
641 lines
16 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_flags.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_cons.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define USE_SDB 0
Sdb *db = NULL;
/* aim to fix a bug in hashtable64 , collisions happen */
#define XORKEY 0x12345678
#define XOROFF(x) (x^XORKEY)
// offset needs to be xored to avoid some collisions !!! must switch to sdb
//#define XOROFF(x) x
static ut64 num_callback (RNum *user, const char *name, int *ok) {
RFlag *f = (RFlag*)user;
RList *list;
if (ok) *ok = 0;
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, r_str_hash64 (name));
if (list) {
RFlagItem *item = r_list_get_top (list);
// NOTE: to avoid warning infinite loop here we avoid recursivity
if (item->alias)
return 0LL;
if (ok) *ok = 1;
return item->offset;
return 0LL;
R_API RFlag * r_flag_new() {
int i;
RFlag *f = R_NEW (RFlag);
if (!f) return NULL;
db = sdb_new0 ();
f->num = r_num_new (&num_callback, f);
f->base = 0;
f->flags = r_list_new ();
f->flags->free = (RListFree) r_flag_item_free;
f->space_idx = -1;
f->space_idx2 = -1;
f->spacestack = r_list_newf (NULL);
f->ht_name = r_hashtable64_new ();
f->ht_off = r_hashtable64_new ();
for (i=0; i<R_FLAG_SPACES_MAX; i++)
f->spaces[i] = NULL;
return f;
R_API void r_flag_item_free (RFlagItem *item) {
sdb_free (db);
db = NULL;
free (item->cmd);
free (item->color);
free (item->comment);
free (item->alias);
item->cmd = item->comment = NULL;
/* release only one of the two pointers if they are the same */
if (item->name != item->realname)
free (item->name);
free (item->realname);
free (item);
R_API RFlag *r_flag_free(RFlag *f) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<R_FLAG_SPACES_MAX; i++)
free (f->spaces[i]);
r_hashtable64_free (f->ht_off);
r_hashtable64_free (f->ht_name);
r_list_free (f->flags);
r_list_free (f->spacestack);
free (f);
return NULL;
R_API void r_flag_list(RFlag *f, int rad, const char *pfx) {
int fs = -1;
RListIter *iter;
RFlagItem *flag;
if (pfx && !*pfx)
pfx = NULL;
switch (rad) {
case 'j': {
int first = 1;
r_cons_printf ("[");
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, flag) {
if ((f->space_idx != -1) && (flag->space != f->space_idx))
r_cons_printf ("%s{\"name\":\"%s\",\"size\":\"%"PFMT64d"\",",
first?"":",", flag->name, flag->size);
if (flag->alias) {
r_cons_printf ("\"alias\":\"%s\"", flag->alias);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("\"offset\":%"PFMT64d, flag->offset);
if (flag->comment)
r_cons_printf (",\"comment\":\"}");
else r_cons_printf ("}");
first = 0;
r_cons_printf ("]\n");
case 1:
case '*':
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, flag) {
if ((f->space_idx != -1) && (flag->space != f->space_idx))
if (fs == -1 || flag->space != fs) {
const char *flagspace;
fs = flag->space;
flagspace = r_flag_space_get_i (f, fs);
if (!flagspace || !*flagspace)
flagspace = "*";
r_cons_printf ("fs %s\n", flagspace);
if (flag->alias) {
r_cons_printf ("fa %s %s\n", flag->name, flag->alias);
if (flag->comment && *flag->comment)
r_cons_printf ("\"fC %s %s\"\n",
flag->name, flag->comment);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("f %s %"PFMT64d" 0x%08"PFMT64x"%s%s %s\n",
flag->name, flag->size, flag->offset,
pfx?"+":"", pfx?pfx:"",
flag->comment? flag->comment:"");
case 'n': // show original name
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, flag) {
if ((f->space_idx != -1) && (flag->space != f->space_idx))
if (flag->alias) {
r_cons_printf ("%s %"PFMT64d" %s\n",
flag->alias, flag->size, flag->realname);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" %"PFMT64d" %s\n",
flag->offset, flag->size, flag->realname);
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, flag) {
if ((f->space_idx != -1) && (flag->space != f->space_idx))
if (flag->alias) {
r_cons_printf ("%s %"PFMT64d" %s\n",
flag->alias, flag->size, flag->name);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" %"PFMT64d" %s\n",
flag->offset, flag->size, flag->name);
static RFlagItem *evalFlag (RFlag *f, RFlagItem *item) {
if (item && item->alias) {
item->offset = r_num_math (f->num, item->alias);
return item;
R_API RFlagItem *r_flag_get(RFlag *f, const char *name) {
RList *list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, r_str_hash64 (name));
if (list) return evalFlag (f, r_list_get_top (list));
return NULL;
R_API RFlagItem *r_flag_get_i2(RFlag *f, ut64 off) {
// TODO: this is buggy, do not use, must rewrite in sdb
RFlagItem *oitem = NULL;
RFlagItem *item = NULL;
char buf[128];
if (!f) return NULL;
char * foo = sdb_get (db, sdb_itoa (off, buf, 16), 0);
return r_flag_get (f, foo);
RListIter *iter;
RList *list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF (off));
if (!list) return NULL;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, item) {
// XXX: hack, because some times the hashtable is poluted by ghost values
if (item->offset != off)
/* catch sym. first */
if (!strncmp (item->name, "loc.", 4)) {
if (!strncmp (item->name, "fcn.", 4)) {
if (!strncmp (item->name, "section.", 4)) {
if (r_str_nlen(item->name, 5) > 4 && item->name[3] == '.') {
oitem = item;
oitem = item;
if (strlen (item->name) < 5 || item->name[3]!='.')
oitem = item;
return oitem;
R_API const RList* /*<RFlagItem*>*/ r_flag_get_list(RFlag *f, ut64 off) {
return r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
R_API char *r_flag_get_liststr(RFlag *f, ut64 off) {
RFlagItem *fi;
RListIter *iter;
const RList *list = r_flag_get_list (f, off);
char *p = NULL;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, fi) {
p = r_str_concatf (p, "%s%s",
fi->realname, iter->n?",":":");
return p;
#define R_FLAG_TEST 0
R_API RFlagItem *r_flag_get_i(RFlag *f, ut64 off) {
RList *list;
if (!f) return NULL;
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
//if (off == 0x4005c4) { eprintf ("FLAG GET IT %llx = %p\n", off, list); }
if (list) {
RFlagItem *item = r_list_get_top (list);
return item;
// XXX: hack, because some times the hashtable is poluted by ghost values
if (item && item->offset == off)
return item;
return NULL;
R_API RFlagItem *r_flag_set(RFlag *f, const char *name, ut64 off, ut32 size, int dup) {
RFlagItem *item = NULL;
#if 1
RListIter *iter2 = NULL;
RListIter *iter22 = NULL;
RFlagItem *item2 = NULL;
RList *list2, *list;
char buf[128];
sdb_num_set (db, name, off, 0);
sdb_set (db, sdb_itoa (off, buf, 16), name, 0);
//if (strstr(name, "str")) eprintf ("%d %s=0x%"PFMT64x"\n", dup, name, off);
dup = 0; // XXX: force nondup
/* contract fail */
if (!name || !*name)
return NULL;
if (dup) {
// XXX: doesnt works well
item = R_NEW0 (RFlagItem);
if (!r_flag_item_set_name (item, name, NULL)) {
eprintf ("Invalid flag name '%s'.\n", name);
free (item);
return NULL;
item->space = f->space_idx;
r_list_append (f->flags, item);
item->offset = off + f->base;
item->size = size;
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, item->namehash);
if (!list) {
list = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_name, item->namehash, list);
r_list_append (list, item);
list2 = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
if (list2 == NULL) {
list2 = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_name, off, list2);
r_list_append (list2, item);
} else {
item = r_flag_get (f, name);
if (item) {
if (item->offset == off) {
item->size = size;
return item;
/* remove old entry */
#if 1
RList *list2 = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(item->offset));
if (list2) {
/* No _safe loop necessary because we break immediately after the delete. */
r_list_foreach_safe (list2, iter2, iter22, item2) {
if (item->namehash != item2->namehash)
if (item->offset == item2->offset) {
// r_list_delete (list2, iter2);
// delete without freeing contents
//list2->free = NULL;
r_list_split_iter (list2, iter2);
if (r_list_empty (list2)) {
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_off, item2->offset);
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_off, item2->offset, NULL);
//r_list_free (list2);
//list2 = NULL;
/* update new entry */
item->offset = off;
item->size = size;
#if 1
RList *lol = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
if (!lol) {
lol = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off), lol);
if (lol) {
r_list_append (lol, item);
} else {
item = R_NEW0 (RFlagItem);
if (!r_flag_item_set_name (item, name, NULL)) {
eprintf ("Invalid flag name '%s'.\n", name);
free (item);
return NULL;
item->space = f->space_idx;
r_list_append (f->flags, item);
item->offset = off + f->base;
item->size = size;
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, item->namehash);
if (!list) {
list = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_name, item->namehash, list);
r_list_append (list, item);
list2 = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
if (list2 == NULL) {
list2 = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off), list2);
//if (off == 0x4005c4) { eprintf ("FLAG SET IT %llx = %p\n", off, list2); }
r_list_append (list2, item);
return item;
#define ISNULLSTR(x) (!x||!*x)
R_API void r_flag_item_set_alias(RFlagItem *item, const char *alias) {
if (item) {
free (item->alias);
item->alias = ISNULLSTR (alias)? NULL: strdup (alias);
R_API void r_flag_item_set_comment(RFlagItem *item, const char *comment) {
if (item) {
free (item->comment);
item->comment = ISNULLSTR (comment)? NULL: strdup (comment);
R_API int r_flag_item_set_name(RFlagItem *item, const char *name, const char *realname) {
if (!item || !r_name_check (name))
return false;
if (!realname) realname = name;
/* realname is the original name of the flag */
item->realname = strdup (realname);
if (!item->realname) {
return false;
item->namehash = r_str_hash64 (item->realname);
/* the name contains only printable chars that doesn't conflict with r2 shell */
item->name = strdup (name);
if (!item->name) {
free (item->realname);
return false;
r_str_chop (item->name);
r_name_filter (item->name, 0); // TODO: name_filter should be chopping already
/* avoid unnecessary dupped memory */
if (!strcmp (item->name, item->realname)) {
free (item->name);
item->name = item->realname;
return true;
R_API int r_flag_rename(RFlag *f, RFlagItem *item, const char *name) {
ut64 hash;
RList *list;
if (!f || !item || !name || !*name) {
return false;
hash = r_str_hash64 (item->realname);
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, hash);
if (list) {
RFlagItem *item = r_list_get_top (list);
if (r_list_empty (list)) {
//r_list_free (list);
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_name, hash);
} else {
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_name, hash);
r_list_delete_data (list, item);
if (!r_flag_item_set_name (item, name, NULL)) {
r_list_append (list, item);
return false;
list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, item->namehash);
if (!list) {
list = r_list_new ();
r_hashtable64_insert (f->ht_name, item->namehash, list);
r_list_append (list, item);
return true;
R_API int r_flag_unset_i(RFlag *f, ut64 off, RFlagItem *p) {
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_i (f, off);
if (flag) {
r_flag_unset (f, flag->name, NULL);
return true;
return false;
R_API int r_flag_unset_glob(RFlag *f, const char *glob) {
int n = 0;
RListIter it, *iter;
RFlagItem *flag;
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, flag) {
if ((f->space_idx != -1) && (flag->space != f->space_idx))
if (!glob || r_str_glob (flag->name, glob)) {
it.n = iter->n;
r_flag_unset (f, flag->name, flag);
iter = &it;
return n;
R_API void r_flag_unset_all (RFlag *f) {
f->space_idx = -1;
f->space_idx2 = -1;
// --- seems buggy and slow r_flag_unset_glob (f, NULL);
r_list_free (f->flags);
f->flags = r_list_new ();
f->flags->free = (RListFree) r_flag_item_free;
r_hashtable64_free (f->ht_name);
f->ht_name = r_hashtable64_new ();
r_hashtable64_free (f->ht_off);
f->ht_off = r_hashtable64_new ();
r_flag_space_unset (f, NULL);
static void unflag(RFlag *f, RFlagItem *me) {
RListFree lf = f->flags->free;
f->flags->free = NULL;
memset (me, 0, sizeof (RFlagItem));
r_list_delete_data (f->flags, me);
f->flags->free = lf;
R_API int r_flag_unset(RFlag *f, const char *name, RFlagItem *p) {
ut64 off;
RFlagItem *item = p;
ut64 hash = r_str_hash64 (name);
RList *list2, *list = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_name, hash);
// list = name hash
// list2 = off hash
if (list && list->head) {
if (!item) item = r_list_pop (list); // removes element from list
if (!item) {
return false;
off = item->offset;
list2 = r_hashtable64_lookup (f->ht_off, XOROFF (off));
if (list2) {
/* delete flag by name */
r_list_delete_data (list2, item);
if (list2 && r_list_empty (list2)) {
r_list_free (list2);
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_off, XOROFF(off));
if (list && r_list_empty (list)) {
r_list_free (list);
r_hashtable64_remove (f->ht_name, hash);
/* delete from f->flags list */
unflag (f, item);
return true;
return false;
R_API RFlagItem *r_flag_get_at(RFlag *f, ut64 off) {
RFlagItem *item, *nice = NULL;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, item) {
if (f->space_strict && (f->space_idx != -1) && (item->space != f->space_idx))
if (item->offset == off)
return item;
if (off > item->offset) {
if (nice) {
if (nice->offset < item->offset)
nice = item;
} else nice = item;
return nice;
R_API int r_flag_relocate (RFlag *f, ut64 off, ut64 off_mask, ut64 to) {
ut64 neg_mask = ~(off_mask);
RFlagItem *item;
RListIter *iter;
int n = 0;
r_list_foreach (f->flags, iter, item) {
ut64 fn = item->offset & neg_mask;
ut64 on = off & neg_mask;
if (fn == on) {
ut64 fm = item->offset & off_mask;
ut64 om = to & off_mask;
item->offset = (to&neg_mask) + fm + om;
return n;
R_API int r_flag_move (RFlag *f, ut64 at, ut64 to) {
RFlagItem *item = r_flag_get_i (f, at);
if (item) {
r_flag_set (f, item->name, to, item->size, 0);
return true;
return false;
#ifdef MYTEST
int main () {
RFlagItem *i;
RFlag *f = r_flag_new ();
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 0xfff333999000LL, 1, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 0xfff333999002LL, 1, 0);
r_flag_unset (f, "rip", NULL);
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 3, 4, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 4, 4, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "corwp", 300, 4, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "barp", 300, 4, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 3, 4, 0);
r_flag_set (f, "rip", 4, 4, 0);
i = r_flag_get (f, "rip");
if (i) printf ("nRIP: %p %llx\n", i, i->offset);
else printf ("nRIP: null\n");
i = r_flag_get_i (f, 0xfff333999000LL);
if (i) printf ("iRIP: %p %llx\n", i, i->offset);
else printf ("iRIP: null\n");
R_API const char *r_flag_color(RFlag *f, RFlagItem *it, const char *color) {
if (!f || !it)
return NULL;
if (!color)
return it->color;
free (it->color);
if (*color)
it->color = strdup (color);
else it->color = NULL;
return it->color;
R_API int r_flag_bind (RFlag *f, RFlagBind *fb) {
fb->f = f;
fb->get = r_flag_get;
fb->get_at = r_flag_get_at;
fb->set = r_flag_set;
fb->set_fs = r_flag_space_set;
return 0;