mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 20:22:38 +00:00
579 lines
21 KiB
579 lines
21 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2015 - pancake, nibble */
#include <stddef.h>
#include "r_cons.h"
#include "r_core.h"
#include "r_hash.h"
#include "r_types_base.h"
typedef void (*HashHandler)(const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_md4 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_md5 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_sha1 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_sha256 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_sha512 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_adler32 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_xor (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_entropy (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_hamdist (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_parity (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_pcprint (const ut8 *input, int len);
static void handle_mod255 (const ut8 *input, int len);
static void handle_luhn (const ut8 *input, int len);
static void handle_crc8_smbus (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_cdma2000 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_darc (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_dvb_s2 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_ebu (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_icode (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_itu (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_maxim (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_rohc (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc8_wcdma (const ut8 *block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HACE_CRC8_EXTRA */
static void handle_crc15_can (const ut8 *block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HACE_CRC15_EXTRA */
static void handle_crc16 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_hdlc (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_usb (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_citt (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_aug_ccitt (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_buypass (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_cdma2000 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_dds110 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_dect_r (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_dect_x (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_dnp (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_en13757 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_genibus (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_maxim (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_mcrf4xx (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_riello (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_t10dif (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_teledisk (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_tms37157 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crca (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_kermit (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_modbus (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_x25 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc16_xmodem (const ut8 *block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC16_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC24
static void handle_crc24 (const ut8 *block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC24 */
static void handle_crc32 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc32c (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_ecma_267 (const ut8 *block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_bzip2 (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32d (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_mpeg2 (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_posix (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32q (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_jamcrc (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc32_xfer (const ut8 * block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC32_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC64
static void handle_crc64 (const ut8 * block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64 */
static void handle_crc64_ecma182 (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc64_we (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc64_xz (const ut8 * block, int len);
static void handle_crc64_iso (const ut8 * block, int len);
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64_EXTRA */
typedef struct {
const char *name;
HashHandler handler;
} RHashHashHandlers;
static RHashHashHandlers hash_handlers[] = {
{"md4", handle_md4},
{"md5", handle_md5},
{"sha1", handle_sha1},
{"sha256", handle_sha256},
{"sha512", handle_sha512},
{"adler32", handle_adler32},
{"xor", handle_xor},
{"entropy", handle_entropy},
{"parity", handle_parity},
{"hamdist", handle_hamdist},
{"pcprint", handle_pcprint},
{"mod255", handle_mod255},
{"luhn", handle_luhn},
{"crc8smbus", handle_crc8_smbus},
{ /* CRC-8/CDMA2000 */ "crc8cdma2000", handle_crc8_cdma2000},
{ /* CRC-8/DARC */ "crc8darc", handle_crc8_darc},
{ /* CRC-8/DVB-S2 */ "crc8dvbs2", handle_crc8_dvb_s2},
{ /* CRC-8/EBU */ "crc8ebu", handle_crc8_ebu},
{ /* CRC-8/I-CODE */ "crc8icode", handle_crc8_icode},
{ /* CRC-8/ITU */ "crc8itu", handle_crc8_itu},
{ /* CRC-8/MAXIM */ "crc8maxim", handle_crc8_maxim},
{ /* CRC-8/ROHC */ "crc8rohc", handle_crc8_rohc},
{ /* CRC-8/WCDMA */ "crc8wcdma", handle_crc8_wcdma},
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC8_EXTRA */
{"crc15can", handle_crc15_can},
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC15_EXTRA */
{"crc16", handle_crc16},
{"crc16hdlc", handle_crc16_hdlc},
{ /* CRC-16/USB */ "crc16usb", handle_crc16_usb},
{ /* CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE */ "crc16citt", handle_crc16_citt},
{ /* CRC-16/AUG-CCITT */ "crc16augccitt", handle_crc16_aug_ccitt },
{ /* CRC-16/BUYPASS */ "crc16buypass", handle_crc16_buypass },
{ /* CRC-16/CDMA2000 */ "crc16cdma2000", handle_crc16_cdma2000 },
{ /* CRC-16/DDS-110 */ "crc16dds110", handle_crc16_dds110 },
{ /* CRC-16/RECT-R */ "crc16dectr", handle_crc16_dect_r },
{ /* CRC-16/RECT-X */ "crc16dectx", handle_crc16_dect_x },
{ /* CRC-16/DNP */ "crc16dnp", handle_crc16_dnp },
{ /* CRC-16/EN-13757 */ "crc16en13757", handle_crc16_en13757 },
{ /* CRC-16/GENIBUS */ "crc16genibus", handle_crc16_genibus },
{ /* CRC-16/MAXIM */ "crc16maxim", handle_crc16_maxim },
{ /* CRC-16/MCRF4XX */ "crc16mcrf4xx", handle_crc16_mcrf4xx },
{ /* CRC-16/RIELLO */ "crc16riello", handle_crc16_riello },
{ /* CRC-16/T10-DIF */ "crc16t10dif", handle_crc16_t10dif },
{ /* CRC-16/TELEDISK */ "crc16teledisk", handle_crc16_teledisk },
{ /* CRC-16/TMS37157 */ "crc16tms37157", handle_crc16_tms37157 },
{ /* CRC-A */ "crca", handle_crca },
{ /* CRC-16/KERMIT */ "crc16kermit", handle_crc16_kermit },
{ /* CRC-16/MODBUS */ "crc16modbus", handle_crc16_modbus },
{ /* CRC-16/X-25 */ "crc16x25", handle_crc16_x25 },
{ /* CRC-16/XMODEM */ "crc16xmodem", handle_crc16_xmodem },
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC16_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC24
{"crc24", handle_crc24},
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC24 */
{"crc32", handle_crc32},
{"crc32c", handle_crc32c},
{"crc32ecma267", handle_crc32_ecma_267},
{ /* CRC-32/BZIP2 */ "crc32bzip2", handle_crc32_bzip2 },
{ /* CRC-32D */ "crc32d", handle_crc32d },
{ /* CRC-32/MPEG-2 */ "crc32mpeg2", handle_crc32_mpeg2 },
{ /* CRC-32/POSIX */ "crc32posix", handle_crc32_posix },
{ /* CRC-32Q */ "crc32q", handle_crc32q },
{ /* CRC-32/JAMCRC */ "crc32jamcrc", handle_crc32_jamcrc },
{ /* CRC-32/XFER */ "crc32xfer", handle_crc32_xfer },
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC32_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC64
{ /* CRC-64 */ "crc64", handle_crc64 },
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64 */
{ /* CRC-64/ECMA-182 */ "crc64ecma182", handle_crc64_ecma182 },
{ /* CRC-64/WE */ "crc64we", handle_crc64_we },
{ /* CRC-64/XZ */ "crc64xz", handle_crc64_xz },
{ /* CRC-64/ISO */ "crc64iso", handle_crc64_iso },
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64_EXTRA */
static void handle_md4 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
int i = 0;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_MD4);
const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_md4 (ctx, block, len);
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_MD4; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
r_hash_free (ctx);
static void handle_md5 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
int i = 0;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_MD5);
const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_md5 (ctx, block, len);
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_MD5; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
r_hash_free (ctx);
static void handle_sha1 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
int i = 0;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_SHA1);
const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_sha1 (ctx, block, len);
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_SHA1; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
r_hash_free (ctx);
static void handle_sha256 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
int i = 0;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_SHA256);
const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_sha256 (ctx, block, len);
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_SHA256; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
r_hash_free (ctx);
static void handle_sha512 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
int i = 0;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_SHA512);
const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_sha512 (ctx, block, len);
for (i = 0; i < R_HASH_SIZE_SHA512; i++) r_cons_printf ("%02x", c[i]);
r_cons_newline ();
r_hash_free (ctx);
static void handle_adler32 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
ut32 hn = r_hash_adler32 (block, len);
ut8 *b = (ut8*)&hn;
r_cons_printf ("%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
static void handle_xor (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02x\n", r_hash_xor (block, len));
static void handle_entropy (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%f\n", r_hash_entropy (block, len));
static void handle_parity (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%d\n", r_hash_parity (block, len)?1:0);
static void handle_hamdist (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02x\n", r_hash_hamdist (block, len));
static void handle_pcprint (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%d\n", r_hash_pcprint (block, len));
//r_cons_printf ("%02x\n", r_hash_pcprint (block, len));
static void handle_mod255 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%d\n", r_hash_mod255 (block, len));
//r_cons_printf ("%02x\n", r_hash_pcprint (block, len));
static void handle_luhn (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%d\n", r_hash_luhn (block, len));
static void handle_crc8_smbus (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_8_SMBUS));
static void handle_crc8_cdma2000 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_CDMA2000));
static void handle_crc8_darc (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_DARC));
static void handle_crc8_dvb_s2 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_DVB_S2));
static void handle_crc8_ebu (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_EBU));
static void handle_crc8_icode (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_ICODE));
static void handle_crc8_itu (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_ITU));
static void handle_crc8_maxim (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_MAXIM));
static void handle_crc8_rohc (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_ROHC));
static void handle_crc8_wcdma (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%02" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC8_WCDMA));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC8_EXTRA */
static void handle_crc15_can (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_15_CAN));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC15_EXTRA */
static void handle_crc16 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_16));
static void handle_crc16_hdlc (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_16_HDLC));
static void handle_crc16_usb (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_16_USB));
static void handle_crc16_citt (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_16_CITT));
static void handle_crc16_aug_ccitt (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_AUG_CCITT));
static void handle_crc16_buypass (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_BUYPASS));
static void handle_crc16_cdma2000 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_CDMA2000));
static void handle_crc16_dds110 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_DDS110));
static void handle_crc16_dect_r (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_DECT_R));
static void handle_crc16_dect_x (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_DECT_X));
static void handle_crc16_dnp (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_DNP));
static void handle_crc16_en13757 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_EN13757));
static void handle_crc16_genibus (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_GENIBUS));
static void handle_crc16_maxim (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_MAXIM));
static void handle_crc16_mcrf4xx (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_MCRF4XX));
static void handle_crc16_riello (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_RIELLO));
static void handle_crc16_t10dif (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_T10_DIF));
static void handle_crc16_teledisk (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_TELEDISK));
static void handle_crc16_tms37157 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_TMS37157));
static void handle_crca (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRCA));
static void handle_crc16_kermit (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_KERMIT));
static void handle_crc16_modbus (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_MODBUS));
static void handle_crc16_x25 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_X25));
static void handle_crc16_xmodem (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%04" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC16_XMODEM));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC16_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC24
static void handle_crc24 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%06" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_24));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC24 */
static void handle_crc32 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_32));
static void handle_crc32c (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_32C));
static void handle_crc32_ecma_267 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_32_ECMA_267));
static void handle_crc32_bzip2 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32_BZIP2));
static void handle_crc32d (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32D));
static void handle_crc32_mpeg2 (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32_MPEG2));
static void handle_crc32_posix (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32_POSIX));
static void handle_crc32q (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32Q));
static void handle_crc32_jamcrc (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32_JAMCRC));
static void handle_crc32_xfer (const ut8 *block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%08" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC32_XFER));
#endif /* #ifR_HAVE_CRC32_EXTRA */
#if R_HAVE_CRC64
static void handle_crc64 (const ut8 * block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%016" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC64));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64 */
static void handle_crc64_ecma182 (const ut8 * block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%016" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC64_ECMA182));
static void handle_crc64_we (const ut8 * block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%016" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC64_WE));
static void handle_crc64_xz (const ut8 * block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%016" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC64_XZ));
static void handle_crc64_iso (const ut8 * block, int len) {
r_cons_printf ("%016" PFMTCRCx "\n", r_hash_crc_preset (block, len, CRC_PRESET_CRC64_ISO));
#endif /* #if R_HAVE_CRC64_EXTRA */
static int cmd_hash_bang (RCore *core, const char *input) {
char *p;
const char *lang = input + 1;
if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
eprintf ("hashbang disabled in sandbox mode\n");
return false;
if (*lang=='/') {
const char *ptr = lang + 1;
while (*lang) {
if (*lang=='/') {
ptr = lang + 1;
RLangPlugin *p = r_lang_get_by_extension (core->lang, ptr);
if (p && p->name) {
lang = p->name;
if (*lang == ' ') {
RLangPlugin *p = r_lang_get_by_extension (core->lang, input + 2);
if (p && p->name) {
lang = p->name;
} else if (input[1]=='?' || input[1]=='*' || input[1]=='\0') {
r_lang_list (core->lang);
return true;
if (lang && !*lang) {
// do nothing
return true;
p = strchr (input, ' ');
bool doEval = false;
if (p) {
*p++ = 0;
char *_e = strstr (p, "-e");
if (_e) {
doEval = true;
p = _e + 2;
p = r_str_trim (p);
// TODO: set argv here
if (r_lang_use (core->lang, lang)) {
r_lang_setup (core->lang);
if (p) {
if (doEval) {
r_lang_run_string (core->lang, p);
} else {
r_lang_run_file (core->lang, p);
} else {
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.interactive")) {
r_lang_prompt (core->lang);
} else {
eprintf ("Error: scr.interactive required to run the rlang prompt\n");
} else {
eprintf ("Invalid hashbang. Please install the corresponding rlang plugin.\nSee '#!' for help.\n");
return true;
static int cmd_hash(void *data, const char *input) {
RCore *core = (RCore *)data;
if (*input == '!') {
return cmd_hash_bang (core, input);
if (*input == '?') {
const char *helpmsg3[] = {
"Usage #!interpreter [<args>] [<file] [<<eof]","","",
" #", "", "comment - do nothing",
" #!","","list all available interpreters",
" #!python","","run python commandline",
" #!python"," foo.py","run foo.py python script (same as '. foo.py')",
//" #!python <<EOF get python code until 'EOF' mark\n"
" #!python"," arg0 a1 <<q","set arg0 and arg1 and read until 'q'",
r_core_cmd_help (core, helpmsg3);
return false;
/* this is a comment - captain obvious
should not be reached, see r_core_cmd_subst() */
return 0;