mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:17:25 +00:00
1055 lines
25 KiB
1055 lines
25 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2010-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_egg.h>
#define CTX egg->context
char *nested[32] = {0};
char *nestede[32] = {0};
int nestedi[32] = {0};
static inline int is_var(char *x) {
return (x[0]=='.'||((x[0]=='*'||x[0]=='&')&&x[1]=='.'));
static inline int is_space(char c) {
return (c==' '||c=='\t'||c=='\n'||c=='\r');
static const char *skipspaces(const char *s) {
while (is_space (*s))
return s;
/* chop word by space/tab/.. */
/* NOTE: ensure string does not starts with spaces */
static char *trim(char *s) {
char *o;
for (o=s; *o; o++)
if (is_space (*o))
*o = 0;
return s;
static void rcc_pushstr(REgg *egg, char *str, int filter);
static void rcc_context(REgg *egg, int delta);
static struct {
char *name;
char *body;
//int fastcall; /* TODO: NOT YET USED */
} inlines[256];
static int ninlines = 0;
static struct {
char *name;
char *arg;
//int sysnum; /* TODO: NOT YET USED */
} syscalls[256];
enum {
// XXX : globals are ugly
static int pushargs = 0;
static int nsyscalls = 0;
static char *syscallbody = NULL;
static char *includefile = NULL;
static char *setenviron = NULL;
static int commentmode = 0;
static int varsize = 'l';
static int varxs = 0;
static int lastctxdelta = 0;
static int nargs = 0;
static int docall = 1; /* do call or inline it ? */ // BOOL
static int nfunctions = 0;
static int nbrackets = 0;
static int slurpin = 0;
static int slurp = 0;
static int line = 1;
static char elem[1024];
static int attsyntax = 0;
static int elem_n = 0;
static char *callname = NULL;
static char *endframe = NULL;
static char *ctxpush[32];
static char *file = "stdin";
static char *dstvar = NULL;
static char *dstval = NULL;
static int ndstval = 0;
static int skipline = 0; // BOOL
static int quoteline = 0;
static int quotelinevar = 0;
static int stackframe = 0;
static int stackfixed = 0;
static int oc = '\n';
static int mode = NORMAL;
static char *find_include(const char *prefix, const char *file) {
char *pfx = NULL, *ret = NULL, *env = r_sys_getenv (R_EGG_INCDIR_ENV);
//eprintf ("find_include (%s,%s)\n", prefix, file);
if (!prefix) prefix = "";
if (*prefix=='$') {
char *out = r_sys_getenv (prefix+1);
pfx = out? out: strdup ("");
} else {
pfx = strdup (prefix);
if (!pfx) {
free (env);
return NULL;
if (env) {
char *str, *ptr = strchr (env, ':');
// eprintf ("MUST FIND IN PATH (%s)\n", env);
str = env;
while (str) {
if (ptr)
*ptr = 0;
free (ret);
ret = r_str_concatf (NULL, "%s/%s", pfx, file);
char *filepath = r_str_concatf (NULL, "%s/%s/%s", str, pfx, file);
// eprintf ("try (%s)\n", filepath);
if (r_file_exists (filepath)) {
free (env);
free (pfx);
free (ret);
return filepath;
free (filepath);
if (!ptr) break;
str = ptr+1;
ptr = strchr (str, ':');
free (env);
} else ret = r_str_concatf (NULL, "%s/%s", pfx, file);
free (pfx);
return ret;
R_API void r_egg_lang_include_path (REgg *egg, const char *path) {
char *tmp_ptr = NULL;
char *env = r_sys_getenv (R_EGG_INCDIR_ENV);
if (!env || !*env) {
r_egg_lang_include_init (egg);
free (env);
env = r_sys_getenv (R_EGG_INCDIR_ENV);
tmp_ptr = env;
env = r_str_concatf (NULL, "%s:%s", path, env);
free (tmp_ptr);
r_sys_setenv (R_EGG_INCDIR_ENV, env);
free (env);
R_API void r_egg_lang_include_init (REgg *egg) {
r_sys_setenv (R_EGG_INCDIR_ENV, ".:"R_EGG_INCDIR_PATH);
static void rcc_set_callname(const char *s) {
free (callname);
callname = NULL;
nargs = 0;
callname = trim (strdup (skipspaces (s)));
pushargs = !((!strcmp (s, "goto")) || (!strcmp (s, "break")));
static void rcc_reset_callname() {
R_FREE (callname);
nargs = 0;
#define SYNTAX_ATT 0
#define FRAME_FMT ".LC%d_%d_frame%d"
#define FRAME_END_FMT ".LC%d_%d_end_frame%d"
#define FRAME_FMT "__%d_%d_frame%d"
#define FRAME_END_FMT "__%d_%d_end_frame%d"
#if 0
static char *get_frame_label(int type) {
static char label[128];
int nf = nfunctions;
int nb = nbrackets;
int ct = context;
/* TODO: this type hack to substruct nb and ctx looks weird */
#if 1
if (type == 1) nb--; else
if (type == 2) ct--;
snprintf (label, sizeof (label), FRAME_FMT, nf, nb, ct);
return label;
static char *get_end_frame_label(REgg *egg) {
static char label[128];
snprintf (label, sizeof (label)-1, FRAME_END_FMT,
nfunctions, nbrackets, context-1);
//eprintf ("--> (endframe: %d %d %d)\n", nfunctions, nbrackets, context);
//snprintf (label, sizeof (label)-1, "frame_end_%d_%d", nfunctions, nbrackets);
return label;
static void rcc_pusharg(REgg *egg, char *str) {
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
char buf[64], *p = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, str, 0);
if (!p) return;
// TODO: free (ctxpush[context]);
ctxpush[CTX] = strdup (p); // INDEX IT WITH NARGS OR CONTEXT?!?
if (pushargs)
e->push_arg (egg, varxs, nargs, p);
//ctxpush[context+nbrackets] = strdup(str); // use nargs??? (in callname)
free (p);
static void rcc_element(REgg *egg, char *str) {
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
char *p = strrchr (str, ',');
int num, num2;
if (CTX) {
nargs = 0;
if (mode == GOTO)
mode = NORMAL; // XXX
while (p) {
*p = '\0';
p = (char *)skipspaces (p+1);
rcc_pusharg (egg, p);
p = strrchr (str, ',');
if (callname)
rcc_pusharg (egg, str);
if (mode == NORMAL) {
if (!atoi (str)) {
if (dstvar == NULL) /* return string */
dstvar = strdup (".fix0");
rcc_pushstr (egg, str, 1);
} else {
switch (mode) {
case ALIAS:
e->equ (egg, dstvar, str);
R_FREE (dstvar);
mode = NORMAL;
if (nsyscalls > 255){
eprintf ("global-buffer-overflow in syscalls\n");
//XXX the mem for name and arg are not freed - MEMLEAK
syscalls[nsyscalls].name = strdup (dstvar);
syscalls[nsyscalls].arg = strdup (str);
R_FREE (dstvar);
case GOTO:
elem[elem_n] = 0;
e->jmp (egg, elem, 0);
p = strchr (str, ',');
if (p) {
num2 = atoi (p+1);
} else num2 = 0;
num = atoi (str) + num2;
stackframe = num;
stackfixed = num2;
if (mode != NAKED)
e->frame (egg, stackframe+stackfixed);
elem[0] = 0;
elem_n = 0;
static void rcc_pushstr(REgg *egg, char *str, int filter) {
int dotrim = 1;
int i, j, len;
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
e->comment (egg, "encode %s string (%s) (%s)",
filter? "filtered": "unfiltered", str, callname);
if (filter)
for (i=0; str[i]; i++) {
if (str[i]=='\\') {
switch (str[i+1]) {
case 't': str[i]='\t'; break;
case 'n': str[i]='\n'; break;
case 'e': str[i]='\x1b'; break;
default: dotrim = 0; break;
if (dotrim)
memmove (str+i+1, str+i+2, strlen (str+i+2));
len = strlen (str);
j = (len-len%e->size)+e->size;
e->set_string (egg, dstvar, str, j);
free (dstvar);
dstvar = NULL;
R_API char *r_egg_mkvar(REgg *egg, char *out, const char *_str, int delta) {
int i, idx, len, qi;
char *oldstr = NULL, *str = NULL, foo[32], *q, *ret = NULL;
delta += stackfixed; // XXX can be problematic
if (_str == NULL)
return NULL; /* fix segfault, but not badparsing */
/* XXX memory leak */
ret = str = oldstr = strdup (skipspaces (_str));
//if (num || str[0]=='0') { sprintf(out, "$%d", num); ret = out; }
if ( (q = strchr (str, ':')) ) {
*q = '\0';
qi = atoi (q+1);
varsize = (qi==1)? 'b': 'l';
} else varsize='l';
if (*str == '*' || *str == '&') {
varxs = *str;
} else varxs = 0;
if (str[0] == '.') {
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
idx = atoi (str+4) + delta + e->size;
if (!strncmp (str+1, "ret", 3)) {
strcpy (out, e->retvar);
} else
if (!strncmp (str+1, "fix", 3)) {
e->get_var (egg, 0, out, idx-stackfixed);
//sprintf(out, "%d(%%"R_BP")", -(atoi(str+4)+delta+R_SZ-stackfixed));
} else
if (!strncmp (str+1, "var", 3)) {
e->get_var (egg, 0, out, idx);
//sprintf(out, "%d(%%"R_BP")", -(atoi(str+4)+delta+R_SZ));
} else
if (!strncmp (str+1, "arg", 3)) {
if (str[4]) {
if (stackframe == 0) {
e->get_var (egg, 1, out, 4); //idx-4);
} else {
e->get_var (egg, 2, out, idx+4);
} else {
/* TODO: return size of syscall */
if (callname) {
for (i=0; i<nsyscalls; i++)
if (!strcmp (syscalls[i].name, callname)) {
free (oldstr);
return strdup(syscalls[i].arg);
eprintf ("Unknown arg for syscall '%s'\n", callname);
} else eprintf ("NO CALLNAME '%s'\n", callname);
} else
if (!strncmp (str+1, "reg", 3)) {
// XXX: can overflow if out is small
if (attsyntax)
snprintf (out, 32, "%%%s", e->regs (egg, atoi (str+4)));
else snprintf (out, 32, "%s", e->regs (egg, atoi (str+4)));
} else {
out = str; /* TODO: show error, invalid var name? */
eprintf ("Something is really wrong\n");
ret = strdup(out);
free (oldstr);
} else if (*str=='"' || *str=='\'') {
int mustfilter = *str=='"';
/* TODO: check for room in stackfixed area */
len = strlen (str)-1;
if (!stackfixed || stackfixed <len)
eprintf ("WARNING: No room in the static stackframe! (%d must be %d)\n",
stackfixed, len);
snprintf (foo, sizeof (foo)-1, ".fix%d", nargs*16); /* XXX FIX DELTA !!!1 */
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (foo));
rcc_pushstr (egg, str, mustfilter);
ret = r_egg_mkvar (egg, out, foo, 0);
free (oldstr);
return ret;
static void rcc_fun(REgg *egg, const char *str) {
char *ptr, *ptr2;
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
str = skipspaces (str);
if (CTX) {
ptr = strchr (str, '=');
if (ptr) {
*ptr++ = '\0';
free (dstvar);
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
ptr2 = (char *)skipspaces (ptr);
if (*ptr2)
rcc_set_callname (skipspaces (ptr));
} else {
str = skipspaces (str);
rcc_set_callname (skipspaces (str));
egg->remit->comment (egg, "rcc_fun %d (%s)",
CTX, callname);
} else {
ptr = strchr (str, '@');
if (ptr) {
*ptr++ = '\0';
mode = NORMAL;
if (strstr (ptr, "env")) {
//eprintf ("SETENV (%s)\n", str);
free (setenviron);
setenviron = strdup (skipspaces (str));
slurp = 0;
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "fastcall")) {
/* TODO : not yet implemented */
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "syscall")) {
if (*str) {
mode = SYSCALL;
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
} else {
mode = INLINE;
free (syscallbody);
syscallbody = malloc (4096); // XXX hardcoded size
dstval = syscallbody;
R_FREE (dstvar);
ndstval = 0;
*syscallbody = '\0';
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "include")) {
free (includefile);
includefile = strdup (skipspaces (str));
slurp = 0;
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "alias")) {
mode = ALIAS;
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "data")) {
mode = DATA;
ndstval = 0;
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
dstval = malloc (4096);
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "naked")) {
mode = NAKED;
free (dstvar);
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
dstval = malloc (4096);
ndstval = 0;
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s:\n", str);
} else
if (strstr (ptr, "inline")) {
mode = INLINE;
free (dstvar);
dstvar = strdup (skipspaces (str));
dstval = malloc (4096);
ndstval = 0;
} else {
// naked label
if (*ptr)
r_egg_printf (egg, "\n.%s %s\n", ptr, str);
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s:\n", str);
} else {
//e->jmp (egg, ctxpush[context], 0);
if (CTX>0) {
// WTF?
eprintf ("LABEL %d\n", CTX);
r_egg_printf (egg, "\n%s:\n", str);
} else {
if (!strcmp (str, "goto")) {
mode = GOTO;
} else {
// call() // or maybe jmp?
e->call (egg, str, 0);
#if 0
static void shownested() {
int i;
eprintf ("[[[NESTED %d]]] ", context);
for(i=0;nested[i];i++) {
eprintf ("%s ", nested[i]);
static void set_nested(REgg *egg, const char *s) {
int c = CTX-1;
int i=0;
if (CTX<1)
free (nested[c]);
nested[c] = strdup (s);
/** clear inner levels **/
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
//nestedi[context+i] = 0;
free (nested[CTX+i]);
nested[CTX+i] = NULL;
static void rcc_context(REgg *egg, int delta) {
REggEmit *emit = egg->remit;
char str[64];
if (CTX>31 || CTX <0)
if (callname && CTX>0) {// && delta>0) {
// set_nested (callname);
//eprintf (" - - - - - - - set nested d=%d c=%d (%s)\n", delta, context-1, callname);
CTX += delta;
lastctxdelta = delta;
if (CTX == 0 && delta < 0) {
if (mode != NAKED)
emit->frame_end (egg, stackframe+stackfixed, nbrackets);
if (mode == NORMAL) /* XXX : commenting this makes hello.r unhappy! TODO: find a cleaner alternative */
stackframe = 0;
mode = NORMAL;
} else {
/* conditional block */
//eprintf ("Callname is (%s)\n", callname);
const char *elm = skipspaces (elem);
const char *cn = callname;
//if (nested[context-1])
#if 0
if (delta<0 && context>0) {
eprintf ("close bracket foo!!!\n");
shownested ();
cn = strdup (nested[context-1]);
eprintf ("STATEMENT cn=(%s) idx=%d (%s)\n", cn, context-1, nested[context-1]);
eprintf ("CNTXXXPUSH (%s)\n", ctxpush[context-1]);
#if 0
if (!strcmp (cn, "while")) {
emit->while_end (egg, get_frame_label (context-1));
//char *var = get_frame_label (0);
//emit->jmp (egg, var, 0);
//eprintf ("ELEM (%s)\n", elm);
//eprintf ("END BLOCK %d, (%s)\n", context, nested[context-1]);
//eprintf ("CN = (%s) %d (%s) delta=%d\n", cn, context, nested[context-1], delta);
if (cn) {
//if (callname) { // handle 'foo() {'
/* TODO: this must be an array */
char *b, *g, *e, *n;
emit->comment (egg, "cond frame %s (%s)", cn, elm);
/* TODO: simplify with a single for */
b = strchr (elem, '<'); /* below */
g = strchr (elem, '>'); /* greater */
e = strchr (elem, '='); /* equal */
n = strchr (elem, '!'); /* negate */
if (!strcmp (cn, "while")) {
char lab[128];
sprintf (lab, "__begin_%d_%d_%d", nfunctions,
CTX-1, nestedi[CTX-1]);
emit->get_while_end (egg, str, ctxpush[CTX-1], lab); //get_frame_label (2));
//get_frame_label (2));
//eprintf ("------ (%s)\n", ctxpush[context-1]);
// free (endframe);
// XXX: endframe is deprecated, must use set_nested only
if (delta>0) {
set_nested (egg, str);
rcc_set_callname ("if"); // append 'if' body
if (!strcmp (cn, "if")) {
//emit->branch (egg, b, g, e, n, varsize, get_end_frame_label (egg));
sprintf (str, "__end_%d_%d_%d", nfunctions,
CTX-1, nestedi[CTX-1]);
nestede[CTX-1] = strdup (str);
sprintf (str, "__end_%d_%d_%d", nfunctions,
CTX, nestedi[CTX-1]);
emit->branch (egg, b, g, e, n, varsize, str);
if (CTX>0) {
/* XXX .. */
} else eprintf ("FUCKING CASE\n");
rcc_reset_callname ();
} //else eprintf ("Unknown statement (%s)(%s)\n", cn, elem);
} // handle '{ ..'
static int parsedatachar(REgg *egg, char c) {
static int inlinectr = 0;
char *str;
int i, j;
/* skip until '{' */
if (c == '{') { /* XXX: repeated code!! */
rcc_context (egg, 1);
if (++inlinectr==1)
return (ndstval = 0);
} else if (inlinectr == 0) {
/* capture value between parenthesis foo@data(NNN) { ... } */
if (c==')') {
stackframe = atoi (dstval);
eprintf ("STACKTRAF %d\n", stackframe);
ndstval = 0;
} else dstval[ndstval++] = c;
return 0;
/* capture body */
if (c == '}') { /* XXX: repeated code!! */
if (CTX< 2) {
inlinectr = 0;
rcc_context (egg, -1);
slurp = 0;
mode = NORMAL;
/* register */
if (dstval != NULL && dstvar != NULL) {
egg->remit->comment (egg, "data (%s)(%s)size=(%d)\n",
dstvar, dstval, stackframe);
r_egg_printf (egg, ".data\n");
for (str=dstval; is_space (*str); str++);
j = (stackframe)? stackframe: 1;
/* emit label */
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s:\n", dstvar);
for (i=1; i<=j; i++) {
if (*str=='"')
r_egg_printf (egg, ".ascii %s%s\n", dstval, (i==j)?"\"\\x00\"":"");
else r_egg_printf (egg, ".long %s\n", dstval);
r_egg_printf (egg, ".text\n");
R_FREE (dstvar);
R_FREE (dstval);
ndstval = 0;
CTX = 0;
return 1;
} else eprintf ("FUCK FUCK\n");
dstval[ndstval++] = c;
return 0;
static int parseinlinechar(REgg *egg, char c) {
static int inlinectr = 0;
/* skip until '{' */
if (c == '{') { /* XXX: repeated code!! */
rcc_context (egg, 1);
if (inlinectr==1)
return 0;
} else
if (inlinectr == 0)
return 0;
/* capture body */
if (c == '}') { /* XXX: repeated code!! */
if (CTX < 2) {
rcc_context (egg, -1);
slurp = 0;
mode = NORMAL;
inlinectr = 0;
if (dstvar == NULL && dstval == syscallbody) {
dstval = NULL;
return 1;
} else
/* register */
if (dstval != NULL && dstvar != NULL) {
//printf(" /* END OF INLINE (%s)(%s) */\n", dstvar, dstval);
inlines[ninlines].name = strdup (skipspaces (dstvar));
inlines[ninlines].body = strdup (skipspaces (dstval));
R_FREE (dstvar);
R_FREE (dstval);
return 1;
} else eprintf ("FUCK FUCK\n");
dstval[ndstval++] = c;
return 0;
/* TODO: split this function into several ones..quite long fun */
static void rcc_next(REgg *egg) {
const char *ocn;
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
char *str = NULL, *p, *ptr, buf[64];
int i;
if (setenviron) {
elem[elem_n - 1] = 0;
r_sys_setenv (setenviron, elem);
R_FREE (setenviron);
if (includefile) {
char *p, *q, *path;
// TODO: add support for directories
elem[elem_n-1] = 0;
path = find_include (elem, includefile);
if (!path) {
eprintf ("Cannot find include file '%s'\n", elem);
free (includefile);
includefile = NULL;
rcc_reset_callname ();
p = q = r_file_slurp (path, NULL);
if (p) {
int oline = ++line;
elem[0] = 0; // TODO: this must be a separate function
elem_n = 0;
line = 0;
for (; *p; p++)
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
free (q);
line = oline;
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot find '%s'\n", path);
free (path);
docall = 1;
if (callname) {
if (!strcmp (callname, "goto")) {
if (nargs != 1) {
eprintf ("Invalid number of arguments for goto()\n");
e->jmp (egg, ctxpush[CTX], 0);
rcc_reset_callname ();
if (!strcmp (callname, "break")) {
e->trap (egg);
rcc_reset_callname ();
ptr = strchr (callname, '=');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
//ocn = ptr+1; // what is the point of this?
ocn = skipspaces (callname);
if (!ocn) return;
str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, ocn, 0);
if (!str) {
eprintf ("Cannot mkvar\n");
if (*ocn=='.')
e->call (egg, str, 1);
if (!strcmp (str, "while")) {
char var[128];
if (lastctxdelta >= 0)
exit (eprintf ("ERROR: Unsupported while syntax\n"));
sprintf (var, "__begin_%d_%d_%d\n", nfunctions, CTX, nestedi[CTX-1]);
e->while_end (egg, var); //get_frame_label (1));
#if 0
eprintf ("------------------------------------------ lastctx: %d\n", lastctxdelta);
// TODO: the pushvar is required for the if(){}while(); constructions
//char *pushvar = ctxpush[context+nbrackets-1];
/* TODO: support to compare more than one expression (LOGICAL OR) */
rcc_printf (" pop %%eax\n");
rcc_printf (" cmp $0, %%eax\n"); // XXX MUST SUPPORT != 0 COMPARE HERE
/* TODO : Simplify!! */
//if (pushvar)
// printf(" push %s /* wihle push */\n", pushvar);
if (lastctxdelta<0)
rcc_printf (" jnz %s\n", get_frame_label (1));
else rcc_printf (" jnz %s\n", get_frame_label (0));
//if (pushvar)
// printf(" pop %%"R_AX" /* while pop */\n");
nargs = 0;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nsyscalls; i++) {
if (!strcmp (str, syscalls[i].name)) {
p = syscallbody;
e->comment (egg, "set syscall args");
e->syscall_args (egg, nargs);
docall = 0;
e->comment (egg, "syscall");
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, '\n'); /* FIX parsing issue */
if (p) {
for (; *p; p++)
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
} else {
char *q, *s = e->syscall (egg, nargs);
if (s) {
for (q=s; *q; q++)
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *q);
free (s);
} else eprintf ("Cannot get @syscall payload\n");
docall = 0;
if (docall)
for (i = 0; i < ninlines; i++) {
if (!strcmp (str, inlines[i].name)) {
p = inlines[i].body;
docall = 0;
e->comment (egg, "inline");
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, '\n'); /* FIX parsing issue */
for (; *p; p++)
r_egg_lang_parsechar (egg, *p);
docall = 0;
if (docall) {
e->comment (egg, "call in mode %d", mode);
e->call (egg, str, 0);
if (nargs > 0)
e->restore_stack (egg, nargs*e->size);
if (ocn) { // Used to call .var0()
/* XXX: Probably buggy and wrong */
*buf = 0;
free (str);
str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, ocn, 0);
if (*buf)
e->get_result (egg, buf);
//else { eprintf("external symbol %s\n", ocn); }
/* store result of call */
if (dstvar) {
if (mode != NAKED) {
*buf = 0;
free (str);
str = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, dstvar, 0);
if (*buf == 0)
eprintf ("Cannot resolve variable '%s'\n", dstvar);
else e->get_result (egg, buf);
R_FREE (dstvar);
rcc_reset_callname ();
} else {
int vs = 'l';
char type, *eq, *ptr = elem;
elem[elem_n] = '\0';
ptr = (char*)skipspaces (ptr);
if (*ptr) {
eq = strchr (ptr, '=');
if (eq) {
char str2[64], *p, ch = *(eq-1);
*eq = '\0';
eq = (char*) skipspaces (eq+1);
p = r_egg_mkvar (egg, str2, ptr, 0);
vs = varsize;
if (is_var (eq)) {
eq = r_egg_mkvar (egg, buf, eq, 0);
if (varxs=='*')
e->load (egg, eq, varsize);
/* XXX this is a hack .. must be integrated with pusharg */
if (varxs=='&')
e->load_ptr (egg, eq);
if (eq) {
free (eq);
eq = NULL;
type = ' ';
} else type = '$';
vs = 'l'; // XXX: add support for != 'l' size
e->mathop (egg, ch, vs, type, eq, p);
} else {
if (!strcmp (ptr, "break")) { // handle 'break;'
e->trap (egg);
rcc_reset_callname ();
} else {
e->mathop (egg, '=', vs, '$', ptr, NULL);
free (str);
R_API int r_egg_lang_parsechar(REgg *egg, char c) {
REggEmit *e = egg->remit;
char *ptr, str[64], *tmp_ptr = NULL;
if (c=='\n') {
elem_n = 0;
//eprintf ("CH %c\n", c);
/* comments */
if (skipline) {
if (c != '\n') {
oc = c;
return 0;
skipline = 0;
if (mode == DATA)
return parsedatachar (egg, c);
if (mode == INLINE)
return parseinlinechar (egg, c);
/* quotes */
if (quoteline) {
if (c != quoteline) {
if (quotelinevar == 1) {
if (c == '`') {
elem[elem_n] = 0;
elem_n = 0;
tmp_ptr = r_egg_mkvar (egg, str, elem, 0);
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s", tmp_ptr);
free (tmp_ptr);
quotelinevar = 0;
} else elem[elem_n++] = c;
} else {
if (c == '`') {
elem_n = 0;
quotelinevar = 1;
} else r_egg_printf (egg, "%c", c);
oc = c;
return 0;
} else {
r_egg_printf (egg, "\n");
quoteline = 0;
if (commentmode) {
if (c=='/' && oc == '*')
commentmode = 0;
oc = c;
return 0;
} else if (c=='*' && oc == '/')
commentmode = 1;
if (slurp) {
if (slurp != '"' && c == slurpin)
exit (eprintf (
"%s:%d Nesting of expressions not yet supported\n",
file, line));
if (c == slurp && oc != '\\') {
slurp = 0;
elem[elem_n] = '\0';
if (elem_n > 0)
rcc_element (egg, elem);
else e->frame (egg, 0);
elem_n = 0;
} else elem[elem_n++] = c;
elem[elem_n] = '\0';
} else {
switch (c) {
case ';':
rcc_next (egg);
case '"':
slurp = '"';
case '(':
slurpin = '(';
slurp = ')';
case '{':
if (CTX>0) {
// r_egg_printf (egg, " %s:\n", get_frame_label (0));
r_egg_printf (egg, " __begin_%d_%d_%d:\n",
nfunctions, CTX, nestedi[CTX]); //%s:\n", get_frame_label (0));
rcc_context (egg, 1);
case '}':
endframe = nested[CTX-1];
if (endframe) {
// XXX: use endframe[context]
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s\n", endframe);
// R_FREE (endframe);
if (CTX>0) {
if (nestede[CTX]) {
r_egg_printf (egg, "%s:\n", nestede[CTX]);
//nestede[CTX] = NULL;
} else {
r_egg_printf (egg, " __end_%d_%d_%d:\n",
nfunctions, CTX, nestedi[CTX-1]);
//get_end_frame_label (egg));
rcc_context (egg, -1);
if (CTX== 0) {
nbrackets = 0;
case ':':
if (oc == '\n' || oc == '}')
quoteline = '\n';
else elem[elem_n++] = c;
case '#':
if (oc == '\n')
skipline = 1;
case '/':
if (oc == '/')
skipline = 1;
else elem[elem_n++] = c;
elem[elem_n++] = c;
if (slurp) {
if (elem_n) {
ptr = elem;
elem[elem_n] = '\0';
while (is_space (*ptr)) ptr++;
rcc_fun (egg, ptr);
elem_n = 0;
if (c!='\t' && c!=' ')
oc = c;
return 0;