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342 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2016 - pancake */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_list.h>
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <r_anal_ex.h>
#include "code.h"
#include "class.h"
#define V if (verbose)
#define DO_THE_DBG 0
#define IFDBG if(DO_THE_DBG)
#ifndef R_API
#define R_API
static void init_switch_op ();
static int enter_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8 * bytes, int len);
static int update_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8 * bytes);
static int update_bytes_consumed (int sz);
static int handle_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8 * bytes, char *output, int outlen);
static ut8 IN_SWITCH_OP = 0;
typedef struct current_table_switch_t {
ut64 addr;
int def_jmp;
int min_val;
int max_val;
int cur_val;
} CurrentTableSwitch;
static CurrentTableSwitch SWITCH_OP;
static ut64 BYTES_CONSUMED = 0LL;
//static RBinJavaObj *BIN_OBJ = NULL;
static void init_switch_op () {
memset (&SWITCH_OP, 0, sizeof (SWITCH_OP));
static int enter_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8* bytes, int len) {
#if 0
int sz = ((BYTES_CONSUMED+1) % 4)
? (1 + 4 - (BYTES_CONSUMED+1) % 4)
: 1; // + (BYTES_CONSUMED+1) % 4;
if (len < 16) {
return 0;
int sz = 4;
int sz2 = (4 - (addr+1) % 4) + (addr+1) % 4;
IFDBG eprintf ("Addr approach: 0x%04x and BYTES_CONSUMED approach: 0x%04"PFMT64x", BYTES_CONSUMED%%4 = 0x%04x\n",
init_switch_op ();
SWITCH_OP.addr = addr;
SWITCH_OP.def_jmp = (UINT (bytes, sz));
SWITCH_OP.min_val = (UINT (bytes, sz + 4));
SWITCH_OP.max_val = (UINT (bytes, sz + 8));
sz += 12;
return sz;
static bool isRelative (ut32 type) {
if (type & R_ANAL_EX_CODEOP_CJMP) {
return true;
if (type & R_ANAL_EX_CODEOP_JMP) {
return true;
return false;
static int update_bytes_consumed (int sz) {
return sz;
static int update_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8 * bytes) {
int sz = 4;
int ccase = SWITCH_OP.cur_val + SWITCH_OP.min_val;
if (ccase+1 > SWITCH_OP.max_val) {
eprintf ("Addr approach: 0x%04"PFMT64x
" and BYTES_CONSUMED approach: 0x%04"PFMT64x
"\n", addr, BYTES_CONSUMED);
return update_bytes_consumed (sz);
static int handle_switch_op (ut64 addr, const ut8 * bytes, char *output, int outlen ) {
int sz = 4;
ut32 jmp = (int)(UINT (bytes, 0)) + SWITCH_OP.addr;
int ccase = SWITCH_OP.cur_val + SWITCH_OP.min_val;
snprintf (output, outlen, "case %d: goto 0x%04x", ccase, jmp);
update_switch_op (addr, bytes);
return update_bytes_consumed (sz);
R_API int java_print_opcode(RBinJavaObj *obj, ut64 addr, int idx, const ut8 *bytes, int len, char *output, int outlen) {
char *arg = NULL; //(char *) malloc (1024);
int sz = 0;
ut32 val_one = 0;
ut32 val_two = 0;
ut8 op_byte = JAVA_OPS[idx].byte;
return handle_switch_op (addr, bytes, output, outlen );
#if 0
IFDBG eprintf ("Handling the following opcode %s expects: %d byte(s), BYTES_CONSUMED: 0x%04"PFMT64x"\n",
JAVA_OPS[idx].name, JAVA_OPS[idx].size, BYTES_CONSUMED);
switch (op_byte) {
case 0x10: // "bipush"
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, (char) bytes[1]);
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x11:
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, (int)USHORT (bytes, 1));
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x15: // "iload"
case 0x16: // "lload"
case 0x17: // "fload"
case 0x18: // "dload"
case 0x19: // "aload"
case 0x37: // "lstore"
case 0x38: // "fstore"
case 0x39: // "dstore"
case 0x3a: // "astore"
case 0xbc: // "newarray"
case 0xa9: // ret <var-num>
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, bytes[1]);
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x12: // ldc
arg = r_bin_java_resolve_without_space (obj, (ut16)bytes[1]);
if (arg) {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, arg);
free (arg);
} else {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s #%d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, USHORT (bytes, 1));
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x13:
case 0x14:
arg = r_bin_java_resolve_without_space (obj, (int)USHORT (bytes, 1));
if (arg) {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, arg);
free (arg);
} else {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s #%d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, USHORT (bytes, 1));
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x84: // iinc
val_one = (ut32)bytes[1];
val_two = (ut32) bytes[2];
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, val_one, val_two);
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0x99: // ifeq
case 0x9a: // ifne
case 0x9b: // iflt
case 0x9c: // ifge
case 0x9d: // ifgt
case 0x9e: // ifle
case 0x9f: // if_icmpeq
case 0xa0: // if_icmpne
case 0xa1: // if_icmplt
case 0xa2: // if_icmpge
case 0xa3: // if_icmpgt
case 0xa4: // if_icmple
case 0xa5: // if_acmpne
case 0xa6: // if_acmpne
case 0xa7: // goto
case 0xa8: // jsr
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s 0x%04"PFMT64x, JAVA_OPS[idx].name,
(addr+(short)USHORT (bytes, 1)));
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
// XXX - Figure out what constitutes the [<high>] value
case 0xab: // tableswitch
case 0xaa: // tableswitch
sz = enter_switch_op (addr, bytes, len);
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s default: 0x%04"PFMT64x,
return update_bytes_consumed (sz);
case 0xb6: // invokevirtual
case 0xb7: // invokespecial
case 0xb8: // invokestatic
case 0xb9: // invokeinterface
case 0xba: // invokedynamic
arg = r_bin_java_resolve_without_space (obj, (int)USHORT (bytes, 1));
if (arg) {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, arg);
free (arg);
} else {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s #%d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, USHORT (bytes, 1) );
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0xbb: // new
case 0xbd: // anewarray
case 0xc0: // checkcast
case 0xc1: // instance of
arg = r_bin_java_resolve_without_space (obj, (int)USHORT (bytes, 1));
if (arg) {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, arg);
free (arg);
} else {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s #%d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, USHORT (bytes, 1) );
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
case 0xb2: // getstatic
case 0xb3: // putstatic
case 0xb4: // getfield
case 0xb5: // putfield
arg = r_bin_java_resolve_with_space (obj, (int)USHORT (bytes, 1));
if (arg) {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, arg);
free (arg);
} else {
snprintf (output, outlen, "%s #%d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, USHORT (bytes, 1) );
output[outlen-1] = 0;
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
/* process arguments */
switch (JAVA_OPS[idx].size) {
case 1: snprintf (output, outlen, "%s", JAVA_OPS[idx].name);
case 2: snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, bytes[1]);
case 3: snprintf (output, outlen, "%s 0x%04x 0x%04x", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, bytes[0], bytes[1]);
case 5: snprintf (output, outlen, "%s %d", JAVA_OPS[idx].name, bytes[1]);
return update_bytes_consumed (JAVA_OPS[idx].size);
R_API void r_java_new_method () {
IFDBG eprintf ("Reseting the bytes consumed, they were: 0x%04"PFMT64x".\n", BYTES_CONSUMED);
init_switch_op ();
R_API void U(r_java_set_obj)(RBinJavaObj *obj) {
// eprintf ("SET CP (%p) %d\n", cp, n);
//BIN_OBJ = obj;
R_API int r_java_disasm(RBinJavaObj *obj, ut64 addr, const ut8 *bytes, int len, char *output, int outlen) {
//r_cons_printf ("r_java_disasm (allowed %d): 0x%02x, 0x%0x.\n", outlen, bytes[0], addr);
return java_print_opcode (obj, addr, bytes[0], bytes, len, output, outlen);
static int parseJavaArgs(char *str, ut64 *args, int args_sz) {
int i, nargs = -1;
char *q, *p = strchr (str, ' ');
if (p) {
*p++ = 0;
nargs ++;
for (i = 0; i < args_sz; i++) {
nargs ++;
q = strchr (p, ' ');
if (q) {
*q++ = 0;
args[i] = r_num_math (NULL, p);
if (q) {
p = q;
} else {
return nargs;
R_API int r_java_assemble(ut64 addr, ut8 *bytes, const char *string) {
ut64 args[4] = {0};
int i, a, b, c, d;
char name[128];
strncpy (name, string, sizeof (name) - 1);
name[sizeof (name) - 1] = 0;
int nargs = parseJavaArgs (name, args, 4);
a = args[0];
b = args[1];
c = args[2];
d = args[3];
for (i = 0; JAVA_OPS[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (!strcmp (name, JAVA_OPS[i].name)) {
bytes[0] = JAVA_OPS[i].byte;
switch (JAVA_OPS[i].size) {
case 2: bytes[1] = a;
case 3:
if (nargs == 2) {
bytes[1] = a;
bytes[2] = b;
} else {
if (isRelative (JAVA_OPS[i].op_type)) {
// relative jmp
a -= addr;
bytes[1] = (a >> 8) & 0xff;
bytes[2] = a & 0xff;
case 5: bytes[1] = a;
bytes[2] = b;
bytes[3] = c;
bytes[4] = d;
return JAVA_OPS[i].size;
return 0;