBin warnings when loading binaries");
/* prj */
SETPREF ("prj.name", "", "Name of current project");
SETPREF ("prj.files", "false", "Save the target binary inside the project directory");
SETPREF ("prj.git", "false", "Every project is a git repo and saving is committing");
SETPREF ("prj.zip", "false", "Use ZIP format for project files");
SETPREF ("prj.gpg", "false", "TODO: Encrypt project with GnuPGv2");
SETPREF ("prj.simple", "false", "Use simple project saving style (functions, comments, options)");
/* cfg */
SETPREF ("cfg.r2wars", "false", "Enable some tweaks for the r2wars game");
SETPREF ("cfg.plugins", "true", "Load plugins at startup");
SETCB ("time.fmt", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", &cb_cfgdatefmt, "Date format (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z)");
SETICB ("time.zone", 0, &cb_timezone, "Time zone, in hours relative to GMT: +2, -1,..");
SETCB ("cfg.corelog", "false", &cb_cfgcorelog, "Log changes using the T api needed for realtime syncing");
SETPREF ("cfg.newtab", "false", "Show descriptions in command completion");
SETCB ("cfg.debug", "false", &cb_cfgdebug, "Debugger mode");
p = r_sys_getenv ("EDITOR");
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
r_config_set (cfg, "cfg.editor", p? p: "notepad");
r_config_set (cfg, "cfg.editor", p? p: "vi");
free (p);
r_config_desc (cfg, "cfg.editor", "Select default editor program");
SETPREF ("cfg.user", r_sys_whoami (buf), "Set current username/pid");
SETCB ("cfg.fortunes", "true", &cb_cfg_fortunes, "If enabled show tips at start");
SETCB ("cfg.fortunes.type", "tips,fun", &cb_cfg_fortunes_type, "Type of fortunes to show (tips, fun, nsfw, creepy)");
SETPREF ("cfg.fortunes.clippy", "false", "Use ?E instead of ?e");
SETPREF ("cfg.fortunes.tts", "false", "Speak out the fortune");
SETI ("cfg.hashlimit", SLURP_LIMIT, "If the file is bigger than hashlimit, do not compute hashes");
SETPREF ("cfg.prefixdump", "dump", "Filename prefix for automated dumps");
SETCB ("cfg.sandbox", "false", &cb_cfgsanbox, "Sandbox mode disables systems and open on upper directories");
SETPREF ("cfg.wseek", "false", "Seek after write");
SETCB ("cfg.bigendian", "false", &cb_bigendian, "Use little (false) or big (true) endianness");
/* cfg.log */
// R2_LOGLEVEL / cfg.log.level
p = r_sys_getenv ("R2_LOGLEVEL");
SETICB ("cfg.log.level", p ? atoi(p) : R_DEFAULT_LOGLVL, cb_log_config_level, "Target log level/severity"\
free (p);
// R2_LOGTRAP_LEVEL / cfg.log.traplevel
p = r_sys_getenv ("R2_LOGTRAPLEVEL");
SETICB ("cfg.log.traplevel", p ? atoi(p) : R_LOGLVL_FATAL, cb_log_config_traplevel, "Log level for trapping R2 when hit"\
free (p);
// R2_LOGFILE / cfg.log.file
p = r_sys_getenv ("R2_LOGFILE");
SETCB ("cfg.log.file", p ? p : "", cb_log_config_file, "Logging output filename / path");
free (p);
// R2_LOGSRCINFO / cfg.log.srcinfo
p = r_sys_getenv ("R2_LOGSRCINFO");
SETCB ("cfg.log.srcinfo", p ? p : "false", cb_log_config_srcinfo, "Should the log output contain src info (filename:lineno)");
free (p);
// R2_LOGCOLORS / cfg.log.colors
p = r_sys_getenv ("R2_LOGCOLORS");
SETCB ("cfg.log.colors", p ? p : "false", cb_log_config_colors, "Should the log output use colors (TODO)");
free (p);
// zign
SETPREF ("zign.prefix", "sign", "Default prefix for zignatures matches");
SETI ("zign.maxsz", 500, "Maximum zignature length");
SETI ("zign.minsz", 16, "Minimum zignature length for matching");
SETI ("zign.mincc", 10, "Minimum cyclomatic complexity for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.graph", "true", "Use graph metrics for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.bytes", "true", "Use bytes patterns for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.offset", "true", "Use original offset for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.refs", "true", "Use references for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.hash", "true", "Use Hash for matching");
SETPREF ("zign.autoload", "false", "Autoload all zignatures located in " R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_ZIGNS));
/* diff */
SETCB ("diff.sort", "addr", &cb_diff_sort, "Specify function diff sorting column see (e diff.sort=?)");
SETI ("diff.from", 0, "Set source diffing address for px (uses cc command)");
SETI ("diff.to", 0, "Set destination diffing address for px (uses cc command)");
SETPREF ("diff.bare", "false", "Never show function names in diff output");
SETPREF ("diff.levenstein", "false", "Use faster (and buggy) levenstein algorithm for buffer distance diffing");
/* dir */
SETI ("dir.depth", 10, "Maximum depth when searching recursively for files");
SETCB ("dir.dbgsnap", ".", &cb_dbgsnap, "Path to session dump files");
char *path = r_str_newf (R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("%s", R2_SDB_MAGIC), r_config_get (core->config, "dir.prefix"));
SETPREF ("dir.magic", path, "Path to r_magic files");
free (path);
path = r_str_newf (R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("%s", R2_PLUGINS), r_config_get (core->config, "dir.prefix"));
SETPREF ("dir.plugins", path, "Path to plugin files to be loaded at startup");
free (path);
SETCB ("dir.source", "", &cb_dirsrc, "Path to find source files");
SETPREF ("dir.types", "/usr/include", "Default path to look for cparse type files");
#if __ANDROID__
SETPREF ("dir.projects", "/data/data/org.radare.radare2installer/radare2/projects", "Default path for projects");
SETPREF ("dir.projects", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_PROJECTS), "Default path for projects");
SETCB ("dir.zigns", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_ZIGNS), &cb_dirzigns, "Default path for zignatures (see zo command)");
SETPREF ("stack.reg", "SP", "Which register to use as stack pointer in the visual debug");
SETPREF ("stack.bytes", "true", "Show bytes instead of words in stack");
SETPREF ("stack.anotated", "false", "Show anotated hexdump in visual debug");
SETI ("stack.size", 64, "Size in bytes of stack hexdump in visual debug");
SETI ("stack.delta", 0, "Delta for the stack dump");
SETCB ("dbg.libs", "", &cb_dbg_libs, "If set stop when loading matching libname");
SETI ("dbg.hwbp", 0, "Set HW or SW breakpoints");
SETCB ("dbg.unlibs", "", &cb_dbg_unlibs, "If set stop when unloading matching libname");
SETPREF ("dbg.slow", "false", "Show stack and regs in visual mode in a slow but verbose mode");
SETPREF ("dbg.funcarg", "false", "Display arguments to function call in visual mode");
SETPREF ("dbg.bpinmaps", "true", "Force breakpoints to be inside a valid map");
SETCB ("dbg.forks", "false", &cb_dbg_forks, "Stop execution if fork() is done (see dbg.threads)");
n = NODECB ("dbg.btalgo", "fuzzy", &cb_dbg_btalgo);
SETDESC (n, "Select backtrace algorithm");
SETOPTIONS (n, "default", "fuzzy", "anal", "trace", NULL);
SETCB ("dbg.threads", "false", &cb_stopthreads, "Stop all threads when debugger breaks (see dbg.forks)");
SETCB ("dbg.clone", "false", &cb_dbg_clone, "Stop execution if new thread is created");
SETCB ("dbg.aftersyscall", "true", &cb_dbg_aftersc, "Stop execution before the syscall is executed (see dcs)");
SETCB ("dbg.execs", "false", &cb_dbg_execs, "Stop execution if new thread is created");
SETCB ("dbg.profile", "", &cb_runprofile, "Path to RRunProfile file");
SETCB ("dbg.args", "", &cb_dbg_args, "Set the args of the program to debug");
SETCB ("dbg.follow.child", "false", &cb_dbg_follow_child, "Continue tracing the child process on fork. By default the parent process is traced");
/* debug */
SETCB ("dbg.status", "false", &cb_dbgstatus, "Set cmd.prompt to '.dr*' or '.dr*;drd;sr PC;pi 1;s-'");
SETCB ("dbg.backend", "native", &cb_dbgbackend, "Select the debugger backend");
SETCB ("dbg.backend", "esil", &cb_dbgbackend, "Select the debugger backend");
n = NODECB ("dbg.bep", "loader", &cb_dbgbep);
SETDESC (n, "Break on entrypoint");
SETOPTIONS (n, "loader", "entry", "constructor", "main", NULL);
if (core->cons->rows > 30) { // HACKY
r_config_set_i (cfg, "dbg.follow", 64);
} else {
r_config_set_i (cfg, "dbg.follow", 32);
r_config_desc (cfg, "dbg.follow", "Follow program counter when pc > core->offset + dbg.follow");
SETCB ("dbg.swstep", "false", &cb_swstep, "Force use of software steps (code analysis+breakpoint)");
SETPREF ("dbg.trace.inrange", "false", "While tracing, avoid following calls outside specified range");
SETPREF ("dbg.trace.libs", "true", "Trace library code too");
SETPREF ("dbg.exitkills", "true", "Kill process on exit");
SETPREF ("dbg.exe.path", NULL, "Path to binary being debugged");
SETICB ("dbg.gdb.page_size", 4096, &cb_dbg_gdb_page_size, "Page size on gdb target (useful for QEMU)");
SETICB ("dbg.gdb.retries", 10, &cb_dbg_gdb_retries, "Number of retries before gdb packet read times out");
SETCB ("dbg.consbreak", "false", &cb_consbreak, "SIGINT handle for attached processes");
r_config_set_getter (cfg, "dbg.swstep", (RConfigCallback)__dbg_swstep_getter);
// TODO: This should be specified at first by the debug backend when attaching
#if __arm__ || __mips__
SETICB ("dbg.bpsize", 4, &cb_dbgbpsize, "Size of software breakpoints");
SETICB ("dbg.bpsize", 1, &cb_dbgbpsize, "Size of software breakpoints");
SETPREF ("dbg.bpsysign", "false", "Ignore system breakpoints");
SETICB ("dbg.btdepth", 128, &cb_dbgbtdepth, "Depth of backtrace");
SETCB ("dbg.trace", "false", &cb_trace, "Trace program execution (see asm.trace)");
SETICB ("dbg.trace.tag", 0, &cb_tracetag, "Trace tag");
/* cmd */
SETPREF ("cmd.xterm", "xterm -bg black -fg gray -e", "xterm command to spawn with V@");
SETICB ("cmd.depth", 10, &cb_cmddepth, "Maximum command depth");
SETPREF ("cmd.bp", "", "Run when a breakpoint is hit");
SETPREF ("cmd.onsyscall", "", "Run when a syscall is hit");
SETICB ("cmd.hitinfo", 1, &cb_debug_hitinfo, "Show info when a tracepoint/breakpoint is hit");
SETPREF ("cmd.times", "", "Run when a command is repeated (number prefix)");
SETPREF ("cmd.stack", "", "Command to display the stack in visual debug mode");
SETPREF ("cmd.cprompt", "", "Column visual prompt commands");
SETPREF ("cmd.gprompt", "", "Graph visual prompt commands");
SETPREF ("cmd.hit", "", "Run when a search hit is found");
SETPREF ("cmd.open", "", "Run when file is opened");
SETPREF ("cmd.load", "", "Run when binary is loaded");
SETCB ("cmd.pdc", "", &cb_cmdpdc, "Select pseudo-decompiler command to run after pdc");
SETCB ("cmd.log", "", &cb_cmdlog, "Every time a new T log is added run this command");
SETPREF ("cmd.prompt", "", "Prompt commands");
SETCB ("cmd.repeat", "false", &cb_cmdrepeat, "Empty command an alias for '..' (repeat last command)");
SETPREF ("cmd.fcn.new", "", "Run when new function is analyzed");
SETPREF ("cmd.fcn.delete", "", "Run when a function is deleted");
SETPREF ("cmd.fcn.rename", "", "Run when a function is renamed");
SETPREF ("cmd.visual", "", "Replace current print mode");
SETPREF ("cmd.vprompt", "", "Visual prompt commands");
SETCB ("cmd.esil.mdev", "", &cb_cmd_esil_mdev, "Command to run when memory device address is accessed");
SETCB ("cmd.esil.intr", "", &cb_cmd_esil_intr, "Command to run when an esil interrupt happens");
SETCB ("cmd.esil.trap", "", &cb_cmd_esil_trap, "Command to run when an esil trap happens");
SETCB ("cmd.esil.todo", "", &cb_cmd_esil_todo, "Command to run when the esil instruction contains TODO");
SETCB ("cmd.esil.ioer", "", &cb_cmd_esil_ioer, "Command to run when esil fails to IO (invalid read/write)");
/* filesystem */
n = NODECB ("fs.view", "normal", &cb_fsview);
SETDESC (n, "Set visibility options for filesystems");
SETOPTIONS (n, "all", "deleted", "special", NULL);
/* hexdump */
SETPREF ("hex.header", "true", "Show header in hexdumps");
SETCB ("hex.pairs", "true", &cb_hexpairs, "Show bytes paired in 'px' hexdump");
SETCB ("hex.compact", "false", &cb_hexcompact, "Show smallest 16 byte col hexdump (60 columns)");
SETI ("hex.flagsz", 0, "If non zero, overrides the flag size in pxa");
SETICB ("hex.cols", 16, &cb_hexcols, "Number of columns in hexdump");
SETI ("hex.pcols", 40, "Number of pixel columns for prc");
SETI ("hex.depth", 5, "Maximal level of recurrence while telescoping memory");
SETPREF ("hex.onechar", "false", "Number of columns in hexdump");
SETICB ("hex.stride", 0, &cb_hexstride, "Line stride in hexdump (default is 0)");
SETCB ("hex.comments", "true", &cb_hexcomments, "Show comments in 'px' hexdump");
/* http */
SETPREF ("http.log", "true", "Show HTTP requests processed");
SETPREF ("http.logfile", "", "Specify a log file instead of stderr for http requests");
SETPREF ("http.cors", "false", "Enable CORS");
SETPREF ("http.referer", "", "CSFR protection if set");
SETPREF ("http.dirlist", "false", "Enable directory listing");
SETPREF ("http.allow", "", "Only accept clients from the comma separated IP list");
#if __WINDOWS__
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "start");
if (r_file_exists ("/usr/bin/openURL")) { // iOS ericautils
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "/usr/bin/openURL");
} else if (r_file_exists ("/system/bin/toolbox")) {
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser",
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d");
} else if (r_file_exists ("/usr/bin/xdg-open")) {
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "xdg-open");
} else if (r_file_exists ("/usr/bin/open")) {
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "open");
} else {
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "firefox");
r_config_desc (cfg, "http.browser", "Command to open HTTP URLs");
SETI ("http.maxsize", 0, "Maximum file size for upload");
SETPREF ("http.bind", "localhost", "Server address");
SETPREF ("http.homeroot", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_WWWROOT), "http home root directory");
#if __ANDROID__
SETPREF ("http.root", "/data/data/org.radare.radare2installer/www", "http root directory");
SETPREF ("http.root", R2_WWWROOT, "http root directory");
SETPREF ("http.port", "9090", "HTTP server port");
SETPREF ("http.maxport", "9999", "Last HTTP server port");
SETPREF ("http.ui", "m", "Default webui (enyo, m, p, t)");
SETPREF ("http.sandbox", "true", "Sandbox the HTTP server");
SETI ("http.timeout", 3, "Disconnect clients after N seconds of inactivity");
SETI ("http.dietime", 0, "Kill server after N seconds with no client");
SETPREF ("http.verbose", "true", "Output server logs to stdout");
SETPREF ("http.upget", "false", "/up/ answers GET requests, in addition to POST");
SETPREF ("http.upload", "false", "Enable file uploads to /up/<filename>");
SETPREF ("http.uri", "", "Address of HTTP proxy");
tmpdir = r_file_tmpdir ();
r_config_set (cfg, "http.uproot", tmpdir);
free (tmpdir);
r_config_desc (cfg, "http.uproot", "Path where files are uploaded");
/* tcp */
SETPREF ("tcp.islocal", "false", "Bind a loopback for tcp command server");
/* graph */
SETPREF ("graph.comments", "true", "Show disasm comments in graph");
SETPREF ("graph.cmtright", "false", "Show comments at right");
SETCB ("graph.gv.format", "gif", &cb_graphformat, "Graph image extension when using 'w' format (png, jpg, pdf, ps, svg, json)");
SETPREF ("graph.refs", "false", "Graph references in callgraphs (.agc*;aggi)");
SETPREF ("graph.json.usenames", "true", "Use names instead of addresses in Global Call Graph (agCj)");
SETI ("graph.edges", 2, "0=no edges, 1=simple edges, 2=avoid collisions");
SETI ("graph.layout", 0, "Graph layout (0=vertical, 1=horizontal)");
SETI ("graph.linemode", 1, "Graph edges (0=diagonal, 1=square)");
SETPREF ("graph.font", "Courier", "Font for dot graphs");
SETPREF ("graph.offset", "false", "Show offsets in graphs");
SETPREF ("graph.web", "false", "Display graph in web browser (VV)");
SETI ("graph.from", UT64_MAX, "Lower bound address when drawing global graphs");
SETI ("graph.to", UT64_MAX, "Upper bound address when drawing global graphs");
SETI ("graph.scroll", 5, "Scroll speed in ascii-art graph");
SETPREF ("graph.invscroll", "false", "Invert scroll direction in ascii-art graph");
SETPREF ("graph.title", "", "Title of the graph");
SETPREF ("graph.gv.node", "", "Graphviz node style. (color=gray, style=filled shape=box)");
SETPREF ("graph.gv.edge", "", "Graphviz edge style. (arrowhead=\"vee\")");
SETPREF ("graph.gv.spline", "", "Graphviz spline style. (splines=\"ortho\")");
SETPREF ("graph.gv.graph", "", "Graphviz global style attributes. (bgcolor=white)");
SETPREF ("graph.gv.current", "false", "Highlight the current node in graphviz graph.");
SETPREF ("graph.nodejmps", "true", "Enables shortcuts for every node.");
SETPREF ("graph.hints", "true", "Show true (t) and false (f) hints for conditional edges in graph");
SETCB ("graph.dotted", "false", &cb_dotted, "Dotted lines for conditional jumps in graph");
/* hud */
SETPREF ("hud.path", "", "Set a custom path for the HUD file");
SETCB ("esil.exectrap", "false", &cb_exectrap, "trap when executing code in non-executable memory");
SETCB ("esil.iotrap", "true", &cb_iotrap, "invalid read or writes produce a trap exception");
SETPREF ("esil.romem", "false", "Set memory as read-only for ESIL");
SETPREF ("esil.stats", "false", "Statistics from ESIL emulation stored in sdb");
SETPREF ("esil.nonull", "false", "Prevent memory read, memory write at null pointer");
SETCB ("esil.mdev.range", "", &cb_mdevrange, "Specify a range of memory to be handled by cmd.esil.mdev");
/* scr */
r_config_set_cb (cfg, "scr.fgets", "true", cb_scrfgets);
r_config_set_cb (cfg, "scr.fgets", "false", cb_scrfgets);
r_config_desc (cfg, "scr.fgets", "Use fgets() instead of dietline for prompt input");
SETCB ("scr.echo", "false", &cb_screcho, "Show rcons output in realtime to stderr and buffer");
SETICB ("scr.linesleep", 0, &cb_scrlinesleep, "Flush sleeping some ms in every line");
SETICB ("scr.pagesize", 1, &cb_scrpagesize, "Flush in pages when scr.linesleep is != 0");
SETCB ("scr.flush", "false", &cb_scrflush, "Force flush to console in realtime (breaks scripting)");
/* TODO: rename to asm.color.ops ? */
SETPREF ("scr.zoneflags", "true", "Show zoneflags in visual mode before the title (see fz?)");
SETPREF ("scr.slow", "true", "Do slow stuff on visual mode like RFlag.get_at(true)");
SETPREF ("scr.color.ops", "true", "Colorize numbers and registers in opcodes");
SETPREF ("scr.color.args", "true", "Colorize arguments and variables of functions");
SETPREF ("scr.color.bytes", "true", "Colorize bytes that represent the opcodes of the instruction");
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
SETCB ("scr.ansicon", r_str_bool (r_cons_singleton ()->ansicon),
&scr_ansicon, "Use ANSICON mode or not on Windows");
#if __ANDROID__
SETPREF ("scr.responsive", "true", "Auto-adjust Visual depending on screen (e.g. unset asm.bytes)");
SETPREF ("scr.responsive", "false", "Auto-adjust Visual depending on screen (e.g. unset asm.bytes)");
SETPREF ("scr.wheel.nkey", "false", "Use sn/sp and scr.nkey on wheel instead of scroll");
SETPREF ("scr.wheel", "true", "Mouse wheel in Visual; temporaryly disable/reenable by right click/Enter)");
SETPREF ("scr.atport", "false", "V@ starts a background http server and spawns an r2 -C");
SETI ("scr.wheel.speed", 4, "Mouse wheel speed");
// DEPRECATED: USES hex.cols now SETI ("scr.colpos", 80, "Column position of cmd.cprompt in visual");
SETCB ("scr.breakword", "", &cb_scrbreakword, "Emulate console break (^C) when a word is printed (useful for pD)");
SETCB ("scr.breaklines", "false", &cb_breaklines, "Break lines in Visual instead of truncating them");
SETICB ("scr.columns", 0, &cb_scrcolumns, "Force console column count (width)");
SETCB ("scr.rows", "0", &cb_scrrows, "Force console row count (height) ");
SETICB ("scr.rows", 0, &cb_rows, "Force console row count (height) (duplicate?)");
SETCB ("scr.fps", "false", &cb_fps, "Show FPS in Visual");
SETICB ("scr.fix.rows", 0, &cb_fixrows, "Workaround for Linux TTY");
SETICB ("scr.fix.columns", 0, &cb_fixcolumns, "Workaround for Prompt iOS SSH client");
SETCB ("scr.highlight", "", &cb_scrhighlight, "Highlight that word at RCons level");
SETCB ("scr.interactive", "true", &cb_scrint, "Start in interactive mode");
SETI ("scr.feedback", 1, "Set visual feedback level (1=arrow on jump, 2=every key (useful for videos))");
SETCB ("scr.html", "false", &cb_scrhtml, "Disassembly uses HTML syntax");
n = NODECB ("scr.nkey", "flag", &cb_scrnkey);
SETDESC (n, "Select visual seek mode (affects n/N visual commands)");
SETOPTIONS (n, "fun", "hit", "flag", NULL);
SETCB ("scr.pager", "", &cb_pager, "System program (or '..') to use when output exceeds screen boundaries");
SETPREF ("scr.randpal", "false", "Random color palete or just get the next one from 'eco'");
SETCB ("scr.color.grep", "false", &cb_scr_color_grep, "Enable colors when using ~grep");
SETPREF ("scr.pipecolor", "false", "Enable colors when using pipes");
SETPREF ("scr.prompt.file", "false", "Show user prompt file (used by r2 -q)");
SETPREF ("scr.prompt.flag", "false", "Show flag name in the prompt");
SETPREF ("scr.prompt.sect", "false", "Show section name in the prompt");
SETPREF ("scr.tts", "false", "Use tts if available by a command (see ic)");
SETCB ("scr.prompt", "true", &cb_scrprompt, "Show user prompt (used by r2 -q)");
SETCB ("scr.tee", "", &cb_teefile, "Pipe output to file of this name");
SETPREF ("scr.seek", "", "Seek to the specified address on startup");
SETICB ("scr.color", (core->print->flags&R_PRINT_FLAGS_COLOR)?COLOR_MODE_16:COLOR_MODE_DISABLED, &cb_color, "Enable colors (0: none, 1: ansi, 2: 256 colors, 3: truecolor)");
SETCB ("scr.null", "false", &cb_scrnull, "Show no output");
SETCB ("scr.utf8", r_cons_is_utf8()?"true":"false",
&cb_utf8, "Show UTF-8 characters instead of ANSI");
SETCB ("scr.utf8.curvy", "false", &cb_utf8_curvy, "Show curved UTF-8 corners (requires scr.utf8)");
SETPREF ("scr.histsave", "true", "Always save history on exit");
n = NODECB ("scr.strconv", "asciiesc", &cb_scrstrconv);
SETDESC (n, "Convert string before display");
SETOPTIONS (n, "asciiesc", "asciidot", NULL);
/* str */
SETCB ("str.escbslash", "false", &cb_str_escbslash, "Escape the backslash");
/* search */
SETCB ("search.contiguous", "true", &cb_contiguous, "Accept contiguous/adjacent search hits");
SETICB ("search.align", 0, &cb_searchalign, "Only catch aligned search hits");
SETI ("search.chunk", 0, "Chunk size for /+ (default size is asm.bits/8");
SETI ("search.esilcombo", 8, "Stop search after N consecutive hits");
SETI ("search.distance", 0, "Search string distance");
SETPREF ("search.flags", "true", "All search results are flagged, otherwise only printed");
SETPREF ("search.overlap", "false", "Look for overlapped search hits");
SETI ("search.maxhits", 0, "Maximum number of hits (0: no limit)");
SETI ("search.from", -1, "Search start address");
n = NODECB ("search.in", "io.maps", &cb_searchin);
SETDESC (n, "Specify search boundaries");
SETOPTIONS (n, "raw", "block",
"bin.section", "bin.sections", "bin.sections.rwx", "bin.sections.r", "bin.sections.rw", "bin.sections.rx", "bin.sections.wx", "bin.sections.x",
"io.map", "io.maps", "io.maps.rwx", "io.maps.r", "io.maps.rw", "io.maps.rx", "io.maps.wx", "io.maps.x",
"dbg.stack", "dbg.heap",
"dbg.map", "dbg.maps", "dbg.maps.rwx", "dbg.maps.r", "dbg.maps.rw", "dbg.maps.rx", "dbg.maps.wx", "dbg.maps.x",
"anal.fcn", "anal.bb",
SETICB ("search.kwidx", 0, &cb_search_kwidx, "Store last search index count");
SETPREF ("search.prefix", "hit", "Prefix name in search hits label");
SETPREF ("search.show", "true", "Show search results");
SETI ("search.to", -1, "Search end address");
/* rop */
SETI ("rop.len", 5, "Maximum ROP gadget length");
SETPREF ("rop.sdb", "false", "Cache results in sdb (experimental)");
SETPREF ("rop.db", "true", "Categorize rop gadgets in sdb");
SETPREF ("rop.subchains", "false", "Display every length gadget from rop.len=X to 2 in /Rl");
SETPREF ("rop.conditional", "false", "Include conditional jump, calls and returns in ropsearch");
SETPREF ("rop.comments", "false", "Display comments in rop search output");
/* io */
SETCB ("io.cache", "false", &cb_io_cache, "Change both of io.cache.{read,write}");
SETCB ("io.cache.auto", "false", &cb_io_cache_mode, "Automatic cache all reads in the IO backend");
SETCB ("io.cache.read", "false", &cb_io_cache_read, "Enable read cache for vaddr (or paddr when io.va=0)");
SETCB ("io.cache.write", "false", &cb_io_cache_write, "Enable write cache for vaddr (or paddr when io.va=0)");
SETCB ("io.pcache", "false", &cb_iopcache, "io.cache for p-level");
SETCB ("io.pcache.write", "false", &cb_iopcachewrite, "Enable write-cache");
SETCB ("io.pcache.read", "false", &cb_iopcacheread, "Enable read-cache");
SETCB ("io.ff", "true", &cb_ioff, "Fill invalid buffers with 0xff instead of returning error");
SETPREF("io.exec", "true", "See !!r2 -h~-x");
SETICB ("io.0xff", 0xff, &cb_io_oxff, "Use this value instead of 0xff to fill unallocated areas");
SETCB ("io.aslr", "false", &cb_ioaslr, "Disable ASLR for spawn and such");
SETCB ("io.va", "true", &cb_iova, "Use virtual address layout");
SETCB ("io.pava", "false", &cb_io_pava, "Use EXPERIMENTAL paddr -> vaddr address mode");
SETCB ("io.autofd", "true", &cb_ioautofd, "Change fd when opening a new file");
/* file */
SETPREF ("file.desc", "", "User defined file description (used by projects)");
SETPREF ("file.md5", "", "MD5 sum of current file");
SETPREF ("file.info", "true", "RBin info loaded");
SETPREF ("file.offset", "", "Offset where the file will be mapped at");
SETCB ("file.path", "", &cb_filepath, "Path of current file");
SETPREF ("file.lastpath", "", "Path of current file");
SETPREF ("file.sha1", "", "SHA1 hash of current file");
SETPREF ("file.type", "", "Type of current file");
SETI ("file.loadalign", 1024, "Alignment of load addresses");
SETI ("file.openmany", 1, "Maximum number of files opened at once");
SETPREF ("file.location", "", "Is the file 'local', 'remote', or 'memory'");
/* magic */
SETI ("magic.depth", 100, "Recursivity depth in magic description strings");
/* rap */
SETPREF ("rap.loop", "true", "Run rap as a forever-listening daemon");
/* nkeys */
SETPREF ("key.s", "", "override step into action");
SETPREF ("key.S", "", "override step over action");
for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "key.f%d", i);
snprintf (buf + 10, sizeof (buf) - 10,
"Run this when F%d key is pressed in visual mode", i);
switch (i) {
default: p = ""; break;
r_config_set (cfg, buf, p);
r_config_desc (cfg, buf, buf+10);
/* zoom */
SETCB ("zoom.byte", "h", &cb_zoombyte, "Zoom callback to calculate each byte (See pz? for help)");
SETI ("zoom.from", 0, "Zoom start address");
SETI ("zoom.maxsz", 512, "Zoom max size of block");
SETI ("zoom.to", 0, "Zoom end address");
n = NODECB ("zoom.in", "io.map", &cb_searchin);
SETDESC (n, "Specify boundaries for zoom");
SETOPTIONS (n, "raw", "block",
"bin.section", "bin.sections", "bin.sections.rwx", "bin.sections.r", "bin.sections.rw", "bin.sections.rx", "bin.sections.wx", "bin.sections.x",
"io.map", "io.maps", "io.maps.rwx", "io.maps.r", "io.maps.rw", "io.maps.rx", "io.maps.wx", "io.maps.x",
"dbg.stack", "dbg.heap",
"dbg.map", "dbg.maps", "dbg.maps.rwx", "dbg.maps.r", "dbg.maps.rw", "dbg.maps.rx", "dbg.maps.wx", "dbg.maps.x",
"anal.fcn", "anal.bb",
/* lines */
SETI ("lines.from", 0, "Start address for line seek");
SETCB ("lines.to", "$s", &cb_linesto, "End address for line seek");
SETCB ("lines.abs", "false", &cb_linesabs, "Enable absolute line numbers");
r_config_lock (cfg, true);
return true;