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synced 2025-03-03 11:50:02 +00:00
275 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
275 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# radare - LGPL - Copyright 2013 - xvilka
import re
import sys
class Func(object):
# FIXME: parse ftype into params and values
def __init__(self, name="unknown", params=[], values=[], address=0, size=0, ftype=""):
self.name = name
self.params = params
self.values = values
self.address = address
self.size = size
self.ftype = ftype
class Llabel(object):
def __init__(self, name="unknown", address=0):
self.name = name
self.address = address
class Comm(object):
def __init__(self, text="", address=0):
self.text = text
self.address = address
class Enum(object):
def __init__(self, name="unknown", members=[]):
self.name = name
self.members = members
class Struct(object):
def __init__(self, name="unknown", members=[]):
self.name = name
self.members = members
class Union(object):
def __init__(self, name="unknown", members=[]):
self.name = name
self.members = members
class Type(object):
def __init__(self, name="unknown"):
self.name = name
self.members = members
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
functions = []
llabels = []
comments = []
structs = []
enums = []
types = []
def functions_parse(idc):
# MakeFunction (0XF3C99,0XF3CA8);
mkfun_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*MakeFunction[ \t]*\(
(?P<fstart>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Function start
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
(?P<fend>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Function end
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkfun_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkfun_re.groupindex.items()])
mkfun = mkfun_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkfun :
fun = Func()
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkfun_group_name[group_index+1] == "fstart" :
fun.address = int(group, 16)
if mkfun_group_name[group_index+1] == "fend" :
fun.size = int(group, 16) - fun.address
# SetFunctionFlags (0XF3C99, 0x400);
mkfunflags_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*SetFunctionFlags[ \t*]\(
(?P<fstart>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Function start
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
(?P<flags>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Flags
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkfunflags_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkfunflags_re.groupindex.items()])
mkfunflags = mkfunflags_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkfunflags :
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkfunflags_group_name[group_index+1] == "fstart" :
addr = int(group, 16)
if mkfunflags_group_name[group_index+1] == "flags" :
for fun in functions :
if fun.address == addr :
pass # TODO: parse flags
# MakeFrame (0XF3C99, 0, 0, 0);
# MakeName (0XF3C99, "SIO_port_setup_S");
mkname_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*MakeName[ \t]*\(
(?P<fstart>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Function start
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
"(?P<fname>.*)" # Function name
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkname_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkname_re.groupindex.items()])
mkname = mkname_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkname :
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkname_group_name[group_index+1] == "fstart" :
addr = int(group, 16)
if mkname_group_name[group_index+1] == "fname" :
for fun in functions :
if fun.address == addr :
fun.name = group
# SetType (0XFFF72, "__int32 __cdecl PCI_ByteWrite_SL(__int32 address, __int32 value)");
mkftype_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*SetType[ \t]*\(
(?P<fstart>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Function start
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
"(?P<ftype>.*)" # Function type
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkftype_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkftype_re.groupindex.items()])
mkftype = mkftype_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkftype :
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkftype_group_name[group_index+1] == "fstart" :
addr = int(group, 16)
if mkftype_group_name[group_index+1] == "ftype" :
for fun in functions :
if fun.address == addr :
fun.ftype = group
# MakeNameEx (0xF3CA0, "return", SN_LOCAL);
mklocal_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*MakeNameEx[ \t]*\(
(?P<laddr>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Local label address
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
"(?P<lname>.*)" # Local label name
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*SN_LOCAL
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mklocal_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mklocal_re.groupindex.items()])
mklocal = mklocal_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mklocal :
lab = Llabel()
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mklocal_group_name[group_index+1] == "laddr" :
lab.address = int(group, 16)
if mklocal_group_name[group_index+1] == "lname" :
lab.name = group
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def enums_parse(idc):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def structs_parse(idc):
# id = AddStrucEx (-1, "struct_MTRR", 0);
mkstruct_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*id[ \t]*=[ \t]*AddStrucEx[ \t]*\(
[ \t]*-1[ \t]*,[ \t]*
"(?P<sname>.*)" # Structure name
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*0
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkstruct_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkstruct_re.groupindex.items()])
mkstruct = mkstruct_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkstruct :
s = Struct()
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkstruct_group_name[group_index+1] == "sname" :
s.name = group
# Case 1: not nested structures
# =============================
# id = GetStrucIdByName ("struct_header");
# mid = AddStructMember(id,"BCPNV", 0, 0x5000c500, 0, 7);
# mid = AddStructMember(id,"_", 0X7, 0x00500, -1, 1);
# mid = AddStructMember(id, "BCPNV_size",0X8, 0x004500, -1, 1);
mkstruct_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*id[ \t]*=[ \t]*GetStrucIdByName[ \t]*\(
[ \t]*-1[ \t]*,[ \t]*
"(?P<sname>.*)" # Structure name
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*0
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def comments_parse(idc):
# MakeComm (0XFED3D, "PCI class 0x600 - Host/PCI bridge");
mkcomm_re = re.compile("""
(?m) # Multiline
^[ \t]*MakeComm[ \t]*\(
(?P<caddr>0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]{1,8}) # Comment address
[ \t]*\,[ \t]*
"(?P<ctext>.*)" # Comment
[ \t]*\);[ \t]*$
""", re.VERBOSE)
mkcomm_group_name = dict([(v,k) for k,v in mkcomm_re.groupindex.items()])
mkcomm = mkcomm_re.finditer(idc)
for match in mkcomm :
for group_index,group in enumerate(match.groups()) :
if group :
if mkcomm_group_name[group_index+1] == "caddr" :
address = int(group, 16)
if mkcomm_group_name[group_index+1] == "ctext" :
com_multi = group.split('\\n')
for a in com_multi :
com = Comm()
com.address = address
com.text = a
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# print("af+ 0x%08lx %d %s" % (func.address, func.size, func.name))
def generate_r2():
for f in functions :
if f.name != "unknown" :
print("af+ {0} {1} {2}".format(hex(f.address), f.size, f.name))
print("\"CCa {0} {1}\"".format(hex(f.address), f.ftype))
for l in llabels :
if l.name != "unknown" :
for f in functions :
if (l.address > f.address) and (l.address < (f.address + f.size)) :
print("f .{0}={1}".format(l.name, hex(l.address)))
for c in comments :
if c.text != "" :
print("\"CCa {0} {1}\"".format(c.address, c.text))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def idc_parse(idc):
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: idc2r.py input.idc > output.r2")
idc_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
idc = idc_file.read()