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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2022 - nibble, pancake */
#ifndef R2_ASM_H
#define R2_ASM_H
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_arch.h>
#include <r_bin.h> // only for binding, no hard dep required
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_parse.h>
#include <r_bind.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct r_asm_code_t {
#if 1
int len;
ut8 *bytes;
char *assembly;
// imho this asmcode should contain multiple archops
RAnalOp op; // we have those fields already inside RAnalOp
RList *equs; // TODO: must be a hash
ut64 code_offset;
ut64 data_offset;
int code_align;
} RAsmCode;
// TODO: use a hashtable instead of an rlist
typedef struct {
char *key;
char *value;
} RAsmEqu;
typedef struct r_asm_t {
RArch *arch;
RArchConfig *config;
ut64 pc;
void *user;
RArchSession *ecur; // encode current
RArchSession *dcur; // decode current
#if 0
void *cur; // deprecate
void *acur; // deprecate
// _RAsmPlugin *cur; // disassemble .. should be RArchPlugin DEPRECATE
// _RAsmPlugin *acur; // assemble DEPRECATE
// RArchSession *cur;
// RArchSession *acur;
RList *plugins;
RAnalBind analb; // Should be RArchBind instead, but first we need to move all the anal plugins.. well not really we can kill it imho
RParse *ifilter;
RParse *ofilter;
Sdb *pair;
RSyscall *syscall;
RNum *num;
int dataalign;
HtPP *flags;
bool pseudo; // should be implicit by RParse
RParse *parse;
} RAsm;
#ifdef R_API
/* asm.c */
R_API RAsm *r_asm_new(void);
R_API void r_asm_free(RAsm *a);
R_API bool r_asm_modify(RAsm *a, ut8 *buf, int field, ut64 val);
R_API char *r_asm_mnemonics(RAsm *a, int id, bool json);
R_API int r_asm_mnemonics_byname(RAsm *a, const char *name);
R_API void r_asm_set_user_ptr(RAsm *a, void *user);
R_API bool r_asm_is_valid(RAsm *a, const char *name);
R_API bool r_asm_use(RAsm *a, const char *name);
R_API bool r_asm_use_assembler(RAsm *a, const char *name);
// this is in archconfig
R_API bool r_asm_set_arch(RAsm *a, const char *name, int bits);
R_API int r_asm_set_bits(RAsm *a, int bits);
R_API void r_asm_set_cpu(RAsm *a, const char *cpu);
R_API bool r_asm_set_big_endian(RAsm *a, bool big_endian);
R_API bool r_asm_set_syntax(RAsm *a, int syntax); // This is in RArchConfig
R_API int r_asm_syntax_from_string(const char *name);
R_API int r_asm_set_pc(RAsm *a, ut64 pc);
R_API int r_asm_disassemble(RAsm *a, RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *buf, int len);
R_API RAsmCode* r_asm_mdisassemble(RAsm *a, const ut8 *buf, int len);
R_API RAsmCode* r_asm_mdisassemble_hexstr(RAsm *a, RParse *p, const char *hexstr);
R_API RAsmCode* r_asm_massemble(RAsm *a, const char *buf);
R_API RAsmCode* r_asm_rasm_assemble(RAsm *a, const char *buf, bool use_spp);
R_API char *r_asm_tostring(RAsm *a, ut64 addr, const ut8 *b, int l);
/* to ease the use of the native bindings (not used in r2) */
R_API ut8 *r_asm_from_string(RAsm *a, ut64 addr, const char *b, int *l);
R_API bool r_asm_sub_names_input(RAsm *a, const char *f);
R_API bool r_asm_sub_names_output(RAsm *a, const char *f);
R_API char *r_asm_describe(RAsm *a, const char* str);
R_API const RList* r_asm_get_plugins(RAsm *a);
R_API void r_asm_list_directives(void);
R_API SdbGperf *r_asm_get_gperf(const char *k);
R_API RList *r_asm_cpus(RAsm *a);
/* code.c */
R_API RAsmCode *r_asm_code_new(void);
R_API void r_asm_code_free(RAsmCode *acode);
R_API void r_asm_equ_item_free(RAsmEqu *equ);
R_API bool r_asm_code_set_equ(RAsmCode *code, const char *key, const char *value);
R_API char *r_asm_code_equ_replace(RAsmCode *code, char *str);
R_API char* r_asm_code_get_hex(RAsmCode *acode);
static inline RAsmEqu *r_asm_code_equ_get(RAsmCode *code, const char *key) { // R2_590
// TODO: use a hashtable or sdb
void *equ;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (code->equs, iter, equ) {
RAsmEqu *e = (RAsmEqu*) equ;
if (!strcmp (e->key, key)) {
return e;
return NULL;
/* op.c XXX deprecate we have RArchOp which does the same */
R_API RAnalOp *r_asm_op_new(void);
R_API void r_asm_op_init(RAnalOp *op);
R_API void r_asm_op_free(RAnalOp *op);
R_API void r_asm_op_fini(RAnalOp *op);
R_API char *r_asm_op_get_hex(RAnalOp *op);
R_API char *r_asm_op_get_asm(RAnalOp *op);
R_API int r_asm_op_get_size(RAnalOp *op);
R_API void r_asm_op_set_asm(RAnalOp *op, const char *str);
R_API int r_asm_op_set_hex(RAnalOp *op, const char *str);
R_API int r_asm_op_set_hexbuf(RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *buf, int len);
R_API void r_asm_op_set_buf(RAnalOp *op, const ut8 *str, int len);
R_API ut8 *r_asm_op_get_buf(RAnalOp *op);
#ifdef __cplusplus