
328 lines
8.8 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake & dso */
#include "r_core.h"
#include "r_print.h"
#include "r_io.h"
#ifdef IFDBG
#undef IFDBG
#define DO_THE_DBG 0
#define IFDBG if (DO_THE_DBG)
* perform_mapped_file_yank will map in a file and yank from offset the number of len bytes from
* filename. if the len is -1, the all the bytes are mapped into the yank buffer.
static int perform_mapped_file_yank (RCore *core, ut64 offset, ut64 len, const char *filename);
static ut32 find_next_char (const char *input, char b);
static ut32 consume_chars (const char *input, char b);
static ut32 find_next_char (const char *input, char b) {
ut32 i = 0;
if (!input) return i;
for (; *input != b; i++, input++) {}
return i;
static ut32 consume_chars (const char *input, char b) {
ut32 i = 0;
if (!input) return i;
for (; *input == b; i++, input++) {}
return i;
static int perform_mapped_file_yank (RCore *core, ut64 offset, ut64 len, const char *filename) {
// grab the current file descriptor, so we can reset core and io state
// after our io op is done
RIODesc *yankfd = NULL;
ut64 fd = core->file ? core->file->fd->fd : -1, yank_file_sz = 0,
loadaddr = 0, addr = offset;
int res = R_FALSE;
if (filename && *filename) {
ut64 load_align = r_config_get_i (core->config,
RIOMap * map = NULL;
yankfd = r_io_open (core->io, filename, R_IO_READ, 0644);
// map the file in for IO operations.
if (yankfd) {
yank_file_sz = r_io_size (core->io);
map = r_io_map_add_next_available (core->io,
R_IO_READ, 0, 0,
loadaddr = map ? map->from : -1;
if (yankfd && map && loadaddr != -1) {
// ***NOTE*** this is important, we need to
// address the file at its physical address!
addr += loadaddr;
} else if (yankfd) {
eprintf ("Unable to map the opened file: %s", filename);
r_io_close (core->io, yankfd);
yankfd = NULL;
} else {
eprintf ("Unable to open the file: %s", filename);
// if len is -1 then we yank in everything
if (len == -1) len = yank_file_sz;
IFDBG eprintf ("yankfd: %p, yank->fd = %d, fd=%d\n", yankfd,
(int)(yankfd ? yankfd->fd : -1), (int)fd);
// this wont happen if the file failed to open or the file failed to
// map into the IO layer
if (yankfd) {
ut64 res = r_io_seek (core->io, addr, R_IO_SEEK_SET),
actual_len = len <= yank_file_sz ? len : 0;
ut8 *buf = NULL;
IFDBG eprintf (
"Addr (%"PFMT64d
") file_sz (%"PFMT64d
") actual_len (%"PFMT64d
") len (%"PFMT64d
") bytes from file: %s\n", addr, yank_file_sz,
actual_len, len, filename);
if (actual_len > 0 && res == addr) {
IFDBG eprintf (
"Creating buffer and reading %"PFMT64d
" bytes from file: %s\n", actual_len, filename);
buf = malloc (actual_len);
actual_len = r_io_read_at (core->io, addr, buf,
IFDBG eprintf (
"Reading %"PFMT64d " bytes from file: %s\n",
actual_len, filename);
int i = 0;
eprintf ("Read these bytes from file: \n");
for (i = 0; i < actual_len; i++)
eprintf ("%02x", buf[i]);
eprintf ("\n");
r_core_yank_set (core, R_CORE_FOREIGN_ADDR, buf, len);
res = R_TRUE;
} else if (res != addr) {
eprintf (
"ERROR: Unable to yank data from file: (loadaddr (0x%"
PFMT64x ") (addr (0x%"
PFMT64x ") > file_sz (0x%"PFMT64x ")\n", res, addr,
yank_file_sz );
} else if (actual_len == 0) {
eprintf (
"ERROR: Unable to yank from file: addr+len (0x%"
PFMT64x ") > file_sz (0x%"PFMT64x ")\n", addr+len,
yank_file_sz );
r_io_close (core->io, yankfd);
free (buf);
if (fd != -1) {
r_io_raise (core->io, fd);
core->switch_file_view = 1;
r_core_block_read (core, 0);
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_set (RCore *core, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, ut32 len) {
//free (core->yank_buf);
if (buf && len) {
r_buf_set_bytes (core->yank_buf, buf, len);
core->yank_buf->base = addr;
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
// Call set and then null terminate the bytes.
R_API int r_core_yank_set_str (RCore *core, ut64 addr, const char *str,
ut32 len) {
//free (core->yank_buf);
int res = r_core_yank_set (core, addr, (ut8*)str, len);
if (res == R_TRUE)
core->yank_buf->buf[len-1] = 0;
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank(struct r_core_t *core, ut64 addr, int len) {
ut64 curseek = core->offset;
ut8 *buf = NULL;
if (len<0) {
eprintf ("r_core_yank: cannot yank negative bytes\n");
return R_FALSE;
if (len == 0) len = core->blocksize;
//free (core->yank_buf);
buf = malloc (len);
//core->yank_buf = (ut8 *)malloc (len);
if (addr != core->offset)
r_core_seek (core, addr, 1);
r_core_read_at (core, addr, buf, len);
r_core_yank_set (core, addr, buf, len);
if (curseek != addr)
r_core_seek (core, curseek, 1);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_yank_paste(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len) {
if (len<0) return R_FALSE;
if (len == 0 || len >= core->yank_buf->length) len =
r_core_write_at (core, addr, core->yank_buf->buf, len);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_yank_to(RCore *core, const char *_arg) {
ut64 len = 0;
ut64 pos = -1;
char *str, *arg;
int res = R_FALSE;
while (*_arg==' ') _arg++;
arg = strdup (_arg);
str = strchr (arg, ' ');
if (str) {
str[0] = '\0';
len = r_num_math (core->num, arg);
pos = r_num_math (core->num, str+1);
str[0] = ' ';
if (len<1)
return res;
if ((str == NULL) || (pos == -1) || (len == 0)) {
eprintf ("Usage: yt [len] [dst-addr]\n");
free (arg);
return res;
if (r_core_yank (core, core->offset, len) == R_TRUE)
res = r_core_yank_paste (core, pos, len);
free (arg);
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_dump (RCore *core, ut64 pos) {
int res = R_FALSE, i = 0;
int ybl = core->yank_buf->length;
if (ybl>0) {
if (pos<ybl) {
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x " %d ",
for (i = pos; i < core->yank_buf->length; i++)
r_cons_printf ("%02x",
r_cons_newline ();
res = R_TRUE;
} else eprintf ("Position exceeds buffer length.\n");
} else eprintf ("No buffer yanked already\n");
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_hexdump (RCore *core, ut64 pos) {
int res = R_FALSE;
int ybl = core->yank_buf->length;
if (ybl>0) {
if (pos < ybl) {
r_print_hexdump (core->print, pos,
ybl-pos, 16, 4);
res = R_TRUE;
} else eprintf ("Position exceeds buffer length.\n");
} else eprintf ("No buffer yanked already\n");
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_cat (RCore *core, ut64 pos) {
int res = R_FALSE;
int ybl = core->yank_buf->length;
if (ybl>0) {
if (pos < ybl) {
r_cons_memcat ((const char*)core->yank_buf->buf+pos,
r_cons_newline ();
res = R_TRUE;
} else eprintf ("Position exceeds buffer length.\n");
} else r_cons_newline ();
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_hud_file (RCore *core, const char *input) {
char *buf = NULL;
ut32 len = 0;
int res = R_FALSE;
for (input++; *input==' '; input++) ;
buf = r_cons_hud_file (input);
len = buf ? strlen ((const char*)buf) + 1 : 0;
res = r_core_yank_set_str (core, R_CORE_FOREIGN_ADDR, buf, len);
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_hud_path (RCore *core, const char *input, int dir) {
char *buf = NULL;
ut32 len = 0;
int res = R_FALSE;
for (input++; *input==' '; input++) ;
buf = r_cons_hud_path (input, dir);
len = buf ? strlen ((const char*)buf) + 1 : 0;
res = r_core_yank_set_str (core, R_CORE_FOREIGN_ADDR, buf, len);
return res;
R_API int r_core_yank_file_ex (RCore *core, const char *input) {
ut64 len = 0, adv = 0, addr = 0;
int res = R_FALSE;
if (!input) return res;
// get the number of bytes to yank
adv = consume_chars (input, ' ');
len = r_num_math (core->num, input+adv);
if (len == 0) {
eprintf ("ERROR: Number of bytes read must be > 0\n");
return res;
// get the addr/offset from in the file we want to read
adv += find_next_char (input+adv, ' ');
if (adv == 0) {
eprintf ("ERROR: Address must be specified\n");
return res;
IFDBG eprintf ("Handling the input: %s\n", input+adv);
// XXX - bug, will fail if address needs to be computed and has spaces
addr = r_num_math (core->num, input+adv);
adv += find_next_char (input+adv, ' ');
if (adv == 0) {
eprintf ("ERROR: File must be specified\n");
return res;
IFDBG eprintf ("Filename: %s\n", input+adv);
// grab the current file descriptor, so we can reset core and io state
// after our io op is done
return perform_mapped_file_yank (core, addr, len, input+adv);
R_API int r_core_yank_file_all (RCore *core, const char *input) {
ut64 adv = 0;
if (!input) return R_FALSE;
adv = consume_chars (input, ' ');
IFDBG eprintf ("Filename: %s\n", input+adv);
return perform_mapped_file_yank (core, 0, -1, input+adv);