mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:26:43 +00:00
5027 lines
133 KiB
5027 lines
133 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2024 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
#include <r_vec.h>
R_VEC_TYPE(RVecAnalRef, RAnalRef);
#define NPF 5
#define PIDX (R_ABS (core->visual.printidx % NPF))
R_IPI void visual_refresh(RCore *core);
R_IPI void visual_add_comment(RCore *core, ut64 at);
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} Snow;
#define KEY_ALTQ 0xc5
static const char *printfmtSingle[NPF] = {
"xc", // HEXDUMP
"afsQ;pd $r", // ASSEMBLY
"pxw 64@r:SP;dr=;drcq;afsQ;pd $r", // DEBUGGER
"prc", // OVERVIEW
"psb", // PC// copypasteable views
static const char *printfmtColumns[NPF] = {
"pCx", // HEXDUMP // + pCw
"pCd $r-1", // ASSEMBLY
"pCc", // PC// copypasteable views
// to print the stack in the debugger view
#define PRINT_3_FORMATS 2
#define PRINT_4_FORMATS 9
#define PRINT_5_FORMATS 7
// always in pairs, because thats how <space> knows how to toggle
static const char *printHexFormats[PRINT_HEX_FORMATS] = {
"px", "pxa",
"pxr", "pxr4",
"prcn", "prcb",
"pxb", "pxh",
"pxw", "pxq",
"pxu", "pxd",
static const char *print3Formats[PRINT_3_FORMATS] = { // not used at all. its handled by the pd format
"pxw 64@r:SP;dr=;drcq;pd $r", // DEBUGGER
static const char *print4Formats[PRINT_4_FORMATS] = {
"prc", "p2", "prc=a", "pxAv", "pxx", "p=e $r-2", "pq 64", "pk 64", "pri",
static const char *print5Formats[PRINT_5_FORMATS] = {
"pca", "pcA", "p8x", "pcc", "psb", "pcp", "pcd",
R_API void r_core_visual_applyHexMode(RCore *core, int hexMode) {
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (hexMode) % PRINT_HEX_FORMATS;
switch (core->visual.currentFormat) {
case 0: /* px */
case 3: /* prx */
case 6: /* pxw */
case 10: /* pxr */
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.compact", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.comments", true);
case 1: /* pxa */
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.compact", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.comments", true);
case 4: /* pxb */
case 7: /* pxq */
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.compact", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.comments", true);
case 2: /* pxr */
case 5: /* pxh */
case 8: /* pxu */
case 9: /* pxd */
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.compact", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "hex.comments", false);
R_API void r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm(RCore *core, bool for_graph, bool reset) {
if (core->visual.hold) {
r_config_hold_restore (core->visual.hold);
r_config_hold_free (core->visual.hold);
core->visual.hold = NULL;
if (reset) {
core->visual.hold = r_config_hold_new (core->config);
r_config_hold (core->visual.hold, "asm.hint.pos", "asm.cmt.col", "asm.offset", "asm.lines",
"asm.indent", "asm.bytes", "asm.comments", "asm.dwarf", "asm.cmt.user", "asm.instr", NULL);
if (for_graph) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.hint.pos", "-2");
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.lines", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.indent", false);
} else {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.hint.pos", "0");
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.indent", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.lines", true);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col", 0);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.offset", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.dwarf", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.comments", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.cmt.user", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.instr", false);
static void setcursor(RCore *core, bool cur) {
int flags = core->print->flags; // wtf
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
} else {
core->print->cur_enabled = cur;
if (core->print->cur == -1) {
core->print->cur = 0;
r_print_set_flags (core->print, flags);
core->print->col = core->print->cur_enabled? 1: 0;
// R2_600 make this function static and disMode must be taken from core->visual.disMode instead of an argument
R_API void r_core_visual_applyDisMode(RCore *core, int disMode) {
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (disMode) % 5;
switch (core->visual.currentFormat) {
case 0:
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.pseudo", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.esil", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", false);
case 1:
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.pseudo", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.esil", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", true);
case 2:
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.pseudo", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.esil", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", true);
case 3:
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.pseudo", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.esil", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", true);
case 4:
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.pseudo", true);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.bytes", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.esil", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", false);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", true);
static void nextPrintCommand(RCore *core) {
core->visual.current0format %= PRINT_HEX_FORMATS;
core->visual.currentFormat = core->visual.current0format;
static void prevPrintCommand(RCore *core) {
if (core->visual.current0format < 0) {
core->visual.current0format = 0;
core->visual.currentFormat = core->visual.current0format;
static const char *stackPrintCommand(RCore *core) {
if (core->visual.current0format == 0) {
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "dbg.slow")) {
return "pxr";
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "stack.bytes")) {
return "px";
switch (core->rasm->config->bits) {
case 64: return "pxq"; break;
case 32: return "pxw"; break;
return "px";
return printHexFormats[core->visual.current0format % PRINT_HEX_FORMATS];
static const char *__core_visual_print_command(RCore *core) {
if (core->visual.tabs) {
RCoreVisualTab *tab = r_list_get_n (core->visual.tabs, core->visual.tab);
if (tab && tab->name[0] == ':') {
return tab->name + 1;
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.dumpcols")) {
free (core->stkcmd);
core->stkcmd = R_STR_DUP (stackPrintCommand (core));
return printfmtColumns[PIDX];
return printfmtSingle[PIDX];
static bool __core_visual_gogo(RCore *core, int ch) {
RIOMap *map;
int ret = -1;
switch (ch) {
case 'g':
if (core->io->va) {
map = r_io_map_get_at (core->io, core->offset);
if (!map) {
RIOBank *bank = r_io_bank_get (core->io, core->io->bank);
if (bank && r_list_length (bank->maprefs)) {
map = r_io_map_get (core->io,
((RIOMapRef *)r_list_last (bank->maprefs))->id);
if (map) {
r_core_seek (core, r_io_map_begin (map), true);
} else {
r_core_seek (core, 0, true);
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
return true;
case 'G':
map = r_io_map_get_at (core->io, core->offset);
if (!map) {
RIOBank *bank = r_io_bank_get (core->io, core->io->bank);
if (bank && r_list_length (bank->maprefs)) {
map = r_io_map_get (core->io,
((RIOMapRef *)r_list_last (bank->maprefs))->id);
if (map) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
int scr_rows;
if (!p->consbind.get_size) {
(void)p->consbind.get_size (&scr_rows);
ut64 scols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
ret = r_core_seek (core, r_io_map_end (map) - (scr_rows - 2) * scols, true);
if (ret != -1) {
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
return true;
return false;
static RCoreHelpMessage help_visual = {
"?", "full help",
"!", "enter panels",
"a", "code analysis",
"c", "toggle cursor",
"d", "debugger / emulator",
"e", "toggle configurations",
"i", "insert / write",
"m", "moving around (seeking)",
"p", "print commands and modes",
"v", "view management",
static RCoreHelpMessage help_msg_visual = {
"?", "show visual mode help (short)",
"??", "show visual mode help (full)",
"$", "set the program counter to the current offset + cursor",
"&", "rotate asm.bits between 8, 16, 32 and 64 applying hints",
"%", "in cursor mode finds matching pair, otherwise toggle autoblocksz",
"^", "seek to the beginning of the function",
"!", "swap into visual panels mode",
"TAB", "switch to the next print mode (or element in cursor mode)",
"_", "enter the flag/comment/functions/.. hud (same as VF_)",
"=", "set cmd.vprompt (top row)",
"|", "set cmd.cprompt (right column)",
".", "seek to program counter",
"#", "toggle decompiler comments in disasm (see pdd* from r2dec)",
"\\", "toggle visual split mode",
"\"", "toggle the column mode (uses pC..)",
"/", "in cursor mode search in current block",
"(", "toggle snow",
")", "toggle emu.str",
":cmd", "run radare command",
";[-]cmt", "add/remove comment",
"0", "seek to beginning of current function",
"[1-9]", "follow jmp/call identified by shortcut (like ;[1])",
",file", "add a link to the text file",
"/*+-[]", "change block size, [] = resize hex.cols",
"<,>", "seek aligned to block size (in cursor slurp or dump files)",
"a/A", "(a)ssemble code, visual (A)ssembler",
"b", "browse evals, symbols, flags, mountpoints, evals, classes, ...",
"B", "toggle breakpoint",
"c/C", "toggle (c)ursor and (C)olors",
"d[f?]", "define function, data, code, ..",
"D", "enter visual diff mode (set diff.from/to)",
"f/F", "set/unset or browse flags. f- to unset, F to browse, ..",
"hjkl", "move around (or HJKL) (left-down-up-right)",
"i", "insert hex or string (in hexdump) use tab to toggle",
"I", "insert hexpair block ",
"mK/'K", "mark/go to Key (any key)",
"n/N", "seek next/prev function/flag/hit (scr.nkey)",
"g", "go/seek to given offset (g[g/G]<enter> to seek begin/end of file)",
"O", "toggle asm.pseudo and asm.esil",
"p/P", "rotate print modes (hex, disasm, debug, words, buf)",
"q", "back to radare shell",
"r", "toggle callhints/jmphints/leahints",
"R", "randomize color palette (ecr)",
"sS", "step / step over",
"tT", "tt new tab, t[1-9] switch to nth tab, t= name tab, t- close tab",
"uU", "undo/redo seek",
"v", "visual function/vars code analysis mode",
"V", "(V)iew interactive ascii art graph (agfv)",
"wW", "seek cursor to next/prev word",
"xX", "show xrefs/refs of current function from/to data/code",
"yY", "copy and paste selection",
"z", "fold/unfold comments in disassembly",
"Z", "shift-tab rotate print modes", // ctoggle zoom mode",
"Enter", "follow address of jump/call",
static RCoreHelpMessage help_msg_visual_fn = {
"F2", "toggle breakpoint",
"F4", "run to cursor",
"F7", "single step",
"F8", "step over",
"F9", "continue",
#define USE_THREADS 1
static void printSnow(RCore *core) {
if (!core->visual.snows) {
core->visual.snows = r_list_newf (free);
int i, h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
int amount = r_num_rand (4);
if (amount > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
Snow *snow = R_NEW (Snow);
snow->x = r_num_rand (w);
snow->y = 0;
r_list_append (core->visual.snows, snow);
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
Snow *snow;
r_list_foreach_safe (core->visual.snows, iter, iter2, snow) {
int pos = (r_num_rand (3)) - 1;
snow->x += pos;
if (snow->x >= w) {
r_list_delete (core->visual.snows, iter);
if (snow->y > h) {
r_list_delete (core->visual.snows, iter);
r_cons_gotoxy (snow->x, snow->y);
r_cons_printf ("*");
// r_cons_gotoxy (10 , 10);
r_cons_flush ();
static void rotate_asm_bits(RCore *core) {
RAnalHint *hint = r_anal_hint_get (core->anal, core->offset);
int bits = hint? hint->bits : r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bits");
int retries = 4;
while (retries > 0) {
int nb = bits == 64 ? 8:
bits == 32 ? 64:
bits == 16 ? 32:
bits == 8 ? 16: bits;
if ((core->rasm->config->bits & nb) == nb) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "ahb %d", nb);
bits = nb;
r_anal_hint_free (hint);
static const char *rotateAsmemu(RCore *core) {
const bool isEmuStr = r_config_get_b (core->config, "emu.str");
const bool isEmu = r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.emu");
if (isEmu) {
if (isEmuStr) {
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", false);
} else {
r_config_set_b (core->config, "asm.emu", false);
} else {
r_config_set_b (core->config, "emu.str", true);
return "pd";
R_API void r_core_visual_showcursor(RCore *core, int x) {
if (core && core->vmode) {
r_cons_show_cursor (x);
r_cons_enable_mouse (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
} else {
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
r_cons_flush ();
static void printFormat(RCore *core, int next) {
switch (core->visual.printidx) {
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PX: // 0 // xc
core->visual.hexMode += next;
r_core_visual_applyHexMode (core, core->visual.hexMode);
printfmtSingle[0] = printHexFormats[R_ABS (core->visual.hexMode) % PRINT_HEX_FORMATS];
core->visual.disMode += next;
r_core_visual_applyDisMode (core, core->visual.disMode);
printfmtSingle[1] = rotateAsmemu (core);
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB: // debugger
core->visual.disMode += next;
r_core_visual_applyDisMode (core, core->visual.disMode);
printfmtSingle[1] = rotateAsmemu (core);
core->visual.current3format += next;
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (core->visual.current3format) % PRINT_3_FORMATS;
printfmtSingle[2] = print3Formats[core->visual.currentFormat];
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_OV: // overview
core->visual.current4format += next;
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (core->visual.current4format) % PRINT_4_FORMATS;
printfmtSingle[3] = print4Formats[core->visual.currentFormat];
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_CD: // code
core->visual.current5format += next;
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (core->visual.current5format) % PRINT_5_FORMATS;
printfmtSingle[4] = print5Formats[core->visual.currentFormat];
static inline void nextPrintFormat(RCore *core) {
if (core->visual.printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PX) {
if (!(core->visual.hexMode % 2)) {
printFormat (core, 1);
printFormat (core, 1);
static inline void prevPrintFormat(RCore *core) {
if (core->visual.printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PX) {
if (!(core->visual.hexMode % 2)) {
printFormat (core, -1);
printFormat (core, -1);
R_API bool r_core_visual_hud(RCore *core) {
const char *c = r_config_get (core->config, "hud.path");
char *f = r_str_newf (R_JOIN_3_PATHS ("%s", R2_HUD, "main"), r_sys_prefix (NULL));
const int use_color = core->print->flags & R_PRINT_FLAGS_COLOR;
char *homehud = r_xdg_datadir ("hud");
bool ready = false;
char *res = NULL;
r_cons_context ()->color_mode = use_color;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (c) && r_file_exists (c)) {
res = r_cons_hud_file (c);
if (!res && homehud) {
res = r_cons_hud_file (homehud);
if (!res && r_file_exists (f)) {
res = r_cons_hud_file (f);
if (!res) {
r_cons_message ("Cannot find hud file");
r_cons_clear ();
if (res) {
char *p = strchr (res, ';');
if (res) {
r_cons_println (res);
r_cons_flush ();
r_core_cmd0 (core, p + 1);
R_FREE (res);
ready = true;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
r_cons_flush ();
free (homehud);
free (f);
return ready;
R_API void r_core_visual_jump(RCore *core, ut8 ch) {
char chbuf[2];
chbuf[0] = ch;
chbuf[1] = '\0';
ut64 off = r_core_get_asmqjmps (core, chbuf);
if (off != UT64_MAX && off != UT32_MAX) {
int delta = R_ABS ((st64) off - (st64) core->offset);
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
if (core->print->cur_enabled && delta < 100) {
core->print->cur = delta;
} else {
r_core_visual_seek_animation (core, off);
core->print->cur = 0;
r_core_block_read (core);
// TODO: merge with r_cons_cmd_help
R_API void r_core_visual_append_help(RStrBuf *p, const char *title, const char * const * help) {
RCons *cons = r_cons_singleton ();
bool use_color = cons->context->color_mode;
const char
*pal_input_color = use_color ? cons->context->pal.input : "",
*pal_args_color = use_color ? cons->context->pal.args : "",
*pal_help_color = use_color ? cons->context->pal.help : "",
*pal_reset = use_color ? cons->context->pal.reset : "";
int i, max_length = 0, padding = 0;
const char *help_cmd = NULL, *help_desc = NULL;
// calculate padding for description text in advance
for (i = 0; help[i]; i += 2) {
max_length = R_MAX (max_length, strlen (help[i]));
/* Usage header */
r_strbuf_appendf (p, "%s%s%s\n",
pal_args_color, title, pal_reset);
/* Body of help text, indented */
for (i = 0; help[i]; i += 2) {
help_cmd = help[i + 0];
help_desc = help[i + 1];
padding = max_length - (strlen (help[i]));
r_strbuf_appendf (p, "| %s%s%*s %s%s%s\n",
pal_input_color, help_cmd,
padding, "",
pal_help_color, help_desc, pal_reset);
static int visual_help(RCore *core) {
int ret = 0;
RStrBuf *p, *q;
p = r_strbuf_new (NULL);
q = r_strbuf_new (NULL);
if (!p) {
return 0;
r_cons_clear00 ();
r_core_visual_append_help (q, "Visual Mode Help (short)", help_visual);
r_cons_printf ("%s", r_strbuf_get (q));
r_cons_flush ();
switch (r_cons_readchar ()) {
case 'q':
r_strbuf_free (p);
r_strbuf_free (q);
return ret;
case '!':
r_core_panels_root (core, core->panels_root);
case '?':
r_core_visual_append_help (p, "Visual Mode Help (full)", help_msg_visual);
r_core_visual_append_help (p, "Function Keys Defaults # Use `e key.` to owerwrite", help_msg_visual_fn);
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'v':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Views:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" \\ toggle horizonal split mode\n"
" tt create a new tab (same as t+)\n"
" t= give a name to the current tab\n"
" t- close current tab\n"
" th select previous tab (same as tj)\n"
" tl select next tab (same as tk)\n"
" t[1-9] select nth tab\n"
" C -> rotate scr.color=0,1,2,3\n"
" R -> rotate color theme with ecr command which honors scr.randpal\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'p':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Print Modes:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" pP change to the next/previous print mode (hex, dis, ..)\n"
" TAB rotate between all the configurations for the current print mode\n"
" SPACE toggle between graph/disasm or similar hex modes\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'e':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Evals:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" E toggle asm.hint.lea\n"
" & rotate asm.bits=16,32,64\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'c':
setcursor (core, !core->print->cur_enabled);
r_strbuf_free (p);
return ret;
case 'i':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Insertion Help:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" i insert bits, bytes or text depending on view\n"
" a assemble instruction and write the bytes in the current offset\n"
" A visual assembler\n"
" + increment value of byte\n"
" - decrement value of byte\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'd':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Debugger Help:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" $ set the program counter (PC register)\n"
" s step in\n"
" S step over\n"
" B toggle breakpoint\n"
" :dc continue\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'm':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Moving Around:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" g type flag/offset/register name to seek\n"
" hl seek to the next/previous byte\n"
" jk seek to the next row (core.offset += hex.cols)\n"
" JK seek one page down\n"
" ^ seek to the beginning of the current map\n"
" $ seek to the end of the current map\n"
" c toggle cursor mode (use hjkl to move and HJKL to select a range)\n"
" mK/'K mark/go to Key (any key)\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
case 'a':
r_strbuf_append (p, "Visual Analysis:\n\n");
r_strbuf_append (p,
" df define function\n"
" du undefine function\n"
" dc define as code\n"
" dw define as dword (32bit)\n"
" dw define as qword (64bit)\n"
" dd define current block or selected bytes as data\n"
" V view graph (same as press the 'space' key)\n"
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (p), "?");
r_strbuf_free (p);
r_strbuf_free (q);
goto repeat;
static void prompt_read(const char *p, char *buf, int buflen) {
if (!buf || buflen < 1) {
*buf = 0;
r_line_set_prompt (p);
r_core_visual_showcursor (NULL, true);
r_cons_fgets (buf, buflen, 0, NULL);
r_core_visual_showcursor (NULL, false);
static void reset_print_cur(RPrint *p) {
p->cur = 0;
p->ocur = -1;
static bool __holdMouseState(RCore *core) {
bool m = r_cons_singleton ()->mouse;
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
return m;
static void backup_current_addr(RCore *core, ut64 *addr, ut64 *bsze, ut64 *newaddr) {
*addr = core->offset;
*bsze = core->blocksize;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->print->ocur != -1) {
int newsz = core->print->cur - core->print->ocur;
*newaddr = core->offset + core->print->ocur;
r_core_block_size (core, newsz);
} else {
*newaddr = core->offset + core->print->cur;
r_core_seek (core, *newaddr, true);
static void restore_current_addr(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut64 bsze, ut64 newaddr) {
bool restore_seek = true;
if (core->offset != newaddr) {
bool cursor_moved = false;
// when new address is in the screen bounds, just move
// the cursor if enabled and restore seek
if (core->print->cur != -1 && core->print->screen_bounds > 1) {
if (core->offset >= addr &&
core->offset < core->print->screen_bounds) {
core->print->ocur = -1;
core->print->cur = core->offset - addr;
cursor_moved = true;
if (!cursor_moved) {
restore_seek = false;
reset_print_cur (core->print);
if (core->print->cur_enabled && restore_seek) {
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
r_core_block_size (core, bsze);
R_API void r_core_visual_prompt_input(RCore *core) {
ut64 addr, bsze, newaddr = 0LL;
int ret, h;
(void) r_cons_get_size (&h);
bool mouse_state = __holdMouseState(core);
r_cons_gotoxy (0, h);
r_cons_reset_colors ();
//r_cons_printf ("\nPress <enter> to return to Visual mode.\n");
r_cons_show_cursor (true);
core->vmode = false;
const int ovtmode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", 1);
int curbs = core->blocksize;
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_block_size (core, core->visual.obs);
backup_current_addr (core, &addr, &bsze, &newaddr);
do {
ret = r_core_visual_prompt (core);
} while (ret);
restore_current_addr (core, addr, bsze, newaddr);
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
core->visual.obs = core->blocksize;
r_core_block_size (core, curbs);
r_cons_show_cursor (false);
core->vmode = true;
r_cons_enable_mouse (mouse_state && r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
r_cons_show_cursor (true);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", ovtmode);
R_API int r_core_visual_prompt(RCore *core) {
char buf[1024];
if (PIDX != 2) {
core->seltab = 0;
r_line_set_prompt ("> ");
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
r_cons_fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), 0, NULL);
if (!strcmp (buf, "q")) {
return 0;
if (*buf) {
r_line_hist_add (buf);
r_core_cmd (core, buf, 0);
r_cons_echo (NULL);
r_cons_flush ();
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
return 1;
r_cons_clear00 ();
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
return 0;
static void visual_single_step_in(RCore *core) {
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
// dcu 0xaddr
r_core_cmdf (core, "dcu 0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
} else {
r_core_cmd (core, "ds", 0);
r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
} else {
r_core_cmd (core, "aes", 0);
r_core_cmd (core, ".ar*", 0);
static void __core_visual_step_over(RCore *core) {
bool io_cache = r_config_get_i (core->config, "io.cache");
r_config_set_b (core->config, "io.cache", false);
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "dcr");
core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
} else {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "dso");
r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
} else {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "aeso");
r_core_cmd (core, ".ar*", 0);
r_config_set_b (core->config, "io.cache", io_cache);
static void visual_breakpoint(RCore *core) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "dbs $$");
static void visual_continue(RCore *core) {
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "dc");
} else {
r_core_cmd (core, "aec;.ar*", 0);
static int visual_nkey(RCore *core, int ch) {
const char *cmd;
ut64 oseek = UT64_MAX;
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
oseek = core->offset;
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + core->print->cur, false);
switch (ch) {
case R_CONS_KEY_F1:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f1");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
visual_help (core);
case R_CONS_KEY_F2:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f2");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
visual_breakpoint (core);
case R_CONS_KEY_F3:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f3");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
case R_CONS_KEY_F4:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f4");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
// dcu 0xaddr
r_core_cmdf (core, "dcu 0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
case R_CONS_KEY_F5:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f5");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
case R_CONS_KEY_F6:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f6");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
case R_CONS_KEY_F7:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f7");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
visual_single_step_in (core);
oseek = UT64_MAX;
case R_CONS_KEY_F8:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f8");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
__core_visual_step_over (core);
oseek = UT64_MAX;
case R_CONS_KEY_F9:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f9");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
} else {
visual_continue (core);
oseek = UT64_MAX;
case R_CONS_KEY_F10:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f10");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
case R_CONS_KEY_F11:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f11");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
case R_CONS_KEY_F12:
cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "key.f12");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
ch = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
if (oseek != UT64_MAX) {
r_core_seek (core, oseek, false);
return ch;
static void setdiff(RCore *core) {
char from[64], to[64];
prompt_read ("diff from: ", from, sizeof (from));
r_config_set (core->config, "diff.from", from);
prompt_read ("diff to: ", to, sizeof (to));
r_config_set (core->config, "diff.to", to);
static void findPair(RCore *core) {
ut8 buf[256];
int i, len, d = core->print->cur + 1;
int delta = 0;
const ut8 *p, *q = NULL;
const char *keys = "{}[]()<>";
ut8 ch = core->block[core->print->cur];
p = (const ut8 *) strchr (keys, ch);
if (p) {
char p_1 = 0;
if ((const char *) p > keys) {
p_1 = p[-1];
delta = (size_t) (p - (const ut8 *) keys);
ch = (delta % 2 && p != (const ut8 *) keys)? p_1: p[1];
len = 1;
buf[0] = ch;
if (p && (delta % 2)) {
for (i = d - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (core->block[i] == ch) {
q = core->block + i;
} else {
q = r_mem_mem (core->block + d, core->blocksize - d,
(const ut8 *) buf, len);
if (!q) {
q = r_mem_mem (core->block, R_MIN (core->blocksize, d),
(const ut8 *) buf, len);
if (q) {
core->print->cur = (int) (size_t) (q - core->block);
core->print->ocur = -1;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
static void findNextWord(RCore *core) {
int i, d = core->print->cur_enabled? core->print->cur: 0;
for (i = d + 1; i < core->blocksize; i++) {
switch (core->block[i]) {
case ' ':
case '.':
case '\t':
case '\n':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->print->cur = i + 1;
core->print->ocur = -1;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
} else {
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + i + 1, true);
static bool isSpace(char ch) {
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
case '.':
case ',':
case '\t':
case '\n':
return true;
return false;
static void findPrevWord(RCore *core) {
int i = core->print->cur_enabled? core->print->cur: 0;
while (i > 1) {
if (isSpace (core->block[i])) {
} else if (isSpace (core->block[i - 1])) {
i -= 2;
} else {
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
if (isSpace (core->block[i])) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->print->cur = i + 1;
core->print->ocur = -1;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
// TODO: integrate in '/' command with search.inblock ?
static void visual_search(RCore *core) {
const ut8 *p;
int len, d = core->print->cur;
char str[128], buf[sizeof (str) * 2 + 1];
r_line_set_prompt ("search byte/string in block: ");
r_cons_fgets (str, sizeof (str), 0, NULL);
len = r_hex_str2bin (str, (ut8 *) buf);
if (*str == '"') {
r_str_ncpy (buf, str + 1, sizeof (buf));
len = strlen (buf);
char *e = buf + len - 1;
if (e > buf && *e == '"') {
*e = 0;
} else if (len < 1) {
r_str_ncpy (buf, str, sizeof (buf));
len = strlen (buf);
p = r_mem_mem (core->block + d, core->blocksize - d,
(const ut8 *) buf, len);
if (p) {
core->print->cur = (int) (size_t) (p - core->block);
if (len > 1) {
core->print->ocur = core->print->cur + len - 1;
} else {
core->print->ocur = -1;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
R_LOG_INFO ("Found in offset 0x%08"PFMT64x" + %d", core->offset, core->print->cur);
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find bytes");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
r_cons_clear00 ();
R_API void r_core_visual_show_char(RCore *core, char ch) {
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.feedback") < 2) {
if (!IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
r_cons_gotoxy (1, 2);
r_cons_printf (".---.\n");
r_cons_printf ("| %c |\n", ch);
r_cons_printf ("'---'\n");
r_cons_flush ();
r_sys_sleep (1);
R_API void r_core_visual_seek_animation(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.feedback") < 1) {
if (core->offset == addr) {
r_cons_gotoxy (1, 2);
r_cons_printf (".----.\n");
if (addr > core->offset) {
r_cons_printf ("| \\/ |\n");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("| /\\ |\n");
r_cons_printf ("'----'\n");
r_cons_flush ();
r_sys_usleep (90000);
static void setprintmode(RCore *core, int n) {
RCoreVisual *v = &core->visual;
RAnalOp op;
if (n > 0) {
v->printidx = R_ABS ((v->printidx + 1) % NPF);
} else {
if (v->printidx) {
} else {
v->printidx = NPF - 1;
switch (v->printidx) {
r_asm_op_init (&op);
r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, core->block, R_MIN (32, core->blocksize));
r_asm_op_fini (&op);
#define OPDELTA 32
static ut64 prevop_addr(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
ut8 buf[OPDELTA * 2];
ut64 target, base;
RAnalOp op;
int len, ret, i;
const int minop = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ARCH_INFO_MINOP_SIZE);
const int maxop = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ARCH_INFO_MAXOP_SIZE);
if (minop == maxop) {
if (minop == -1) {
return addr - 4;
return addr - minop;
// let's see if we can use anal info to get the previous instruction
// TODO: look in the current basicblock, then in the current function
// and search in all functions only as a last chance, to try to speed
// up the process.
RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_bb_from_offset (core->anal, addr - minop);
if (bb) {
ut64 res = r_anal_bb_opaddr_at (bb, addr - minop);
if (res != UT64_MAX) {
if (res < addr && addr - res <= maxop) {
return res;
// if we anal info didn't help then fallback to the dumb solution.
int midflags = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flags.middle");
target = addr;
base = target > OPDELTA ? target - OPDELTA : 0;
r_io_read_at (core->io, base, buf, sizeof (buf));
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (buf); i++) {
ret = r_anal_op (core->anal, &op, base + i,
buf + i, sizeof (buf) - i, R_ARCH_OP_MASK_BASIC);
if (ret) {
len = op.size;
if (len < 1) {
len = 1;
r_anal_op_fini (&op); // XXX
if (midflags >= R_MIDFLAGS_REALIGN) {
int skip_bytes = r_core_flag_in_middle (core, base + i, len, &midflags);
if (skip_bytes && base + i + skip_bytes < target) {
i += skip_bytes - 1;
} else {
len = 1;
if (target <= base + i + len) {
return base + i;
i += len - 1;
return target > 4 ? target - 4 : 0;
// Returns true if we can use analysis to find the previous operation address,
// sets prev_addr to the value of the instruction numinstrs back.
// If we can't use the anal, then set prev_addr to UT64_MAX and return false;
R_API bool r_core_prevop_addr(RCore *core, ut64 start_addr, int numinstrs, ut64 *prev_addr) {
// Check that we're in a bb, otherwise this prevop stuff won't work.
RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_bb_from_offset (core->anal, start_addr);
if (bb) {
if (r_anal_bb_opaddr_at (bb, start_addr) != UT64_MAX) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numinstrs; i++) {
*prev_addr = prevop_addr (core, start_addr);
start_addr = *prev_addr;
return true;
// Dang! not in a bb, return false and fallback to other methods.
*prev_addr = UT64_MAX;
return false;
// Like r_core_prevop_addr(), but also uses fallback from prevop_addr() if
// no anal info is available.
R_API ut64 r_core_prevop_addr_force(RCore *core, ut64 start_addr, int numinstrs) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numinstrs; i++) {
start_addr = prevop_addr (core, start_addr);
return start_addr;
R_API int r_line_hist_offset_up(RLine *line) {
RCore *core = line->user;
RIOUndo *undo = &core->io->undo;
if (line->offset_hist_index <= -undo->undos) {
return false;
ut64 off = undo->seek[undo->idx + line->offset_hist_index].off;
RFlagItem *f = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, off, false);
char *command = (f && f->offset == off && f->offset > 0)
? r_str_newf ("%s", f->name)
: r_str_newf ("0x%"PFMT64x, off);
r_str_ncpy (line->buffer.data, command, R_LINE_BUFSIZE - 1);
line->buffer.index = line->buffer.length = strlen (line->buffer.data);
free (command);
return true;
R_API int r_line_hist_offset_down(RLine *line) {
RCore *core = line->user;
RIOUndo *undo = &core->io->undo;
if (line->offset_hist_index >= undo->redos) {
return false;
if (line->offset_hist_index == undo->redos) {
line->buffer.data[0] = '\0';
line->buffer.index = line->buffer.length = 0;
return false;
ut64 off = undo->seek[undo->idx + line->offset_hist_index].off;
RFlagItem *f = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, off, false);
char *command = (f && f->offset == off && f->offset > 0)
? r_str_newf ("%s", f->name)
: r_str_newf ("0x%"PFMT64x, off);
r_str_ncpy (line->buffer.data, command, R_LINE_BUFSIZE - 1);
line->buffer.index = line->buffer.length = strlen (line->buffer.data);
free (command);
return true;
R_API void r_core_visual_offset(RCore *core) {
ut64 addr, bsze, newaddr = 0LL;
char buf[256];
backup_current_addr (core, &addr, &bsze, &newaddr);
core->cons->line->prompt_type = R_LINE_PROMPT_OFFSET;
r_line_set_hist_callback (core->cons->line,
r_line_set_prompt ("[offset]> ");
strncpy (buf, "s ", sizeof (buf));
if (r_cons_fgets (buf + 2, sizeof (buf) - 2, 0, NULL) > 0) {
if (!strcmp (buf + 2, "g") || !strcmp (buf + 2, "G")) {
__core_visual_gogo (core, buf[2]);
} else {
if (buf[2] == '.') {
buf[1] = '.';
r_core_cmd0 (core, buf);
restore_current_addr (core, addr, bsze, newaddr);
r_line_set_hist_callback (core->cons->line, &r_line_hist_cmd_up, &r_line_hist_cmd_down);
core->cons->line->prompt_type = R_LINE_PROMPT_DEFAULT;
R_API int r_core_visual_prevopsz(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
ut64 prev_addr = prevop_addr (core, addr);
return addr - prev_addr;
static void addComment(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
r_cons_printf ("Enter comment for reference:\n");
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_set_raw (false);
r_line_set_prompt ("> ");
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
char buf[1024];
if (r_cons_fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), 0, NULL) < 0) {
buf[0] = '\0';
r_core_cmdf (core, "'@0x%08"PFMT64x"'CC %s", addr, buf);
r_cons_set_raw (true);
r_cons_enable_mouse (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
static void add_ref(RCore *core) {
// read name provided by user
char *fn = r_cons_input ("Reference From: ");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (fn)) {
r_core_cmd_callf (core, "ax $$ %s", fn);
free (fn);
static bool delete_ref(RCore *core, RVecAnalRef *xrefs, int choice, int xref) {
if (!xrefs) {
return false;
RAnalRef *refi = RVecAnalRef_at (xrefs, choice);
if (refi) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->print->cur = 0;
return r_anal_xref_del (core->anal, refi->addr, refi->at);
return false;
static int follow_ref(RCore *core, RVecAnalRef *xrefs, int choice, int xref) {
if (!xrefs) {
return 0;
RAnalRef *refi = RVecAnalRef_at (xrefs, choice);
if (refi) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->print->cur = 0;
ut64 addr = refi->addr;
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, -1);
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
return 1;
return 0;
static RCoreHelpMessage help_msg_visual_xref = {
"j/k", "select next or previous item (use arrows)",
"J/K", "scroll by 10 refs",
"g/G", "scroll to top / bottom",
"p/P", "rotate between various print modes",
":", "run r2 command",
"/", "highlight given word",
"?", "show this help message",
"x/<", "show xrefs",
"X/>", "show refs",
"l/Space/Enter", "seek to ref or xref",
"Tab", "toggle between address and function references",
"h/q/Q", "quit xref mode",
R_API int r_core_visual_refs(RCore *core, bool xref, bool fcnInsteadOfAddr) {
ut64 cur_ref_addr = UT64_MAX;
int ret = 0;
char ch;
int count = 0;
RVecAnalRef *xrefs = NULL;
RAnalRef *refi;
int skip = 0;
int idx = 0;
char cstr[32];
ut64 addr = core->offset;
bool xrefsMode = fcnInsteadOfAddr;
int lastPrintMode = 3;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
addr += core->print->cur;
RVecAnalRef_free (xrefs);
if (xrefsMode) {
RAnalFunction *fun = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, addr, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (fun) {
if (xref) { // function xrefs
xrefs = r_anal_xrefs_get (core->anal, addr);
//XXX xrefs = r_anal_function_get_xrefs (core->anal, fun);
// this function is buggy so we must get the xrefs of the addr
} else { // functon refs
xrefs = r_anal_function_get_refs (fun);
} else {
xrefs = NULL;
} else {
xrefs = xref
? r_anal_xrefs_get (core->anal, addr)
: r_anal_refs_get (core->anal, addr);
r_cons_clear00 ();
r_cons_gotoxy (1, 1);
char *address = (core->dbg->bits & R_SYS_BITS_64)
? r_str_newf ("0x%016"PFMT64x, addr)
: r_str_newf ("0x%08"PFMT64x, addr);
r_cons_printf ("[%s%srefs]> %s # (TAB/jk/q/?) ",
xrefsMode? "fcn.": "addr.", xref ? "x": "", address);
free (address);
if (!xrefs || RVecAnalRef_empty (xrefs)) {
RVecAnalRef_free (xrefs);
xrefs = NULL;
r_cons_printf ("\n\n(no %srefs)\n", xref ? "x": "");
} else {
int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
bool asm_bytes = r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.bytes");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", false);
r_core_cmd_call (core, "fd");
int secondColumn = (w > 120)? 80: 0;
int maxcount = 9;
int rows = h; // XXX dupe
count = 0;
char *dis = NULL;
rows -= 4;
idx = 0;
ut64 curat = UT64_MAX;
const ut64 num_xrefs = RVecAnalRef_length (xrefs);
R_VEC_FOREACH (xrefs, refi) {
if (idx - skip > maxcount) {
r_cons_printf ("...");
if (idx == num_xrefs - 1 && idx < skip) {
skip = idx;
if (idx >= skip) {
if (count > maxcount) {
strcpy (cstr, "?");
} else {
snprintf (cstr, sizeof (cstr), "%d", count);
if (idx == skip) {
cur_ref_addr = refi->addr;
RAnalFunction *fun = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, refi->addr, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
char *name;
if (fun) {
name = strdup (fun->name);
} else {
RFlagItem *f = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, refi->addr, true);
if (f) {
name = r_str_newf ("%s + %" PFMT64d, f->name, refi->addr - f->offset);
} else {
name = strdup ("unk");
if (w > 45) {
if (strlen (name) > w - 45) {
name[w - 45] = 0;
} else {
name[0] = 0;
char *cmt = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "CC.@0x%08"PFMT64x, refi->addr);
r_str_trim (cmt);
r_cons_printf (" %d [%s] 0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x " %s %sref (%s) ; %s\n",
idx, cstr, refi->at, refi->addr,
r_anal_ref_type_tostring (refi->type),
xref ? "x":"", name, cmt);
free (cmt);
free (name);
if (idx == skip) {
free (dis);
curat = refi->addr;
char *res = NULL;
char *res2 = NULL;
if (secondColumn) {
res = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "pd 10 @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"@e:asm.flags.limit=1@e:asm.lines=0@e:asm.xrefs=0", refi->at);
int height = R_MAX (h / 3, h - 13);
res2 = r_str_ansi_crop (res, 0, 0, w- secondColumn-2, height);
free (res);
res = res2;
} else {
int height = R_MIN (h / 3, 13);
res2 = r_str_ansi_crop (res, 0, 0, 0, height);
free (res);
res = res2;
dis = NULL;
r_cons_print_at ("; ----------------------------", 0, 11, secondColumn? secondColumn: w - 1, 2);
if (secondColumn) {
r_cons_print_at (res, secondColumn, 2, w - secondColumn, 15);
free (res);
res = strdup ("");
switch (core->visual.printMode) {
case 0:
dis = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "pd--%d @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"@e:asm.lines=0", h/4, refi->addr);
case 1:
dis = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "pds @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"@e:asm.lines=0", refi->addr);
case 2:
dis = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "px @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"@e:asm.lines=0", refi->addr);
case 3:
dis = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "pxr @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"@e:asm.lines=0", refi->addr);
if (dis) {
res = r_str_append (res, dis);
free (dis);
dis = res;
if (++count >= rows) {
r_cons_printf ("...");
if (dis) {
if (count < rows) {
r_cons_newline ();
int i = count;
for (; i < 9; i++) {
r_cons_newline ();
/* prepare highlight */
char *cmd = strdup (r_config_get (core->config, "scr.highlight"));
char *ats = r_str_newf ("%"PFMT64x, curat);
if (ats && !*cmd) {
(void) r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", ats);
/* print disasm */
if (secondColumn) {
r_cons_print_at (dis, 0, 13, secondColumn, h - 13);
} else {
r_cons_print_at (dis, 0, 12, w - 1, h - 13);
/* flush and restore highlight */
r_cons_flush ();
r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", cmd);
free (ats);
free (cmd);
free (dis);
dis = NULL;
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", asm_bytes);
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_enable_mouse (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
r_cons_set_raw (true);
ch = r_cons_readchar ();
ch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
switch (ch) {
case ':':
r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
goto repeat;
case '?':
r_cons_clear00 ();
RStrBuf *rsb = r_strbuf_new ("");
r_core_visual_append_help (rsb, "Xrefs Visual Analysis Mode (Vv + x) Help", help_msg_visual_xref);
ret = r_cons_less_str (r_strbuf_get (rsb), "?");
r_strbuf_free (rsb);
goto repeat;
case 9: // TAB
xrefsMode = !xrefsMode;
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, true);
goto repeat;
case 'p':
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, true);
if (core->visual.printMode > lastPrintMode) {
core->visual.printMode = 0;
goto repeat;
case 'P':
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, true);
if (core->visual.printMode < 0) {
core->visual.printMode = lastPrintMode;
goto repeat;
case '/':
r_core_cmd0 (core, "?i highlight;e scr.highlight=`yp`");
goto repeat;
case '+':
add_ref (core);
goto repeat;
case '-':
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
if (r_cons_yesno ('y', "Do you want to delete this xref? (Y/n)")) {
delete_ref (core, xrefs, skip, xref);
goto repeat;
case '<':
case 'x':
xref = true;
xrefsMode = !xrefsMode;
goto repeat;
case '>':
case 'X':
xref = false;
xrefsMode = !xrefsMode;
goto repeat;
case 'g':
skip = 0;
goto repeat;
case 'G':
skip = 9999;
goto repeat;
case ';': // "Vx;"
addComment (core, cur_ref_addr);
goto repeat;
case '.':
skip = 0;
goto repeat;
case 'j':
goto repeat;
case 'J':
skip += 10;
goto repeat;
case 'k':
if (skip < 0) {
skip = 0;
goto repeat;
case 'K':
skip = (skip < 10) ? 0: skip - 10;
goto repeat;
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == 'l') {
ret = follow_ref (core, xrefs, skip, xref);
} else if (isdigit (ch)) {
ret = follow_ref (core, xrefs, ch - 0x30, xref);
} else if (ch != 'q' && ch != 'Q' && ch != 'h') {
goto repeat;
RVecAnalRef_free (xrefs);
return ret;
#if R2__WINDOWS__
void SetWindow(int Width, int Height) {
COORD coord;
coord.X = Width;
coord.Y = Height;
Rect.Top = 0;
Rect.Left = 0;
Rect.Bottom = Height - 1;
Rect.Right = Width - 1;
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize (Handle, coord);
SetConsoleWindowInfo (Handle, TRUE, &Rect);
// unnecesarily public
char *getcommapath(RCore *core) {
char *cwd;
const char *dir = r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects");
const char *prj = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name");
if (dir && *dir && prj && *prj) {
char *abspath = r_file_abspath (dir);
/* use prjdir as base directory for comma-ent files */
cwd = r_str_newf ("%s"R_SYS_DIR "%s.d", abspath, prj);
free (abspath);
} else {
/* use cwd as base directory for comma-ent files */
cwd = r_sys_getdir ();
return cwd;
static void visual_textlogs(RCore *core) {
int shiftbody = 0;
int shift = 0;
int index = 1;
int skiplines = 0;
bool showhelp = false;
bool inbody = false;
while (true) {
int log_level = r_log_get_level ();
r_cons_clear00 ();
int notch = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.notch");
while (notch-- > 0) {
r_cons_newline ();
const char *vi = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vi)) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, vi);
#define TEXTLOGS_TITLE "[visual-text-logs] Press '?' for help. idx %d log.level=%d"
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color") > 0) {
r_cons_printf (Color_YELLOW "" TEXTLOGS_TITLE "\n"Color_RESET, index, log_level);
} else {
r_cons_printf (TEXTLOGS_TITLE "\n", index, log_level);
if (showhelp) {
r_cons_printf (" <tab> - toggle between list and log body\n");
r_cons_printf (" 0 - jump to index 0\n");
r_cons_printf (" = - edit visual prompt\n");
r_cons_printf (" ! - edit current message with cfg.editor\n");
r_cons_printf (" : - run a radare command\n");
r_cons_printf (" +- - change log level\n");
r_cons_printf (" [] - adjust scroll of message in list\n");
r_cons_printf (" i - insert a new message\n");
r_cons_printf (" q - quit this viewer mode\n");
r_cons_printf (" jk - scroll up and down\n");
r_cons_printf (" JK - faster scroll up and down (10x)\n");
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "Tv %d %d", index, shift);
if (inbody) {
r_cons_printf ("--v--\n");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("--^--\n");
char *s = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "Tm %d~{}", index);
r_str_trim (s);
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (s)) {
free (s);
s = r_core_cmd_strf (core, "Tm %d", index);
int w = r_cons_get_size (NULL);
s = r_str_wrap (s, w);
if (shiftbody) {
char *r = s;
int sh = shiftbody;
while (*r && sh > 0) {
r = strdup (r);
free (s);
s = r;
if (skiplines > 0) {
char *r = s;
int w = r_cons_get_size (NULL);
int line = skiplines;
int col = 0;
while (*r) {
if (*r == '\n') {
col = 0;
if (col >= w) {
col = 0;
if (line < 1) {
r = strdup (r);
free (s);
s = r;
r_cons_printf ("%s\n", s);
free (s);
const char *vi2 = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt2");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vi2)) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, vi2);
r_cons_visual_flush ();
char ch = (ut8)r_cons_readchar ();
ch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
if (showhelp) {
showhelp = false;
switch (ch) {
case 'q':
case 'i':
r_core_cmdf (core, "T `?ie message`");
case '?':
showhelp = true;
case 9: // tab
inbody = !inbody;
case 'h':
case '[':
if (inbody) {
if (shiftbody > 0) {
} else {
if (shift > 0) {
shift --;
case 'l':
case ']':
if (inbody) {
} else {
shift ++;
case '+':
if (log_level <= R_LOG_LEVEL_LAST) {
r_log_set_level (log_level + 1);
case '-':
if (log_level > 0) {
r_log_set_level (log_level - 1);
case '=':
{ // TODO: edit
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
const char *buf = NULL;
#define I core->cons
const char *cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt");
r_line_set_prompt ("cmd.vprompt> ");
I->line->contents = strdup (cmd);
buf = r_line_readline ();
I->line->contents = NULL;
(void)r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.vprompt", buf);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
case '!':
r_core_cmdf (core, "T-%d", index);
case '0':
index = 0;
case 'j':
if (inbody) {
} else {
skiplines = 0;
shiftbody = 0;
case 'J':
if (inbody) {
skiplines += 2;
} else {
index += 10;
skiplines = 0;
shiftbody = 0;
case 'k':
if (inbody) {
} else {
skiplines = 0;
if (index > 1) {
} else {
index = 1;
case 'K':
if (inbody) {
skiplines -= 2;
} else {
skiplines = 0;
if (index > 10) {
index -= 10;
} else {
index = 1;
case ':':
r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
static void visual_comma(RCore *core) {
bool mouse_state = __holdMouseState (core);
ut64 addr = core->offset + (core->print->cur_enabled? core->print->cur: 0);
const char *prev_cmt = r_meta_get_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, addr);
char *comment = prev_cmt ? strdup (prev_cmt) : NULL;
char *cmtfile = r_str_between (comment, ",(", ")");
char *cwd = getcommapath (core);
if (!cmtfile) {
char *fn = r_cons_input ("<comment-file> ");
if (fn && *fn) {
cmtfile = strdup (fn);
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (comment)) {
comment = r_str_newf (",(%s)", fn);
r_meta_set_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, addr, comment);
} else {
// append filename in current comment
char *nc = r_str_newf ("%s ,(%s)", comment, fn);
r_meta_set_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, addr, nc);
free (nc);
free (fn);
if (cmtfile) {
char *cwf = r_str_newf ("%s"R_SYS_DIR "%s", cwd, cmtfile);
char *odata = r_file_slurp (cwf, NULL);
if (!odata) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Could not open '%s'", cwf);
free (cwf);
goto beach;
char *data = r_core_editor (core, NULL, odata);
r_file_dump (cwf, (const ut8 *) data, -1, 0);
free (data);
free (odata);
free (cwf);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("No commafile found");
free (comment);
r_cons_enable_mouse (mouse_state && r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
static bool isDisasmPrint(int mode) {
return (mode == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PD || mode == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB);
static void cursor_ocur(RCore *core, bool use_ocur) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
if (use_ocur && p->ocur == -1) {
p->ocur = p->cur;
} else if (!use_ocur) {
p->ocur = -1;
static ut64 insoff(RCore *core, int delta) {
int minop = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ARCH_INFO_MINOP_SIZE);
int maxop = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal, R_ARCH_INFO_MAXOP_SIZE);
ut64 addr = core->offset + delta; // should be core->print->cur
RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_bb_from_offset (core->anal, addr - minop);
if (bb) {
ut64 res = r_anal_bb_opaddr_at (bb, addr - minop);
if (res != UT64_MAX) {
if (res < addr && addr - res <= maxop) {
return res;
return addr;
static void nextOpcode(RCore *core) {
ut64 opaddr = insoff (core, core->print->cur);
RAnalOp *aop = r_core_anal_op (core, opaddr, R_ARCH_OP_MASK_BASIC);
RPrint *p = core->print;
if (aop) {
p->cur += aop->size;
r_anal_op_free (aop);
} else {
p->cur += 4;
static void prevOpcode(RCore *core) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
// ut64 addr, oaddr = core->offset + core->print->cur;
ut64 addr = 0;
ut64 opaddr = insoff (core, core->print->cur);
if (r_core_prevop_addr (core, opaddr, 1, &addr)) {
const int delta = opaddr - addr;
p->cur -= delta;
} else {
p->cur -= 4;
static void cursor_nextrow(RCore *core, bool use_ocur) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
ut32 roff, next_roff;
int row, sz, delta;
RAnalOp op;
cursor_ocur (core, use_ocur);
if (PIDX == 1) { // DISASM
nextOpcode (core);
if (PIDX == 4) { // TEXT
int idx = p->cur_enabled? p->cur: 0;
const ut8 *buf = core->block;
if (idx < core->blocksize) {
const ut8* nl = r_mem_mem (core->block + idx, core->blocksize - idx, (const ut8*)"\n", 1);
if (nl) {
p->cur = (int)(size_t)(nl - buf + 1);
if (PIDX == 7 || !strcmp ("prc", r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.visual"))) {
p->cur += r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (core->visual.splitView) {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (w < 1) {
w = 16;
if (core->seltab == 0) {
core->visual.splitPtr += w;
} else {
core->offset += w;
const int cols = core->dbg->regcols;
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
switch (core->seltab) {
case 0:
if (w < 1) {
w = 16;
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.delta",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.delta") - w);
case 1:
p->cur += cols > 0? cols: 3;
nextOpcode (core);
if (p->row_offsets) {
// FIXME: cache the current row
row = r_print_row_at_off (p, p->cur);
roff = r_print_rowoff (p, row);
if (roff == -1) {
next_roff = r_print_rowoff (p, row + 1);
if (next_roff == UT32_MAX) {
if (next_roff > core->blocksize) {
p->cur += 32; // XXX workaround to "fix" cursor nextrow far away scrolling issue
if (next_roff + 32 < core->blocksize) {
sz = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op,
core->block + next_roff, 32);
if (sz < 1) {
sz = 1;
} else {
sz = 1;
delta = p->cur - roff;
p->cur = next_roff + R_MIN (delta, sz - 1);
} else {
p->cur += R_MAX (1, p->cols);
static void cursor_prevrow(RCore *core, bool use_ocur) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
ut32 roff, prev_roff;
int row;
cursor_ocur (core, use_ocur);
if (PIDX == 1) { // DISASM
prevOpcode (core);
if (PIDX == 7 || !strcmp ("prc", r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.visual"))) {
int cols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
p->cur -= R_MAX (cols, 0);
if (core->visual.splitView) {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (w < 1) {
w = 16;
if (core->seltab == 0) {
core->visual.splitPtr -= w;
} else {
core->offset -= w;
switch (core->seltab) {
case 0:
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (w < 1) {
w = 16;
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.delta",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.delta") + w);
case 1:
const int cols = core->dbg->regcols;
p->cur -= cols > 0? cols: 4;
prevOpcode (core);
if (p->row_offsets) {
int delta, prev_sz;
// FIXME: cache the current row
row = r_print_row_at_off (p, p->cur);
roff = r_print_rowoff (p, row);
if (roff == UT32_MAX) {
prev_roff = row > 0? r_print_rowoff (p, row - 1): UT32_MAX;
delta = p->cur - roff;
if (prev_roff == UT32_MAX) {
ut64 prev_addr = prevop_addr (core, core->offset + roff);
if (prev_addr > core->offset) {
prev_roff = 0;
prev_sz = 1;
} else {
RAnalOp op;
prev_roff = 0;
r_asm_op_init (&op);
r_core_seek (core, prev_addr, true);
r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, prev_addr);
prev_sz = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op,
core->block, 32);
r_asm_op_fini (&op);
} else {
prev_sz = roff - prev_roff;
int res = R_MIN (delta, prev_sz - 1);
ut64 cur = prev_roff + res;
if (cur == p->cur) {
if (p->cur > 0) {
} else {
p->cur = prev_roff + delta; // res;
} else {
p->cur -= p->cols;
static void cursor_left(RCore *core, bool use_ocur) {
if (PIDX == 2) {
if (core->seltab == 1) {
cursor_ocur (core, use_ocur);
static void cursor_right(RCore *core, bool use_ocur) {
if (PIDX == 2) {
if (core->seltab == 1) {
cursor_ocur (core, use_ocur);
static bool fix_cursor(RCore *core) {
RPrint *p = core->print;
int offscreen = (core->cons->rows - 3) * p->cols;
bool res = false;
if (!core->print->cur_enabled) {
return false;
if (PIDX != 2) {
return false;
if (core->print->screen_bounds > 1) {
bool off_is_visible = core->offset < core->print->screen_bounds;
bool cur_is_visible = core->offset + p->cur < core->print->screen_bounds;
bool is_close = core->offset + p->cur < core->print->screen_bounds + 32;
if ((!cur_is_visible && !is_close) || (!cur_is_visible && p->cur == 0)) {
// when the cursor is not visible and it's far from the
// last visible byte, just seek there.
r_core_seek_delta (core, p->cur);
reset_print_cur (p);
} else if ((!cur_is_visible && is_close) || !off_is_visible) {
RAnalOp op;
int sz = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm,
&op, core->block, 32);
if (sz < 1) {
sz = 1;
r_core_seek_delta (core, sz);
p->cur = R_MAX (p->cur - sz, 0);
if (p->ocur != -1) {
p->ocur = R_MAX (p->ocur - sz, 0);
res |= off_is_visible;
r_asm_op_fini (&op);
} else if (core->print->cur >= offscreen) {
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + p->cols, true);
p->cur -= p->cols;
if (p->ocur != -1) {
p->ocur -= p->cols;
if (p->cur < 0) {
int sz = p->cols;
if (isDisasmPrint (core->visual.printidx)) {
sz = r_core_visual_prevopsz (core, core->offset + p->cur);
if (sz < 1) {
sz = 1;
r_core_seek_delta (core, -sz);
p->cur += sz;
if (p->ocur != -1) {
p->ocur += sz;
return res;
static void visual_windows(RCore *core) {
// TODO add more formats
// hud for all modes from visual
//int pidx = core->visual.printidx;
//int mode = core->visual.hexMode; // MODE_PX
//int mode = core->visual.disMode; // MODE_DB/PD
//int mode = core->visual.currentFormat; // MODE_OV / CD
RList *pmodes = r_list_newf (free);
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:0 standard hexdump"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:1 hexdump with flag names and colors"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:2 pxr recursive hexdump regsize word"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:5 hexdump with st32"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:7 hexdump with ut16"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:8 hexdump with ut32"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("0:6 bit viewer at byte level hexdump"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("1:0 standard disassembly view"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("1:2 disassembly with esil expressions"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("1:2 pseudo disassembly"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("2:0 standard debugger"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("3:0 raw byte image pixel view"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("3:5 entropy bars"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("4:0 code dump"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("4:1 assembly code"));
r_list_append (pmodes, strdup ("4:2 hex bytes"));
char *res = r_cons_hud (pmodes, NULL);
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (res)) {
int a, b;
sscanf (res, "%d:%d", &a, &b);
core->visual.printidx = a;
switch (core->visual.printidx) {
core->visual.disMode = b;
r_core_visual_applyDisMode (core, core->visual.disMode);
core->visual.hexMode = b;
r_core_visual_applyHexMode (core, core->visual.hexMode);
core->visual.currentFormat = b;
printfmtSingle[0] = printHexFormats[R_ABS (core->visual.hexMode) % PRINT_HEX_FORMATS];
// core->visual.hexMode = b;
core->visual.current4format = b;
core->visual.currentFormat = b;
// core->visual.hexMode = b;
core->visual.current5format = b;
// core->visual.currentFormat = b;
core->visual.currentFormat = R_ABS (core->visual.current5format) % PRINT_5_FORMATS;
printfmtSingle[4] = print5Formats[core->visual.currentFormat];
r_list_free (pmodes);
free (res);
static bool insert_mode_enabled(RCore *core) {
if (!core->visual.ime) {
return false;
char ch = (ut8)r_cons_readchar ();
if ((ut8)ch == KEY_ALTQ) {
(void)r_cons_readchar ();
core->visual.ime = false;
return true;
if (core->visual.imes) {
if (ch == 0x1b) {
core->visual.ime = false;
core->visual.imes = false;
return true;
if (ch == 9) {
core->visual.textedit_mode = !core->visual.textedit_mode;
return true;
if (ch == 0x7f) { // backspace
if (core->visual.textedit_mode) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled && core->print->cur > 0) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "r-1@ 0x%08"PFMT64x" + %d", core->offset, core->print->cur - 1);
return true;
} else {
ch = 0;
if (ch == 0xd) {
ch = '\n';
if (core->visual.textedit_mode) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "r+1@ 0x%08"PFMT64x" + %d", core->offset, core->print->cur);
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %02x @ 0x%08"PFMT64x" + %d", ch, core->offset, core->print->cur);
core->print->cur ++;
if (ch == 0) { // backspace
return true;
char arrows = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
switch (ch) {
case ':':
if (core->print->col != 2) {
r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
case 127:
core->print->cur = R_MAX (0, core->print->cur - 1);
return true;
case 9: // tab "tab" TAB
core->print->col = core->print->col == 1? 2: 1;
if (ch != 'h' && arrows == 'h') {
core->print->cur = R_MAX (0, core->print->cur - 1);
return true;
} else if (ch != 'l' && arrows == 'l') {
return true;
} else if (ch != 'j' && arrows == 'j') {
cursor_nextrow (core, false);
return true;
} else if (ch != 'k' && arrows == 'k') {
cursor_prevrow (core, false);
return true;
if (core->print->col == 2) {
/* ascii column */
switch (ch) {
case 0x1b: // ESC
core->print->col = 0;
case ' ':
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx 20 @ $$+%d", core->print->cur);
if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "\"w %c\" @ $$+%d", ch, core->print->cur);
return true;
} else {
if (ch == '+') {
// inc byte
r_core_cmdf (core, "woa 01 @ $$+%i!1", core->print->cur);
} else if (ch == '-') {
// dec byte
r_core_cmdf (core, "wos 01 @ $$+%i!1", core->print->cur);
ch = arrows;
/* hex column */
switch (ch) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
if (core->visual.nib != -1) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %c%c @ $$+%d", core->visual.nib, ch, core->print->cur);
core->visual.nib = -1;
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %c @ $$+%d", ch, core->print->cur);
core->visual.nib = ch;
case 'u':
r_core_cmd_call (core, "wcu");
case 'U':
r_core_cmd_call (core, "wcU");
case 'r':
r_core_cmdf (core, "r-1 @ 0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
case 'R':
r_core_cmdf (core, "r+1 @ 0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
case 'h':
core->print->cur = R_MAX (0, core->print->cur - 1);
case 'l':
case 'j':
cursor_nextrow (core, false);
case 'k':
cursor_prevrow (core, false);
case 'Q':
case 'q':
core->visual.ime = false;
case '?':
r_cons_less_str ("\nVisual Insert Mode:\n\n"
" tab - toggle between ascii and hex columns\n"
" q (or alt-q) - quit insert mode\n"
"\nHex column:\n"
" r - remove byte in cursor\n"
" R - insert byte in cursor\n"
" [0-9a-f] - insert hexpairs in hex column\n"
" hjkl - move around\n"
"\nAscii column:\n"
" arrows - move around\n"
" alt-q - quit insert mode\n"
, "?");
return true;
R_API void r_core_visual_browse(RCore *core, const char *input) {
const char *browsemsg = \
"# Browse stuff:\n"
" _ hud mode (V_)\n"
" 1 bit editor (vd1)\n"
" a anal classes\n"
" b blocks\n"
" c classes\n"
" C comments\n"
" d debug traces\n"
" e eval var configurations\n"
" E esil debugger mode\n"
" f flags\n"
" F functions\n"
" g graph\n"
" h history\n"
" i imports\n"
" l same as VT\n"
" L same as TT\n"
" m maps\n"
" M mountpoints\n"
" p pids/threads\n"
" q quit\n"
" r ROP gadgets\n"
" s symbols\n"
" t types\n"
" T themes\n"
" v vars\n"
" w window panels\n"
" x xrefs\n"
" X refs\n"
" z browse function zignatures\n"
" : run command\n"
for (;;) {
r_cons_clear00 ();
r_cons_printf ("%s\n", browsemsg);
r_cons_flush ();
char ch = 0;
if (input && *input) {
ch = *input;
} else {
ch = r_cons_readchar ();
ch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
switch (ch) {
case '1':
r_core_visual_bit_editor (core);
case 'M':
if (!r_list_empty (core->fs->roots)) {
r_core_visual_mounts (core);
case 'z': // "vbz"
if (r_core_visual_view_zigns (core)) {
case 'g': // "vbg"
if (r_core_visual_view_graph (core)) {
case 'r': // "vbr"
r_core_visual_view_rop (core);
case 'f': // "vbf"
r_core_visual_trackflags (core);
case 'F': // "vbF"
r_core_visual_anal (core, NULL);
// r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(afl~...)");
case 'd': // "vbd"
r_core_visual_debugtraces (core, NULL);
case 'v': // "vbv"
r_core_visual_anal (core, "v");
case 'w': // "vbw"
visual_windows (core);
case 'e': // "vbe"
r_core_visual_config (core);
case 'E': // "vbe"
r_core_visual_esil (core, NULL);
case 'c': // "vbc"
r_core_visual_classes (core);
case 'a': // "vba"
r_core_visual_anal_classes (core);
case 'C': // "vbC"
r_core_visual_comments (core);
// r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(CC~...)");
case 't': // "vbt"
r_core_visual_types (core);
case 'T': // "vbT"
r_core_cmd0 (core, "eco $(eco~...)");
case 'l': // previously VT "vbl"
r_core_cmd0 (core, "VT");
case 'L': // "vbL" - alias for TT
if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
R_LOG_WARN ("sandbox not enabled");
} else {
if (r_cons_is_interactive ()) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "TT");
case 'p':
r_core_cmd0 (core, "dpt=$(dpt~[1-])");
case 'b':
r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(afb~...)");
case 'i':
// XXX ii shows index first and iiq shows no offset :(
r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(ii~...)");
case 's':
r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(isq~...)");
case 'm':
r_core_cmd0 (core, "s $(dm~...)");
case 'x':
r_core_visual_refs (core, true, true);
case 'X':
r_core_visual_refs (core, false, true);
case 'h': // seek history
r_core_cmdf (core, "s!~...");
case '_':
r_core_visual_hudstuff (core);
case ':':
r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
case 127: // backspace
case 'q':
#include "visual_tabs.inc.c"
static bool isNumber(RCore *core, int ch) {
if (ch > '0' && ch <= '9') {
return true;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
return ch == '0';
return false;
static void numbuf_append(RCore *core, int ch) {
if (core->visual.numbuf_i >= sizeof (core->visual.numbuf) - 1) {
core->visual.numbuf_i = 0;
core->visual.numbuf[core->visual.numbuf_i++] = ch;
core->visual.numbuf[core->visual.numbuf_i] = 0;
static int numbuf_pull(RCore *core) {
int distance = 1;
if (core->visual.numbuf_i) {
core->visual.numbuf[core->visual.numbuf_i] = 0;
distance = atoi (core->visual.numbuf);
if (!distance) {
distance = 1;
core->visual.numbuf_i = 0;
return distance;
static bool canWrite(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "io.cache")) {
return true;
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get_at (core->io, addr);
return (map && (map->perm & R_PERM_W));
static bool toggle_bb(RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, addr, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (fcn) {
RAnalBlock *bb = r_anal_function_bbget_in (core->anal, fcn, addr);
if (bb) {
bb->folded = !bb->folded;
} else {
r_warn_if_reached ();
return true;
} else {
r_config_toggle (core->config, "asm.cmt.fold");
return false;
static int process_get_click(RCore *core, int ch) {
int x, y;
if (r_cons_get_click (&x, &y)) {
if (y == 1) {
if (x < 13) {
ch = '_';
} else if (x < 20) {
ch = 'p';
} else if (x < 24) {
ch = 9;
} else if (y == 2) {
if (x < 2) {
visual_closetab (core);
} else if (x < 5) {
visual_newtab (core);
} else {
visual_nexttab (core);
return 0;
} else {
ch = 0; //'c';
return ch;
static void handle_space_key(RCore *core, int force) {
if (force == 0) {
switch (core->visual.printidx) {
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PX: // hex
if (core->visual.hexMode % 2) {
printFormat (core, -1);
} else {
printFormat (core, 1);
r_core_visual_applyHexMode (core, core->visual.hexMode);
force = 'V';
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_OV: // hex
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_CD: // hex
if (force == 'V') {
RAnalFunction *fun = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (!fun) {
r_cons_message ("Not in a function. Type 'df' to define it here");
} else if (r_list_empty (fun->bbs)) {
r_cons_message ("No basic blocks in this function. You may want to use 'afb+'.");
} else {
const int ocolor = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
reset_print_cur (core->print);
eprintf ("\rRendering graph...");
r_core_visual_graph (core, NULL, NULL, true);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", ocolor);
R_API int r_core_visual_cmd(RCore *core, const char *arg) {
ut8 och = arg[0];
ut64 offset = core->offset;
char buf[4096];
const char *key_s;
int i, cols = core->print->cols;
int wheelspeed;
int ch = och;
r_cons_set_raw (true);
if ((ut8)ch == KEY_ALTQ) {
r_cons_readchar ();
ch = 'q';
ch = r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl (ch);
ch = visual_nkey (core, ch);
if (ch < 2) {
ch = process_get_click (core, ch);
if (!ch) {
return 1;
if (core->visual.imes) {
// TODO: support arrow keys to move around without losing insert mode
// TODO: implement append mode
core->visual.ime = true;
setcursor (core, true);
if (ch == 9 || ch == 0x1b) {
core->visual.ime = false;
core->visual.imes = false;
return 1;
if (ch == 0x7f) { // backspace
ch = 0;
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %02x @ 0x%08"PFMT64x" + %d", ch, core->offset, core->print->cur);
core->print->cur ++;
och = 0;
ch = 0;
return 1;
if (r_cons_singleton ()->mouse_event) {
wheelspeed = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel.speed");
} else {
wheelspeed = 1;
RCoreVisual *v = &core->visual;
if (ch == 'l' && och == 6) {
ch = 'J';
} else if (ch == 'h' && och == 2) {
ch = 'K';
// do we need hotkeys for data references? not only calls?
// '0' is handled to seek at the beginning of the function
// unless the cursor is set, then, the 0 is captured here
if (isNumber (core, ch)) {
// only in disasm and debug prints..
if (isDisasmPrint (v->printidx)) {
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hints") && (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.jmp")
|| r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.lea") || r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.emu")
|| r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.imm")
|| r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.hint.call"))) {
r_core_visual_jump (core, ch);
} else {
numbuf_append (core, ch);
} else {
numbuf_append (core, ch);
} else {
switch (ch) {
#if R2__WINDOWS__
case 0xf5:
SetWindow (81, 25);
case 0xcf5:
SetWindow (81, 40);
case 0x0d: // "enter" "\\n" "newline"
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
r_cons_set_click (core->cons->cpos.x, core->cons->cpos.y);
char buf[10];
int ch = process_get_click (core, 0);
buf[0] = ch;
buf[1] = 0;
r_core_visual_cmd(core, buf);
} else {
RAnalOp *op;
int wheel = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel");
if (wheel) {
r_cons_enable_mouse (true);
do {
op = r_core_anal_op (core, core->offset + core->print->cur, R_ARCH_OP_MASK_BASIC);
if (op) {
if (op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_JMP ||
op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CJMP ||
op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL ||
op->type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CCALL) {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
int delta = R_ABS ((st64) op->jump - (st64) offset);
if (op->jump < core->offset || op->jump >= core->print->screen_bounds) {
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
r_core_visual_seek_animation (core, op->jump);
core->print->cur = 0;
} else {
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
core->print->cur = delta;
} else {
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, offset, 0);
r_core_visual_seek_animation (core, op->jump);
r_anal_op_free (op);
} while (--wheelspeed > 0);
case 'o': // tab TAB
nextPrintFormat (core);
case 'O': // tab TAB
prevPrintFormat (core);
case 9: // tab TAB
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, true);
if (core->visual.splitView) {
// this split view is kind of useless imho, we should kill it or merge it into tabs
core->print->cur = 0;
core->curtab = 0;
if (core->seltab > 1) {
core->seltab = 0;
} else {
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->curtab = 0;
if (v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
core->print->cur = 0;
if (core->seltab > 2) {
core->seltab = 0;
} else {
core->seltab = 0;
ut64 f = r_config_get_i (core->config, "diff.from");
ut64 t = r_config_get_i (core->config, "diff.to");
if (f == t && f == 0) {
core->print->col = core->print->col == 1? 2: 1;
} else {
nextPrintFormat (core);
case '&':
// cache current disasm/hexdump, work in a canvas to freely scroll :?
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->visual.autoblocksize = !core->visual.autoblocksize;
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
core->visual.obs = core->blocksize;
} else {
r_core_block_size (core, core->visual.obs);
r_cons_clear ();
} else {
rotate_asm_bits (core);
case 'a':
ut64 addr = core->offset;
if (PIDX == 2) {
if (core->seltab == 0) {
addr = r_debug_reg_get (core->dbg, "SP");
if (!canWrite (core, addr)) {
r_cons_printf ("\nFile has been opened in read-only mode. Use -w flag, oo+ or e io.cache=true\n");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
return true;
r_cons_printf ("Enter assembler opcodes separated with ';':\n");
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_set_raw (false);
strcpy (buf, "\"wa ");
r_line_set_prompt ("> ");
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
if (r_cons_fgets (buf + 4, sizeof (buf) - 4, 0, NULL) < 0) {
buf[0] = '\0';
strcat (buf, "\"");
int wheel = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel");
if (wheel) {
r_cons_enable_mouse (true);
if (*buf) {
ut64 off = core->offset;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
ut64 t = off + core->print->cur;
r_core_seek (core, t, false);
r_core_cmd (core, buf, true);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_core_seek (core, off, true);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
r_cons_set_raw (true);
case '=':
{ // TODO: edit
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
const char *buf = NULL;
#define I core->cons
const char *cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt");
r_line_set_prompt ("cmd.vprompt> ");
I->line->contents = strdup (cmd);
buf = r_line_readline ();
I->line->contents = NULL;
(void)r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.vprompt", buf);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
case '|':
{ // TODO: edit
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
const char *buf = NULL;
#define I core->cons
const char *cmd = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.cprompt");
r_line_set_prompt ("cmd.cprompt> ");
I->line->contents = strdup (cmd);
buf = r_line_readline ();
if (buf && !strcmp (buf, "|")) {
R_FREE (I->line->contents);
core->print->cur_enabled = true;
core->print->cur = 0;
(void)r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.cprompt", "p=e $r-2");
} else {
R_FREE (I->line->contents);
(void)r_config_set (core->config, "cmd.cprompt", r_str_get (buf));
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
case '!':
r_core_panels_root (core, core->panels_root);
setcursor (core, false);
return false;
case 'g':
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
r_core_visual_offset (core);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
case 'G':
__core_visual_gogo (core, 'G');
case 'A':
if (0) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, "wx 9090");
} else {
const int oce = core->print->cur_enabled;
const int oco = core->print->ocur;
const int occ = core->print->cur;
ut64 off = oce? core->offset + core->print->cur: core->offset;
core->print->cur_enabled = 0;
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
r_core_visual_asm (core, off);
core->print->cur_enabled = oce;
core->print->cur = occ;
core->print->ocur = oco;
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.wheel")) {
r_cons_enable_mouse (true);
case '\\':
if (core->visual.splitPtr == UT64_MAX) {
core->visual.splitPtr = core->offset;
core->visual.splitView = !core->visual.splitView;
setcursor (core, core->visual.splitView);
case 'c':
setcursor (core, !core->print->cur_enabled);
case '$':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr PC=$$+%d", core->print->cur);
} else {
r_core_cmd0 (core, "dr PC=$$");
case '@':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
char buf[128];
prompt_read ("cursor at:", buf, sizeof (buf));
core->print->cur = (st64) r_num_math (core->num, buf);
case 'C':
if (++core->visual.color > 3) {
core->visual.color = 0;
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", core->visual.color);
case 'd': {
bool mouse_state = __holdMouseState (core);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
r_core_visual_define (core, arg + 1, distance - 1);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
r_cons_enable_mouse (mouse_state && r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
case 'D':
setdiff (core);
case 'f':
bool mouse_state = __holdMouseState (core);
int range, min, max;
char name[256], *n;
r_line_set_prompt ("flag name: ");
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
if (r_cons_fgets (name, sizeof (name), 0, NULL) >= 0 && *name) {
n = name;
r_str_trim (n);
if (core->print->ocur != -1) {
min = R_MIN (core->print->cur, core->print->ocur);
max = R_MAX (core->print->cur, core->print->ocur);
} else {
min = max = core->print->cur;
range = max - min + 1;
if (!strcmp (n, "-")) {
r_flag_unset_off (core->flags, core->offset + core->print->cur);
} else if (*n == '.') {
if (n[1] == '-') {
r_core_cmdf (core, "f.-%s@0x%"PFMT64x, n + 1, core->offset + min);
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "f.%s@0x%"PFMT64x, n + 1, core->offset + min);
} else if (*n == '-') {
if (*n) {
r_flag_unset_name (core->flags, n + 1);
} else {
if (range < 1) {
range = 1;
if (*n) {
r_flag_set (core->flags, n,
core->offset + min, range);
r_cons_enable_mouse (mouse_state && r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
case ',':
visual_comma (core);
case 't':
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
if (core->visual.tabs) {
r_cons_printf ("[tnp:=+-] ");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("[t] ");
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_set_raw (true);
int ch = r_cons_readchar ();
if (isdigit (ch)) {
visual_nthtab (core, ch - '0' - 1);
switch (ch) {
case 'h':
case 'k':
case 'p':
visual_prevtab (core);
case 9: // t-TAB
case 'l':
case 'j':
case 'n':
visual_nexttab (core);
case '=':
visual_tabname (core);
case '-':
visual_closetab (core);
case ':':
RCoreVisualTab *tab = visual_newtab (core);
if (tab) {
tab->name[0] = ':';
r_cons_fgets (tab->name + 1, sizeof (tab->name) - 1, 0, NULL);
case '+':
case 't':
case 'a':
visual_newtab (core);
case 'T': // "VT"
visual_textlogs (core);
case 'n': // "Vn"
r_core_seek_next (core, r_config_get (core->config, "scr.nkey"));
case 'N': // "VN"
r_core_seek_previous (core, r_config_get (core->config, "scr.nkey"));
case 'i':
case 'I':
ut64 oaddr = core->offset;
int delta = (core->print->ocur != -1)? R_MIN (core->print->cur, core->print->ocur): core->print->cur;
ut64 addr = core->offset + delta;
if (!canWrite (core, addr)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("File is read-only. Use `r2 -w` or run `oo+` or `e io.cache=true`");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
return true;
if (PIDX == 0) {
if (strstr (printfmtSingle[0], "pxb")) {
r_core_visual_define (core, "1", 1);
return true;
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
core->visual.ime = true;
core->print->cur_enabled = true;
return true;
} else if (PIDX == 4) {
core->visual.ime = true;
core->visual.imes = true;
} else if (PIDX == 2) {
if (core->seltab == 0) {
addr = r_debug_reg_get (core->dbg, "SP") + delta;
} else if (core->seltab == 1) {
char buf[128];
prompt_read ("new-reg-value> ", buf, sizeof (buf));
if (*buf) {
const char *creg = core->dbg->creg;
if (creg) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr %s = %s", creg, buf);
return true;
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, true);
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_set_raw (0);
if (ch == 'I') {
strcpy (buf, "wow ");
r_line_set_prompt ("insert hexpair block: ");
if (r_cons_fgets (buf + 4, sizeof (buf) - 4, 0, NULL) < 0) {
buf[0] = '\0';
char *p = strdup (buf);
int cur = core->print->cur;
if (cur >= core->blocksize) {
cur = core->print->cur - 1;
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s @ $$0!%i", p,
core->blocksize - cur);
r_core_cmd (core, buf, 0);
free (p);
if (core->print->col == 2) {
strcpy (buf, "\"w ");
r_line_set_prompt ("insert string: ");
if (r_cons_fgets (buf + 3, sizeof (buf) - 3, 0, NULL) < 0) {
buf[0] = '\0';
strcat (buf, "\"");
} else if (PIDX != 4) {
r_line_set_prompt ("insert hex: ");
if (core->print->ocur != -1) {
int bs = R_ABS (core->print->cur - core->print->ocur) + 1;
core->blocksize = bs;
strcpy (buf, "wow ");
} else {
strcpy (buf, "wx ");
if (r_cons_fgets (buf + strlen (buf), sizeof (buf) - strlen (buf), 0, NULL) < 0) {
buf[0] = '\0';
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_core_seek (core, addr, false);
r_core_cmd (core, buf, 1);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
r_cons_set_raw (true);
r_core_visual_showcursor (core, false);
r_core_seek (core, oaddr, true);
case 'R':
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.randpal")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "ecr");
} else {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "ecn");
case 'e':
r_core_visual_config (core);
case '^':
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
if (fcn) {
r_core_seek (core, fcn->addr, false);
} else {
__core_visual_gogo (core, 'g');
case 'E':
r_core_visual_colors (core);
case 'x':
r_core_visual_refs (core, true, false);
case 'X':
r_core_visual_refs (core, false, false);
case 'r':
// TODO: toggle shortcut hotkeys
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.hint.call")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e!asm.hint.call");
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.jmp=true");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.hint.jmp")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e!asm.hint.jmp");
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.imm=true");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.hint.imm")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e!asm.hint.imm");
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.emu=true");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.hint.emu")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e!asm.hint.emu");
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.lea=true");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.hint.lea")) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e!asm.hint.lea");
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.call=true");
} else {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "e asm.hint.call=true");
visual_refresh (core);
case ' ':
handle_space_key (core, 0);
case 'V':
handle_space_key (core, 'V');
case 'v':
r_core_visual_anal (core, NULL);
case 'h':
case 'l':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
core->cons->cpos.x += ch == 'h'? -1: 1;
if (core->cons->cpos.x < 1) {
core->cons->cpos.x = 0;
int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (core->cons->cpos.x >= w) {
core->cons->cpos.x = w;
} else {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (ch == 'h') {
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_left (core, false);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_right (core, false);
} else {
if (ch == 'h') {
distance = -distance;
r_core_seek_delta (core, distance);
case 'L':
case 'H':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
core->cons->cpos.x += (ch == 'h' || ch == 'H')? -distance: distance;
if (core->cons->cpos.x < 1) {
core->cons->cpos.x = 0;
int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (core->cons->cpos.x >= w) {
core->cons->cpos.x = w;
} else {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (ch == 'H') {
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_left (core, true);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_right (core, true);
} else {
if (ch == 'H') {
distance = -distance;
r_core_seek_delta (core, distance * 2);
case 'j':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
int h;
(void)r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (core->cons->cpos.y >= h) {
core->cons->cpos.y = h;
} else if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_nextrow (core, false);
} else {
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.wheel.nkey")) {
int i, distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (distance < 1) {
distance = 1;
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "sn");
} else {
int times = R_MAX (1, wheelspeed);
// Check if we have a data annotation.
ut64 amisize;
RAnalMetaItem *ami = r_meta_get_at (core->anal, core->offset, R_META_TYPE_DATA, &amisize);
if (!ami) {
ami = r_meta_get_at (core->anal, core->offset, R_META_TYPE_STRING, &amisize);
if (ami) {
r_core_seek_delta (core, amisize);
} else {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (distance > 1) {
times = distance;
while (times--) {
RAnalOp op;
if (isDisasmPrint (v->printidx)) {
r_core_visual_disasm_down (core, &op, &cols);
r_asm_op_fini (&op);
} else if (!strcmp (__core_visual_print_command (core),
"prc")) {
cols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + cols, true);
case 'J':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
const int distance = 4; // numbuf_pull (core);
core->cons->cpos.y += distance;
int h;
(void)r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (core->cons->cpos.y >= h) {
core->cons->cpos.y = h;
} else if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
const int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_nextrow (core, true);
} else {
if (core->print->screen_bounds > 1 && core->print->screen_bounds >= core->offset) {
RAnalOp op;
ut64 addr = UT64_MAX;
if (isDisasmPrint (v->printidx)) {
if (core->print->screen_bounds == core->offset) {
r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, core->block, 32);
r_asm_op_fini (&op);
if (addr == core->offset || addr == UT64_MAX) {
addr = core->offset + 48;
} else {
int h;
int hexCols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (hexCols < 1) {
hexCols = 16;
(void)r_cons_get_size (&h);
int delta = hexCols * (h / 4);
addr = core->offset + delta;
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
} else {
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + core->visual.obs, true);
case 'k':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
if (core->cons->cpos.y < 1) {
core->cons->cpos.y = 0;
} else if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
const int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_prevrow (core, false);
} else {
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.wheel.nkey")) {
int i, distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (distance < 1) {
distance = 1;
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "sp");
} else {
int times = wheelspeed;
if (times < 1) {
times = 1;
const int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
if (distance > 1) {
times = distance;
while (times--) {
if (isDisasmPrint (v->printidx)) {
r_core_visual_disasm_up (core, &cols);
} else if (!strcmp (__core_visual_print_command (core), "prc")) {
cols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (cols != 0) {
r_core_seek_delta (core, -cols);
case 'K':
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor")) {
int distance = 4;// numbuf_pull (core);
core->cons->cpos.y -= distance;
if (core->cons->cpos.y < 1) {
core->cons->cpos.y = 0;
} else if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
int distance = numbuf_pull (core);
for (i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
cursor_prevrow (core, true);
} else {
if (core->print->screen_bounds > 1 && core->print->screen_bounds > core->offset) {
int delta = (core->print->screen_bounds - core->offset);
const ut64 addr = (core->offset >= delta)? core->offset - delta: 0;
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
} else {
ut64 at = (core->offset > core->visual.obs)? core->offset - core->visual.obs: 0;
const ut64 addr = (core->offset > core->visual.obs)? at: 0;
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
case '[':
// comments column
if (core->print->cur_enabled &&
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PD ||
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->seltab == 2))) {
int cmtcol = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col");
if (cmtcol > 2) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col", cmtcol - 2);
// hex column
if ((v->printidx != R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PD && v->printidx != R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) ||
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->seltab != 2)) {
int scrcols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (scrcols > 1) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "hex.cols", scrcols - 1);
case ']':
// comments column
if (core->print->cur_enabled &&
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PD ||
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->seltab == 2))) {
int cmtcol = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col", cmtcol + 2);
// hex column
if ((v->printidx != R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_PD && v->printidx != R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) ||
(v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->seltab != 2)) {
int scrcols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "hex.cols", scrcols + 1);
#if 0
case 'I':
r_core_cmd (core, "dsp", 0);
r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
case 's':
key_s = r_config_get (core->config, "key.s");
if (key_s && *key_s) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, key_s);
} else {
visual_single_step_in (core);
case 'S':
key_s = r_config_get (core->config, "key.S");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (key_s)) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, key_s);
} else {
// r_core_cmd0 (core, "dsb");
__core_visual_step_over (core);
case '"':
r_config_toggle (core->config, "scr.dumpcols");
case 'p':
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, true);
if (v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->print->cur_enabled) {
nextPrintCommand (core);
} else {
setprintmode (core, 1);
case 'P':
if (v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB && core->print->cur_enabled) {
prevPrintCommand (core);
} else {
setprintmode (core, -1);
case '%':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
findPair (core);
} else {
r_core_visual_find (core, NULL);
case 'w':
findNextWord (core);
case 'W':
findPrevWord (core);
//r_core_cmd0 (core, "=H");
case 'm':
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
r_cons_printf (R_CONS_CLEAR_LINE"Set shortcut key for 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", core->offset);
r_cons_flush ();
const int ch = r_cons_readchar ();
r_core_vmark (core, ch);
case 'M':
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
if (r_core_vmark_dump (core, 'v')) {
r_cons_printf (R_CONS_CLEAR_LINE"Remove a shortcut key from the list\n");
r_cons_flush ();
const int ch = r_cons_readchar ();
r_core_vmark_del (core, ch);
case '\'':
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 2);
if (r_core_vmark_dump (core, 'v')) {
r_cons_flush ();
const int ch = r_cons_readchar ();
r_core_vmark_seek (core, ch, NULL);
case 'y':
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
r_core_yank (core, core->offset + core->print->cur, 1);
} else {
r_core_yank (core, core->offset + ((core->print->ocur < core->print->cur) ?
core->print->ocur: core->print->cur), R_ABS (core->print->cur - core->print->ocur) + 1);
case 'Y':
if (!core->yank_buf) {
r_cons_print ("Cannot paste, clipboard is empty.\n");
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
r_cons_clear00 ();
} else {
r_core_yank_paste (core, core->offset + core->print->cur, 0);
case '0':
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (fcn) {
r_core_seek (core, fcn->addr, true);
case '-':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->seltab < 2 && v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
if (core->seltab) {
const char *creg = core->dbg->creg;
if (creg) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr %s = %s-1", creg, creg);
} else {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.size",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.size") - w);
} else {
if (!canWrite (core, core->offset)) {
r_cons_printf ("\nFile has been opened in read-only mode. Use -w flag, oo+ or e io.cache=true\n");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
return true;
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "wos 01 @ $$+%i!1", core->print->cur);
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "wos 01 @ $$+%i!%i", core->print->cur < core->print->ocur
? core->print->cur
: core->print->ocur,
R_ABS (core->print->ocur - core->print->cur) + 1);
} else {
if (!core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_block_size (core, core->blocksize - 1);
case '+':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->seltab < 2 && v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
if (core->seltab) {
const char *creg = core->dbg->creg;
if (creg) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr %s = %s+1", creg, creg);
} else {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.size",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.size") + w);
} else {
if (!canWrite (core, core->offset)) {
r_cons_printf ("\nFile has been opened in read-only mode. Use -w flag, oo+ or e io.cache=true\n");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
return true;
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
r_core_cmdf (core, "woa 01 @ $$+%i!1", core->print->cur);
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "woa 01 @ $$+%i!%i", core->print->cur < core->print->ocur
? core->print->cur : core->print->ocur,
R_ABS (core->print->ocur - core->print->cur) + 1);
} else {
if (!core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_block_size (core, core->blocksize + 1);
case '/': {
bool mouse_state = __holdMouseState (core);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->seltab < 2 && v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
if (core->seltab) {
const char *creg = core->dbg->creg;
if (creg) {
int delta = core->rasm->config->bits / 8;
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr %s = %s-%d", creg, creg, delta);
} else {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.size",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.size") - w);
} else {
visual_search (core);
} else {
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, "?i highlight;e scr.highlight=`yp`");
} else {
r_core_block_size (core, core->blocksize - cols);
r_cons_enable_mouse (mouse_state && r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
} break;
case '(':
core->visual.snowMode = !core->visual.snowMode;
if (!core->visual.snowMode) {
r_list_free (core->visual.snows);
core->visual.snows = NULL;
case ')':
rotateAsmemu (core);
case '#':
if (v->printidx == 1) {
r_core_visual_toggle_decompiler_disasm (core, false, false);
} else {
// do nothing for now :?, px vs pxa?
case '*':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->seltab < 2 && v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
if (core->seltab) {
const char *creg = core->dbg->creg;
if (creg) {
int delta = core->rasm->config->bits / 8;
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr %s = %s+%d", creg, creg, delta);
} else {
int w = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.size",
r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.size") + w);
} else {
r_core_cmdf (core, "dr PC=0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset + core->print->cur);
} else if (!core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_block_size (core, core->blocksize + cols);
case '>':
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
eprintf ("No range selected. Use HJKL.\n");
r_cons_any_key (NULL);
char buf[128];
// TODO autocomplete filenames
prompt_read ("dump to file: ", buf, sizeof (buf));
if (buf[0]) {
ut64 from = core->offset + core->print->ocur;
ut64 size = R_ABS (core->print->cur - core->print->ocur) + 1;
r_core_dump (core, buf, from, size, false);
} else {
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + core->blocksize, false);
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
case '<': // "V<"
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
char buf[128];
// TODO autocomplete filenames
prompt_read ("load from file: ", buf, sizeof (buf));
if (buf[0]) {
size_t sz;
char *data = r_file_slurp (buf, &sz);
if (data) {
int cur;
if (core->print->ocur != -1) {
cur = R_MIN (core->print->cur, core->print->ocur);
} else {
cur = core->print->cur;
ut64 from = core->offset + cur;
ut64 size = R_ABS (core->print->cur - core->print->ocur) + 1;
ut64 s = R_MIN (size, (ut64)sz);
r_io_write_at (core->io, from, (const ut8*)data, s);
} else {
r_core_seek (core, core->offset - core->blocksize, false);
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
case '.': // "V."
r_io_sundo_push (core->io, core->offset, r_print_get_cursor (core->print));
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "stack.delta", 0);
r_core_seek (core, core->offset + core->print->cur, true);
core->print->cur = 0;
} else {
ut64 addr = r_debug_reg_get (core->dbg, "PC");
if (addr && addr != UT64_MAX) {
r_core_seek (core, addr, true);
r_core_cmdf (core, "ar `arn PC`=0x%"PFMT64x, addr);
} else {
ut64 entry = r_num_get (core->num, "entry0");
if (!entry || entry == UT64_MAX) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (core->bin);
RBinSection *s = o? r_bin_get_section_at (o, addr, core->io->va): NULL;
if (s) {
entry = s->vaddr;
} else {
RIOMap *map = NULL;
RIOBank *bank = r_io_bank_get (core->io, core->io->bank);
if (bank && r_list_length (bank->maprefs)) {
map = r_io_map_get (core->io,
((RIOMapRef *)r_list_last (bank->maprefs))->id);
if (map) {
entry = r_io_map_from (map);
} else {
entry = r_config_get_i (core->config, "bin.baddr");
if (entry != UT64_MAX) {
r_core_seek (core, entry, true);
#if 0
case 'n': r_core_seek_delta (core, core->blocksize); break;
case 'N': r_core_seek_delta (core, 0 - (int) core->blocksize); break;
case ':':
r_core_visual_prompt_input (core);
case '_':
r_core_visual_hudstuff (core);
case ';': // "V;"
visual_add_comment (core, UT64_MAX);
case 'b':
r_core_visual_browse (core, arg + 1);
case 'B':
ut64 addr = core->print->cur_enabled? core->offset + core->print->cur: core->offset;
r_core_cmdf (core, "dbs 0x%08"PFMT64x, addr);
case 'u':
RIOUndos *undo = r_io_sundo (core->io, core->offset);
if (undo) {
r_core_visual_seek_animation (core, undo->off);
core->print->cur = undo->cursor;
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot undo");
case 'U':
RIOUndos *undo = r_io_sundo_redo (core->io);
if (undo) {
r_core_visual_seek_animation (core, undo->off);
reset_print_cur (core->print);
case 'z':
ut64 at = core->offset;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
at += core->print->cur;
toggle_bb (core, at);
case 'Z': // Z=90 shift-tab SHIFT-TAB
if (och == 27) { // shift-tab
if (core->print->cur_enabled && v->printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
core->print->cur = 0;
if (core->seltab < 0) {
core->seltab = 2;
} else {
prevPrintFormat (core);
} else { // "Z"
prevPrintFormat (core);
case '?':
if (visual_help (core) == '?') {
r_core_visual_hud (core);
case 0x1b:
case 'q':
case 'Q':
setcursor (core, false);
return false;
core->visual.numbuf_i = 0;
r_core_block_read (core);
return true;
static void visual_title(RCore *core, int color) {
bool showDelta = r_config_get_b (core->config, "asm.slow");
core->visual.oldpc = 0;
const char *BEGIN = core->cons->context->pal.prompt;
const char *filename;
char pos[512], bar[512], pcs[32];
if (!core->visual.oldpc) {
core->visual.oldpc = r_debug_reg_get (core->dbg, "PC");
/* automatic block size */
int pc, hexcols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
switch (core->visual.printidx) {
if (core->visual.currentFormat == 3 || core->visual.currentFormat == 9 || core->visual.currentFormat == 5) { // prx
r_core_block_size (core, (int)(core->cons->rows * hexcols * 4));
} else if ((R_ABS (core->visual.hexMode) % 3) == 0) { // prx
r_core_block_size (core, (int)(core->cons->rows * hexcols));
} else {
r_core_block_size (core, (int)(core->cons->rows * hexcols * 2));
r_core_block_size (core, (int)(core->cons->rows * hexcols * 2));
case R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB: // pd+dbg
int bsize = core->cons->rows * 5;
if (core->print->screen_bounds > 1) {
// estimate new blocksize with the size of the last
// printed instructions
int new_sz = core->print->screen_bounds - core->offset + 32;
new_sz = R_MIN (new_sz, 16 * 1024);
if (new_sz > bsize) {
bsize = new_sz;
r_core_block_size (core, bsize);
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.scrollbar") == 2) {
r_core_cmd (core, "fz:", 0);
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
ut64 curpc = r_debug_reg_get (core->dbg, "PC");
if (curpc && curpc != UT64_MAX && curpc != core->visual.oldpc) {
// check dbg.follow here
int follow = (int) (st64) r_config_get_i (core->config, "dbg.follow");
if (follow > 0) {
if ((curpc < core->offset) || (curpc > (core->offset + follow))) {
r_core_seek (core, curpc, true);
} else if (follow < 0) {
r_core_seek (core, curpc + follow, true);
core->visual.oldpc = curpc;
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get_at (core->io, core->offset);
RIODesc *desc = map ? r_io_desc_get (core->io, map->fd) : core->io->desc;
filename = desc? desc->name: "";
{ /* get flag with delta */
ut64 addr = core->offset + (core->print->cur_enabled? core->print->cur: 0);
/* TODO: we need a helper into r_flags to do that */
RFlagItem *f = NULL;
if (r_flag_space_push (core->flags, R_FLAGS_FS_SYMBOLS)) {
f = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, addr, showDelta);
r_flag_space_pop (core->flags);
if (!f) {
f = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, addr, showDelta);
if (f) {
if (f->offset == addr || !f->offset) {
snprintf (pos, sizeof (pos), "@ %s", f->name);
} else {
snprintf (pos, sizeof (pos), "@ %s+%d # 0x%"PFMT64x,
f->name, (int) (addr - f->offset), addr);
} else {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, addr, 0);
if (fcn) {
int delta = addr - fcn->addr;
if (delta > 0) {
snprintf (pos, sizeof (pos), "@ %s+%d", fcn->name, delta);
} else if (delta < 0) {
snprintf (pos, sizeof (pos), "@ %s%d", fcn->name, delta);
} else {
snprintf (pos, sizeof (pos), "@ %s", fcn->name);
} else {
pos[0] = 0;
if (core->print->cur < 0) {
core->print->cur = 0;
if (color) {
r_cons_print (BEGIN);
const char *cmd_visual = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.visual");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd_visual)) {
r_str_ncpy (bar, cmd_visual, sizeof (bar) - 1);
bar[10] = '.'; // chop cmdfmt
bar[11] = '.'; // chop cmdfmt
bar[12] = 0; // chop cmdfmt
} else {
const char *cmd = __core_visual_print_command (core);
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd)) {
r_str_ncpy (bar, cmd, sizeof (bar) - 1);
bar[10] = '.'; // chop cmdfmt
bar[11] = '.'; // chop cmdfmt
bar[12] = 0; // chop cmdfmt
ut64 sz = r_io_size (core->io);
ut64 pa = core->offset;
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get_at (core->io, core->offset);
if (map) {
pa = map->delta;
if (sz == UT64_MAX) {
pcs[0] = 0;
} else {
if (!sz || pa > sz) {
pc = 0;
} else {
pc = (pa * 100) / sz;
snprintf (pcs, sizeof (pcs), "%d%% ", pc);
char *title;
char *address = (core->print->wide_offsets && core->dbg->bits & R_SYS_BITS_64)
? r_str_newf ("0x%016"PFMT64x, core->offset)
: r_str_newf ("0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset);
if (core->visual.ime) {
const char *text = core->visual.textedit_mode? "EDITOR MODE": "INSERT MODE";
title = r_str_newf ("[%s + %d> * %s * (press ESC to leave, TAB to toggle mode)\n",
address, core->print->cur, text);
} else {
char pm[32] = "[XADVC]";
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (core->visual.printidx == i) {
pm[i + 1] = toupper ((unsigned char)pm[i + 1]);
} else {
pm[i + 1] = tolower ((unsigned char)pm[i + 1]);
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->print->ocur == -1) {
title = r_str_newf ("[%s *0x%08"PFMT64x" %s%d ($$+0x%x)]> %s %s\n",
address, core->offset + core->print->cur,
pm, core->visual.currentFormat, core->print->cur,
bar, pos);
} else {
title = r_str_newf ("[%s 0x%08"PFMT64x" %s%d [0x%x..0x%x] %d]> %s %s\n",
address, core->offset + core->print->cur,
pm, core->visual.currentFormat, core->print->ocur, core->print->cur,
R_ABS (core->print->cur - core->print->ocur) + 1,
bar, pos);
} else {
title = r_str_newf ("[%s %s%d %s%d %s]> %s %s\n",
address, pm, core->visual.currentFormat, pcs, core->blocksize, filename, bar, pos);
const int tabsCount = __core_visual_tab_count (core);
if (tabsCount > 0) {
const char *kolor = core->cons->context->pal.prompt;
char *tabstring = __core_visual_tab_string (core, kolor);
if (tabstring) {
title = r_str_append (title, tabstring);
free (tabstring);
#if 0
// TODO: add an option to show this tab mode instead?
const int curTab = core->visual.tab;
r_cons_printf ("[");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < tabsCount; i++) {
if (i == curTab) {
r_cons_printf ("%d", curTab + 1);
} else {
r_cons_printf (".");
r_cons_printf ("]");
r_cons_printf ("[tab:%d/%d]", core->visual.tab, tabsCount);
r_cons_print (title);
free (title);
free (address);
if (color) {
r_cons_print (Color_RESET);
static int visual_responsive(RCore *core) {
int h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.responsive")) {
if (w < 110) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right", 0);
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.right", 1);
if (w < 68) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "hex.cols", (int)(w / 5.2));
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "hex.cols", 16);
if (w < 25) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.offset", 0);
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.offset", 1);
if (w > 80) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines.width", 14);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines.width", w - (int)(w / 1.2));
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.cmt.col", w - (int)(w / 2.5));
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines.width", 7);
if (w < 70) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.lines.width", 1);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", 0);
} else {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bytes", 1);
return w;
// TODO: use colors
// TODO: find better name
R_API void r_core_print_scrollbar(RCore *core) {
int i, h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
int scrollbar = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.scrollbar");
if (scrollbar == 2) {
// already handled by r_core_cmd("zf:") in visual.c
if (scrollbar > 2) {
r_core_print_scrollbar_bottom (core);
if (w < 10 || h < 3) {
ut64 from = 0;
ut64 to = UT64_MAX;
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
from = r_num_math (core->num, "$D");
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$D+$DD");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "io.va")) {
from = r_num_math (core->num, "$S");
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$S+$SS");
} else {
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$s");
char *s = r_str_newf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"]", from);
r_cons_gotoxy (w - strlen (s) + 1, 2);
r_cons_print (s);
free (s);
ut64 block = (to - from) / h;
RList *words = r_flag_zone_barlist (core->flags, from, block, h);
bool hadMatch = false;
for (i = 0; i < h ; i++) {
const char *word = r_list_pop_head (words);
if (word && *word) {
r_cons_gotoxy (w - strlen (word) - 1, i + 3);
r_cons_printf ("%s>", word);
r_cons_gotoxy (w, i + 3);
if (hadMatch) {
r_cons_printf ("|");
} else {
ut64 cur = from + (block * i);
ut64 nex = from + (block * (i + 1));
if (R_BETWEEN (cur, core->offset, nex)) {
r_cons_printf (Color_INVERT"|"Color_RESET);
hadMatch = true;
} else {
r_cons_printf ("|");
s = r_str_newf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"]", to);
if (s) {
r_cons_gotoxy (w - strlen (s) + 1, h + 1);
r_cons_print (s);
free (s);
r_list_free (words);
r_cons_flush ();
R_API void r_core_print_scrollbar_bottom(RCore *core) {
int i, h, w = r_cons_get_size (&h);
if (w < 10 || h < 4) {
ut64 from = 0;
ut64 to = UT64_MAX;
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
from = r_num_math (core->num, "$D");
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$D+$DD");
} else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "io.va")) {
from = r_num_math (core->num, "$S");
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$S+$SS");
} else {
to = r_num_math (core->num, "$s");
char *s = r_str_newf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"]", from);
int slen = strlen (s) + 1;
r_cons_gotoxy (0, h + 1);
r_cons_print (s);
free (s);
int linew = (w - (slen * 2)) + 1;
ut64 block = (to - from) / linew;
RList *words = r_flag_zone_barlist (core->flags, from, block, h);
bool hadMatch = false;
for (i = 0; i < linew + 1; i++) {
r_cons_gotoxy (i + slen, h + 1);
if (hadMatch) {
r_cons_print ("-");
} else {
ut64 cur = from + (block * i);
ut64 nex = from + (block * (i + 2));
if (R_BETWEEN (cur, core->offset, nex)) {
r_cons_print (Color_INVERT"-"Color_RESET);
hadMatch = true;
} else {
r_cons_print ("-");
for (i = 0; i < linew; i++) {
const char *word = r_list_pop_head (words);
if (word && *word) {
ut64 cur = from + (block * i);
ut64 nex = from + (block * (i + strlen (word) + 1));
r_cons_gotoxy (i + slen - 1, h);
if (R_BETWEEN (cur, core->offset, nex)) {
r_cons_printf (Color_INVERT"{%s}"Color_RESET, word);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("{%s}", word);
s = r_str_newf ("[0x%08"PFMT64x"]", to);
if (s) {
r_cons_gotoxy (linew + slen + 1, h + 1);
r_cons_print (s);
free (s);
r_list_free (words);
r_cons_flush ();
static void show_cursor(RCore *core) {
const bool keyCursor = r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.cursor");
if (keyCursor) {
r_cons_gotoxy (core->cons->cpos.x, core->cons->cpos.y);
r_cons_show_cursor (1);
//r_cons_invert (1, 1);
//r_cons_print ("#");
r_cons_flush ();
R_IPI void visual_refresh(RCore *core) {
char *cmd_str = NULL;
r_print_set_cursor (core->print, core->print->cur_enabled, core->print->ocur, core->print->cur);
core->cons->blankline = true;
int notch = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.notch");
int w = visual_responsive (core);
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
} else {
r_cons_clear ();
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_print_clear ();
r_cons_print (core->cons->context->pal.bgprompt);
core->cons->context->noflush = true;
int hex_cols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
int split_w = 12 + 4 + hex_cols + (hex_cols * 3);
bool ce = core->print->cur_enabled;
const char *vi = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.cprompt");
bool vsplit = R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vi);
if (vsplit) {
// XXX: slow
core->cons->blankline = false;
int hex_cols = r_config_get_i (core->config, "hex.cols");
int split_w = 12 + 4 + hex_cols + (hex_cols * 3);
if (split_w > w) {
// do not show column contents
} else {
r_cons_printf ("[cmd.cprompt=%s]\n", vi);
if (core->visual.oseek != UT64_MAX) {
r_core_seek (core, core->visual.oseek, true);
r_core_cmd0 (core, vi);
r_cons_column (split_w);
if (r_str_startswith (vi, "p=") && core->print->cur_enabled) {
core->visual.oseek = core->offset;
core->print->cur_enabled = false;
r_core_seek (core, core->num->value, true);
} else {
core->visual.oseek = UT64_MAX;
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < notch; i++) {
r_cons_printf (R_CONS_CLEAR_LINE"\n");
vi = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vi)) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, vi);
visual_title (core, core->visual.color);
const char *vi2 = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt2");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vi2)) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, vi2);
const char *vcmd = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.visual");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (vcmd)) {
// disable screen bounds when it's a user-defined command
// because it can cause some issues
core->print->screen_bounds = 0;
cmd_str = strdup (vcmd);
} else {
if (core->visual.splitView) {
const char *pxw = NULL;
int h = r_num_get (core->num, "$r");
int size = (h * 16) / 2;
switch (core->visual.printidx) {
case 1:
size = (h - 2) / 2;
pxw = "pd";
pxw = stackPrintCommand (core);
core->print->screen_bounds = 1LL;
cmd_str = r_str_newf (
"?t0;%s %d @ %"PFMT64d";cl;"
"?t1;%s %d @ %"PFMT64d";",
pxw, size, core->visual.splitPtr,
pxw, size, core->offset);
} else {
core->print->screen_bounds = 1LL;
cmd_str = strdup ((core->visual.zoom ? "pz" : __core_visual_print_command (core)));
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmd_str)) {
char *res = r_core_cmd_str (core, cmd_str);
if (vsplit) {
res = r_str_ansi_crop (res, 0, 0, split_w, -1);
r_cons_print (res);
free (res);
free (cmd_str);
core->print->cur_enabled = ce;
core->visual.blocksize = core->num->value? core->num->value: core->blocksize;
core->cons->context->noflush = false;
RConsMark *mark = r_cons_mark_at (0, "cursor");
if (mark) {
int x = 60;
r_cons_gotoxy (x, mark->row - 2); r_cons_print (" .-------------.");
r_cons_gotoxy (x, mark->row - 1); r_cons_print (" | |");
r_cons_gotoxy (x, mark->row); r_cons_print ("--< Hello world |");
r_cons_gotoxy (x, mark->row + 1); r_cons_print (" | |");
r_cons_gotoxy (x, mark->row + 2); r_cons_print (" `-------------'");
/* this is why there's flickering */
if (core->print->vflush) {
r_cons_visual_flush ();
} else {
r_cons_reset ();
if (core->scr_gadgets) {
r_core_cmd_call (core, "pg");
r_cons_flush ();
core->cons->blankline = false;
core->cons->blankline = true;
core->curtab = 0; // which command are we focusing
//core->seltab = 0; // user selected tab
if (core->visual.snowMode) {
printSnow (core);
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.scrollbar")) {
r_core_print_scrollbar (core);
show_cursor (core);
static void visual_refresh_oneshot(RCore *core) {
r_core_task_enqueue_oneshot (&core->tasks, (RCoreTaskOneShot) visual_refresh, core);
static int varcount(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *f) {
RAnalFcnVarsCache vars_cache;
if (!f) {
f = r_anal_get_function_at (core->anal, core->offset);
if (!f) {
return 0;
r_anal_function_vars_cache_init (core->anal, &vars_cache, f);
int len = r_list_length (vars_cache.rvars);
len += r_list_length (vars_cache.bvars);
len += r_list_length (vars_cache.svars);
return len;
R_API void r_core_visual_disasm_up(RCore *core, int *cols) {
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (f && f->folded) {
*cols = core->offset - f->addr;
if (*cols < 1) {
*cols = 4;
} else {
if (f && core->offset == f->addr) {
if (core->skiplines > 0) {
*cols = 0;
} else {
int delta = r_core_visual_prevopsz (core, core->offset);
*cols = delta;
int delta = r_core_visual_prevopsz (core, core->offset);
if (f && core->offset - delta == f->addr) {
int nvars = varcount (core, f);
if (nvars < 20) {
core->skiplines = nvars;
if (core->skiplines > 0) {
*cols = delta;
} else {
*cols = delta;
// *cols = 0;
*cols = r_core_visual_prevopsz (core, core->offset);
R_API void r_core_visual_disasm_down(RCore *core, RAnalOp *op, int *cols) {
int midflags = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flags.middle");
const bool midbb = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bbmiddle");
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, core->offset, 0);
ut64 orig = core->offset;
op->size = 1;
if (f && f->folded) {
*cols = core->offset - r_anal_function_max_addr (f);
} else {
r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, core->offset);
int maxopsize = r_anal_archinfo (core->anal,
size_t bufsize = maxopsize > -1? R_MAX (maxopsize, 32): 32;
ut8 *buf = calloc (bufsize, sizeof (ut8));
if (!buf) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot allocate %d byte(s)", (int)bufsize);
size_t bufpos = 0;
size_t cpysize = 0;
while (bufpos < bufsize) {
cpysize = bufsize - bufpos;
if (cpysize > core->blocksize) {
cpysize = core->blocksize;
memcpy (buf + bufpos, core->block, cpysize);
bufpos += cpysize;
r_core_seek (core, orig + bufpos, true);
r_core_seek (core, orig, true);
*cols = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, op, buf, bufsize);
free (buf);
if (midflags || midbb) {
int skip_bytes_flag = 0, skip_bytes_bb = 0;
if (midflags >= R_MIDFLAGS_REALIGN) {
skip_bytes_flag = r_core_flag_in_middle (core, core->offset, *cols, &midflags);
if (midbb) {
skip_bytes_bb = r_core_bb_starts_in_middle (core, core->offset, *cols);
if (skip_bytes_flag) {
*cols = skip_bytes_flag;
if (skip_bytes_bb && skip_bytes_bb < *cols) {
*cols = skip_bytes_bb;
int nvars = varcount (core, f);
if (f && f->addr == orig && nvars < 20) {
// skip line by line here
if (nvars <= core->skiplines) {
*cols = op->size > 1 ? op->size : 1;
core->skiplines = 0;
} else {
core->skiplines ++;
*cols = 0;
} else if (*cols < 1) {
*cols = op->size > 1 ? op->size : 1;
if (*cols < 1) {
*cols = op->size > 1 ? op->size : 1;
#ifdef R2__WINDOWS__
static bool is_mintty(RCons *cons) {
return cons->term_xterm;
static void flush_stdin(void) {
while (r_cons_readchar_timeout (1) != -1) ;
static bool is_mintty(RCons *cons) {
return false;
static void flush_stdin(void) {
#ifndef __wasi__
R_API int r_core_visual(RCore *core, const char *input) {
RStrBuf *highlight_sb = NULL;
const char *teefile;
int flags, ch;
bool skip;
char arg[2] = {
input[0], 0
core->visual.splitPtr = UT64_MAX;
if (r_cons_get_size (&ch) < 1 || ch < 1) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot create Visual context. Use scr.fix_{columns|rows}");
return 0;
int ovtmode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", 2);
core->visual.obs = core->blocksize;
//r_cons_set_cup (true);
if (strchr (input, '?')) {
// show V? help message, disables oneliner to open visual help
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", ovtmode);
return 0;
core->vmode = false;
/* honor vim */
if (r_str_startswith (input, "im")) {
char *cmd = r_str_newf ("!v%s", input);
int ret = r_core_cmd0 (core, cmd);
free (cmd);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", ovtmode);
return ret;
while (*input) {
int len = *input == 'd'? 2: 1;
if (!r_core_visual_cmd (core, input)) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", ovtmode);
return 0;
input += len;
bool highlight_mode = false;
core->vmode = true;
// disable tee in cons
teefile = r_cons_singleton ()->teefile;
r_cons_singleton ()->teefile = "";
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_ADDRMOD;
do {
r_core_visual_tab_update (core);
// update the cursor when it's not visible anymore
skip = fix_cursor (core);
r_cons_show_cursor (false);
r_cons_set_raw (true);
const int ref = r_config_get_i (core->config, "dbg.slow");
#if 1
// This is why multiple debug views dont work
if (core->visual.printidx == R_CORE_VISUAL_MODE_DB) {
const bool pxa = r_config_get_b (core->config, "stack.annotated");
const char *reg = r_config_get (core->config, "stack.reg");
const int size = r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.size");
const int delta = r_config_get_i (core->config, "stack.delta");
const char *cmdvhex = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.stack");
char *dr1 = r_core_cmd_str (core, "dr 1~?");
bool have_flags = false;
if (dr1) {
have_flags = (*dr1 != '0');
free (dr1);
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (cmdvhex)) {
snprintf (core->visual.debugstr, sizeof (core->visual.debugstr),
"?t0;f tmp;sr %s;%s;?t1;%s;%s?t1;"
"ss tmp;f-tmp;pd $r", reg, cmdvhex,
ref? "drr": "dr=", have_flags?"drcq;": "");
core->visual.debugstr[sizeof (core->visual.debugstr) - 1] = 0;
} else {
const bool cfg_debug = r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug");
const char *pxw = stackPrintCommand (core);
const char sign = (delta < 0)? '+': '-';
const int absdelta = R_ABS (delta);
snprintf (core->visual.debugstr, sizeof (core->visual.debugstr),
"%s?t0;f tmp;sr %s;%s %d@$$%c%d;"
"?t1;ss tmp;f-tmp;afal;pd $r",
cfg_debug? "diq;":"",
reg, pxa? "pxa": pxw, size, sign, absdelta,
have_flags? "drcq;": "",
ref? "drr": "dr=");
printfmtSingle[2] = core->visual.debugstr;
r_cons_show_cursor (false);
r_cons_enable_mouse (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.wheel"));
core->cons->event_resize = NULL; // avoid running old event with new data
core->cons->event_data = core;
core->cons->event_resize = (RConsEvent) visual_refresh_oneshot;
flags = core->print->flags;
core->visual.color = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
if (core->visual.color) {
r_print_set_flags (core->print, flags);
if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) {
r_core_cmd (core, ".dr*", 0);
#if 0
cmdprompt = r_config_get (core->config, "cmd.vprompt");
if (cmdprompt && *cmdprompt) {
r_core_cmd (core, cmdprompt, 0);
if (highlight_mode && highlight_sb) {
char *s = r_strbuf_tostring (highlight_sb);
r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", s);
free (s);
core->print->vflush = !skip;
visual_refresh (core);
if (highlight_mode && highlight_sb) {
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
char *s = r_strbuf_tostring (highlight_sb);
r_cons_printf ("%s[Highlight] %s|", R_CONS_CLEAR_LINE, s);
r_cons_flush ();
free (s);
if (insert_mode_enabled (core)) {
goto dodo;
if (!skip) {
if (core->visual.snowMode) {
ch = r_cons_readchar_timeout (300);
if (ch == -1) {
skip = 1;
} else {
ch = r_cons_readchar ();
if (highlight_mode) {
switch (ch) {
case 0:
case '\r':
case '\n':
r_strbuf_free (highlight_sb);
highlight_sb = NULL;
highlight_mode = false;
case 27: // escape
r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", "");
r_strbuf_free (highlight_sb);
highlight_sb = NULL;
highlight_mode = false;
goto dodo;
case 127: // backspace
if (r_strbuf_length (highlight_sb) > 0) {
char *s = r_strbuf_drain (highlight_sb);
s[strlen (s) - 1] = 0;
highlight_sb = r_strbuf_new (s);
free (s);
} else {
r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", "");
r_strbuf_free (highlight_sb);
highlight_sb = NULL;
highlight_mode = false;
if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch)) {
r_strbuf_append_n (highlight_sb, (const char*)&ch, 1);
char *s = r_strbuf_tostring (highlight_sb);
r_config_set (core->config, "scr.highlight", s);
free (s);
// r_cons_visual_flush ();
goto dodo;
} else if (ch == '/') {
highlight_mode = true;
r_strbuf_free (highlight_sb);
highlight_sb = r_strbuf_new (NULL);
// r_cons_visual_flush ();
goto dodo;
if (I->vtmode == 2 && !is_mintty (core->cons)) {
// Prevent runaway scrolling
if (IS_PRINTABLE (ch) || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') {
flush_stdin ();
} else if (ch == 0x1b) {
char chrs[3];
int chrs_read = 1;
chrs[0] = r_cons_readchar ();
if (chrs[0] == '[') {
chrs[1] = r_cons_readchar ();
int ch56 = chrs[1] == '5' || chrs[1] == '6';
if ((chrs[1] >= 'A' && chrs[1] <= 'D') || ch56) { // arrow keys
if (!ch56 || (chrs[2] = r_cons_readchar ()) == '~') {
chrs_read += ch56;
flush_stdin ();
#ifndef R2__WINDOWS__
// Following seems to fix an issue where scrolling slows
// down to a crawl for some terminals after some time
// mashing the up and down arrow keys
r_cons_set_raw (false);
r_cons_set_raw (true);
(void)r_cons_readpush (chrs, chrs_read);
if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
r_core_visual_show_char (core, ch);
if (ch == -1 || ch == 4) {
break; // error or eof
arg[0] = ch;
arg[1] = 0;
} while (skip || (*arg && r_core_visual_cmd (core, arg)));
r_cons_enable_mouse (false);
if (core->visual.color) {
r_cons_print (Color_RESET);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.color", core->visual.color);
core->print->cur_enabled = false;
if (core->visual.autoblocksize) {
r_core_block_size (core, core->visual.obs);
r_cons_singleton ()->teefile = teefile;
r_cons_set_cup (false);
r_cons_clear00 ();
core->vmode = false;
core->cons->event_resize = NULL;
core->cons->event_data = NULL;
r_cons_show_cursor (true);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "scr.vtmode", ovtmode);
return 0;