condret 49b31e30f3 add spc700-disassembler
fix a gcc-warning and make things more @jvoisin compliant
2014-06-16 01:14:52 +02:00

38 lines
752 B

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2012-2014 - pancake
2014 - condret */
// fork of asm_z80.c
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include "../arch/spc700/spc700dis.c"
static int disassemble(RAsm *a, RAsmOp *r_op, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
int dlen = spc700Disass(r_op, buf, len);
if(dlen < 0) dlen=0;
r_op->size = dlen;
return dlen;
RAsmPlugin r_asm_plugin_spc700 = {
.name = "spc700",
.desc = "spc700, snes' sound-chip",
.arch = "spc700",
.license = "LGPL3",
.bits = 16,
.init = NULL,
.fini = NULL,
.disassemble = &disassemble,
.modify = NULL,
.assemble = NULL,
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_ASM,
.data = &r_asm_plugin_spc700