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synced 2024-12-15 09:21:00 +00:00
182 lines
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182 lines
3.9 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2015 - pancake, qnix */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_flags.h>
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_parse.h>
typedef enum {
IND_IDX = 0,
IDX_IND = 1,
NORM = 2,
static int replace(int argc, const char *argv[], char *newstr, ADDR_TYPE type) {
int i, j, k;
struct {
int narg;
char *op;
char *str;
} ops[] = {
{1, "lda", "a = 1"},
{2, "lda", "a = (1+2)"},
{1, "ldx", "x = 1"},
{2, "ldx", "x = (1+2)"},
{1, "ldy", "y = 1"},
{2, "ldy", "y = (1+2)"},
{1, "sta", "[1] = a"},
{2, "sta", "[1+2 ] = a"},
{1, "stx", "[1] = x"},
{2, "stx", "[1+2] = x"},
{1, "sty", "[1] = y"},
{2, "sty", "[1+2] = y"},
{1, "dec", "1--"},
{2, "dec", "(1+2)--"},
{0, "dcx", "x--"},
{0, "dcy", "y--"},
{1, "inc", "1++"},
{2, "inc", "(1+2)++"},
{0, "inx", "x++"},
{0, "iny", "y++"},
{1, "adc", "a += 1"},
{2, "adc", "a += (1+2)"},
{1, "sbc", "a -= 1"},
{2, "sbc", "a -= (1+2)"},
{0, "pha", "push a"},
{1, "and", "a &= 1"},
{2, "and", "a &= (1+2)"},
{1, "eor", "a ^= 1"},
{2, "eor", "a ^= (1+2)"},
{1, "ora", "a |= 1"},
{2, "ora", "a |= (1+2)"},
{0, "tax", "x = a"},
{0, "tay", "y = a"},
{0, "txa", "a = x"},
{0, "tya", "a = y"},
{0, "tsx", "x = s"},
{0, "txs", "s = x"},
{0, "brk", "break"},
{0, "clc", "clear_carry"},
{0, "cld", "clear_decimal"},
{0, "cli", "clear_interrupt"},
{0, "clv", "clear_overflow"},
{0, "sec", "set_carry"},
{0, "sed", "set_decimal"},
{0, "sei", "set_interrupt"},
{1, "jsr", "1()"},
{0, NULL}};
if (!newstr) return false;
for (i = 0; ops[i].op != NULL; i++) {
if (ops[i].narg) {
if (argc - 1 != ops[i].narg) continue;
if (!strcmp(ops[i].op, argv[0])) {
for (j = k = 0; ops[i].str[j] != '\0'; j++, k++) {
if (ops[i].str[j] >= '0' && ops[i].str[j] <= '9') {
const char *w = argv[ops[i].str[j] - '0'];
if (w != NULL) {
strcpy(newstr + k, w);
k += strlen(w) - 1;
} else {
newstr[k] = ops[i].str[j];
newstr[k] = '\0';
if (argc == 4 && argv[2][0] == '[') {
strcat (newstr + k, "+");
strcat (newstr + k + 3, argv[2]);
return true;
/* TODO: this is slow */
newstr[0] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
strcat (newstr, argv[i]);
strcat (newstr, (i == 0 || i == argc - 1) ? " " : ",");
return false;
static ADDR_TYPE addr_type(const char *str) {
if (strchr(str, '(')) {
char *e = strchr (str, ')');
if (!e) return NORM;
char *o = strchr (e, ',');
return (o) ? IND_IDX : IDX_IND;
return NORM;
static int parse(RParse *p, const char *data, char *str) {
char w0[256], w1[256], w2[256];
int i, len = strlen (data);
char *buf, *ptr, *optr;
ADDR_TYPE atype;
if (len >= sizeof(w0)) return false;
// malloc can be slow here :?
if ((buf = malloc (len + 1)) == NULL) {
return false;
memcpy (buf, data, len + 1);
if (*buf) {
atype = addr_type (buf);
r_str_replace_char (buf, '(', ' ');
r_str_replace_char (buf, ')', ' ');
*w0 = *w1 = *w2 = '\0';
ptr = strchr (buf, ' ');
if (ptr == NULL) ptr = strchr (buf, '\t');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
for (++ptr; *ptr == ' '; ptr++)
strncpy (w0, buf, sizeof(w0) - 1);
strncpy (w1, ptr, sizeof(w1) - 1);
optr = ptr;
ptr = strchr (ptr, ',');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
for (++ptr; *ptr == ' '; ptr++)
strncpy (w1, optr, sizeof(w1) - 1);
strncpy (w2, ptr, sizeof(w2) - 1);
} else {
strncpy (w0, buf, sizeof(w0) - 1);
const char *wa[] = {w0, w1, w2};
int nw = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (wa[i][0]) nw++;
replace (nw, wa, str, atype);
free (buf);
return true;
struct r_parse_plugin_t r_parse_plugin_6502_pseudo = {
.name = "6502.pseudo",
.desc = "6502 pseudo syntax",
.parse = parse,
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {.type = R_LIB_TYPE_PARSE,
.data = &r_parse_plugin_6502_pseudo,
.version = R2_VERSION};