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synced 2025-02-12 01:25:35 +00:00
164 lines
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164 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2012-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_socket.h>
static bool *breaked = NULL;
R_API void r_socket_http_server_set_breaked(bool *b) {
breaked = b;
R_API RSocketHTTPRequest *r_socket_http_accept (RSocket *s, int timeout) {
int content_length = 0, xx, yy;
int pxx = 1, first = 0;
char buf[1500], *p, *q;
RSocketHTTPRequest *hr = R_NEW0 (RSocketHTTPRequest);
hr->s = r_socket_accept (s);
if (!hr->s) {
free (hr);
return NULL;
if (timeout>0)
r_socket_block_time (hr->s, 1, timeout);
for (;;) {
#if __WINDOWS__
if (breaked)
memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf));
xx = r_socket_gets (hr->s, buf, sizeof (buf));
yy = r_socket_ready (hr->s, 0, 20 * 1000); //this function uses usecs as argument
// eprintf ("READ %d (%s) READY %d\n", xx, buf, yy);
if (!yy || (!xx && !pxx)) {
pxx = xx;
if (first==0) {
first = 1;
if (strlen (buf)<3) {
r_socket_http_close (hr);
return NULL;
p = strchr (buf, ' ');
if (p) *p = 0;
hr->method = strdup (buf);
if (p) {
q = strstr (p+1, " HTTP"); //strchr (p+1, ' ');
if (q) *q = 0;
hr->path = strdup (p+1);
} else {
if (!hr->agent && !strncmp (buf, "User-Agent: ", 12)) {
hr->agent = strdup (buf+12);
} else
if (!hr->host && !strncmp (buf, "Host: ", 6)) {
hr->host = strdup (buf+6);
} else
if (!strncmp (buf, "Content-Length: ", 16)) {
content_length = atoi (buf+16);
if (content_length>0) {
r_socket_read_block (hr->s, (ut8*)buf, 1); // one missing byte wtf
hr->data = malloc (content_length+1);
hr->data_length = content_length;
r_socket_read_block (hr->s, hr->data, hr->data_length);
hr->data[content_length] = 0;
return hr;
R_API void r_socket_http_response (RSocketHTTPRequest *rs, int code, const char *out, int len, const char *headers) {
const char *strcode = \
code==301?"moved permanently":
code==404?"not found":
if (len<1) len = out? strlen (out): 0;
if (!headers) headers = "";
r_socket_printf (rs->s, "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n%s"
"Connection: close\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n",
code, strcode, headers, len);
if (out && len>0) r_socket_write (rs->s, (void*)out, len);
R_API ut8 *r_socket_http_handle_upload(const ut8 *str, int len, int *retlen) {
if (retlen)
*retlen = 0;
if (!strncmp ((const char *)str, "------------------------------", 10)) {
int datalen;
char *ret;
const char *data, *token = (const char *)str+10;
const char *end = strchr (token, '\n');
if (!end)
return NULL;
data = strstr (end, "Content-Disposition: form-data; ");
if (data) {
data = strchr (data, '\n');
if (data) data = strchr (data+1, '\n');
if (data) {
while (*data==10 || *data==13) data++;
end = (const char *)str+len-40;
while (*end=='-') end--;
if (*end==10 || *end==13) end--;
datalen = (size_t)(end-data);
ret = malloc (datalen+1);
if (!ret) return NULL;
memcpy (ret, data, datalen);
ret[datalen] = 0;
if (retlen)
*retlen = datalen;
return (ut8*)ret;
return NULL;
/* close client socket and free struct */
R_API void r_socket_http_close (RSocketHTTPRequest *rs) {
r_socket_free (rs->s);
free (rs->path);
free (rs->host);
free (rs->agent);
free (rs->method);
free (rs->data);
free (rs);
#if MAIN
int main() {
RSocket *s = r_socket_new (R_FALSE);
if (!r_socket_listen (s, "8080", NULL)) {
eprintf ("Cannot listen here\n");
return 1;
for (;;) {
RSocketHTTPRequest *rs = r_socket_http_accept (s, 0);
if (!rs) continue;
if (!strcmp (rs->method, "GET")) {
r_socket_http_response (rs, 200,
"<html><body><form method=post action=/>"
"<input name=a /><input type=button></form></body>");
} else
if (!strcmp (rs->method, "POST")) {
char *buf = malloc (rs->data_length+ 50);
strcpy (buf, "<html><body><h2>XSS test</h2>\n");
r_str_unescape (rs->data);
strcat (buf, rs->data);
r_socket_http_response (rs, 200, buf);
free (buf);
} else
if (!strcmp (rs->method, "OPTIONS")) {
r_socket_http_response (rs, 200,"");
} else {
r_socket_http_response (rs, 404, "Invalid protocol");
r_socket_http_close (rs);