
74 lines
1.6 KiB

/* radare2 - LGPL - Copyright 2018 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
#if 0
- add more methods to "undo according to some conditions"
- undo all comments in current offfset
R_API RCoreUndo *r_core_undo_new(ut64 offset, const char *action, const char *revert) {
RCoreUndo *cu = R_NEW (RCoreUndo);
cu->action = strdup (action);
cu->revert = strdup (revert);
cu->tstamp = r_sys_now ();
cu->offset = offset;
return cu;
R_API void *r_core_undo_free(RCoreUndo *cu) {
free (cu->action);
free (cu->revert);
free (cu);
return NULL;
R_API void r_core_undo_push(RCore *core, RCoreUndo *cu) {
r_list_append (core->undos, cu);
R_API void r_core_undo_pop(RCore *core) {
RCoreUndo *undo = r_list_pop (core->undos);
if (undo) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, undo->revert);
r_core_undo_free (undo);
R_API bool r_core_undo_condition(RCoreUndo *cu, RCoreUndoCondition *cond) {
if (!cond) {
return true;
bool mustPrint = false;
if (cond->addr != UT64_MAX) {
mustPrint = (cu->offset == cond->addr);
if (cond->minstamp) {
mustPrint = (cu->tstamp >= cond->minstamp);
if (cond->glob) {
mustPrint = r_str_glob (cu->action, cond->glob);
return mustPrint;
R_API void r_core_undo_print(RCore *core, int mode, RCoreUndoCondition *cond) {
RCoreUndo *cu;
RListIter *iter;
if (mode) {
r_list_foreach (core->undos, iter, cu) {
if (r_core_undo_condition (cu, cond)) {
r_cons_printf ("%s @ 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", cu->revert, cu->offset);
} else {
r_list_foreach (core->undos, iter, cu) {
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" %"PFMT64d" %s (revert: %s)\n",
cu->offset, cu->tstamp, cu->action, cu->revert);