pancake fc9301b14b Add hints and named print formats and more
Initial implementation of anal hints (ah?)
Use anal hints in core/disasm. Needs more work
New data structure StrHT (string hashtable)
Simplify core/libs.c with cpp macros
Added r_cons_color() wip function for ansi256 consoles
RPrint no longer depends on r_cons
Sort 'a?' help commands
Add support for named print formats with pf$ command
Add support for 64 bit string pointers in 'pf' ('S')
Add r_print_mute and r_print_format_length functions
Bump r2 nodejs bindings version number
Merge r_print into r_util
2013-01-22 05:06:12 +01:00

101 lines
2.2 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2011-2013 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
#if 0
Patch format
^# -> comments
. -> execute command
! -> execute command
OFFSET { code block }
OFFSET "string"
OFFSET 01020304
OFFSET : assembly
+ {code}|"str"|0210|: asm
R_API int r_core_patch (RCore *core, const char *patch) {
char *p, *p2, *q, str[200], tmp[64];
ut64 noff = 0LL;
FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (patch, "r");
if (fd==NULL) {
eprintf ("Cannot open patch file\n");
return 1;
while (!feof (fd)) {
fgets (str, sizeof (str), fd);
if (*str=='#' || *str=='\n' || *str=='\r')
if (*str=='.' || *str=='!') {
r_core_cmd0 (core, str);
p = strchr (str+1, ' ');
if (p) {
*p = 0;
for (++p;*p==' ';p++); // XXX: skipsspaces here
switch (*p) {
case '{': {
char *s, *off = strdup (str);
RBuffer *b = r_buf_new ();
while (!feof (fd)) {
fgets (str, sizeof (str), fd);
if (*str=='}')
if ((q=strstr (str, "${"))) {
char *end = strchr (q+2,'}');
if (end) {
*q = *end = 0;
noff = r_num_math (core->num, q+2);
r_buf_append_bytes (b, (const ut8*)str, strlen (str));
snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp), "0x%08"PFMT64x, noff);
r_buf_append_bytes (b, (const ut8*)tmp, strlen (tmp));
r_buf_append_bytes (b, (const ut8*)end+1, strlen (end+1));
} else r_buf_append_bytes (b, (const ut8*)str, strlen (str));
s = r_buf_to_string (b);
r_egg_load (core->egg, s, 0);
free (s);
r_egg_compile (core->egg);
r_egg_assemble (core->egg);
r_buf_free (b);
b = r_egg_get_bin (core->egg);
if (strcmp (off, "+"))
noff = r_num_math (core->num, off);
r_core_write_at (core, noff, b->buf, b->length);
noff += b->length;
r_buf_free (b);
free (off);
case '"':
p2 = strchr (p+1,'"');
if (p2) *p2=0;
r_core_cmdf (core, "s %s", str);
r_core_cmdf (core, "\" %s\"", p+1);
case ':':
r_core_cmdf (core, "s %s", str);
r_core_cmdf (core, "wa %s", p);
r_core_cmdf (core, "s %s", str);
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %s", p);
fclose (fd);
return 0;