pancake a580ff4fa8 * Initial implementation of the subclassed RLFList class
- Implements a serialized RFList inside a RList container
  - Allows faster scans on contents
* Initial import of the RAnalCond/Value code
  - Not yet usable..just refactoring..
  - Handle null pointers in reg classes
* Added not-yet-working emit_arm.c for r2rc tool
2010-06-16 09:42:46 +02:00

216 lines
5.2 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2010 */
/* nibble<> */
/* pancake<> */
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_list.h>
R_API RAnalBlock *r_anal_bb_new() {
RAnalBlock *bb = R_NEW (RAnalBlock);
if (bb) {
memset (bb, 0, sizeof (RAnalBlock));
bb->addr = -1;
bb->jump = -1;
bb->fail = -1;
bb->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_NULL;
bb->diff = R_ANAL_DIFF_NULL;
bb->aops = r_anal_aop_list_new();
bb->fingerprint = r_big_new (NULL);
bb->cond = NULL;
return bb;
R_API RList *r_anal_bb_list_new() {
RList *list = r_list_new ();
list->free = &r_anal_bb_free;
return list;
R_API void r_anal_bb_free(void *_bb) {
RAnalBlock *bb = _bb;
if (bb) {
if (bb->cond)
free (bb->cond);
if (((RAnalBlock*)bb)->aops)
r_list_free (((RAnalBlock*)bb)->aops);
if (((RAnalBlock*)bb)->fingerprint)
r_big_free (((RAnalBlock*)bb)->fingerprint);
free (bb);
R_API int r_anal_bb(RAnal *anal, RAnalBlock *bb, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, ut64 len, int head) {
RAnalOp *aop;
int oplen, idx = 0;
if (bb->addr == -1)
bb->addr = addr;
while (idx < len) {
if (!(aop = r_anal_aop_new())) {
eprintf ("Error: new (aop)\n");
if ((oplen = r_anal_aop (anal, aop, addr+idx, buf+idx, len-idx)) == 0) {
r_anal_aop_free (aop);
if (idx == 0)
else break;
idx += oplen;
bb->size += oplen;
r_list_append (bb->aops, aop);
if (head) bb->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD;
switch (aop->type) {
bb->cond = r_anal_cond_new ();
// TODO fill conditional information
//bb->cond->type = 0; // UNKNOWN
bb->cond->arg[0] = r_anal_value_new_from_aop(aop, 0);
bb->cond->arg[1] = r_anal_value_new_from_aop(aop, 1);
// bb->src = { 0,0,0,0,0 }
// bb->dst = { 0,0,0,0,0 }
if (bb->cond) {
// TODO: get values from anal backend
bb->cond->type = R_ANAL_COND_EQ;
} else eprintf ("Unknown conditional for block 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", bb->addr);
bb->fail = aop->fail;
bb->jump = aop->jump;
bb->type |= R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY;
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
bb->jump = aop->jump;
bb->type |= R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY;
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
bb->type |= R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_FOOT;
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
bb->type |= R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_LAST;
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
return bb->size;
R_API int r_anal_bb_split(RAnal *anal, RAnalBlock *bb, RList *bbs, ut64 addr) {
RAnalBlock *bbi;
RAnalOp *aopi;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (bbs, iter, bbi)
if (addr == bbi->addr)
return R_ANAL_RET_DUP;
else if (addr > bbi->addr && addr < bbi->addr + bbi->size) {
r_list_append (bbs, bb);
bb->addr = addr;
bb->size = bbi->addr + bbi->size - addr;
bb->jump = bbi->jump;
bb->fail = bbi->fail;
bbi->size = addr - bbi->addr;
bbi->jump = addr;
bbi->fail = -1;
if (bbi->type&R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD) {
bb->type = bbi->type^R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD;
bbi->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD;
} else {
bb->type = bbi->type;
bbi->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY;
iter = r_list_iterator (bbi->aops);
while (r_list_iter_next (iter)) {
aopi = r_list_iter_get (iter);
if (aopi->addr >= addr) {
r_list_split (bbi->aops, aopi);
r_list_append (bb->aops, aopi);
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
return R_ANAL_RET_NEW;
R_API int r_anal_bb_overlap(RAnal *anal, RAnalBlock *bb, RList *bbs) {
RAnalBlock *bbi;
RAnalOp *aopi;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (bbs, iter, bbi)
if (bb->addr+bb->size > bbi->addr && bb->addr+bb->size < bbi->addr+bbi->size) {
bb->size = bbi->addr - bb->addr;
bb->jump = bbi->addr;
bb->fail = -1;
if (bbi->type&R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD) {
bb->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD;
bbi->type = bbi->type^R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_HEAD;
} else bb->type = R_ANAL_BB_TYPE_BODY;
r_list_foreach (bb->aops, iter, aopi)
if (aopi->addr >= bbi->addr)
r_list_unlink (bb->aops, aopi);
r_list_append (bbs, bb);
return R_ANAL_RET_END;
return R_ANAL_RET_NEW;
R_API int r_anal_bb_add(RAnal *anal, ut64 addr, ut64 size, ut64 jump, ut64 fail, int type, int diff) {
RAnalBlock *bb = NULL, *bbi;
RListIter *iter;
int append = 0, mid = 0;
r_list_foreach (anal->bbs, iter, bbi) {
if (addr == bbi->addr) {
bb = bbi;
mid = 0;
} else if (addr > bbi->addr && addr < bbi->addr+bbi->size)
mid = 1;
if (mid)
return R_FALSE;
if (bb == NULL) {
if (!(bb = r_anal_bb_new ()))
return R_FALSE;
append = 1;
bb->addr = addr;
bb->size = size;
bb->jump = jump;
bb->fail = fail;
bb->type = type;
bb->diff = diff;
if (append) r_list_append (anal->bbs, bb);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_anal_bb_del(RAnal *anal, ut64 addr) {
RAnalBlock *bbi;
RListIter *iter;
ut64 jump, fail;
if (addr == 0) {
r_list_free (anal->bbs);
if (!(anal->bbs = r_anal_bb_list_new ()))
return R_FALSE;
} else {
r_list_foreach (anal->bbs, iter, bbi) {
if (addr >= bbi->addr && addr < bbi->addr+bbi->size) {
jump = bbi->jump;
fail = bbi->fail;
r_list_unlink (anal->bbs, bbi);
if (fail != -1)
r_anal_bb_del (anal, fail);
if (jump != -1)
r_anal_bb_del (anal, jump);
return R_TRUE;