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/* radare2 - LGPL - Copyright 2022-2023 - pancake */
#ifndef R_ESIL_H
#define R_ESIL_H
#include <r_reg.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define esilprintf(op, fmt, ...) r_strbuf_setf (&op->esil, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// only flags that affect control flow
enum {
// ...
#define ESIL_STACK_NAME "esil.ram"
enum {
// this is 80-bit offsets so we can address every piece of esil in an instruction
typedef struct r_esil_expr_offset_t {
ut64 off;
ut16 idx;
} REsilEOffset;
typedef enum {
} REsilBlockEnterType;
typedef struct r_esil_basic_block_t {
REsilEOffset first;
REsilEOffset last;
char *expr; //synthesized esil-expression for this block
REsilBlockEnterType enter; //maybe more type is needed here
} REsilBB;
typedef struct r_esil_t ESIL;
typedef bool (*REsilHandlerCB)(ESIL *esil, ut32 h, void *user);
typedef struct r_esil_handler_t {
REsilHandlerCB cb;
void *user;
} REsilHandler;
typedef struct r_esil_change_reg_t {
int idx;
ut64 data;
} REsilRegChange;
typedef struct r_esil_change_mem_t {
int idx;
ut8 data;
} REsilMemChange;
typedef struct r_esil_trace_t {
int idx;
int end_idx;
HtUP *registers;
HtUP *memory;
RRegArena *arena[R_REG_TYPE_LAST];
ut64 stack_addr;
ut64 stack_size;
ut8 *stack_data;
//TODO remove `db` and reuse info above
Sdb *db;
} REsilTrace;
typedef bool (*REsilHookRegWriteCB)(ESIL *esil, const char *name, ut64 *val);
typedef struct r_esil_callbacks_t {
void *user;
/* callbacks */
bool (*hook_flag_read)(ESIL *esil, const char *flag, ut64 *num);
bool (*hook_command)(ESIL *esil, const char *op);
bool (*hook_mem_read)(ESIL *esil, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len);
bool (*mem_read)(ESIL *esil, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len);
bool (*hook_mem_write)(ESIL *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len);
bool (*mem_write)(ESIL *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len);
bool (*hook_reg_read)(ESIL *esil, const char *name, ut64 *res, int *size);
bool (*reg_read)(ESIL *esil, const char *name, ut64 *res, int *size);
REsilHookRegWriteCB hook_reg_write;
bool (*reg_write)(ESIL *esil, const char *name, ut64 val);
} REsilCallbacks;
#if R2_590
typedef struct r_esil_options_t {
int nowrite;
int iotrap;
int exectrap;
} REsilOptions;
typedef struct r_esil_t {
struct r_anal_t *anal; // XXX maybe just use arch?
char **stack;
ut64 addrmask;
int stacksize;
int stackptr;
ut32 skip;
int nowrite;
int iotrap;
int exectrap;
int parse_stop;
int parse_goto;
int parse_goto_count;
int verbose;
ut64 flags;
ut64 address;
ut64 stack_addr;
ut32 stack_size;
int delay; // mapped to $ds in ESIL
ut64 jump_target; // mapped to $jt in ESIL
int jump_target_set; // mapped to $js in ESIL
int trap;
int data_align;
ut32 trap_code; // extend into a struct to store more exception info?
// parity flag? done with cur
ut64 old; //used for carry-flagging and borrow-flagging
ut64 cur; //used for carry-flagging and borrow-flagging
ut8 lastsz; //in bits //used for signature-flag
/* native ops and custom ops */
HtPP *ops;
char *current_opstr;
SdbMini *interrupts;
SdbMini *syscalls;
//this is a disgusting workaround, because we have no ht-like storage without magic keys, that you cannot use, with int-keys
REsilHandler *intr0;
REsilHandler *sysc0;
RList *plugins;
RList *active_plugins;
/* deep esil parsing fills this */
Sdb *stats;
REsilTrace *trace;
REsilCallbacks cb;
#if 0
struct r_anal_reil_t *Reil;
char *pending; // pending op computed as a macro
// this is so cursed, can we please remove external commands from esil internals.
// Function pointers are fine, but not commands
char *cmd_step; // r2 (external) command to run before a step is performed
char *cmd_step_out; // r2 (external) command to run after a step is performed
char *cmd_intr; // r2 (external) command to run when an interrupt occurs
char *cmd_trap; // r2 (external) command to run when a trap occurs
char *cmd_mdev; // r2 (external) command to run when an memory mapped device address is used
char *cmd_todo; // r2 (external) command to run when esil expr contains TODO
char *cmd_ioer; // r2 (external) command to run when esil fails to IO
char *mdev_range; // string containing the r_str_range to match for read/write accesses
bool (*cmd)(ESIL *esil, const char *name, ut64 a0, ut64 a1);
void *user;
int stack_fd; // ahem, let's not do this
bool in_cmd_step;
} REsil;
enum {
typedef struct r_anal_ref_char_t {
char *str;
char *cols;
} RAnalRefStr;
#if 0
/* reil -- must be deprecated */
/* Constructs to convert from ESIL to REIL */
/* No Operation */ GENERATE(NOP) \
/* Unknown/Undefined */ GENERATE(UNK) \
/* Conditional Jump */ GENERATE(JCC) \
/* Store Value to register */ GENERATE(STR) \
/* Store value to memory */ GENERATE(STM) \
/* Load value from memory */ GENERATE(LDM) \
/* Addition */ GENERATE(ADD) \
/* Subtraction */ GENERATE(SUB) \
/* Negation */ GENERATE(NEG) \
/* Multiplication */ GENERATE(MUL) \
/* Division */ GENERATE(DIV) \
/* Modulo */ GENERATE(MOD) \
/* Signed Multiplication */ GENERATE(SMUL) \
/* Sugned Division */ GENERATE(SDIV) \
/* Signed Modulus */ GENERATE(SMOD) \
/* Shift Left */ GENERATE(SHL) \
/* Shift Right */ GENERATE(SHR) \
/* Binary and */ GENERATE(AND) \
/* Binary or */ GENERATE(OR) \
/* Binary xor */ GENERATE(XOR) \
/* Binary not */ GENERATE(NOT) \
/* Equation */ GENERATE(EQ) \
/* Less Than */ GENERATE(LT)
#define MAKE_ENUM(OP) REIL_##OP,
typedef enum {
} RAnalReilOpcode;
typedef enum {
ARG_REG, // CPU Register
ARG_TEMP, // Temporary register used by REIL
ARG_CONST, // Constant value
ARG_ESIL_INTERNAL, // Used to resolve ESIL internal flags
ARG_NONE // Operand not used by the instruction
} RAnalReilArgType;
// Arguments to a REIL instruction.
typedef struct r_anal_reil_arg {
RAnalReilArgType type; // Type of the argument
ut8 size; // Size of the argument in bytes
char name[32]; // Name of the argument
} RAnalReilArg;
// Instruction arg1, arg2, arg3
typedef struct r_anal_reil_inst_t {
RAnalReilOpcode opcode;
RAnalReilArg *arg[3];
} RAnalReilInst;
typedef struct r_anal_reil_t {
char old[32]; // Used to compute flags.
char cur[32];
ut8 lastsz;
ut64 reilNextTemp; // Used to store the index of the next REIL temp register to be used.
ut64 addr; // Used for instruction sequencing. Check esil2reil.c for details.
ut8 seq_num; // Incremented and used when noInc is set to 1.
int skip;
int cmd_count;
char if_buf[64];
char pc[8];
} RAnalReil;
typedef struct r_esil_plugin_t {
char *name;
char *desc;
char *license;
char *arch;
char *author;
char *version;
void *(*init)(REsil *esil); // can allocate stuff and return that
void (*fini)(REsil *esil, void *user); // deallocates allocated things from init
} REsilPlugin;
// Some kind of container, pointer to plugin + pointer to user
typedef struct r_esil_active_plugin_t {
REsilPlugin *plugin;
void *user;
} REsilActivePlugin;
R_API REsil *r_esil_new(int stacksize, int iotrap, unsigned int addrsize);
R_API bool r_esil_set_pc(REsil *esil, ut64 addr);
R_API bool r_esil_setup(REsil *esil, struct r_anal_t *anal, int romem, int stats, int nonull);
R_API void r_esil_setup_macros(REsil *esil);
R_API void r_esil_setup_ops(REsil *esil);
R_API void r_esil_free(REsil *esil);
R_API bool r_esil_runword(REsil *esil, const char *word);
R_API bool r_esil_parse(REsil *esil, const char *str);
R_API bool r_esil_dumpstack(REsil *esil);
R_API bool r_esil_mem_read(REsil *esil, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len);
R_API bool r_esil_mem_write(REsil *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len);
R_API bool r_esil_reg_read(REsil *esil, const char *regname, ut64 *num, int *size);
R_API bool r_esil_reg_write(REsil *esil, const char *dst, ut64 num);
R_API bool r_esil_pushnum(REsil *esil, ut64 num);
R_API bool r_esil_push(REsil *esil, const char *str);
#if R2_590
R_API const char *r_esil_pop(REsil *esil);
R_API char *r_esil_pop(REsil *esil);
typedef bool (*REsilOpCb)(REsil *esil);
typedef struct r_esil_operation_t {
REsilOpCb code;
ut32 push; // amount of operands pushed
ut32 pop; // amount of operands popped
ut32 type;
} REsilOp;
R_API bool r_esil_set_op(REsil *esil, const char *op, REsilOpCb code, ut32 push, ut32 pop, ut32 type);
R_API REsilOp *r_esil_get_op(REsil *esil, const char *op);
R_API void r_esil_del_op(REsil *esil, const char *op);
R_API void r_esil_stack_free(REsil *esil);
R_API int r_esil_get_parm_type(REsil *esil, const char *str);
R_API int r_esil_get_parm(REsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num);
R_API int r_esil_condition(REsil *esil, const char *str);
// esil_handler.c
R_API void r_esil_handlers_init(REsil *esil);
R_API bool r_esil_set_interrupt(REsil *esil, ut32 intr_num, REsilHandlerCB cb, void *user);
R_API REsilHandlerCB r_esil_get_interrupt(REsil *esil, ut32 intr_num);
R_API void r_esil_del_interrupt(REsil *esil, ut32 intr_num);
R_API bool r_esil_set_syscall(REsil *esil, ut32 sysc_num, REsilHandlerCB cb, void *user);
R_API REsilHandlerCB r_esil_get_syscall(REsil *esil, ut32 sysc_num);
R_API void r_esil_del_syscall(REsil *esil, ut32 sysc_num);
R_API int r_esil_fire_interrupt(REsil *esil, ut32 intr_num);
R_API int r_esil_do_syscall(REsil *esil, ut32 sysc_num);
R_API void r_esil_handlers_fini(REsil *esil);
// esil_plugin.c
R_API void r_esil_plugins_init(REsil *esil);
R_API void r_esil_plugins_fini(REsil *esil);
R_API bool r_esil_plugin_add(REsil *esil, REsilPlugin *plugin);
R_API bool r_esil_plugin_activate(REsil *esil, const char *name);
R_API void r_esil_plugin_deactivate(REsil *esil, const char *name);
R_API void r_esil_mem_ro(REsil *esil, int mem_readonly);
R_API void r_esil_stats(REsil *esil, int enable);
/* trace */
R_API REsilTrace *r_esil_trace_new(REsil *esil);
R_API void r_esil_trace_free(REsilTrace *trace);
R_API void r_esil_trace_op(REsil *esil, RAnalOp *op);
R_API void r_esil_trace_list(REsil *esil);
R_API void r_esil_trace_show(REsil *esil, int idx);
R_API void r_esil_trace_restore(REsil *esil, int idx);
extern REsilPlugin r_esil_plugin_dummy;
#ifdef __cplusplus