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synced 2025-03-06 21:39:38 +00:00
57 lines
2.1 KiB
57 lines
2.1 KiB
ec ai.exec rgb:6d6
ec ai.read rgb:66d
ec ai.write rgb:d66
ec args rgb:2bc
ec b0x00 rgb:738699 # 00 bytes
ec b0x7f rgb:677
ec b0xff rgb:abb0b6 # ff bytes
ec btext rgb:5de # text section opcode? first byte of opcode
ec comment rgb:95e6cb # r2 renerated comments
ec creg rgb:ff7733 # modified registries
ec flag rgb:5ccfe6 # flags. usually apprears above the current seek
ec fline rgb:55b4d4 # function line. the boundary of a function
ec flow rgb:c2d94c # lines that show jump destinations
ec flow2 rgb:ddd
ec fname rgb:ff6a00 # function name
ec graph.traced rgb:2eb
ec graph.box rgb:5c6773 # unselected boxes in visual graph mode
ec graph.box2 rgb:ff6a00 # currently selected box in visual graph mode
ec graph.box3 rgb:66d9ef
ec graph.box4 rgb:66d9ef
ec graph.current rgb:fff
ec graph.false rgb:f07178 # false line on visual graph mode
ec graph.true rgb:bae67e # true line on visual graph mode
ec graph.trufae rgb:55b4d4 # lines in graph that does not have true or false
ec help rgb:c2d94c # color of help explanation text
ec input rgb:888
ec jmp rgb:c2d94c # jmp instructions
ec label rgb:66d9ef
ec linehl rgb:42505e # highlight color when using asm.highlight
ec mov rgb:d9d8d7 # mov instructions
ec nop rgb:a37acc # nop instructions
ec num rgb:f28779 # numbers
ec offset rgb:ed9366 # offset in visual mode
ec other rgb:888
ec prompt rgb:5de # color for main r2 prompt
ec call rgb:ff7733 # push instructions
ec reg rgb:e6e1cf # register names
ec ret rgb:d66 # ret opcode
ec swi rgb:d66
ec trap rgb:d66
ec cmp rgb:5de
ec push rgb:5de
ec math rgb:5de
ec bin rgb:5de
ec pop rgb:5de
ec cjmp rgb:c2d94c # je, jg, etc
ec ucall rgb:5ccfe6
ec ujmp rgb:c2d94c
ec usrcmt rgb:fa6e32 # user comment
ec func_var rgb:95e6cb
ec func_var_type rgb:ffd580
ec func_var_addr rgb:f28779
ec widget_bg rgb:888 rgb:000
ec widget_sel rgb:5de rgb:333