Serguey Parkhomovsky a497a6cf5b Fix solib file name for libr2 on OS X
Use the helper functions in libr/config.mk.tail to put the library
version before the library extension on OS X for libr2.
2015-08-24 17:29:28 +02:00

54 lines
1.5 KiB

include ../global.mk
include ../libr/config.mk
DESTDIR:=$(call rmbdlslash,$(DESTDIR))
BTOP=$(shell pwd)
.PHONY: all clean install install-symlink deinstall uninstall mrproper preload
PFX=$(call rmdblslash,${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX})
BFX=$(call rmdblslash,${DESTDIR}/${BINDIR})
LFX=$(call rmdblslash,${DESTDIR}/${LIBDIR})
BINS=rax2 rasm2 rabin2 rahash2 radiff2 radare2 rafind2 rarun2 ragg2 r2agent
# this command needs more love to bring it back
LIBR2=$(call libname-version,libr2.$(EXT_SO),${LIBVERSION})
all: preload
@for a in ${BINS} ; do (cd $$a && ${MAKE} all) || exit 1; done
$(MAKE) -C preload
mkdir -p "${BFX}"
for a in ${BINS} ; do ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} "$$a/$$a" "${BFX}/$$a" ; done
${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ragg2/ragg2-cc "${BFX}/ragg2-cc"
-cd "${BFX}" && rm -f r2 ; ln -fs radare2 r2
${INSTALL_LIB} "preload/libr2.$(EXT_SO)" "$(LFX)"
-cd "$(LFX)" && \
mv libr2.$(EXT_SO) $(LIBR2) && \
ln -fs $(LIBR2) libr2.$(EXT_SO)
symstall install-symlink:
mkdir -p "${BFX}"
for a in ${BINS} ; do ln -fs "${BTOP}/$$a/$$a" "${BFX}/$$a" ; done
ln -fs "${BTOP}/ragg2/ragg2-cc" "${BFX}/ragg2-cc"
-ln -fs "${PFX}/bin/radare2" "${BFX}/r2"
-ln -fs "${BTOP}/preload/libr2.$(EXT_SO)" "${LFX}/libr2.$(EXT_SO)"
-cd "$(LFX)" && \
mv libr2.$(EXT_SO) $(LIBR2) && \
ln -fs $(LIBR2) libr2.$(EXT_SO)
deinstall uninstall:
for a in ${BINS} ; do rm -f "${BFX}/$$a" ; done
-rm -f "${BFX}/r2"
@for a in preload ${BINS} ; do (cd $$a && ${MAKE} clean); done
@for a in preload ${BINS} ; do (cd $$a && ${MAKE} mrproper); done