2016-07-12 22:15:19 +02:00

587 lines
15 KiB

#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <string.h>
static void str_op(char *c) {
if ((c[0] <= 'Z') && (c[0] >= 'A'))
c[0] += 0x20;
static int gb_reg_idx (char r) {
const char *rstr = "bcdehla";
const char *ptr = strchr (rstr, r);
return ptr?(int)(size_t)(ptr-rstr):-1;
static bool gb_parse_cb1 (ut8 *buf, const int minlen, char *buf_asm, ut8 base) {
int i;
if (strlen (buf_asm) < minlen)
return false;
buf[0] = base;
i = strlen (&buf_asm[minlen - 1]);
r_str_replace_in (&buf_asm[minlen - 1], (ut32)i, "[ ", "[", true);
r_str_replace_in (&buf_asm[minlen - 1], (ut32)i, " ]", "]", true);
r_str_do_until_token (str_op, buf_asm, ' ');
i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[minlen-1]);
if (i != (-1)) {
buf[0] |= (ut8)i;
return true;
} else if (buf_asm[minlen - 1] == '['
&& buf_asm[minlen] == 'h'
&& buf_asm[minlen + 1] == 'l'
&& buf_asm[minlen + 2] == ']' ) {
buf[0] |= 6;
return true;
} else return false;
static bool gb_parse_cb2 (ut8 *buf, const int minlen, char *buf_asm, ut8 base) {
ut64 num;
int i;
char *p, *q;
if ((i = strlen (buf_asm)) < minlen)
return false;
r_str_replace_in (buf_asm, (ut32)i, "[ ", "[", true);
r_str_replace_in (buf_asm, (ut32)i, " ]", "]", true);
r_str_replace_in (buf_asm, (ut32)i, ", ", ",", true);
p = strchr (buf_asm, (int)' ');
if (!p) return false;
q = strchr (p, (int)',');
if (!q) return false;
q[0] = '\0';
if (p[1] == '\0' || q[1] == '\0') {
q[0] = ',';
return false;
num = r_num_get (NULL, &p[1]);
q[0] = ',';
if (num > 7)
return false;
buf[0] = base + (ut8)num * 8;
i = gb_reg_idx (q[1]);
if (i != (-1)) {
buf[0] |= (ut8)i;
return true;
if (strlen(&q[1]) < 4)
return false;
if (q[1] == '[' && q[2] == 'h'
&& q[3] == 'l'
&& q[4] == ']') {
buf[0] |= 6;
return true;
return false;
static int gb_parse_arith1 (ut8 *buf, const int minlen, char *buf_asm, ut8 base, ut8 alt) {
int i;
ut64 num;
if (strlen (buf_asm) < minlen)
return 0;
buf[0] = base;
i = strlen (&buf_asm[minlen - 1]);
r_str_replace_in (&buf_asm[minlen - 1], (ut32)i, "[ ", "[", true);
r_str_replace_in (&buf_asm[minlen - 1], (ut32)i, " ]", "]", true);
r_str_do_until_token (str_op, buf_asm, ' ');
i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[minlen-1]);
if (i != (-1))
buf[0] |= (ut8)i;
else if (buf_asm[minlen - 1] == '['
&& buf_asm[minlen] == 'h'
&& buf_asm[minlen + 1] == 'l'
&& buf_asm[minlen + 2] == ']' )
buf[0] |= 6;
else {
buf[0] = alt;
num = r_num_get (NULL, &buf_asm[minlen - 1]);
buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
return 2;
return 1;
static bool gb_parse_ld1 (ut8 *buf, const int minlen, char *buf_asm) {
int i;
r_str_replace_in (buf_asm, strlen(buf_asm), ", ", ",", true);
if ((i = strlen(buf_asm)) < minlen)
return false;
r_str_do_until_token (str_op, buf_asm, '\0');
if (buf_asm[4] == ',') {
i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[3]);
if (i == (-1))
return false;
buf[0] = (ut8)(0x40 + (i * 8));
if ((i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[5])) == (-1))
return false;
buf[0] |= (ut8)i;
} else if (buf_asm[3] == '['
&& buf_asm[4] == 'h'
&& buf_asm[5] == 'l'
&& buf_asm[6] == ']'
&& buf_asm[7] == ',') {
if ((i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[8])) == (-1))
return false;
buf[0] = 0x70 | (ut8)i;
return true;
static bool gb_parse_ld2 (ut8 *buf, char *buf_asm) {
int i;
ut64 num;
if (strlen (buf_asm) < 6)
return false;
if (buf_asm[4] == ',') {
if ((i = gb_reg_idx (buf_asm[3])) == (-1))
return false;
buf[0] = 0x6 + (ut8)(i * 8);
num = r_num_get (NULL, &buf_asm[5]);
buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
return true;
} else if (buf_asm[3] == '['
&& buf_asm[4] == 'h'
&& buf_asm[5] == 'l'
&& buf_asm[6] == ']'
&& buf_asm[7] == ','
&& buf_asm[8] != '\0') {
buf[0] = 0x36;
num = r_num_get (NULL, &buf_asm[8]);
buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
return true;
return false;
static int gbAsm(RAsm *a, RAsmOp *op, const char *buf) {
int mn_len, i, len = 1;
ut32 mn = 0;
ut64 num;
if (!a || !op || !buf)
return 0;
strncpy (op->buf_asm, buf, R_ASM_BUFSIZE-1);
op->buf_asm[R_ASM_BUFSIZE-1] = 0;
i = strlen (op->buf_asm);
while (strstr (op->buf_asm, " "))
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, " ", " ", true);
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, " ,", ",", true);
mn_len = r_str_do_until_token (str_op, op->buf_asm, ' ');
if (mn_len < 2 || mn_len > 4)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < mn_len; i++)
mn = (mn << 8) | op->buf_asm[i];
switch (mn) {
case 0x6e6f70: //nop
op->buf[0] = 0x00;
case 0x696e63: //inc
if ((i = strlen (op->buf_asm)) < 5)
return op->size = 0;
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, "[ ", "[", true);
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, " ]", "]", true);
r_str_do_until_token (str_op, &op->buf_asm[4], '\0');
if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'b') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x03;
else op->buf[0] = 0x04;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x0c;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'd') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'e')
op->buf[0] = 0x13;
else op->buf[0] = 0x14;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'e')
op->buf[0] = 0x1c;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'h') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'l')
op->buf[0] = 0x23;
else op->buf[0] = 0x24;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'l')
op->buf[0] = 0x2c;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'a')
op->buf[0] = 0x3c;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 's'
&& op->buf_asm[5] == 'p')
op->buf[0] = 0x33;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == '['
&& op->buf_asm[5] == 'h'
&& op->buf_asm[6] == 'l'
&& op->buf_asm[7] == ']')
op->buf[0] = 0x34;
else len = 0;
case 0x646563: //dec
if ((i = strlen (op->buf_asm)) < 5)
return op->size = 0;
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, "[ ", "[", true);
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, (ut32)i, " ]", "]", true);
r_str_do_until_token (str_op, &op->buf_asm[4], '\0');
if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'b') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x0b;
else op->buf[0] = 0x05;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x0d;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'd') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'e')
op->buf[0] = 0x1b;
else op->buf[0] = 0x15;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'e')
op->buf[0] = 0x1d;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'h') {
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'l')
op->buf[0] = 0x2b;
else op->buf[0] = 0x25;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'l')
op->buf[0] = 0x2d;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'a')
op->buf[0] = 0x3d;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 's'
&& op->buf_asm[5] == 'p')
op->buf[0] = 0x3b;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == '['
&& op->buf_asm[5] == 'h'
&& op->buf_asm[6] == 'l'
&& op->buf_asm[7] == ']')
op->buf[0] = 0x35;
else len = 0;
case 0x726c6361: //rlca
op->buf[0] = 0x07;
case 0x72726361: //rrca
op->buf[0] = 0xf0;
case 0x73746f70: //stop
op->buf[0] = 0x10;
case 0x726c61: //rla
op->buf[0] = 0x17;
case 0x727261: //rra
op->buf[0] = 0x1f;
case 0x646161: //daa
op->buf[0] = 0x27;
case 0x63706c: //cpl
op->buf[0] = 0x2f;
case 0x616464: //add
r_str_replace_in (op->buf_asm, strlen(op->buf_asm), ", ", ",", true);
if (strlen(op->buf_asm) < 5)
return op->size = 0;
if (op->buf_asm[4] == 's'
&& op->buf_asm[5] == 'p'
&& op->buf_asm[6] == ','
&& op->buf_asm[7] != '\0') {
op->buf[0] = 0xe8;
num = r_num_get (NULL, &op->buf_asm[7]);
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
len = 2;
else if (!strcmp (op->buf_asm, "hl,bc"))
op->buf[0] = 0x09;
else if (!strcmp (&op->buf_asm[4], "hl,de"))
op->buf[0] = 0x19;
else if (!strcmp (&op->buf_asm[4], "hl,hl"))
op->buf[0] = 0x29;
else if (!strcmp (&op->buf_asm[4], "hl,sp"))
op->buf[0] = 0x39;
else len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0x80, 0xc6);
case 0x616463: //adc
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0x88, 0xce);
case 0x737562: //sub
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0x90, 0xd6);
case 0x736263: //sbc
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0x98, 0xde);
case 0x616e64: //and
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0xa0, 0xe6);
case 0x786f72: //xor
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 5, op->buf_asm, 0xa8, 0xee);
case 0x6f72: //or
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 4, op->buf_asm, 0xb0, 0xf6);
case 0x6370: //cp
len = gb_parse_arith1 (op->buf, 4, op->buf_asm, 0xb8, 0xfe);
case 0x736366: //scf
op->buf[0] = 0x37;
case 0x636366: //ccf
op->buf[0] = 0x3f;
case 0x68616c74: //halt
op->buf[0] = 0x76;
case 0x726574: //ret
if (strlen(op->buf_asm) < 5)
op->buf[0] = 0xc9;
else if (strlen (op->buf_asm) < 6) { //there is no way that there can be " " - we did r_str_replace_in
if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'z') //ret Z
op->buf[0] = 0xc8;
else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'c') //ret C
op->buf[0] = 0xd8;
else return op->size = 0;
} else {
if (op->buf_asm[4] != 'n')
return op->size = 0;
str_op(&op->buf_asm[5]); //if (!(strlen(op->buf_asm) < 6)) => must be 6 or greater
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'z') //ret nZ
op->buf[0] = 0xc0;
else if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'c') //ret nC
op->buf[0] = 0xd0;
else return op->size = 0;
case 0x72657469: //reti
op->buf[0] = 0xd9;
case 0x6469: //di
op->buf[0] = 0xf3;
case 0x6569: //ei
op->buf[0] = 0xfb;
case 0x6c64: //ld
if (!gb_parse_ld1 (op->buf, 6, op->buf_asm)) {
if (!gb_parse_ld2 (op->buf, op->buf_asm))
len = 0;
case 0x727374: //rst
if (strlen (op->buf_asm) < 5)
return op->size = 0;
num = r_num_get (NULL, &op->buf_asm[4]);
if ((num & 7) || ((num/8) > 7))
return op->size = 0;
op->buf[0] = (ut8)((num & 0xff) + 0xc7);
case 0x70757368: //push
if (strlen (op->buf_asm) < 7)
return op->size = 0;
str_op (&op->buf_asm[5]);
str_op (&op->buf_asm[6]);
if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'b' && op->buf_asm[6] == 'c') {
op->buf[0] = 0xc5;
} else if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'd' && op->buf_asm[6] == 'e') {
op->buf[0] = 0xd5;
} else if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'h' && op->buf_asm[6] == 'l') {
op->buf[0] = 0xe5;
} else if (op->buf_asm[5] == 'a' && op->buf_asm[6] == 'f') {
op->buf[0] = 0xf5;
} else len = 0;
case 0x706f70: //pop
if (strlen (op->buf_asm) < 6)
return op->size = 0;
str_op (&op->buf_asm[4]);
str_op (&op->buf_asm[5]);
if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'b' && op->buf_asm[5] == 'c') {
op->buf[0] = 0xc1;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'd' && op->buf_asm[5] == 'e') {
op->buf[0] = 0xd1;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'h' && op->buf_asm[5] == 'l') {
op->buf[0] = 0xe1;
} else if (op->buf_asm[4] == 'a' && op->buf_asm[5] == 'f') {
op->buf[0] = 0xf1;
} else len = 0;
case 0x6a70: //jp
if (strlen(op->buf_asm) < 4)
return op->size = 0;
char *p = strchr (op->buf_asm, (int)',');
if (!p) {
str_op (&op->buf_asm[3]);
str_op (&op->buf_asm[4]);
if (op->buf_asm[3] == 'h' && op->buf_asm[4] == 'l')
op->buf[0] = 0xe9;
else {
num = r_num_get (NULL, &op->buf_asm[3]);
len = 3;
op->buf[0] = 0xc3;
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
op->buf[2] = (ut8)((num & 0xff00) >> 8);
} else {
str_op (p-2);
str_op (p-1);
if (*(p-2) == 'n') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0xc2;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0xd2;
else return op->size = 0;
} else if (*(p-2) == ' ') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0xca;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0xda;
else return op->size = 0;
} else return op->size = 0;
r_str_replace_in (p, strlen(p), ", ", ",", true);
if (p[1] == '\0')
return op->size = 0;
num = r_num_get (NULL, p + 1);
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
op->buf[2] = (ut8)((num & 0xff00) >> 8);
len = 3;
case 0x6a72: //jr
if (strlen (op->buf_asm) < 4)
return op->size = 0;
char *p = strchr (op->buf_asm, (int)',');
if (!p) {
num = r_num_get (NULL, &op->buf_asm[3]);
len = 2;
op->buf[0] = 0x18;
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
} else {
str_op (p-2);
str_op (p-1);
if (*(p-2) == 'n') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0x20;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x30;
else return op->size = 0;
} else if (*(p-2) == ' ') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0x28;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0x38;
else return op->size = 0;
} else return op->size = 0;
r_str_replace_in (p, strlen(p), ", ", ",", true);
if (p[1] == '\0')
return op->size = 0;
num = r_num_get (NULL, p + 1);
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
len = 2;
case 0x63616c6c: //call
if (strlen(op->buf_asm) < 6)
return op->size = 0;
char *p = strchr (op->buf_asm, (int)',');
if (!p) {
num = r_num_get (NULL, &op->buf_asm[3]);
len = 3;
op->buf[0] = 0xcd;
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
op->buf[2] = (ut8)((num & 0xff00) >> 8);
} else {
str_op (p-2);
str_op (p-1);
if (*(p-2) == 'n') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0xc4;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0xd4;
else return op->size = 0;
} else if (*(p-2) == ' ') {
if (*(p-1) == 'z')
op->buf[0] = 0xcc;
else if (*(p-1) == 'c')
op->buf[0] = 0xdc;
else return op->size = 0;
} else return op->size = 0;
r_str_replace_in (p, strlen(p), ", ", ",", true);
if (p[1] == '\0')
return op->size = 0;
num = r_num_get (NULL, p + 1);
op->buf[1] = (ut8)(num & 0xff);
op->buf[2] = (ut8)((num & 0xff00) >> 8);
len = 3;
case 0x726c63:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 5, op->buf_asm, 0x00))
len = 0;
case 0x727263:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 5, op->buf_asm, 0x08))
len = 0;
case 0x726c:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 4, op->buf_asm, 0x10))
len = 0;
case 0x7272:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 4, op->buf_asm, 0x18))
len = 0;
case 0x736c61:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 5, op->buf_asm, 0x20))
len = 0;
case 0x737261:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 5, op->buf_asm, 0x28))
len = 0;
case 0x73776170:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 6, op->buf_asm, 0x30))
len = 0;
case 0x73726c:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb1 (&op->buf[1], 5, op->buf_asm, 0x38))
len = 0;
case 0x626974:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb2 (&op->buf[1], 6, op->buf_asm, 0x40))
len = 0;
case 0x726573:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb2 (&op->buf[1], 6, op->buf_asm, 0x80))
len = 0;
case 0x736574:
op->buf[0] = 0xcb;
len = 2;
if (!gb_parse_cb2 (&op->buf[1], 6, op->buf_asm, 0xc0))
len = 0;
len = 0;
return op->size = len;