Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-MAwgood 9d6cf8d08c merging afv* commands (#5753)
Due to the uniqueness of name of arguments and variables, They can be
used solely to identify every other piece of information (including the
base register type).
This will make the commands some how user friendly and more usable by removing one extra
letter from some commands.
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x86 opcodes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_instruction_listings

NOTE: Most of the information in this document is not matching with reality.
      Take it as random ideas, proposals and so on

Code analysis module
* Opcodes that will be executed depending on cond?
  - for example: (x86, arm..) (0f94c2  setz dl)
* Direction of the stack? (inc/dec) required?
* Register value source type
  - This is static entropy level for a register at some point
  - Constant value
    mov eax, 33
    mov eax, [const] ; from ro memory
      static_entropy = 0;
  - Variable
    mov eax, [rwmem] ; from rw memory (variable)
      static_entropy = 1;
  - Modification
    add eax, ebx ; from rw memory (variable)
      static_entropy ++;

  * At any point of the program we can determine if a register
    has a static fixed value or the level of possible polimorfism

  -- store register values in execution traces


Global picture

(anal) -> can keep track of results of different context (functions ...)
  `---> we get a context.. so we work there with
       (anal context owns stack, regs, ...)
     - able to detect function arguments
     - we can configure the context in a way or other
     - it is able to get info from global anal
     - feeded with bytes

r_anal_get_bb(an, 0x804800);
r_anal_op_t * op = r_anal_get_op(an, 0x804800);
r_anal_get_fun(an, 0x804800);


// Must use r_alloc_pool for every type of structure (per function level)
// Must store all this info using r_db
// Only index when requested (tempral analysis are temporal)
// Memory selectors are just modifiers .. how?
// How to handle with self-modifying code?
  - if its a conditional branch, refs are true , false
    - if not and there is more than one branch is all the possibilities
  - if an address is accessed in read|write and exec mode we should warn!
  xrefs[] = {
    addr = 0x8048480
    type = R|W|X  - executable xrefs are control flow branches,
                  - read/write are for data
  refs[] = {
    op   = eq,add,mul ??
    reg  = regidx
    addr = 0x8048580
    type = R|W|X

// we need an api in r_buf to modify bits with endian and values..
struct bin {
  int offset;
  int size;
  int endian;

enum type {

struct r_anal_value_t {
  int op; // NOP, ADD, SEL, ...
  int type; // opcode, reg, imm, addr
  ut64 num; // idxofreg, immvalue, addrnum
  struct bin bin;
  int size;
  int nextop; // ADD, MUL, ...
  struct r_anal_value_t *next;

struct arg {
  int rw; // READ | WRITE direction
  int nv; // number of values
  struct r_anal_value_t *v;

mov eax, [0x8048+eax*4]

  mov -> args = { "eax", {0x8048 {+eax*4}} }

struct r_anal_ref_t {
  int type; // READ, WRITE, EXEC
  struct r_anal_value_t value;

struct r_anal_op_t {
  ut64 addr;
  int frame;
  int type;
  int cond;
  int nestlevel;
  int length;
  int crc;
  struct r_anal_value_t rep;
  int nargs;
  struct arg args[];

  struct r_anal_op_t *next;
  int nrefs;
  struct r_anal_ref_t refs[];
  int nxrefs;
  struct r_anal_ref_t xrefs[];

/* basic block */
struct r_anal_bb_t {
  ut64 addr;
  int type;
  int size;
  ut8 *bytes;
  struct r_anal_op_t *head; // opcode heading this basic block
  struct r_anal_ref_t refs[];
  struct r_anal_ref_t xrefs[];

/* function */
struct r_anal_fun_t {
  char *name;
  ut64 addr;
  int size;
  // XXX: use r_ranges instead of addr+size?
  struct r_anal_ref_t refs[];
  struct r_anal_ref_t xrefs[];

/* used to emulate */
struct r_anal_arch_t {
  struct r_reg_t reg;
  char **regs;
  int pc; // program counter
  int sp; // stack pointer
  int bp; // base pointer
  int gp; // global pointer
  int sr; // src
  int dr; // dst

const char **regs = { "eax", "ebx", "ecx", "...", NULL };

  if (opcode.xrefs[i].type & R_ANAL_XS_EXEC)

// compilation process defines a mapping between the binary representation
// of an opcode into an AST of structs describing the opcode itself or
// we can just serialize it into a evaluable string
// - evaluable strings are cheaper in memory consumption
// - strstr(es, "%eax") easy way to check if a register is used
// - the eval string should be converted into an AST at some point

Analysis levels:
- opcode level
  - frame size
  - conditional (used by branches(jumps) and arm opcodes)
  - weight (importance) (if <0, it is a nop) trash detection
  - XXX file/line (dwarf nfo??? here) i think no
  - lifetime of register value (detect if
  - nesting level (branch analysis)
  - sign
  - type
  -- operand level:
     - bitsize
     - mem | reg | imm
       - value
     - direction (read|write)
     - operand index
- basic block level
  - bytes + length + (checksum?)
  - type (head, tail, body, last)
  - xrefs (branches to here)
  - refs (must be an array)
    - true branch
    - false branch
    - destinations[] // for call eax and so
- function level
  - name
  - offset range (r_range here, functions do not need to be linear)
  - variables (use r_var) (( merge r_var here? ))
  - arguments ("")
  - xrefs
  - calls (outrefs)
  == graph simplification (serialize blocks with direct branches (jmp))
- program
  - comprends data + code trees
  - all references must be stored twice
  - r_range of functions, data and other shit

Context analysis:
- Merge r_vm here -- multiarchitecture code emulation
- Allows to track register lifetime,
- Detect possible values for 'call eax' f.ex
- Identify fake conditional branches

The radare intermediate representation.
 - ascii representation of opcode level analysis

-- epilog/prolog bytez for extra function detection

Architecture language
Allows to describe an architecture (byte parsing, read/write)
 - opcode reassembling
 - automatic code analysis
 r_anal_opcode_set(op, R_OPTYPE_ADD);
 - opcode level analysis can be manually modified in runtime
   - basic blocks can change

Use ALT .. in a inverse way OMG thats freaking


opcode_analyze ()
  - parse bytes and fill an structure
  - opcode type and arguments
  - underlying vm code
opcode_modify ()
  - modify the bytes based on the structure changes
  - the structure should expose the bit level info to make this possible
   // this is //
   * modify reg, immediate or memory values

| AnalArchLang | **
if [arg0 == 0xff] {
	reg = { eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi }
	jmp [0xe0+reg]
	jmp [0xe8+reg]

	reg = { eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi }
	push [0xf0+reg]

	reg = { eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi }
	call [0xd0+reg]
	call [0xd8+reg]

[0:7]=e8 {
  type = "call"
  addr = [8:31]
  len = 5
[0:7]=50 && [0:7]<60 {
  type = "push"
  len = 1
[0:7]=c3 {
  type = "ret"
  len = 1

BASIC OPS we need for the IR
============================ -- this is RISC! :D

Each opcode must support a size value. The format is:
We need some intermediate temporal registers

lispy assembly:
  (addi eax 3)
  (addi *(+ eax 8) 3)

  lea edi, [ecx*4-0x4]
  (set edi (- (* ecx 4) 4)
  (set edi (* ecx 4 - 4)) ; iterative format

     1 byte       1           N       N
  [ opcode ] [ type|size ] [ arg ] [ arg ]

type = [ op | reg | mem | imm ]  ; 2 bits is enought
size = 1, 2, 4, 8           ; byte level

ADD reg, reg
SUB reg, reg
JMP reg
JMP imm
JMP mem
SET reg, imm
STO mem, reg   ; store register value into memory
LOA reg, mem   ; load memory value into register