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synced 2024-12-29 09:13:19 +00:00
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addwf=add wreg and f
addwfc=add wreg and carry bit to f
andwf=and wreg with f
clrf=clear f
conf=complement f
cpfseq=compare f with wreg, skip =
cpfsgt=compare f with wreg, skip >
cpfslt=compare f with wreg, skip <
decf=decrement f
decfsz=decrement f, skip if 0
dcfsnz=decrement f, skip if not 0
incf=increment f, skip if 0
incfsz=increment f, skip if not 0
iorwf=inclusive or wreg with f
movf=move f
movff=move fs (source) to fd (destination)
movwf=move wreg to f
mulwf=multiply wreg with f
negf=negate f
rlcf=rotate left f through carry
rlncf=rotate left f (no carry)
rrcf=rotate right f through carry
rrncf=rotate right f (no carry)
setf=set f
subfwb=subtract f from wreg with borrow
subwfi=subtract wreg from f
subwfb=subtract wreg from f with borrow
swapf=swap nibbles in f
tstfsz=test f, skip if 0
xorwf=exclusive or wreg with f
bcf=bit clear f
bsf=bit set f
btfsc=bit test f, skip if clear
btfss=bit test f, skip if set
btg=bit toggle f
bc=branch if carry
bn=branch if negative
bnc=branch if not carry
bnn=branch if not negative
bnov=branch if not overflow
bnz=branch if not zero
bov=branch if overflow
bra=branch unconditionally
bz=branch if zero
call=call subroutine
clrwdt=clear watchdog timer
daw=decimal adjust wreg
goto=go to address
nop=no operation
pop=pop top of return stack (tos)
push=push top of return stack (tos)
rcall=relative call
reset=software device reset
retfie=return from interrupt enable
retlw=return with literal in wreg
return=return from subroutine
sleep=go into standby mode
addlw=add literal and wreg
andlw=and literal with wreg
iorlw=inclusive or literal with wreg
lfsr=move literal (12-bit) to fsrx
movlb=move literal to bsr<3:0>
movlw=move literal to wreg
mullw=multiply literal with wreg
retlw=return with literal in wreg
sublw=subtract wreg from literal
xorlw=exclusive or literal with wreg
tblrd*=table read
tblrd*+=table read with post-increment
tblrd*-=table read with post-decrement
tblrd*=table read with pre-increment
tblwt*=table write
tblwt*+=table write with post-increment
tblwt*-=table write with post-decrement
tblwt+*=table write with pre-increment