mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 20:22:38 +00:00
including backtrace support. the manpage mentions FreeBSD 10 release and DragonflyBSD has different versioning, and radare not into their port tree yet anyway, it might safe enough.
1179 lines
25 KiB
1179 lines
25 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2014-2017 - pancake */
/* this helper api is here because it depends on r_util and r_socket */
/* we should find a better place for it. r_io? */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <r_socket.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if !__POWERPC__
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <mach/exception_types.h>
#include <mach/mach_init.h>
#include <mach/mach_port.h>
#include <mach/mach_traps.h>
#include <mach/task.h>
#include <mach/task_info.h>
#include <mach/thread_act.h>
#include <mach/thread_info.h>
#include <mach/vm_map.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <mach-o/nlist.h>
#if __UNIX__
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__sun)
#include <sys/filio.h>
#if __linux__ && !__ANDROID__
#include <sys/personality.h>
#include <pty.h>
#include <utmp.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <util.h>
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
#include <libutil.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <direct.h> // to compile chdir in msvc windows
#include <process.h> // to compile execv in msvc windows
#define HAVE_PTY __UNIX__ && !__ANDROID__ && LIBC_HAVE_FORK && !__sun
#undef HAVE_PTY
#define HAVE_PTY 0
R_API RRunProfile *r_run_new(const char *str) {
RRunProfile *p = R_NEW0 (RRunProfile);
if (p) {
r_run_reset (p);
r_run_parsefile (p, str);
return p;
R_API void r_run_reset(RRunProfile *p) {
memset (p, 0, sizeof (RRunProfile));
p->_aslr = -1;
R_API bool r_run_parse(RRunProfile *pf, const char *profile) {
if (!pf || !profile) {
return false;
char *p, *o, *str = strdup (profile);
if (!str) {
return false;
r_str_replace_char (str, '\r',0);
for (o = p = str; (o = strchr (p, '\n')); p = o) {
*o++ = 0;
r_run_parseline (pf, p);
free (str);
return true;
R_API void r_run_free (RRunProfile *r) {
free (r->_system);
free (r->_program);
free (r->_runlib);
free (r->_runlib_fcn);
free (r->_stdio);
free (r->_stdin);
free (r->_stdout);
free (r->_stderr);
free (r->_chgdir);
free (r->_chroot);
free (r->_libpath);
free (r->_preload);
free (r);
#if __UNIX__
static void set_limit(int n, int a, ut64 b) {
if (n) {
struct rlimit cl = {b, b};
setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &cl);
} else {
struct rlimit cl = {0, 0};
setrlimit (a, &cl);
static char *getstr(const char *src) {
int len;
char *ret = NULL;
switch (*src) {
case '\'':
ret = strdup (src+1);
if (ret) {
len = strlen (ret);
if (len > 0) {
if (ret[len] == '\'') {
ret[len] = 0;
return ret;
eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
free (ret);
return NULL;
case '"':
ret = strdup (src + 1);
if (ret) {
len = strlen (ret);
if (len > 0) {
if (ret[len] == '"') {
ret[len] = 0;
r_str_unescape (ret);
return ret;
eprintf ("Missing \"\n");
free (ret);
return NULL;
case '@':
char *pat = strchr (src + 1, '@');
if (pat) {
int i, len, rep;
*pat++ = 0;
rep = atoi (src + 1);
len = strlen (pat);
if (rep > 0) {
char *buf = malloc (rep);
if (buf) {
for (i = 0; i < rep; i++) {
buf[i] = pat[i%len];
return buf;
// slurp file
return r_file_slurp (src + 1, NULL);
case '`':
char *msg = strdup (src + 1);
int msg_len = strlen (msg);
if (msg_len > 0) {
msg [msg_len - 1] = 0;
char *ret = r_str_trim_tail (r_sys_cmd_str (msg, NULL, NULL));
free (msg);
return ret;
free (msg);
return strdup ("");
case '!':
return r_str_trim_tail (r_sys_cmd_str (src + 1, NULL, NULL));
case ':':
if (src[1] == '!') {
ret = r_str_trim_tail (r_sys_cmd_str (src + 1, NULL, NULL));
} else {
ret = strdup (src);
len = r_hex_str2bin (src + 1, (ut8*)ret);
if (len > 0) {
ret[len] = 0;
return ret;
eprintf ("Invalid hexpair string\n");
free (ret);
return NULL;
#if 0
// what is this for??
case '%':
return (char *) strtoul (src + 1, NULL, 0);
r_str_unescape ((ret = strdup (src)));
return ret;
static int parseBool(const char *e) {
return (strcmp (e, "yes")?
(strcmp (e, "on")?
(strcmp (e, "true")?
(strcmp (e, "1")?
0: 1): 1): 1): 1);
#if __linux__
#define RVAS "/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space"
static void setRVA(const char *v) {
int fd = open (RVAS, O_WRONLY);
if (fd != -1) {
write (fd, v, 2);
close (fd);
// TODO: move into r_util? r_run_... ? with the rest of funcs?
static void setASLR(RRunProfile *r, int enabled) {
#if __linux__
if (enabled) {
setRVA ("2\n");
} else {
#if __ANDROID__
setRVA ("0\n");
if (personality (ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE) == -1) {
setRVA ("0\n");
#elif __APPLE__
// TOO OLD setenv ("DYLD_NO_PIE", "1", 1);
// disable this because its
const char *argv0 = r->_system ? r->_system
: r->_program ? r->_program
: r->_args[0] ? r->_args[0]
: "/path/to/exec";
eprintf ("To disable aslr patch mach0.hdr.flags with:\n"
"r2 -qwnc 'wx 000000 @ 0x18' %s\n", argv0);
// f MH_PIE=0x00200000; wB-MH_PIE @ 24\n");
// for osxver>=10.7
// "unset the MH_PIE bit in an already linked executable" with --no-pie flag of the script
// the right way is to disable the aslr bit in the spawn call
// not supported for this platform
static void restore_saved_fd(int saved, bool restore, int fd) {
if (saved == -1) {
if (restore) {
dup2 (saved, fd);
close (saved);
static int handle_redirection_proc(const char *cmd, bool in, bool out, bool err) {
// use PTY to redirect I/O because pipes can be problematic in
// case of interactive programs.
int saved_stdin = dup (STDIN_FILENO);
if (saved_stdin == -1) {
return -1;
int saved_stdout = dup (STDOUT_FILENO);
if (saved_stdout== -1) {
close (saved_stdin);
return -1;
int fdm, pid = forkpty (&fdm, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (pid == -1) {
close (saved_stdin);
close (saved_stdout);
return -1;
const char *tn = ttyname (fdm);
if (!tn) {
close (saved_stdin);
close (saved_stdout);
return -1;
int fds = open (tn, O_RDWR);
if (fds == -1) {
close (saved_stdin);
close (saved_stdout);
return -1;
if (pid == 0) {
close (fdm);
// child process
if (in) {
dup2 (fds, STDIN_FILENO);
if (out) {
dup2 (fds, STDOUT_FILENO);
// child - program to run
// necessary because otherwise you can read the same thing you
// wrote on fdm.
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (fds, &t);
cfmakeraw (&t);
tcsetattr (fds, TCSANOW, &t);
int code = r_sys_cmd (cmd);
restore_saved_fd (saved_stdin, in, STDIN_FILENO);
restore_saved_fd (saved_stdout, out, STDOUT_FILENO);
exit (code);
} else {
close (fds);
if (in) {
dup2 (fdm, STDIN_FILENO);
if (out) {
dup2 (fdm, STDOUT_FILENO);
// parent process
int status;
waitpid (pid, &status, 0);
// parent
close (saved_stdin);
close (saved_stdout);
return 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma message ("TODO: handle_redirection_proc: Not implemented for this platform")
#warning handle_redirection_proc : unimplemented for this platform
return -1;
static int handle_redirection(const char *cmd, bool in, bool out, bool err) {
if (!cmd || cmd[0] == '\0') {
return 0;
#if __APPLE__ && !__POWERPC__
//XXX handle this in other layer since things changes a little bit
//this seems like a really good place to refactor stuff
return 0;
if (cmd[0] == '"') {
#if __UNIX__
if (in) {
int pipes[2];
if (pipe (pipes) != -1) {
write (pipes[1], cmd + 1, strlen (cmd)-2);
write (pipes[1], "\n", 1);
close (0);
dup2 (pipes[0], 0);
} else {
eprintf ("[ERROR] rarun2: Cannot create pipe\n");
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma message ("string redirection handle not yet done")
#warning quoted string redirection handle not yet done
return 0;
} else if (cmd[0] == '!') {
// redirection to a process
return handle_redirection_proc (cmd + 1, in, out, err);
} else {
// redirection to a file
int f, flag = 0, mode = 0;
flag |= in ? O_RDONLY : 0;
flag |= out ? O_WRONLY | O_CREAT : 0;
flag |= err ? O_WRONLY | O_CREAT : 0;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
mode = _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE;
mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
f = open (cmd, flag, mode);
if (f < 0) {
eprintf ("[ERROR] rarun2: Cannot open: %s\n", cmd);
return 1;
#define DUP(x) { close(x); dup2(f,x); }
if (in) {
if (out) {
if (err) {
close (f);
return 0;
R_API int r_run_parsefile(RRunProfile *p, const char *b) {
char *s = r_file_slurp (b, NULL);
if (s) {
int ret = r_run_parse (p, s);
free (s);
return ret;
return 0;
R_API bool r_run_parseline(RRunProfile *p, char *b) {
int must_free = false;
char *e = strchr (b, '=');
if (!e || *b == '#') {
return 0;
*e++ = 0;
if (*e=='$') {
must_free = true;
e = r_sys_getenv (e);
if (!e) {
return 0;
if (!strcmp (b, "program")) {
p->_args[0] = p->_program = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "system")) {
p->_system = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "runlib")) {
p->_runlib = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "runlib.fcn")) {
p->_runlib_fcn = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "aslr")) {
p->_aslr = parseBool (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "pid")) {
p->_pid = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "pidfile")) {
p->_pidfile = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "connect")) {
p->_connect = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "listen")) {
p->_listen = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "pty")) {
p->_pty = parseBool (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "stdio")) {
if (e[0] == '!') {
p->_stdio = strdup (e);
} else {
p->_stdout = strdup (e);
p->_stderr = strdup (e);
p->_stdin = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "stdout")) {
p->_stdout = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "stdin")) {
p->_stdin = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "stderr")) {
p->_stderr = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "input")) {
p->_input = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "chdir")) {
p->_chgdir = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "core")) {
p->_docore = parseBool (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "fork")) {
p->_dofork = parseBool (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "sleep")) {
p->_r2sleep = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "maxstack")) {
p->_maxstack = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "maxproc")) {
p->_maxproc = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "maxfd")) {
p->_maxfd = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "bits")) {
p->_bits = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "chroot")) {
p->_chroot = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "libpath")) {
p->_libpath = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "preload")) {
p->_preload = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "r2preload")) {
p->_r2preload = parseBool (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "r2preweb")) {
r_sys_setenv ("RARUN2_WEB", "yes");
} else if (!strcmp (b, "setuid")) {
p->_setuid = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "seteuid")) {
p->_seteuid = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "setgid")) {
p->_setgid = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "setegid")) {
p->_setegid = strdup (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "nice")) {
p->_nice = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "timeout")) {
p->_timeout = atoi (e);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "timeoutsig")) {
p->_timeout_sig = r_signal_from_string (e);
} else if (!memcmp (b, "arg", 3)) {
int n = atoi (b + 3);
if (n >= 0 && n < R_RUN_PROFILE_NARGS) {
p->_args[n] = getstr (e);
} else {
eprintf ("Out of bounds args index: %d\n", n);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "envfile")) {
char *p, buf[1024];
size_t len;
FILE *fd = fopen (e, "r");
if (!fd) {
eprintf ("Cannot open '%s'\n", e);
if (must_free == true) {
free (e);
return false;
for (;;) {
fgets (buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, fd);
if (feof (fd)) {
p = strchr (buf, '=');
if (p) {
*p++ = 0;
len = strlen(p);
if (p[len - 1] == '\n') {
p[len - 1] = 0;
if (p[len - 2] == '\r') {
p[len - 2] = 0;
r_sys_setenv (buf, p);
fclose (fd);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "unsetenv")) {
r_sys_setenv (e, NULL);
} else if (!strcmp (b, "setenv")) {
char *V, *v = strchr (e, '=');
if (v) {
*v++ = 0;
V = getstr (v);
r_sys_setenv (e, V);
free (V);
} else if (!strcmp(b, "clearenv")) {
r_sys_clearenv ();
if (must_free == true) {
free (e);
return true;
R_API const char *r_run_help() {
"# arg2=hello\n"
"# arg3=\"hello\\nworld\"\n"
"# arg4=:048490184058104849\n"
"# arg5=:!ragg2 -p n50 -d 10:0x8048123\n"
"# arg6=@arg.txt\n"
"# arg7=@300@ABCD # 300 chars filled with ABCD pattern\n"
"# system=r2 -\n"
"# aslr=no\n"
"# unsetenv=FOO\n"
"# clearenv=true\n"
"# envfile=environ.txt\n"
"# timeoutsig=SIGTERM # or 15\n"
"# connect=localhost:8080\n"
"# listen=8080\n"
"# pty=false\n"
"# fork=true\n"
"# bits=32\n"
"# pid=0\n"
"# pidfile=/tmp/foo.pid\n"
"# #sleep=0\n"
"# #maxfd=0\n"
"# #execve=false\n"
"# #maxproc=0\n"
"# #maxstack=0\n"
"# #core=false\n"
"# #stdio=blah.txt\n"
"# #stderr=foo.txt\n"
"# stdout=foo.txt\n"
"# stdin=input.txt # or !program to redirect input from another program\n"
"# input=input.txt\n"
"# chdir=/\n"
"# chroot=/mnt/chroot\n"
"# libpath=$PWD:/tmp/lib\n"
"# r2preload=yes\n"
"# preload=/lib/libfoo.so\n"
"# setuid=2000\n"
"# seteuid=2000\n"
"# setgid=2001\n"
"# setegid=2001\n"
"# nice=5\n";
static int fd_forward(int in_fd, int out_fd, char **buff) {
int size = 0;
if (ioctl (in_fd, FIONREAD, &size) == -1) {
perror ("ioctl");
return -1;
if (!size) { // child process exited or socket is closed
return -1;
char *new_buff = realloc (*buff, size);
if (!new_buff) {
eprintf ("Failed to allocate buffer for redirection");
return -1;
*buff = new_buff;
if (read (in_fd, *buff, size) != size) {
perror ("read");
return -1;
if (write (out_fd, *buff, size) != size) {
perror ("write");
return -1;
return 0;
static int redirect_socket_to_stdio(RSocket *sock) {
close (0);
close (1);
close (2);
dup2 (sock->fd, 0);
dup2 (sock->fd, 1);
dup2 (sock->fd, 2);
return 0;
static int redirect_socket_to_pty(RSocket *sock) {
// directly duplicating the fds using dup2() creates problems
// in case of interactive applications
int fdm, fds;
if (openpty (&fdm, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
perror ("opening pty");
return -1;
pid_t child_pid = r_sys_fork ();
if (child_pid == -1) {
eprintf ("cannot fork\n");
return -1;
if (child_pid == 0) {
// child process
close (fds);
char *buff = NULL;
int sockfd = sock->fd;
int max_fd = fdm > sockfd ? fdm : sockfd;
while (true) {
fd_set readfds;
FD_ZERO (&readfds);
FD_SET (fdm, &readfds);
FD_SET (sockfd, &readfds);
if (select (max_fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
perror ("select error");
if (FD_ISSET (fdm, &readfds)) {
if (fd_forward (fdm, sockfd, &buff) != 0) {
if (FD_ISSET (sockfd, &readfds)) {
if (fd_forward (sockfd, fdm, &buff) != 0) {
free (buff);
close (fdm);
r_socket_free (sock);
exit (0);
// parent
r_socket_close_fd (sock);
login_tty (fds);
close (fdm);
// disable the echo on slave stdin
struct termios t;
tcgetattr (0, &t);
cfmakeraw (&t);
tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &t);
return 0;
// Fallback to socket to I/O redirection
return redirect_socket_to_stdio (sock);
R_API int r_run_config_env(RRunProfile *p) {
int ret;
if (!p->_program && !p->_system && !p->_runlib) {
printf ("No program, system or runlib rule defined\n");
return 1;
// when IO is redirected to a process, handle them together
if (handle_redirection (p->_stdio, true, true, false) != 0) {
return 1;
if (handle_redirection (p->_stdin, true, false, false) != 0) {
return 1;
if (handle_redirection (p->_stdout, false, true, false) != 0) {
return 1;
if (handle_redirection (p->_stderr, false, false, true) != 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_aslr != -1) {
setASLR (p, p->_aslr);
#if __UNIX__
set_limit (p->_docore, RLIMIT_CORE, RLIM_INFINITY);
if (p->_maxfd) {
set_limit (p->_maxfd, RLIMIT_NOFILE, p->_maxfd);
if (p->_maxproc) {
set_limit (p->_maxproc, RLIMIT_NPROC, p->_maxproc);
if (p->_maxstack) {
set_limit (p->_maxstack, RLIMIT_STACK, p->_maxstack);
if (p->_docore || p->_maxfd || p->_maxproc || p->_maxstack)
eprintf ("Warning: setrlimits not supported for this platform\n");
if (p->_connect) {
char *q = strchr (p->_connect, ':');
if (q) {
RSocket *fd = r_socket_new (0);
*q = 0;
if (!r_socket_connect_tcp (fd, p->_connect, q+1, 30)) {
eprintf ("Cannot connect\n");
return 1;
if (p->_pty) {
if (redirect_socket_to_pty (fd) != 0) {
eprintf ("socket redirection failed\n");
r_socket_free (fd);
return 1;
} else {
redirect_socket_to_stdio (fd);
} else {
eprintf ("Invalid format for connect. missing ':'\n");
return 1;
if (p->_listen) {
RSocket *child, *fd = r_socket_new (0);
bool is_child = false;
if (!r_socket_listen (fd, p->_listen, NULL)) {
eprintf ("rarun2: cannot listen\n");
r_socket_free (fd);
return 1;
while (true) {
child = r_socket_accept (fd);
if (child) {
is_child = true;
if (p->_dofork && !p->_dodebug) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int child_pid = r_sys_fork ();
pid_t child_pid = r_sys_fork ();
if (child_pid == -1) {
eprintf("rarun2: cannot fork\n");
r_socket_free (child);
r_socket_free (fd);
return 1;
} else if (child_pid != 0){
// parent code
is_child = false;
if (is_child) {
r_socket_close_fd (fd);
eprintf ("connected\n");
if (p->_pty) {
if (redirect_socket_to_pty (child) != 0) {
eprintf ("socket redirection failed\n");
r_socket_free (child);
r_socket_free (fd);
return 1;
} else {
redirect_socket_to_stdio (child);
} else {
r_socket_close_fd (child);
if (!is_child) {
r_socket_free (child);
r_socket_free (fd);
if (p->_r2sleep != 0) {
r_sys_sleep (p->_r2sleep);
#if __UNIX__
if (p->_chroot) {
if (chdir (p->_chroot) == -1) {
eprintf ("Cannot chdir to chroot in %s\n", p->_chroot);
return 1;
} else {
if (chroot (".") == -1) {
eprintf ("Cannot chroot to %s\n", p->_chroot);
return 1;
} else {
(void) chdir ("/");
if (p->_chgdir) {
if (chdir (p->_chgdir) == -1) {
eprintf ("Cannot chdir after chroot to %s\n", p->_chgdir);
return 1;
} else if (p->_chgdir) {
if (chdir (p->_chgdir) == -1) {
eprintf ("Cannot chdir after chroot to %s\n", p->_chgdir);
return 1;
if (p->_chgdir) {
ret = chdir (p->_chgdir);
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_chroot) {
ret = chdir (p->_chroot);
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
#if __UNIX__
if (p->_setuid) {
ret = setgroups (0, NULL);
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
ret = setuid (atoi (p->_setuid));
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_seteuid) {
ret = seteuid (atoi (p->_seteuid));
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_setgid) {
ret = setgid (atoi (p->_setgid));
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_input) {
char *inp;
int f2[2];
pipe (f2);
close (0);
dup2 (f2[0], 0);
inp = getstr (p->_input);
if (inp) {
write (f2[1], inp, strlen (inp));
close (f2[1]);
free (inp);
} else {
eprintf ("Invalid input\n");
if (p->_r2preload) {
if (p->_preload) {
eprintf ("WARNING: Only one library can be opened at a time\n");
p->_preload = R2_LIBDIR"/libr2."R_LIB_EXT;
if (p->_libpath) {
#if __WINDOWS__
eprintf ("rarun2: libpath unsupported for this platform\n");
#elif __HAIKU__
r_sys_setenv ("LIBRARY_PATH", p->_libpath);
#elif __APPLE__
r_sys_setenv ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", p->_libpath);
r_sys_setenv ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", p->_libpath);
if (p->_preload) {
#if __APPLE__
// 10.6
#ifndef __MAC_10_7
r_sys_setenv ("DYLD_PRELOAD", p->_preload);
r_sys_setenv ("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES", p->_preload);
// 10.8
r_sys_setenv ("DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE", "1");
r_sys_setenv ("LD_PRELOAD", p->_preload);
if (p->_timeout) {
#if __UNIX__
int mypid = getpid ();
if (!r_sys_fork ()) {
int use_signal = p->_timeout_sig;
if (use_signal < 1) {
use_signal = SIGKILL;
sleep (p->_timeout);
if (!kill (mypid, 0)) {
eprintf ("\nrarun2: Interrupted by timeout\n");
kill (mypid, use_signal);
exit (0);
eprintf ("timeout not supported for this platform\n");
return 0;
R_API int r_run_start(RRunProfile *p) {
if (p->_execve) {
exit (execv (p->_program, (char* const*)p->_args));
posix_spawnattr_t attr = {0};
pid_t pid = -1;
int ret;
posix_spawnattr_init (&attr);
if (p->_args[0]) {
char **envp = r_sys_get_environ();
ut32 spflags = 0; //POSIX_SPAWN_START_SUSPENDED;
if (p->_aslr == 0) {
(void)posix_spawnattr_setflags (&attr, spflags);
if (p->_bits) {
size_t copied = 1;
cpu_type_t cpu;
#if __i386__ || __x86_64__
cpu = CPU_TYPE_I386;
if (p->_bits == 64) {
cpu |= CPU_ARCH_ABI64;
posix_spawnattr_setbinpref_np (
&attr, 1, &cpu, &copied);
ret = posix_spawnp (&pid, p->_args[0],
NULL, &attr, p->_args, envp);
switch (ret) {
case 0:
case 22:
eprintf ("posix_spawnp: Invalid argument\n");
case 86:
eprintf ("posix_spawnp: Unsupported architecture\n");
eprintf ("posix_spawnp: unknown error %d\n", ret);
perror ("posix_spawnp");
exit (ret);
if (p->_system) {
if (p->_pid) {
eprintf ("PID: Cannot determine pid with 'system' directive. Use 'program'.\n");
exit (r_sys_cmd (p->_system));
if (p->_program) {
if (!r_file_exists (p->_program)) {
char *progpath = r_file_path (p->_program);
if (progpath && *progpath) {
free (p->_program);
p->_program = progpath;
} else {
free (progpath);
eprintf ("rarun2: %s: file not found\n", p->_program);
return 1;
#if __UNIX__
// XXX HACK close all non-tty fds
{ int i;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
close (i);
// TODO: use posix_spawn
if (p->_setgid) {
int ret = setgid (atoi (p->_setgid));
if (ret < 0) {
return 1;
if (p->_pid) {
eprintf ("PID: %d\n", getpid ());
if (p->_pidfile) {
char pidstr[32];
snprintf (pidstr, sizeof (pidstr), "%d\n", getpid ());
r_file_dump (p->_pidfile,
(const ut8*)pidstr,
strlen (pidstr), 0);
if (p->_nice) {
#if __UNIX__ && !defined(__HAIKU__)
if (nice (p->_nice) == -1) {
return 1;
eprintf ("nice not supported for this platform\n");
// TODO: must be HAVE_EXECVE
exit (execv (p->_program, (char* const*)p->_args));
if (p->_runlib) {
if (!p->_runlib_fcn) {
eprintf ("No function specified. Please set runlib.fcn\n");
return 1;
void *addr = r_lib_dl_open (p->_runlib);
if (!addr) {
eprintf ("Could not load the library '%s'\n", p->_runlib);
return 1;
void (*fcn)(void) = r_lib_dl_sym (addr, p->_runlib_fcn);
if (!fcn) {
eprintf ("Could not find the function '%s'\n", p->_runlib_fcn);
return 1;
switch (p->_argc) {
case 0:
fcn ();
case 1:
r_run_call1 (fcn, p->_args[1]);
case 2:
r_run_call2 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2]);
case 3:
r_run_call3 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3]);
case 4:
r_run_call4 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4]);
case 5:
r_run_call5 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
case 6:
r_run_call6 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
p->_args[5], p->_args[6]);
case 7:
r_run_call7 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
p->_args[5], p->_args[6], p->_args[7]);
case 8:
r_run_call8 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
p->_args[5], p->_args[6], p->_args[7], p->_args[8]);
case 9:
r_run_call9 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
p->_args[5], p->_args[6], p->_args[7], p->_args[8], p->_args[9]);
case 10:
r_run_call10 (fcn, p->_args[1], p->_args[2], p->_args[3], p->_args[4],
p->_args[5], p->_args[6], p->_args[7], p->_args[8], p->_args[9], p->_args[10]);
eprintf ("Too many arguments.\n");
return 1;
r_lib_dl_close (addr);
return 0;