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synced 2025-03-02 11:16:15 +00:00
410 lines
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410 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2016 - pancake */
#include "r_anal.h"
#include "r_cons.h"
#include "r_core.h"
#include "r_list.h"
#include "r_sign.h"
static int cmd_zign(void *data, const char *input);
static void fcn_zig_add(RSignItem *si, int pref, ut8 *addr, const char *prefix) {
const int type = si->type;
if (type == 'f') {
r_cons_printf ("f %s.fun_%s_%d @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", prefix, si->name, pref, addr);
} else if (type == 'p') {
r_cons_printf ("afn %s.fun_%s_%d 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", prefix, si->name, pref, addr);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("f %s.%s @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", prefix , si->name, addr);
static void fcn_zig_search(RCore *core, ut64 ini, ut64 fin) {
int idx, old_fs;
ut64 len = fin - ini;
RSignItem *si;
ut8 *buf = malloc (len);
const char *prefix = r_config_get (core->config, "zign.prefix");
if (buf) {
int count = 0;
eprintf ("Ranges are: 0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", ini, fin);
old_fs = core->flags->space_idx;
r_cons_printf ("fs sign\n");
r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
if (r_io_read_at (core->io, ini, buf, len) == len) {
ut64 align = r_config_get_i (core->config, "search.align");
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
if (align != 0 && (ini + idx) % align != 0) {
if (r_cons_is_breaked()) {
si = r_sign_check (core->sign, buf+idx, len-idx);
if (si) {
fcn_zig_add (si, idx, (ut8 *)ini + idx, prefix);
eprintf ("- Found %d matching function signatures\r", count);
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot read %"PFMT64d" bytes at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", len, ini);
r_cons_printf ("fs %s\n", (old_fs == -1) ? "*" : core->flags->spaces[old_fs]);
r_cons_break_pop ();
free (buf);
core->sign->matches = count;
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot alloc %"PFMT64d" bytes\n", len);
core->sign->matches = 0;
static int fcn_offset_cmp(ut64 offset, const RAnalFunction *fcn) {
return fcn->addr == offset ? 0 : -1;
static void openSignature(RCore *core, const char *str) {
if (str && *str) {
int len = 0;
char *ptr, *data = r_file_slurp (str, &len);
if (data) {
for (ptr = data;;) {
char *nl = strchr (ptr, '\n');
if (nl) {
*nl = 0;
} else {
if (*ptr == 'z') {
cmd_zign (core, ptr +1);
ptr = nl + 1;
free (data);
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot open %s\n", str);
} else {
eprintf ("Usage: zo [filename] (Same as '. filename')\n");
static int cmd_zign(void *data, const char *input) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)data;
RAnalFunction *fcni;
RListIter *iter;
RSignItem *item;
int i, fd = -1, len;
char *ptr, *name;
switch (*input) {
case 'B':
if (input[1] == ' ' && input[2]) {
ut8 buf[128];
ut64 addr = core->offset;
int size = 32;
ptr = strchr (input + 2, ' ');
if (ptr) {
size = atoi (ptr + 1);
if (size < 1) {
size = 1;
if (r_io_read_at (core->io, core->offset, buf, sizeof (buf)) == sizeof (buf)) {
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, addr);
if (flag) {
name = flag->name;
r_cons_printf ("zb %s ", name);
len = R_MIN (size, sizeof (buf));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r_cons_printf ("%02x", buf[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
} else {
eprintf ("Unnamed function at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot read at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
} else {
eprintf ("Usage: zB [size] @@ sym*\nNote: Use zn and zn-");
case 'G':
case 'g':
if (input[1] == ' ' && input[2]) {
int fdold = r_cons_singleton ()->fdout;
int minzlen = r_config_get_i (core->config, "zign.min");
int maxzlen = r_config_get_i (core->config, "zign.max");
ptr = strchr (input + 2, ' ');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
fd = r_sandbox_open (ptr+1, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (fd == -1) {
eprintf ("Cannot open %s in read-write\n", ptr+1);
return false;
r_cons_singleton ()->fdout = fd;
r_cons_strcat ("# Signatures\n");
r_cons_printf ("zn %s\n", input + 2);
r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
r_list_foreach (core->anal->fcns, iter, fcni) {
RAnalOp *op = NULL;
int zlen, len, oplen, idx = 0;
ut8 *buf;
if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
len = r_anal_fcn_realsize (fcni);
if (!(buf = calloc (1, len))) {
r_cons_break_pop ();
return false;
/* XXX this is wrong. we must read for each basic block not the whole function length */
if (r_io_read_at (core->io, fcni->addr, buf, len) == len) {
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, fcni->addr);
if (flag) {
name = flag->name;
if (!(op = r_anal_op_new ())) {
free (buf);
r_cons_break_pop ();
return false;
zlen = 0;
if (input[0] == 'G') {
zlen = len;
} else {
while (idx < len) {
oplen = r_anal_op (core->anal, op, fcni->addr + idx, buf + idx, len - idx);
if (oplen < 1) {
if (op->nopcode) {
int left = R_MAX (oplen - op->nopcode, 0);
memset (buf + idx + op->nopcode, 0, left);
zlen += op->nopcode;
idx += oplen;
if (zlen > minzlen && maxzlen > zlen) {
r_cons_printf ("zb %s ", name);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
/* XXX assuming buf[i] == 0 is wrong because mask != data */
if (!buf[i]) {
r_cons_printf ("..");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%02x", buf[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
} else {
if (zlen <= minzlen) {
eprintf ("Omitting %s zignature is too small. Length is %d. Check zign.min.\n", name, zlen);
} else {
eprintf ("Omitting %s zignature is too big. Length is %d. Check zign.max.\n", name, zlen);
} else {
eprintf ("Unnamed function at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", fcni->addr);
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot read at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", fcni->addr);
free (buf);
r_anal_op_free (op);
r_cons_break_pop ();
r_cons_strcat ("zn-\n");
if (ptr) {
r_cons_flush ();
r_cons_singleton ()->fdout = fdold;
close (fd);
} else {
eprintf ("Usage: zg libc [libc.sig]\n");
case 'n':
if (!input[1]) {
r_cons_println (core->sign->ns);
} else if (!strcmp ("-", input + 1)) {
r_sign_ns (core->sign, "");
} else {
r_sign_ns (core->sign, input + 2);
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'h':
case 'f':
case 'p':
if (*(input + 1) == '\0' || *(input + 2) == '\0')
eprintf ("Usage: z%c [name] [arg]\n", *input);
ptr = strchr (input+3, ' ');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = 0;
r_sign_add (core->sign, core->anal, (int)*input, input+2, ptr+1);
case 'c':
item = r_sign_check (core->sign, core->block, core->blocksize);
if (item) {
r_cons_printf ("f sign.%s @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", item->name, core->offset);
case '-':
if (input[1] == '*') {
r_sign_reset (core->sign);
} else {
int i = r_sign_remove_ns (core->sign, input+1);
r_cons_printf ("%d zignatures removed\n", i);
case 's':
case '/':
// TODO: parse arg0 and arg1
ut64 ini, fin;
RList *list;
RListIter *iter;
RIOMap *map;
if (input[1]) {
if(input[1] != ' ') {
eprintf ("Usage: z%c [ini] [end]\n", *input);
return false;
char *ptr = strchr (input+2, ' ');
if (ptr) {
*ptr = '\0';
ini = r_num_math (core->num, input+2);
fin = r_num_math (core->num, ptr+1);
} else {
ini = core->offset;
fin = ini+r_num_math (core->num, input+2);
if (ini >= fin) {
eprintf ("Invalid range (0x%"PFMT64x"-0x%"PFMT64x").\n", ini, fin);
return false;
fcn_zig_search (core, ini, fin);
} else {
list = r_core_get_boundaries_ok (core);
if (!list) {
eprintf ("Invalid boundaries\n");
return false;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, map) {
fcn_zig_search (core, map->from, map->to);
r_list_free (list);
case 'o':
if (input[1] == ' ') {
openSignature (core, input + 2);
} else {
eprintf ("Usage: zo [filename] (Same as '. filename')\n");
case '\0':
case '*':
r_sign_list (core->sign, (*input=='*'), 0);
case 'j':
r_sign_list (core->sign, (*input=='*'), 1);
case 'F':
if (input[1] == 'd') {
if (input[2] != ' ') {
eprintf ("Usage: zFd <flirt-sig-file>\n");
return false;
r_sign_flirt_dump (core->anal, input + 3);
} else {
if(input[1] != ' ') {
eprintf ("Usage: zF <flirt-sig-file>\n");
return false;
r_sign_flirt_scan (core->anal, input + 2);
case '.':
RSignItem *si;
int len = 0;
int count = 0;
int old_fs;
RListIter *it;
ut8 *buf;
if (r_list_empty (core->anal->fcns)) {
eprintf("No functions found, please run some analysis before.\n");
return false;
if (!(it = r_list_find (
(const void *)core->offset,
(RListComparator)fcn_offset_cmp))) {
return false;
fcni = (RAnalFunction*)it->data;
len = r_anal_fcn_realsize (fcni);
if (!(buf = malloc (len))) {
return false;
if (r_io_read_at (core->io, fcni->addr, buf, len) == len) {
si = r_sign_check (core->sign, buf, len);
if (si) {
old_fs = core->flags->space_idx;
r_cons_printf ("fs sign\n");
fcn_zig_add (si, count, (ut8 *)fcni->addr, r_config_get (core->config, "zign.prefix"));
r_cons_printf ("fs %s\n", (old_fs == -1) ? "*" : core->flags->spaces[old_fs]);
free (buf);
core->sign->matches += count;
case '?':{
const char* help_msg[] = {
"Usage:", "z[abcp/*-] [arg]", "Zignatures",
"z", "", "show status of zignatures",
"z*", "", "display all zignatures",
"z-", " namespace", "unload zignatures in namespace",
"z-*", "", "unload all zignatures",
"z/", " [ini] [end]", "search zignatures between these regions (alias for zs)",
"z.", " [@addr]", "match zignatures by function at address",
"za", " ...", "define new zignature for analysis",
"zb", " name bytes", "define zignature for bytes",
"zB", " size", "generate zignatures for current offset/flag",
"zc", " @ fcn.foo", "flag signature if matching (.zc@@fcn)",
"zf", " name fmt", "define function zignature (fast/slow, args, types)",
"zF", " file", "Open a FLIRT signature file and scan opened file",
"zFd", " file", "Dump a FLIRT signature",
"zg", " namespace [file]", "Generate zignatures",
"zG", " namespace [file]", "Generate exact-match zignatures",
"zh", " name bytes", "define function header zignature",
"zn", " namespace", "define namespace for following zignatures (until zn-)",
"zn", "", "display current namespace",
"zn-", "", "unset namespace",
"zo", " [filename]", "open Signature files (Same as . filename)",
"zp", " name bytes", "define new zignature for function body",
"NOTE:", "", "bytes can contain '.' (dots) to specify a binary mask",
r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg);
return 0;