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Rename pf$ to pf. Add support for introspecting and setting named pf fields Introspection supports get and set Add scr.stride property for 'px' Initial work on slist Add judy arrays implementation (not integrated)
2065 lines
48 KiB
2065 lines
48 KiB
// Judy arrays 23 NOV 2012
// http://code.google.com/p/judyarray/
// Author Karl Malbrain, malbrain@yahoo.com
// with assistance from Jan Weiss.
// Simplified judy arrays for strings and integers
// Adapted from the ideas of Douglas Baskins of HP.
// The -D ASKITIS benchmarking option was implemented with
// assistance from Dr. Nikolas Askitis (www.naskitis.com).
// Map a set of keys to corresponding memory cells (uints).
// Each cell must be set to a non-zero value by the caller.
// STANDALONE is defined to compile into a string sorter.
// String mappings are denoted by calling judy_open with zero as
// the second argument. Integer mappings are denoted by calling
// judy_open with the Integer depth of the Judy Trie as the second
// argument.
//#define STANDALONE
// functions:
// judy_open: open a new judy array returning a judy object.
// judy_close: close an open judy array, freeing all memory.
// judy_clone: clone an open judy array, duplicating the stack.
// judy_data: allocate data memory within judy array for external use.
// judy_cell: insert a string into the judy array, return cell pointer.
// judy_strt: retrieve the cell pointer greater than or equal to given key
// judy_slot: retrieve the cell pointer, or return NULL for a given key.
// judy_key: retrieve the string value for the most recent judy query.
// judy_end: retrieve the cell pointer for the last string in the array.
// judy_nxt: retrieve the cell pointer for the next string in the array.
// judy_prv: retrieve the cell pointer for the prev string in the array.
// judy_del: delete the key and cell for the current stack entry.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef linux
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#include <endian.h>
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
#ifndef BYTE_ORDER
#define BYTE_ORDER 4321
#ifndef BYTE_ORDER
#define BYTE_ORDER 1234
#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN
#define BIG_ENDIAN 4321
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
#define PRIuint "u"
#if defined(__LP64__) || \
defined(__x86_64__) || \
defined(__amd64__) || \
defined(_WIN64) || \
defined(__sparc64__) || \
defined(__arch64__) || \
defined(__powerpc64__) || \
defined (__s390x__)
// defines for 64 bit
typedef unsigned long long judyvalue;
typedef unsigned long long JudySlot;
#define JUDY_key_mask (0x07)
#define JUDY_key_size 8
#define JUDY_slot_size 8
#define JUDY_span_bytes (3 * JUDY_key_size)
#define JUDY_span_equiv JUDY_2
#define JUDY_radix_equiv JUDY_8
#define PRIjudyvalue "llu"
// defines for 32 bit
typedef uint judyvalue;
typedef uint JudySlot;
#define JUDY_key_mask (0x03)
#define JUDY_key_size 4
#define JUDY_slot_size 4
#define JUDY_span_bytes (7 * JUDY_key_size)
#define JUDY_span_equiv JUDY_4
#define JUDY_radix_equiv JUDY_8
#define PRIjudyvalue "u"
#define JUDY_mask (~(JudySlot)0x07)
// define the alignment factor for judy nodes and allocations
// to enable this feature, set to 64
#define JUDY_cache_line 8 // minimum size is 8 bytes
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint MaxMem = 0;
// void judy_abort (char *msg) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); // Tell static analyser that this function will not return
void judy_abort (char *msg)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
#define JUDY_seg 65536
enum JUDY_types {
JUDY_radix = 0, // inner and outer radix fan-out
JUDY_1 = 1, // linear list nodes of designated count
JUDY_2 = 2,
JUDY_4 = 3,
JUDY_8 = 4,
JUDY_16 = 5,
JUDY_32 = 6,
#ifdef ASKITIS
JUDY_64 = 7
JUDY_span = 7 // up to 28 tail bytes of key contiguously stored
int JudySize[] = {
(JUDY_slot_size * 16), // JUDY_radix node size
(JUDY_slot_size + JUDY_key_size), // JUDY_1 node size
(2 * JUDY_slot_size + 2 * JUDY_key_size),
(4 * JUDY_slot_size + 4 * JUDY_key_size),
(8 * JUDY_slot_size + 8 * JUDY_key_size),
(16 * JUDY_slot_size + 16 * JUDY_key_size),
(32 * JUDY_slot_size + 32 * JUDY_key_size),
#ifndef ASKITIS
(JUDY_span_bytes + JUDY_slot_size)
(64 * JUDY_slot_size + 64 * JUDY_key_size)
judyvalue JudyMask[9] = {
0, 0xff, 0xffff, 0xffffff, 0xffffffff,
#if JUDY_key_size > 4
0xffffffffffULL, 0xffffffffffffULL, 0xffffffffffffffULL, 0xffffffffffffffffULL
typedef struct {
void *seg; // next used allocator
uint next; // next available offset
} JudySeg;
typedef struct {
JudySlot next; // judy object
uint off; // offset within key
int slot; // slot within object
} JudyStack;
typedef struct {
JudySlot root[1]; // root of judy array
void **reuse[8]; // reuse judy blocks
JudySeg *seg; // current judy allocator
uint level; // current height of stack
uint max; // max height of stack
uint depth; // number of Integers in a key, or zero for string keys
JudyStack stack[1]; // current cursor
} Judy;
#ifdef ASKITIS
#if JUDY_key_size < 8
#define JUDY_max JUDY_16
#define JUDY_max JUDY_64
#define JUDY_max JUDY_32
// open judy object
// call with max key size
// and Integer tree depth.
void *judy_open (uint max, uint depth)
JudySeg *seg;
Judy *judy;
uint amt;
max++; // allow for zero terminator on keys
if( (seg = malloc(JUDY_seg)) ) {
seg->seg = NULL;
seg->next = JUDY_seg;
} else {
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
judy_abort ("No virtual memory");
return NULL;
amt = sizeof(Judy) + max * sizeof(JudyStack);
if( amt & (JUDY_cache_line - 1) )
amt |= JUDY_cache_line - 1, amt++;
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
MaxMem += JUDY_seg;
seg->next -= (JudySlot)seg & (JUDY_cache_line - 1);
seg->next -= amt;
judy = (Judy *)((uchar *)seg + seg->next);
memset(judy, 0, amt);
judy->depth = depth;
judy->seg = seg;
judy->max = max;
return judy;
void judy_close (Judy *judy)
JudySeg *seg, *nxt = judy->seg;
while( (seg = nxt) )
nxt = seg->seg, free (seg);
// allocate judy node
void *judy_alloc (Judy *judy, uint type)
uint amt, idx, min;
JudySeg *seg;
void **block;
void **rtn;
if( !judy->seg )
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
judy_abort("illegal allocation from judy clone");
return NULL;
if( type == JUDY_radix )
type = JUDY_radix_equiv;
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( type == JUDY_span )
type = JUDY_span_equiv;
amt = JudySize[type];
if( amt & 0x07 )
amt |= 0x07, amt += 1;
// see if free block is already available
if( (block = judy->reuse[type]) ) {
judy->reuse[type] = *block;
memset (block, 0, amt);
return (void *)block;
// break down available larger block
// for reuse into smaller blocks
if( type >= JUDY_1 )
for( idx = type; idx++ < JUDY_max; )
if( block = judy->reuse[idx] ) {
judy->reuse[idx] = *block;
while( idx-- > type) {
judy->reuse[idx] = block + JudySize[idx] / sizeof(void *);
block[JudySize[idx] / sizeof(void *)] = 0;
memset (block, 0, amt);
return (void *)block;
min = amt < JUDY_cache_line ? JUDY_cache_line : amt;
if( judy->seg->next < min + sizeof(*seg) ) {
if( (seg = malloc (JUDY_seg)) ) {
seg->next = JUDY_seg;
seg->seg = judy->seg;
judy->seg = seg;
seg->next -= (JudySlot)seg & (JUDY_cache_line - 1);
} else {
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
judy_abort("Out of virtual memory");
return NULL;
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
MaxMem += JUDY_seg;
// generate additional free blocks
// to fill up to cache line size
rtn = (void **)((uchar *)judy->seg + judy->seg->next - amt);
for( idx = type; amt & (JUDY_cache_line - 1); amt <<= 1 ) {
block = (void **)((uchar *)judy->seg + judy->seg->next - 2 * amt);
judy->reuse[idx++] = block;
*block = 0;
judy->seg->next -= amt;
memset (rtn, 0, JudySize[type]);
return (void *)rtn;
void *judy_data (Judy *judy, uint amt)
JudySeg *seg;
void *block;
if( !judy->seg )
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
judy_abort("illegal allocation from judy clone");
return NULL;
if( amt & (JUDY_cache_line - 1))
amt |= (JUDY_cache_line - 1), amt += 1;
if( judy->seg->next < amt + sizeof(*seg) ) {
if( (seg = malloc (JUDY_seg)) ) {
seg->next = JUDY_seg;
seg->seg = judy->seg;
judy->seg = seg;
seg->next -= (JudySlot)seg & (JUDY_cache_line - 1);
} else {
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
judy_abort("Out of virtual memory");
return NULL;
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
MaxMem += JUDY_seg;
judy->seg->next -= amt;
block = (void *)((uchar *)judy->seg + judy->seg->next);
memset (block, 0, amt);
return block;
void *judy_clone (Judy *judy)
Judy *clone;
uint amt;
amt = sizeof(Judy) + judy->max * sizeof(JudyStack);
clone = judy_data (judy, amt);
memcpy (clone, judy, amt);
clone->seg = NULL; // stop allocations from cloned array
return clone;
void judy_free (Judy *judy, void *block, int type)
if( type == JUDY_radix )
type = JUDY_radix_equiv;
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( type == JUDY_span )
type = JUDY_span_equiv;
*((void **)(block)) = judy->reuse[type];
judy->reuse[type] = (void **)block;
// assemble key from current path
uint judy_key (Judy *judy, uchar *buff, uint max)
judyvalue *dest = (judyvalue *)buff;
uint len = 0, idx = 0, depth;
int slot, off, type;
judyvalue value;
uchar *base;
int keysize;
if( judy->depth )
max = judy->depth * JUDY_key_size;
max--; // leave room for zero terminator
while( len < max && ++idx <= judy->level ) {
type = judy->stack[idx].next & 0x07;
slot = judy->stack[idx].slot;
depth = len / JUDY_key_size;
if( judy->depth )
if( !(len & JUDY_key_mask) )
dest[depth] = 0;
switch( type ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (judy->stack[idx].off & JUDY_key_mask);
base = (uchar *)(judy->stack[idx].next & JUDY_mask);
if( judy->depth ) {
value = *(judyvalue *)(base + slot * keysize);
value &= JudyMask[keysize];
dest[depth++] |= value;
len += keysize;
if( depth < judy->depth )
return len;
off = keysize;
while( off-- && len < max )
if( buff[len] = base[slot * keysize + off] )
for( off = 0; off < keysize && len < max; off++ )
if( buff[len] = base[slot * keysize + off] )
case JUDY_radix:
if( judy->depth ) {
dest[depth] |= (judyvalue)slot << (JUDY_key_size - (++len & JUDY_key_mask)) * 8;
if( !(len & JUDY_key_mask) )
if( depth < judy->depth )
return len;
if( !slot )
buff[len++] = (uchar)slot;
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
base = (uchar *)(judy->stack[idx].next & JUDY_mask);
for( slot = 0; slot < JUDY_span_bytes && base[slot]; slot++ )
if( len < max )
buff[len++] = base[slot];
buff[len] = 0;
return len;
// find slot & setup cursor
JudySlot *judy_slot (Judy *judy, uchar *buff, uint max)
judyvalue *src = (judyvalue *)buff;
int slot, size, keysize, tst, cnt;
JudySlot next = *judy->root;
judyvalue value, test = 0;
JudySlot *table;
JudySlot *node;
uint depth = 0;
uint off = 0;
uchar *base;
#ifndef ASKITIS
judy->level = 0;
while( next ) {
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = next;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
switch( next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
slot = cnt;
value = 0;
if( judy->depth ) {
value = src[depth++];
off |= JUDY_key_mask;
value &= JudyMask[keysize];
} else
do {
value <<= 8;
if( off < max )
value |= buff[off];
} while( ++off & JUDY_key_mask );
// find slot > key
while( slot-- ) {
test = *(judyvalue *)(base + slot * keysize);
test >>= 8 * (JUDY_key_size - keysize);
test &= JudyMask[keysize];
if( test <= value )
#ifndef ASKITIS
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( test == value ) {
// is this a leaf?
if( !judy->depth && !(value & 0xFF) || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth )
return &node[-slot-1];
next = node[-slot-1];
return NULL;
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask); // outer radix
if( judy->depth )
slot = (src[depth] >> ((JUDY_key_size - ++off & JUDY_key_mask) * 8)) & 0xff;
else if( off < max )
slot = buff[off++];
slot = 0;
#ifndef ASKITIS
// put radix slot on judy stack
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( (next = table[slot >> 4]) )
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask); // inner radix
return NULL;
if( judy->depth )
if( !(off & JUDY_key_mask) )
if( !judy->depth && !slot || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth ) // leaf?
if( table[slot & 0x0F] ) // occupied?
return &table[slot & 0x0F];
return NULL;
next = table[slot & 0x0F];
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
cnt = tst = JUDY_span_bytes;
if( tst > (int)(max - off) )
tst = max - off;
value = strncmp((const char *)base, (const char *)(buff + off), tst);
if( !value && tst < cnt && !base[tst] ) // leaf?
return &node[-1];
if( !value && tst == cnt ) {
next = node[-1];
off += cnt;
return NULL;
return NULL;
// promote full nodes to next larger size
JudySlot *judy_promote (Judy *judy, JudySlot *next, int idx, judyvalue value, int keysize)
uchar *base = (uchar *)(*next & JUDY_mask);
int oldcnt, newcnt, slot;
int i;
JudySlot *newnode, *node;
JudySlot *result;
uchar *newbase;
uint type;
type = (*next & 0x07) + 1;
node = (JudySlot *)((*next & JUDY_mask) + JudySize[type-1]);
oldcnt = JudySize[type-1] / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
newcnt = JudySize[type] / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
// promote node to next larger size
newbase = judy_alloc (judy, type);
newnode = (JudySlot *)(newbase + JudySize[type]);
*next = (JudySlot)newbase | type;
// open up slot at idx
memcpy(newbase + (newcnt - oldcnt - 1) * keysize, base, idx * keysize); // copy keys
for( slot = 0; slot < idx; slot++ )
newnode[-(slot + newcnt - oldcnt)] = node[-(slot + 1)]; // copy ptr
// fill in new node
memcpy(newbase + (idx + newcnt - oldcnt - 1) * keysize, &value, keysize); // copy key
i = keysize;
while( i-- )
newbase[(idx + newcnt - oldcnt - 1) * keysize + i] = value, value >>= 8;
result = &newnode[-(idx + newcnt - oldcnt)];
// copy rest of old node
memcpy(newbase + (idx + newcnt - oldcnt) * keysize, base + (idx * keysize), (oldcnt - slot) * keysize); // copy keys
for( ; slot < oldcnt; slot++ )
newnode[-(slot + newcnt - oldcnt + 1)] = node[-(slot + 1)]; // copy ptr
#ifndef ASKITIS
judy->stack[judy->level].next = *next;
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = idx + newcnt - oldcnt - 1;
judy_free (judy, (void **)base, type - 1);
return result;
// construct new node for JUDY_radix entry
// make node with slot - start entries
// moving key over one offset
void judy_radix (Judy *judy, JudySlot *radix, uchar *old, int start, int slot, int keysize, uchar key, uint depth)
int size, idx, cnt = slot - start, newcnt;
JudySlot *node, *oldnode;
uint type = JUDY_1 - 1;
JudySlot *table;
uchar *base;
// if necessary, setup inner radix node
if( !(table = (JudySlot *)(radix[key >> 4] & JUDY_mask)) ) {
table = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_radix);
radix[key >> 4] = (JudySlot)table | JUDY_radix;
oldnode = (JudySlot *)(old + JudySize[JUDY_max]);
// is this slot a leaf?
if( !judy->depth && (!key || !keysize) || judy->depth && !keysize && depth == judy->depth) {
table[key & 0x0F] = oldnode[-start-1];
// calculate new node big enough to contain slots
do {
size = JudySize[type];
newcnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
} while( cnt > newcnt && type < JUDY_max );
// store new node pointer in inner table
base = judy_alloc (judy, type);
node = (JudySlot *)(base + size);
table[key & 0x0F] = (JudySlot)base | type;
// allocate node and copy old contents
// shorten keys by 1 byte during copy
for( idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++ ) {
memcpy (base + (newcnt - idx - 1) * keysize, old + (start + cnt - idx - 1) * (keysize + 1), keysize);
memcpy (base + (newcnt - idx - 1) * keysize, old + (start + cnt - idx - 1) * (keysize + 1) + 1, keysize);
node[-(newcnt - idx)] = oldnode[-(start + cnt - idx)];
// decompose full node to radix nodes
void judy_splitnode (Judy *judy, JudySlot *next, uint size, uint keysize, uint depth)
int cnt, slot, start = 0;
uint key = 0x0100, nxt;
JudySlot *newradix;
uchar *base;
base = (uchar *)(*next & JUDY_mask);
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
// allocate outer judy_radix node
newradix = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_radix);
*next = (JudySlot)newradix | JUDY_radix;
for( slot = 0; slot < cnt; slot++ ) {
nxt = base[slot * keysize + keysize - 1];
nxt = base[slot * keysize];
if( key > 0xFF )
key = nxt;
if( nxt == key )
// decompose portion of old node into radix nodes
judy_radix (judy, newradix, base, start, slot, keysize - 1, (uchar)key, depth);
start = slot;
key = nxt;
judy_radix (judy, newradix, base, start, slot, keysize - 1, (uchar)key, depth);
judy_free (judy, (void **)base, JUDY_max);
// return first leaf
JudySlot *judy_first (Judy *judy, JudySlot next, uint off, uint depth)
JudySlot *table, *inner;
uint keysize, size;
JudySlot *node;
int slot, cnt;
uchar *base;
while( next ) {
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
judy->stack[judy->level].next = next;
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
switch( next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
for( slot = 0; slot < cnt; slot++ )
if( node[-slot-1] )
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
return &node[-slot-1];
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize + keysize - 1] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
return &node[-slot-1];
next = node[-slot - 1];
off = (off | JUDY_key_mask) + 1;
case JUDY_radix:
if( judy->depth )
if( !(off & JUDY_key_mask) )
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask);
for( slot = 0; slot < 256; slot++ )
if( (inner = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask)) ) {
if( (next = inner[slot & 0x0F]) ) {
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( !judy->depth && !slot || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth )
return &inner[slot & 0x0F];
} else
slot |= 0x0F;
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
cnt = JUDY_span_bytes;
if( !base[cnt - 1] ) // leaf node?
return &node[-1];
next = node[-1];
off += cnt;
return NULL;
// return last leaf cell pointer
JudySlot *judy_last (Judy *judy, JudySlot next, uint off, uint depth)
JudySlot *table, *inner;
uint keysize, size;
JudySlot *node;
int slot, cnt;
uchar *base;
while( next ) {
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = next;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
switch( next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
slot = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = --slot;
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize + keysize - 1] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
return &node[-slot-1];
next = node[-slot-1];
off += keysize;
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask);
if( judy->depth )
if( !(off & JUDY_key_mask) )
for( slot = 256; slot--; ) {
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( (inner = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask)) ) {
if( (next = inner[slot & 0x0F]) )
if( !judy->depth && !slot || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth )
return &inner[0];
} else
slot &= 0xF0;
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
cnt = JUDY_span_bytes;
if( !base[cnt - 1] ) // leaf node?
return &node[-1];
next = node[-1];
off += cnt;
return NULL;
// judy_end: return last entry
JudySlot *judy_end (Judy *judy)
judy->level = 0;
return judy_last (judy, *judy->root, 0, 0);
} // judy_nxt: return next entry
JudySlot *judy_nxt (Judy *judy)
JudySlot *table, *inner;
int slot, size, cnt;
JudySlot *node;
JudySlot next;
uint keysize;
uchar *base;
uint depth;
uint off;
if( !judy->level )
return judy_first (judy, *judy->root, 0, 0);
while( judy->level ) {
next = judy->stack[judy->level].next;
slot = judy->stack[judy->level].slot;
off = judy->stack[judy->level].off;
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
depth = off / JUDY_key_size;
switch( next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
if( ++slot < cnt )
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
if( !judy->depth && !base[slot * keysize + keysize - 1] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
return &node[-slot - 1];
} else {
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
return judy_first (judy, node[-slot-1], (off | JUDY_key_mask) + 1, depth);
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask);
if( judy->depth )
if( !((off+1) & JUDY_key_mask) )
while( ++slot < 256 )
if( (inner = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask)) ) {
if( inner[slot & 0x0F] ) {
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( !judy->depth || depth < judy->depth )
return judy_first(judy, inner[slot & 0x0F], off + 1, depth);
return &inner[slot & 0x0F];
} else
slot |= 0x0F;
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
return NULL;
// judy_prv: return ptr to previous entry
JudySlot *judy_prv (Judy *judy)
int slot, size, keysize;
JudySlot *table, *inner;
JudySlot *node, next;
uchar *base;
uint depth;
uint off;
if( !judy->level )
return judy_last (judy, *judy->root, 0, 0);
while( judy->level ) {
next = judy->stack[judy->level].next;
slot = judy->stack[judy->level].slot;
off = judy->stack[judy->level].off;
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
depth = off / JUDY_key_size;
switch( next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
if( !slot || !node[-slot] ) {
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
if( !judy->depth && !base[(slot - 1) * keysize] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
if( !judy->depth && !base[(slot - 1) * keysize + keysize - 1] || judy->depth && ++depth == judy->depth )
return &node[-slot];
return judy_last (judy, node[-slot], (off | JUDY_key_mask) + 1, depth);
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask);
if( judy->depth )
if( !((off + 1) & JUDY_key_mask) )
while( slot-- ) {
if( (inner = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask)) )
if( inner[slot & 0x0F] )
if( !judy->depth && !slot || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth )
return &inner[0];
return judy_last(judy, inner[slot & 0x0F], off + 1, depth);
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
return NULL;
// judy_del: delete string from judy array
// returning previous entry.
JudySlot *judy_del (Judy *judy)
int slot, off, size, type, high;
JudySlot *table, *inner;
JudySlot next, *node;
int keysize, cnt;
uchar *base;
while( judy->level ) {
next = judy->stack[judy->level].next;
slot = judy->stack[judy->level].slot;
off = judy->stack[judy->level].off;
size = JudySize[next & 0x07];
switch( type = next & 0x07 ) {
case JUDY_1:
case JUDY_2:
case JUDY_4:
case JUDY_8:
case JUDY_16:
case JUDY_32:
#ifdef ASKITIS
case JUDY_64:
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
node = (JudySlot *)((next & JUDY_mask) + size);
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
// move deleted slot to first slot
while( slot ) {
node[-slot-1] = node[-slot];
memcpy (base + slot * keysize, base + (slot - 1) * keysize, keysize);
// zero out first slot
node[-1] = 0;
memset (base, 0, keysize);
if( node[-cnt] ) { // does node have any slots left?
return judy_prv (judy);
judy_free (judy, base, type);
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(next & JUDY_mask);
inner = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask);
inner[slot & 0x0F] = 0;
high = slot & 0xF0;
for( cnt = 16; cnt--; )
if( inner[cnt] )
return judy_prv (judy);
judy_free (judy, inner, JUDY_radix);
table[slot >> 4] = 0;
for( cnt = 16; cnt--; )
if( table[cnt] )
return judy_prv (judy);
judy_free (judy, table, JUDY_radix);
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
base = (uchar *)(next & JUDY_mask);
judy_free (judy, base, type);
// tree is now empty
*judy->root = 0;
return NULL;
// return cell for first key greater than or equal to given key
JudySlot *judy_strt (Judy *judy, uchar *buff, uint max)
JudySlot *cell;
judy->level = 0;
if( !max )
return judy_first (judy, *judy->root, 0, 0);
if( (cell = judy_slot (judy, buff, max)) )
return cell;
return judy_nxt (judy);
// split open span node
#ifndef ASKITIS
void judy_splitspan (Judy *judy, JudySlot *next, uchar *base)
JudySlot *node = (JudySlot *)(base + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
uint cnt = JUDY_span_bytes;
uchar *newbase;
uint off = 0;
int i;
do {
newbase = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_1);
*next = (JudySlot)newbase | JUDY_1;
i = JUDY_key_size;
while( i-- )
*newbase++ = base[off + i];
memcpy (newbase, base + off, JUDY_key_size);
newbase += JUDY_key_size;
next = (JudySlot *)newbase;
off += JUDY_key_size;
cnt -= JUDY_key_size;
} while( cnt && base[off - 1] );
*next = node[-1];
judy_free (judy, base, JUDY_span);
// judy_cell: add string to judy array
JudySlot *judy_cell (Judy *judy, uchar *buff, uint max)
judyvalue *src = (judyvalue *)buff;
int size, idx, slot, cnt, tst;
JudySlot *next = judy->root;
judyvalue test, value;
uint off = 0, start;
JudySlot *table;
JudySlot *node;
uint depth = 0;
uint keysize;
uchar *base;
judy->level = 0;
while( *next ) {
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = *next;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
switch( *next & 0x07 ) {
size = JudySize[*next & 0x07];
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
cnt = size / (sizeof(JudySlot) + keysize);
base = (uchar *)(*next & JUDY_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)((*next & JUDY_mask) + size);
start = off;
slot = cnt;
value = 0;
if( judy->depth ) {
value = src[depth++];
off |= JUDY_key_mask;
value &= JudyMask[keysize];
} else
do {
value <<= 8;
if( off < max )
value |= buff[off];
} while( ++off & JUDY_key_mask );
// find slot > key
while( slot-- ) {
test = *(judyvalue *)(base + slot * keysize);
test >>= 8 * (JUDY_key_size - keysize);
test &= JudyMask[keysize];
if( test <= value )
#ifndef ASKITIS
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
if( test == value ) { // new key is equal to slot key
next = &node[-slot-1];
// is this a leaf?
if( !judy->depth && !(value & 0xFF) || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth ) {
return next;
// if this node is not full
// open up cell after slot
if( !node[-1] ) {
memmove(base, base + keysize, slot * keysize); // move keys less than new key down one slot
memcpy(base + slot * keysize, &value, keysize); // copy new key into slot
test = value;
idx = keysize;
while( idx-- )
base[slot * keysize + idx] = test, test >>= 8;
for( idx = 0; idx < slot; idx++ )
node[-idx-1] = node[-idx-2];// copy tree ptrs/cells down one slot
node[-slot-1] = 0; // set new tree ptr/cell
next = &node[-slot-1];
if( !judy->depth && !(value & 0xFF) || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth ) {
return next;
if( size < JudySize[JUDY_max] ) {
next = judy_promote (judy, next, slot+1, value, keysize);
if( !judy->depth && !(value & 0xFF) || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth ) {
return next;
// split full maximal node into JUDY_radix nodes
// loop to reprocess new insert
judy_splitnode (judy, next, size, keysize, depth);
#ifndef ASKITIS
off = start;
if( judy->depth )
case JUDY_radix:
table = (JudySlot *)(*next & JUDY_mask); // outer radix
if( judy->depth )
slot = (src[depth] >> ((JUDY_key_size - ++off & JUDY_key_mask) * 8)) & 0xff;
else if( off < max )
slot = buff[off++];
slot = 0, off++;
if( judy->depth )
if( !(off & JUDY_key_mask) )
// allocate inner radix if empty
if( !table[slot >> 4] )
table[slot >> 4] = (JudySlot)judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_radix) | JUDY_radix;
table = (JudySlot *)(table[slot >> 4] & JUDY_mask);
#ifndef ASKITIS
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = slot;
next = &table[slot & 0x0F];
if( !judy->depth && !slot || judy->depth && depth == judy->depth ) { // leaf?
return next;
#ifndef ASKITIS
case JUDY_span:
base = (uchar *)(*next & JUDY_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)((*next & JUDY_mask) + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
cnt = JUDY_span_bytes;
tst = cnt;
if( tst > (int)(max - off) )
tst = max - off;
value = strncmp((const char *)base, (const char *)(buff + off), tst);
if( !value && tst < cnt && !base[tst] ) // leaf?
return &node[-1];
if( !value && tst == cnt ) {
next = &node[-1];
off += cnt;
// bust up JUDY_span node and produce JUDY_1 nodes
// then loop to reprocess insert
judy_splitspan (judy, next, base);
// place JUDY_1 node under JUDY_radix node(s)
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( off & JUDY_key_mask )
if( judy->depth || off <= max ) {
while( off <= max ) {
base = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_1);
keysize = JUDY_key_size - (off & JUDY_key_mask);
node = (JudySlot *)(base + JudySize[JUDY_1]);
*next = (JudySlot)base | JUDY_1;
// fill in slot 0 with bytes of key
if( judy->depth ) {
value = src[depth];
memcpy(base, &value, keysize); // copy new key into slot
while( keysize-- )
base[keysize] = value, value >>= 8;
} else {
while( keysize )
if( off + keysize <= max )
*base++ = buff[off + --keysize];
base++, --keysize;
tst = keysize;
if( tst > (int)(max - off) )
tst = max - off;
memcpy (base, buff + off, tst);
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = *next;
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = 0;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
next = &node[-1];
off |= JUDY_key_mask;
// produce span nodes to consume rest of key
// or judy_1 nodes if not string tree
#ifndef ASKITIS
if( !judy->depth )
while( off <= max ) {
base = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_span);
*next = (JudySlot)base | JUDY_span;
node = (JudySlot *)(base + JudySize[JUDY_span]);
cnt = tst = JUDY_span_bytes;
if( tst > (int)(max - off) )
tst = max - off;
memcpy (base, buff + off, tst);
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = *next;
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = 0;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
next = &node[-1];
off += tst;
if( !base[cnt-1] ) // done on leaf
while( depth < judy->depth ) {
base = judy_alloc (judy, JUDY_1);
node = (JudySlot *)(base + JudySize[JUDY_1]);
*next = (JudySlot)base | JUDY_1;
// fill in slot 0 with bytes of key
*(judyvalue *)base = src[depth];
if( judy->level < judy->max )
judy->stack[judy->level].next = *next;
judy->stack[judy->level].slot = 0;
judy->stack[judy->level].off = off;
next = &node[-1];
off |= JUDY_key_mask;
return next;
#if defined(STANDALONE) || defined(ASKITIS)
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(linux)
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <time.h>
// memory map input file and sort
// define pennysort parameters
uint PennyRecs = (4096 * 400); // records to sort to temp files
uint PennyLine = 100; // length of input record
uint PennyKey = 10; // length of input key
uint PennyOff = 0; // key offset in input record
unsigned long long PennyMerge; // PennyRecs * PennyLine = file map length
uint PennyPasses; // number of intermediate files created
uint PennySortTime; // cpu time to run sort
uint PennyMergeTime; // cpu time to run merge
typedef struct {
void *buff; // record pointer in input file map
void *next; // duplicate chain
} PennySort;
void sort (FILE *infile, char *outname)
unsigned long long size, off, offset, part;
int ifd = fileno (infile);
char filename[512];
PennySort *line;
JudySlot *cell;
uchar *inbuff;
void *judy;
FILE *out;
#if defined(_WIN32)
HANDLE hndl, fm;
DWORD hiword;
FILETIME dummy[1];
FILETIME user[1];
struct tms buff[1];
time_t start = time(NULL);
if( PennyOff + PennyKey > PennyLine )
fprintf (stderr, "Key Offset + Key Length > Record Length\n"), exit(1);
offset = 0;
PennyPasses = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32)
hndl = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(ifd);
size = GetFileSize (hndl, &hiword);
fm = CreateFileMapping(hndl, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, hiword, (DWORD)size, NULL);
if( !fm )
fprintf (stderr, "CreateFileMapping error %d\n", GetLastError()), exit(1);
size |= (unsigned long long)hiword << 32;
size = lseek (ifd, 0L, 2);
while( offset < size ) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
part = offset + PennyMerge > size ? size - offset : PennyMerge;
inbuff = MapViewOfFile( fm, FILE_MAP_READ, offset >> 32, offset, part);
if( !inbuff )
fprintf (stderr, "MapViewOfFile error %d\n", GetLastError()), exit(1);
inbuff = mmap (NULL, PennyMerge, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, ifd, offset);
if( inbuff == MAP_FAILED )
fprintf (stderr, "mmap error %d\n", errno), exit(1);
if( madvise (inbuff, PennyMerge, MADV_WILLNEED | MADV_SEQUENTIAL) < 0 )
fprintf (stderr, "madvise error %d\n", errno);
judy = judy_open (PennyKey, 0);
off = 0;
// build judy array from mapped input chunk
while( offset + off < size && off < PennyMerge ) {
line = judy_data (judy, sizeof(PennySort));
cell = judy_cell (judy, inbuff + off + PennyOff, PennyKey);
line->next = *(void **)cell;
line->buff = inbuff + off;
*(PennySort **)cell = line;
off += PennyLine;
sprintf (filename, "%s.%d", outname, PennyPasses);
out = fopen (filename, "wb");
setvbuf (out, NULL, _IOFBF, 4096 * 1024);
#ifndef _WIN32
if( madvise (inbuff, PennyMerge, MADV_WILLNEED | MADV_RANDOM) < 0 )
fprintf (stderr, "madvise error %d\n", errno);
// write judy array in sorted order to temporary file
cell = judy_strt (judy, NULL, 0);
if( cell ) do {
line = *(PennySort **)cell;
do fwrite (line->buff, PennyLine, 1, out);
while( line = line->next );
} while( cell = judy_nxt (judy) );
#if defined(_WIN32)
UnmapViewOfFile (inbuff);
munmap (inbuff, PennyMerge);
judy_close (judy);
offset += off;
fflush (out);
fclose (out);
fprintf (stderr, "End Sort %d secs", time(NULL) - start);
#if defined(_WIN32)
CloseHandle (fm);
GetProcessTimes (GetCurrentProcess(), dummy, dummy, dummy, user);
PennySortTime = *(unsigned long long*)user / 10000000;
times (buff);
PennySortTime = buff->tms_utime/100;
fprintf (stderr, " Cpu %d\n", PennySortTime);
int merge (FILE *out, char *outname)
time_t start = time(NULL);
char filename[512];
JudySlot *cell;
uint nxt, idx;
uchar **line;
uint *next;
void *judy;
FILE **in;
next = calloc (PennyPasses + 1, sizeof(uint));
line = calloc (PennyPasses, sizeof(void *));
in = calloc (PennyPasses, sizeof(void *));
judy = judy_open (PennyKey, 0);
// initialize merge with one record from each temp file
for( idx = 0; idx < PennyPasses; idx++ ) {
sprintf (filename, "%s.%d", outname, idx);
in[idx] = fopen (filename, "rb");
line[idx] = malloc (PennyLine);
setvbuf (in[idx], NULL, _IOFBF, 4096 * 1024);
fread (line[idx], PennyLine, 1, in[idx]);
cell = judy_cell (judy, line[idx] + PennyOff, PennyKey);
next[idx + 1] = *(uint *)cell;
*cell = idx + 1;
// output records, replacing smallest each time
while( cell = judy_strt (judy, NULL, 0) ) {
nxt = *(uint *)cell;
judy_del (judy);
// process duplicates
while( idx = nxt ) {
nxt = next[idx--];
fwrite (line[idx], PennyLine, 1, out);
if( fread (line[idx], PennyLine, 1, in[idx]) ) {
cell = judy_cell (judy, line[idx] + PennyOff, PennyKey);
next[idx + 1] = *(uint *)cell;
*cell = idx + 1;
} else
next[idx + 1] = 0;
for( idx = 0; idx < PennyPasses; idx++ ) {
fclose (in[idx]);
free (line[idx]);
free (line);
free (next);
free (in);
fprintf (stderr, "End Merge %d secs", time(NULL) - start);
#ifdef _WIN32
FILETIME dummy[1];
FILETIME user[1];
GetProcessTimes (GetCurrentProcess(), dummy, dummy, dummy, user);
PennyMergeTime = *(unsigned long long*)user / 10000000;
struct tms buff[1];
times (buff);
PennyMergeTime = buff->tms_utime/100;
fprintf (stderr, " Cpu %d\n", PennyMergeTime - PennySortTime);
judy_close (judy);
fflush (out);
fclose (out);
return 0;
// compilation:
// cc -O3 judy64j.c
// usage:
// a.out [in-file] [out-file] [keysize] [recordlen] [keyoffset] [mergerecs]
// where keysize is 10 to indicate pennysort files
#if !defined(_WIN32)
typedef struct timeval timer;
// ASKITIS compilation:
// cc -O3 judy64n.c
// usage:
// a.out [in-file] [out-file] [keysize] [recordlen] [keyoffset] [mergerecs]
// where keysize is 10 to indicate pennysort files
// naskitis.com.
// g++ -O3 -fpermissive -fomit-frame-pointer -w -D STANDALONE -D ASKITIS -o judy64n judy64n.c
// ./judy64n [input-file-to-build-judy] e.g. distinct_1 or skew1_1
// note: the judy array is an in-memory data structure. As such, make sure you
// have enough memory to hold the entire input file + data structure, otherwise
// you'll have to break the input file into smaller pieces and load them in
// on-by-one.
// Also, the file to search judy is hardcoded to skew1_1.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
uchar buff[1024];
JudySlot max = 0;
JudySlot *cell;
FILE *in, *out;
void *judy;
uint len;
uint idx;
#ifdef ASKITIS
int Words = 0;
int Inserts = 0;
int Found = 0;
char *askitis;
int prev, off;
float insert_real_time=0.0;
float search_real_time=0.0;
int size;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
timer start, stop;
time_t start[1], stop[1];
if( argc > 1 )
in = fopen (argv[1], "rb");
in = stdin;
if( argc > 2 )
out = fopen (argv[2], "wb");
out = stdout;
setvbuf (out, NULL, _IOFBF, 4096 * 1024);
if( !in )
fprintf (stderr, "unable to open input file\n");
if( !out )
fprintf (stderr, "unable to open output file\n");
if( argc > 6 )
PennyRecs = atoi(argv[6]);
if( argc > 5 )
PennyOff = atoi(argv[5]);
if( argc > 4 )
PennyLine = atoi(argv[4]);
PennyMerge = (unsigned long long)PennyLine * PennyRecs;
if( argc > 3 ) {
PennyKey = atoi(argv[3]);
sort (in, argv[2]);
return merge (out, argv[2]);
#ifdef ASKITIS
judy = judy_open (1024, 0);
// build judy array
size = lseek (fileno(in), 0L, 2);
askitis = malloc(size);
lseek (fileno(in), 0L, 0);
read (fileno(in), askitis,size);
prev = 0;
// naskitis.com:
// Start the timer.
#if !defined(_WIN32)
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
for( off = 0; off < size; off++ )
if( askitis[off] == '\n' ) {
cell = judy_cell (judy, askitis+prev, off - prev);
if( (*cell)++ ) // count instances of string
prev = off + 1;
// naskitis.com:
// Stop the timer and do some math to compute the time required to insert the strings into the judy array.
#if !defined(_WIN32)
gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
insert_real_time = 1000.0 * ( stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 0.001 * (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
insert_real_time = insert_real_time/1000.0;
time (stop);
insert_real_time = *stop - *start;
// naskitis.com:
// Free the input buffer used to store the first file. We must do this before we get the process size below.
free (askitis);
fprintf(stderr, "JudyArray@Karl_Malbrain\nDASKITIS option enabled\n-------------------------------\n%-20s %.2f MB\n%-20s %.2f sec\n",
"Judy Array size:", MaxMem/1000000., "Time to insert:", insert_real_time);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Words:", Words);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Inserts:", Inserts);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Found:", Found);
Words = 0;
Inserts = 0;
Found = 0;
// search judy array
if( in = freopen ("skew1_1", "rb", in) )
size = lseek (fileno(in), 0L, 2);
askitis = malloc(size);
lseek (fileno(in), 0L, 0);
read (fileno(in), askitis,size);
prev = 0;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
for( off = 0; off < size; off++ )
if( askitis[off] == '\n' ) {
if( cell = judy_slot (judy, askitis+prev, off - prev) )
if( *cell )
prev = off + 1;
// naskitis.com:
// Stop the timer and do some math to compute the time required to search the judy array.
#if !defined(_WIN32)
gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
search_real_time = 1000.0 * ( stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 0.001
* (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
search_real_time = search_real_time/1000.0;
search_real_time = *stop - *start;
// naskitis.com:
// To do: report a count on the number of strings found.
fprintf(stderr,"\n%-20s %.2f MB\n%-20s %.2f sec\n",
"Judy Array size:", MaxMem/1000000., "Time to search:", search_real_time);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Words:", Words);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Inserts:", Inserts);
fprintf(stderr, "%-20s %d\n", "Found:", Found);
#ifdef HEXKEYS
judy = judy_open (1024, 16/JUDY_key_size);
while( fgets((char *)buff, sizeof(buff), in) ) {
judyvalue key[16/JUDY_key_size];
if( len = strlen((const char *)buff) )
buff[--len] = 0; // remove LF
#if JUDY_key_size == 4
key[3] = strtoul (buff + 24, NULL, 16);
buff[24] = 0;
key[2] = strtoul (buff + 16, NULL, 16);
buff[16] = 0;
key[1] = strtoul (buff + 8, NULL, 16);
buff[8] = 0;
key[0] = strtoul (buff, NULL, 16);
key[1] = strtoull (buff + 16, NULL, 16);
buff[16] = 0;
key[0] = strtoull (buff, NULL, 16);
*(judy_cell (judy, (void *)key, 0)) += 1; // count instances of string
fprintf(stderr, "%" PRIuint " memory used\n", MaxMem);
cell = judy_strt (judy, NULL, 0);
if( cell ) do {
judyvalue key[16/JUDY_key_size];
len = judy_key(judy, (void *)key, 0);
for( idx = 0; idx < *cell; idx++ ){ // spit out duplicates
#if JUDY_key_size == 4
fprintf (out, "%.8X", key[0]);
fprintf (out, "%.8X", key[1]);
fprintf (out, "%.8X", key[2]);
fprintf (out, "%.8X", key[3]);
fprintf (out, "%.16llX", key[0]);
fprintf (out, "%.16llX", key[1]);
fputc('\n', out);
} while( cell = judy_nxt (judy) );
judy = judy_open (1024, 0);
while( fgets((char *)buff, sizeof(buff), in) ) {
if( len = strlen((const char *)buff) )
buff[--len] = 0; // remove LF
*(judy_cell (judy, buff, len)) += 1; // count instances of string
fprintf(stderr, "%" PRIuint " memory used\n", MaxMem);
cell = judy_strt (judy, NULL, 0);
if( cell ) do {
len = judy_key(judy, buff, sizeof(buff));
for( idx = 0; idx < *cell; idx++ ){ // spit out duplicates
fwrite(buff, len, 1, out);
fputc('\n', out);
} while( cell = judy_nxt (judy) );
#if 0
// test deletion all the way to an empty tree
if( cell = judy_prv (judy) )
do max -= *cell;
while( cell = judy_del (judy) );
assert (max == 0);
return 0;