pancake bd017111d7 * Fix r2 -d gdb://
- compile debug_gdb plugin statically
  - fix filename construction path
  - /path after :port in gdb uri is now ignored
2011-05-06 17:14:31 +02:00

115 lines
3.0 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2010-2011 pancake<nopcode.org> */
#include <r_io.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_socket.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include "../../debug/p/libgdbwrap/gdbwrapper.c"
#include "../../debug/p/libgdbwrap/interface.c"
typedef struct {
RSocket *fd;
gdbwrap_t *desc;
} RIOGdb;
#define RIOGDB_FD(x) (((RIOGdb*)(x))->fd)
#define RIOGDB_DESC(x) (((RIOGdb*)(x->data))->desc)
#define RIOGDB_IS_VALID(x) (x && x->plugin==&r_io_plugin_gdb && x->data)
#define NUM_REGS 28
static int __plugin_open(RIO *io, const char *file) {
return (!memcmp (file, "gdb://", 6));
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
char host[128], *port, *p;
RSocket *_fd;
RIOGdb *riog;
if (!__plugin_open (io, file))
return NULL;
strncpy (host, file+6, sizeof (host)-1);
port = strchr (host , ':');
if (!port) {
eprintf ("Port not specified. Please use gdb://[host]:[port]\n");
return NULL;
*port = '\0';
p = strchr (port, '/');
if (p) *p=0;
_fd = r_socket_new (R_FALSE);
if (_fd) {
if (r_socket_connect_tcp (_fd, host, port)) {
riog = R_NEW (RIOGdb);
riog->fd = _fd;
riog->desc = gdbwrap_init (_fd->fd, NUM_REGS, 4);
return r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_gdb, _fd->fd, file, rw, mode, riog);
eprintf ("gdb.io.open: Cannot connect to host.\n");
return NULL;
static int __write(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const ut8 *buf, int count) {
gdbwrap_writemem (RIOGDB_DESC (fd), io->off, (void *)buf, count);
return count;
static ut64 __lseek(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, ut64 offset, int whence) {
//if (whence==2) return UT64_MAX;
return offset;
static int __read(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, ut8 *buf, int count) {
memset (buf, 0xff, count);
if (RIOGDB_IS_VALID (fd)) {
char *ptr = gdbwrap_readmem (RIOGDB_DESC (fd), (la32)io->off, count);
if (ptr == NULL)
return -1;
return r_hex_str2bin (ptr, buf);
return -1;
static int __close(RIODesc *fd) {
return -1;
static int __system(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const char *cmd) {
/* XXX: test only for x86-32 */
int i;
gdbwrap_readgenreg (RIOGDB_DESC (fd));
for (i=0; i<NUM_REGS; i++){
ut32 v = gdbwrap_getreg (RIOGDB_DESC(fd),i) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
printf ("Reg #%d - %#x\n", i, v);
} else if ( !strcmp(cmd,"stepi") ) {
gdbwrap_stepi (RIOGDB_DESC (fd));
} else if ( !strcmp(cmd,"cont") ) {
gdbwrap_continue (RIOGDB_DESC (fd));
} else if (!strncmp (cmd,"bp", 2) && r_str_word_count (cmd)==2) {
char *saddr = strrchr (cmd, ' '); //Assuming only spaces as separator, get last space
if (saddr) {
int addr;
r_hex_str2bin (saddr, (ut8*)&addr); //TODO handle endianness local machine
gdbwrap_simplesetbp (RIOGDB_DESC (fd), addr);
return -1;
struct r_io_plugin_t r_io_plugin_gdb = {
//void *plugin;
.name = "gdb",
.desc = "Attach to a running 'gdbserver', 'qemu -s' or other, gdb://localhost:1234",
.open = __open,
.close = __close,
.read = __read,
.write = __write,
.plugin_open = __plugin_open,
.lseek = __lseek,
.system = __system,
.debug = (void *)1,