mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 00:02:39 +00:00
543 lines
17 KiB
543 lines
17 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2018 - pancake, maijin, thestr4ng3r */
#include "r_anal.h"
#define NAME_BUF_SIZE 64
typedef struct rtti_complete_object_locator_t {
ut32 signature;
ut32 vtable_offset; // offset of the vtable within class
ut32 cd_offset; // constructor displacement offset
ut32 type_descriptor_addr; // only a relative offset for 64bit
ut32 class_descriptor_addr; // only a relative offset for 64bit
ut32 object_base; // only for 64bit, see rtti_msvc_read_complete_object_locator()
} rtti_complete_object_locator;
typedef struct rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor_t {
ut32 signature;
ut32 attributes; // bit 0 set = multiple inheritance, bit 1 set = virtual inheritance
ut32 num_base_classes;
ut32 base_class_array_addr; // only a relative offset for 64bit
} rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor;
typedef struct rtti_base_class_descriptor_t {
ut32 type_descriptor_addr; // only a relative offset for 64bit
ut32 num_contained_bases;
struct {
st32 mdisp; // member displacement
st32 pdisp; // vbtable displacement
st32 vdisp; // displacement inside vbtable
} where;
ut32 attributes;
} rtti_base_class_descriptor;
typedef struct rtti_type_descriptor_t {
ut64 vtable_addr;
ut64 spare;
char *name;
} rtti_type_descriptor;
static void rtti_type_descriptor_fini(rtti_type_descriptor *td) {
free (td->name);
static bool rtti_msvc_read_complete_object_locator(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, rtti_complete_object_locator *col) {
if (addr == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
ut8 buf[6 * sizeof (ut32)];
int colSize = 5 * sizeof (ut32);
if (context->word_size == 8) {
colSize += sizeof(ut32);
if (colSize > sizeof (buf)) {
return false;
if (!context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, addr, buf, colSize)) {
return false;
ut32 (*read_at_32)(const void *src, size_t offset) = context->anal->big_endian ? r_read_at_be32 : r_read_at_le32;
col->signature = read_at_32 (buf, 0);
col->vtable_offset = read_at_32 (buf, 4);
col->cd_offset = read_at_32 (buf, 8);
int offsetSize = R_MIN (context->word_size, 4);
col->type_descriptor_addr = (ut32) r_read_ble (buf + 12, (bool) context->anal->big_endian, offsetSize * 8);
col->class_descriptor_addr = (ut32) r_read_ble (buf + 12 + offsetSize, (bool) context->anal->big_endian, offsetSize * 8);
if (context->word_size == 8) {
// 64bit is special:
// Type Descriptor and Class Hierarchy Descriptor addresses are computed
// by 32 bit values *(col+12) + *(col+0x14)
// and *(col+16) + *(col+0x14) respectively
col->object_base = read_at_32 (buf, 20);
} else {
col->object_base = 0;
return true;
static bool rtti_msvc_read_class_hierarchy_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor *chd) {
if (addr == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
ut8 buf[4 * sizeof (ut32)];
int chdSize = 3 * sizeof (ut32) + R_MIN (4, context->word_size);
if (chdSize > sizeof (buf)) {
return false;
if (!context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, addr, buf, chdSize)) {
return false;
ut32 (*read_at_32)(const void *src, size_t offset) = context->anal->big_endian ? r_read_at_be32 : r_read_at_le32;
chd->signature = read_at_32 (buf, 0);
chd->attributes = read_at_32 (buf, 4);
chd->num_base_classes = read_at_32 (buf, 8);
if (context->word_size <= 4) {
chd->base_class_array_addr = (ut32) r_read_ble (buf + 12, (bool) context->anal->big_endian, context->word_size * 8);
} else {
// 64bit is special, like in Complete Object Locator.
// Only the offset from the base from Complete Object Locator
// is contained in Class Hierarchy Descriptor
chd->base_class_array_addr = read_at_32 (buf, 12);
return true;
static ut64 rtti_msvc_base_class_descriptor_size(RVTableContext *context) {
return context->word_size + 5 * sizeof (ut32);
static bool rtti_msvc_read_base_class_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, rtti_base_class_descriptor *bcd) {
if (addr == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
ut8 buf[sizeof (ut64) + 5 * sizeof (ut32)];
int bcdSize = (int) rtti_msvc_base_class_descriptor_size (context);
if (bcdSize > sizeof (buf)) {
return false;
if (!context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, addr, buf, bcdSize)) {
return false;
ut32 (*read_at_32)(const void *src, size_t offset) = context->anal->big_endian ? r_read_at_be32 : r_read_at_le32;
int typeDescriptorAddrSize = R_MIN (context->word_size, 4);
bcd->type_descriptor_addr = (ut32) r_read_ble (buf, (bool) context->anal->big_endian, typeDescriptorAddrSize * 8);
size_t offset = (size_t) typeDescriptorAddrSize;
bcd->num_contained_bases = read_at_32 (buf, offset);
bcd->where.mdisp = read_at_32 (buf, offset + sizeof (ut32));
bcd->where.pdisp = read_at_32 (buf, offset + 2 * sizeof (ut32));
bcd->where.vdisp = read_at_32 (buf, offset + 3 * sizeof (ut32));
bcd->attributes = read_at_32 (buf, offset + 4 * sizeof (ut32));
return true;
static RList *rtti_msvc_read_base_class_array(RVTableContext *context, ut32 num_base_classes, ut64 base, ut32 offset) {
if (base == UT64_MAX || offset == UT32_MAX || num_base_classes == UT32_MAX) {
return NULL;
RList *ret = r_list_newf (free);
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
ut64 addr = base + offset;
ut64 stride = R_MIN (context->word_size, 4);
if (num_base_classes > BASE_CLASSES_MAX) {
eprintf ("WARNING: Length of base class array at 0x%08"PFMT64x" exceeds %d.\n", addr, BASE_CLASSES_MAX);
num_base_classes = BASE_CLASSES_MAX;
r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
while (num_base_classes > 0) {
if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
ut64 bcdAddr;
if (context->word_size <= 4) {
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, addr, &bcdAddr)) {
if (bcdAddr == UT32_MAX) {
} else {
// special offset calculation for 64bit
ut8 tmp[4] = {0};
if (!context->anal->iob.read_at(context->anal->iob.io, addr, tmp, 4)) {
r_list_free (ret);
return NULL;
ut32 (*read_32)(const void *src) = context->anal->big_endian ? r_read_be32 : r_read_le32;
ut32 bcdOffset = read_32 (tmp);
if (bcdOffset == UT32_MAX) {
bcdAddr = base + bcdOffset;
rtti_base_class_descriptor *bcd = malloc (sizeof (rtti_base_class_descriptor));
if (!bcd) {
if (!rtti_msvc_read_base_class_descriptor (context, bcdAddr, bcd)) {
free (bcd);
r_list_append (ret, bcd);
addr += stride;
r_cons_break_pop ();
if (num_base_classes > 0) {
// there was an error in the loop above
r_list_free (ret);
return NULL;
return ret;
static bool rtti_msvc_read_type_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, rtti_type_descriptor *td) {
if (addr == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, addr, &td->vtable_addr)) {
return false;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, addr + context->word_size, &td->spare)) {
return false;
ut64 nameAddr = addr + 2 * context->word_size;
ut8 buf[NAME_BUF_SIZE];
ut64 bufOffset = 0;
size_t nameLen = 0;
bool endFound = false;
bool endInvalid = false;
while (1) {
context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, nameAddr + bufOffset, buf, sizeof (buf));
int i;
for (i=0; i<sizeof (buf); i++) {
if (buf[i] == '\0') {
endFound = true;
if (buf[i] == 0xff) {
endInvalid = true;
if (endFound || endInvalid) {
bufOffset += sizeof (buf);
if (endInvalid) {
return false;
td->name = malloc (nameLen + 1);
if (!td->name) {
return false;
if (bufOffset == 0) {
memcpy (td->name, buf, nameLen + 1);
} else {
context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, nameAddr,
(ut8 *)td->name, (int) (nameLen + 1));
return true;
static void rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator(rtti_complete_object_locator *col, ut64 addr, const char *prefix) {
r_cons_printf ("%sComplete Object Locator at 0x%08"PFMT64x":\n"
"%s\tsignature: %#x\n"
"%s\tvftableOffset: %#x\n"
"%s\tcdOffset: %#x\n"
"%s\ttypeDescriptorAddr: 0x%08"PFMT32x"\n"
"%s\tclassDescriptorAddr: 0x%08"PFMT32x"\n",
prefix, addr,
prefix, col->signature,
prefix, col->vtable_offset,
prefix, col->cd_offset,
prefix, col->type_descriptor_addr,
prefix, col->class_descriptor_addr);
r_cons_printf ("%s\tobjectBase: 0x%08"PFMT32x"\n\n",
prefix, col->object_base);
static void rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator_json(rtti_complete_object_locator *col) {
r_cons_printf ("{\"signature\":%"PFMT32u",\"vftable_offset\":%"PFMT32u",\"cd_offset\":%"PFMT32u","
col->signature, col->vtable_offset, col->cd_offset, col->type_descriptor_addr,
col->class_descriptor_addr, col->object_base);
static void rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor(rtti_type_descriptor *td, ut64 addr, const char *prefix) {
r_cons_printf ("%sType Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x":\n"
"%s\tvtableAddr: 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n"
"%s\tspare: 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n"
"%s\tname: %s\n\n",
prefix, addr,
prefix, td->vtable_addr,
prefix, td->spare,
prefix, td->name);
static void rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor_json(rtti_type_descriptor *td) {
r_cons_printf ("{\"vtable_addr\":%"PFMT32u",\"spare\":%"PFMT32u",\"name\":\"%s\"}",
td->vtable_addr, td->spare, td->name);
static void rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor(rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor *chd, ut64 addr, const char *prefix) {
r_cons_printf ("%sClass Hierarchy Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x":\n"
"%s\tsignature: %#x\n"
"%s\tattributes: %#x\n"
"%s\tnumBaseClasses: %#x\n"
"%s\tbaseClassArrayAddr: 0x%08"PFMT32x"\n\n",
prefix, addr,
prefix, chd->signature,
prefix, chd->attributes,
prefix, chd->num_base_classes,
prefix, chd->base_class_array_addr);
static void rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor_json(rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor *chd) {
r_cons_printf ("{\"signature\":%"PFMT32u",\"attributes\":%"PFMT32u",\"num_base_classes\":%"PFMT32u","
chd->signature, chd->attributes, chd->num_base_classes, chd->base_class_array_addr);
static void rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor(rtti_base_class_descriptor *bcd, const char *prefix) {
r_cons_printf ("%sBase Class Descriptor:\n"
"%s\ttypeDescriptorAddr: 0x%08"PFMT32x"\n"
"%s\tnumContainedBases: %#x\n"
"%s\t\tmdisp: %d\n"
"%s\t\tpdisp: %d\n"
"%s\t\tvdisp: %d\n"
"%s\tattributes: %#x\n\n",
prefix, bcd->type_descriptor_addr,
prefix, bcd->num_contained_bases,
prefix, bcd->where.mdisp,
prefix, bcd->where.pdisp,
prefix, bcd->where.vdisp,
prefix, bcd->attributes);
static void rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor_json(rtti_base_class_descriptor *bcd) {
r_cons_printf ("{\"type_desc_addr\":%"PFMT32u",\"num_contained_bases\":%"PFMT32u","
bcd->type_descriptor_addr, bcd->num_contained_bases,
bcd->where.mdisp, bcd->where.pdisp, bcd->where.vdisp, bcd->attributes);
R_API void r_anal_rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, int mode) {
rtti_complete_object_locator col;
if (!rtti_msvc_read_complete_object_locator (context, addr, &col)) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Complete Object Locator at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
if (mode == 'j') {
rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator_json (&col);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator (&col, addr, "");
R_API void r_anal_rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, int mode) {
rtti_type_descriptor td = { 0 };
if (!rtti_msvc_read_type_descriptor (context, addr, &td)) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Type Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
if (mode == 'j') {
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor_json (&td);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor (&td, addr, "");
rtti_type_descriptor_fini (&td);
R_API void r_anal_rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, int mode) {
rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor chd;
if (!rtti_msvc_read_class_hierarchy_descriptor (context, addr, &chd)) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Class Hierarchy Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
if (mode == 'j') {
rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor_json (&chd);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor (&chd, addr, "");
R_API void r_anal_rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, int mode) {
rtti_base_class_descriptor bcd;
if (!rtti_msvc_read_base_class_descriptor (context, addr, &bcd)) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Base Class Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
if (mode == 'j') {
rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor_json (&bcd);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor (&bcd, "");
static bool rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator_recurse(RVTableContext *context, ut64 atAddress, int mode) {
bool use_json = mode == 'j';
ut64 colRefAddr = atAddress - context->word_size;
ut64 colAddr;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, colRefAddr, &colAddr)) {
return false;
rtti_complete_object_locator col;
if (!rtti_msvc_read_complete_object_locator (context, colAddr, &col)) {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Complete Object Locator at 0x%08"PFMT64x" (referenced from 0x%08"PFMT64x")\n", colAddr, colRefAddr);
return false;
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print ("{\"complete_object_locator\":");
rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator_json (&col);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator (&col, colAddr, "");
ut64 typeDescriptorAddr = col.type_descriptor_addr;
if (context->word_size == 8) {
typeDescriptorAddr += colAddr - col.object_base;
rtti_type_descriptor td = { 0 };
if (rtti_msvc_read_type_descriptor (context, typeDescriptorAddr, &td)) {
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print (",\"type_desc\":");
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor_json (&td);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor (&td, typeDescriptorAddr, "\t");
rtti_type_descriptor_fini (&td);
} else {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Type Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", typeDescriptorAddr);
ut64 classHierarchyDescriptorAddr = col.class_descriptor_addr;
if (context->word_size == 8) {
classHierarchyDescriptorAddr += colAddr - col.object_base;
rtti_class_hierarchy_descriptor chd;
if (rtti_msvc_read_class_hierarchy_descriptor (context, classHierarchyDescriptorAddr, &chd)) {
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print (",\"class_hierarchy_desc\":");
rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor_json (&chd);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_class_hierarchy_descriptor (&chd, classHierarchyDescriptorAddr, "\t");
ut64 base = chd.base_class_array_addr;
ut32 baseClassArrayOffset = 0;
if (context->word_size == 8) {
base = colAddr - col.object_base;
baseClassArrayOffset = chd.base_class_array_addr;
RList *baseClassArray = rtti_msvc_read_base_class_array (context, chd.num_base_classes, base, baseClassArrayOffset);
if (baseClassArray) {
bool json_first = true;
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print (",\"base_classes\":[");
RListIter *bcdIter;
rtti_base_class_descriptor *bcd;
r_list_foreach (baseClassArray, bcdIter, bcd) {
if (use_json) {
if (json_first) {
r_cons_print ("{\"desc\":");
json_first = false;
} else {
r_cons_print (",{\"desc\":");
if (use_json) {
rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor_json (bcd);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_base_class_descriptor (bcd, "\t\t");
ut64 baseTypeDescriptorAddr = bcd->type_descriptor_addr;
if (context->word_size == 8) {
baseTypeDescriptorAddr += colAddr - col.object_base;
rtti_type_descriptor btd = { 0 };
if (rtti_msvc_read_type_descriptor (context, baseTypeDescriptorAddr, &btd)) {
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print (",\"type_desc\":");
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor_json (&btd);
} else {
rtti_msvc_print_type_descriptor (&btd, baseTypeDescriptorAddr, "\t\t\t");
rtti_type_descriptor_fini (&btd);
} else {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Type Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", baseTypeDescriptorAddr);
if(use_json) {
r_cons_print ("}");
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print ("]");
} else {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Base Class Array starting at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", base + baseClassArrayOffset);
} else {
eprintf ("Failed to parse Class Hierarchy Descriptor at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", classHierarchyDescriptorAddr);
if (use_json) {
r_cons_print ("}");
return true;
R_API void r_anal_rtti_msvc_print_at_vtable(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr, int mode) {
rtti_msvc_print_complete_object_locator_recurse (context, addr, mode);