mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 16:23:08 +00:00
- Some more stuff must be deprecated in r_line * Export FILE environment variable in r_core_file_open
64 lines
1.3 KiB
64 lines
1.3 KiB
#ifndef _INCLUDE_R_LINE_H_
#define _INCLUDE_R_LINE_H_
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_cons.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#define R_LINE_BUFSIZE 1024
#define R_LINE_HISTSIZE 256
typedef struct r_line_hist_t {
char **data;
int size;
int index;
int top;
int autosave;
} RLineHistory;
typedef struct r_line_buffer_t {
char data[R_LINE_BUFSIZE];
int index;
int length;
} RLineBuffer;
struct r_line_t; // ugly forward declaration
typedef int (*RLineCallback)(struct r_line_t *line);
typedef struct r_line_comp_t {
int argc; // TODO: Deprecate
const char **argv;
RLineCallback run;
} RLineCompletion;
typedef struct r_line_t {
RLineCompletion completion;
RLineHistory history;
RLineBuffer buffer;
int echo;
int has_echo;
const char *prompt;
char *clipboard;
int disable; // NOT YET USED
void *user;
} RLine;
#ifdef R_API
// XXX : Kill extern variables
//extern RLine r_line_instance;
R_API RLine *r_line_new ();
R_API RLine *r_line_singleton ();
R_API void r_line_free ();
R_API int r_line_hist_load(const char *file);
R_API char *r_line_readline();
/* label ?! */
R_API int r_line_hist_add(const char *line);
R_API int r_line_hist_save(const char *file);
R_API int r_line_hist_label(const char *label, void (*cb)(const char*));
R_API void r_line_label_show();