pancake 99533607a0 * Apply some fixes of packaging bugs notified by debian
- Fix warnings in manpages
  - Fix install path of perl5 and python2.5 and 2.6 bindings
  - Fix make uninstall in r2-swig
  - Add -soname to
  - Do not build/install swig from r2
2010-03-15 17:15:48 +01:00
2009-02-05 22:08:46 +01:00
2009-03-27 11:28:25 +00:00
2010-03-04 01:46:25 +01:00

r_sign: signature api for radare2

Plugins are used to implement data collectors for r_sign.

A data collector is a piece of code that feeds the r_sign
database with information about symbols.

r_sign is configured to weight each attribute with some properties
to be able to determine the semblance between a collector source
information and the playground where r_sign tries to find valid
duplicates of the information stored previously following the
configured attributes and then we have output plugins to 

Plugin types:
collectors - collects initial signatures (libc, libm, ...)        [  INPUT ]
playground - find collected info using the configured attributes  [  INPUT ]
dumpers    - dump the resulting information in ascii              [ OUTPUT ]
             - dump signature
             - dump results of the signature analysis

| collector | (signature file, elf binary, radare database, ida...)
    |     +------------+
    |     | playground | (plugins to find information on target file)
    |     +------------+
. . | . . . . .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    |          |      .
    |     +--------+  .  +----------------+
    `---->| r_sign |---->| signature file | output file (screen, disk)
          +--------+  .  +----------------+
waka waka!            .
----,----             .
  _            LIB    .                       OUTPUT
 (_<  . . . . . . . . .
