2016-02-22 01:43:45 +01:00

2429 lines
59 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2014-2016 - pancake, condret */
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_db.h>
#define IFDBG if (esil->debug)
#define FLG(x) R_ANAL_ESIL_FLAG_##x
#define cpuflag(x, y)\
if (y) { \
R_BIT_SET (&esil->flags, FLG (x));\
} else { \
R_BIT_UNSET (&esil->flags, FLG (x));\
/* internal helper functions */
/* Returns the number that has bits+1 least significant bits set. */
static inline ut64 genmask(int bits) {
ut64 m = (ut64)(((ut64)(2) << bits) - 1);
if (!m) m = UT64_MAX;
return m;
static bool isnum(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num) {
if (!esil || !str) return false;
if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') {
if (num) *num = r_num_get (NULL, str);
return true;
if (num) *num = 0;
return false;
static bool isregornum(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num) {
if (!r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, str, num, NULL))
if (!isnum (esil, str, num))
return false;
return true;
/* pop Register or Number */
static bool popRN(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 *n) {
char *str = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (str) {
bool ret = isregornum (esil, str, n);
free (str);
return ret;
return false;
R_API RAnalEsil *r_anal_esil_new(int stacksize, int iotrap) {
RAnalEsil *esil = R_NEW0 (RAnalEsil);
if (!esil || stacksize < 3) return NULL;
if (!(esil->stack = malloc (sizeof(char *) * stacksize))) {
free (esil);
return NULL;
esil->stacksize = stacksize;
esil->parse_goto_count = R_ANAL_ESIL_GOTO_LIMIT;
esil->ops = sdb_new0 ();
esil->iotrap = iotrap;
esil->interrupts = sdb_new0 ();
return esil;
R_API int r_anal_esil_set_op(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *op, RAnalEsilOp code) {
char t[128];
char *h;
if (!code || !op || !strlen (op) || !esil || !esil->ops)
return false;
h = sdb_itoa (sdb_hash (op), t, 16);
sdb_num_set (esil->ops, h, (ut64)(size_t)code, 0);
if (!sdb_num_exists (esil->ops, h)) {
eprintf ("can't set esil-op %s\n", op);
return false;
return true;
R_API int r_anal_esil_set_interrupt(RAnalEsil *esil, int interrupt, RAnalEsilInterruptCB interruptcb) {
char t[128];
char *i;
if (!interruptcb || !esil || !esil->interrupts)
return false;
i = sdb_itoa ((ut64)interrupt, t, 16);
sdb_num_set (esil->interrupts, i, (ut64)(size_t)interruptcb, 0);
if (!sdb_num_exists (esil->interrupts, i)) {
eprintf ("can't set interrupt-handler for interrupt %d\n", interrupt);
return false;
return true;
R_API int r_anal_esil_fire_trap(RAnalEsil *esil, int trap_type, int trap_code) {
if (!esil)
return false;
if (esil->cmd) {
if (esil->cmd (esil, esil->cmd_trap, trap_type, trap_code)) {
return true;
if (esil->anal) {
RAnalPlugin *ap = esil->anal->cur;
if (ap && ap->esil_trap) {
if (ap->esil_trap (esil, trap_type, trap_code))
return true;
#if 0
RAnalEsilTrapCB icb;
icb = (RAnalEsilTrapCB)sdb_ptr_get (esil->traps, i, 0);
return icb (esil, trap_type, trap_code);
return false;
R_API int r_anal_esil_fire_interrupt(RAnalEsil *esil, int interrupt) {
char t[128];
char *i;
RAnalEsilInterruptCB icb;
if (!esil)
return false;
if (esil->cmd) {
if (esil->cmd (esil, esil->cmd_intr, interrupt, 0)) {
return true;
if (esil->anal) {
RAnalPlugin *ap = esil->anal->cur;
if (ap && ap->esil_intr) {
if (ap->esil_intr (esil, interrupt))
return true;
if (!esil->interrupts)
return false;
i = sdb_itoa ((ut64)interrupt, t, 16);
if (!sdb_num_exists (esil->interrupts, i)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" Invalid interrupt/syscall 0x%08x\n",
esil->address, interrupt);
return false;
icb = (RAnalEsilInterruptCB)sdb_ptr_get (esil->interrupts, i, 0);
if (icb) return icb (esil, interrupt);
return false;
R_API bool r_anal_esil_set_pc(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr) {
if (esil) {
esil->address = addr;
return true;
return false;
R_API void r_anal_esil_free(RAnalEsil *esil) {
if (!esil) return;
sdb_free (esil->ops);
esil->ops = NULL;
sdb_free (esil->interrupts);
esil->interrupts = NULL;
sdb_free (esil->stats);
esil->stats = NULL;
r_anal_esil_stack_free (esil);
free (esil->stack);
if (esil->anal && esil->anal->cur && esil->anal->cur->esil_fini)
esil->anal->cur->esil_fini (esil);
free (esil);
static ut8 esil_internal_sizeof_reg(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *r) {
RRegItem *ri;
if (!esil || !esil->anal || !esil->anal->reg || !r)
return 0;
ri = r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, r, -1);
return ri? ri->size: 0;
static int internal_esil_mem_read(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len) {
if (!esil || !esil->anal || !esil->anal->iob.io)
return 0;
return esil->anal->iob.read_at (esil->anal->iob.io, addr, buf, len);
R_API int r_anal_esil_mem_read(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len) {
int i, ret = 0;
if (!buf || !esil)
return 0;
if (esil->cb.hook_mem_read) {
ret = esil->cb.hook_mem_read (esil, addr, buf, len);
if (!ret && esil->cb.mem_read) {
ret = esil->cb.mem_read (esil, addr, buf, len);
if (ret != len) {
if (esil->iotrap) {
esil->trap = R_ANAL_TRAP_READ_ERR;
esil->trap_code = addr;
eprintf ("0x%08" PFMT64x " R> ", addr);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
eprintf ("%02x", buf[i]);
eprintf ("\n");
return ret;
static int internal_esil_mem_write(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
int ret;
if (!esil || !esil->anal || !esil->anal->iob.io)
return 0;
if (esil->nowrite)
return 0;
ret = esil->anal->iob.write_at (esil->anal->iob.io, addr, buf, len);
if (ret != len) {
if (esil->iotrap) {
esil->trap = R_ANAL_TRAP_WRITE_ERR;
esil->trap_code = addr;
return ret;
R_API int r_anal_esil_mem_write(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
int i, ret = 0;
if (!buf || !esil)
return 0;
eprintf ("0x%08" PFMT64x " <W ", addr);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
eprintf ("%02x", buf[i]);
eprintf ("\n");
if (esil->cb.hook_mem_write) {
ret = esil->cb.hook_mem_write (esil, addr, buf, len);
if (!ret && esil->cb.mem_write) {
ret = esil->cb.mem_write (esil, addr, buf, len);
return ret;
static int internal_esil_reg_read(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *regname, ut64 *num, int *size) {
RRegItem *reg = r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, regname, -1);
if (reg) {
if (size) *size = reg->size;
if (num) *num = r_reg_get_value (esil->anal->reg, reg);
return true;
return false;
static int internal_esil_reg_write(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *regname, ut64 num) {
RRegItem *reg = r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, regname, -1);
if (reg) {
r_reg_set_value (esil->anal->reg, reg, num);
return true;
return false;
static int esil_internal_borrow_check(RAnalEsil *esil, ut8 bit) {
bit = ((bit & 0x3f) + 0x3f) & 0x3f;
return ((esil->old & genmask (bit)) < (esil->cur & genmask (bit)));
static int esil_internal_carry_check(RAnalEsil *esil, ut8 bit) {
bit &= 0x3f;
return ((esil->cur & genmask (bit)) < (esil->old & genmask (bit)));
static int esil_internal_parity_check(RAnalEsil *esil) {
// Set if the number of set bits in the least significant _byte_ is a multiple of 2.
// - Taken from: https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityWith64Bits
ut64 c1 = 0x0101010101010101ULL;
ut64 c2 = 0x8040201008040201ULL;
ut64 c3 = 0x1FF;
// Take only the least significant byte.
ut64 lsb = esil->cur & 0xff;
return !((((lsb * c1) & c2) % c3) & 1);
static bool esil_internal_sign_check(RAnalEsil *esil) {
// XXX we must rethink of how we set esil->lastsz (check the src)
// (a,a,^=,%%z,z,= esil->lastsz will be 1 here not sizeof(a))
if (!esil || !esil->lastsz)
return false;
return !!((esil->cur & (1 << (esil->lastsz - 1))) >> (esil->lastsz - 1));
static bool esil_internal_overflow_check(RAnalEsil *esil) {
if (!esil || (esil->lastsz < 2))
return false;
// According to wikipedia this should work
return (esil_internal_carry_check (esil, esil->lastsz - 1) ^ esil_internal_carry_check (esil, esil->lastsz - 2));
R_API int r_anal_esil_pushnum(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 num) {
char str[64];
snprintf (str, sizeof (str) - 1, "0x%" PFMT64x, num);
return r_anal_esil_push (esil, str);
R_API bool r_anal_esil_push(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str) {
if (!str || !esil || !*str || esil->stackptr > (esil->stacksize - 1))
return false;
esil->stack[esil->stackptr++] = strdup (str);
return true;
R_API char *r_anal_esil_pop(RAnalEsil *esil) {
if (!esil || esil->stackptr < 1)
return NULL;
return esil->stack[--esil->stackptr];
R_API int r_anal_esil_get_parm_type(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str) {
int len, i;
if (!str || !(len = strlen (str)))
if (str[0] == ESIL_INTERNAL_PREFIX && str[1]) {
if (!strncmp (str, "0x", 2))
if (!((str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9') || str[0] == '-'))
goto not_a_number;
for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
if (!(str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9'))
goto not_a_number;
if (r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, str, -1))
static int esil_internal_read(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num) {
ut8 bit;
if (!str || !*str)
return false;
if (esil->cb.hook_flag_read) {
int ret = esil->cb.hook_flag_read (esil, str + 1, num);
if (ret) return true;
switch (str[1]) {
case '$':
*num = esil->address;
case 'z': //zero-flag
*num = (esil->cur == 0);
case 'b': //borrow
bit = (ut8)r_num_get (NULL, &str[2]);
*num = esil_internal_borrow_check (esil, bit);
case 'c': //carry
bit = (ut8)r_num_get (NULL, &str[2]);
*num = esil_internal_carry_check (esil, bit);
case 'o': //overflow
*num = esil_internal_overflow_check (esil);
case 'p': //parity
*num = esil_internal_parity_check (esil);
case 'r': //regsize in 8-bit-bytes
*num = esil->anal->bits / 8;
case 's': //sign
*num = esil_internal_sign_check (esil);
case 'd': //delay slot state
switch (str[2]) {
case 's':
*num = esil->delay;
return false;
case 'j': // jump target
switch (str[2]) {
case 't':
*num = esil->jump_target;
case 's':
*num = esil->jump_target_set;
return false;
return false;
return true;
static int esil_internal_write(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 num) {
if (!str || !*str) {
return false;
switch (str[1]) {
case 'd': //delay slot state
switch (str[2]) {
case 's':
esil->delay = num;
return false;
case 'j': // jump target
switch (str[2]) {
case 't':
esil->jump_target = num;
esil->jump_target_set = 1;
case 's':
esil->jump_target_set = num;
return false;
return false;
return true;
R_API int r_anal_esil_get_parm_size(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num, int *size) {
int parm_type = r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, str);
if (!num || !esil) return false;
switch (parm_type) {
// *num = esil_internal_read (esil, str, num);
if (size) *size = esil->anal->bits;
return esil_internal_read (esil, str, num);
*num = r_num_get (NULL, str);
if (size) *size = esil->anal->bits;
return true;
if (!r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, str, num, size))
return true;
IFDBG eprintf ("Invalid arg (%s)\n", str);
esil->parse_stop = 1;
return false;
R_API int r_anal_esil_get_parm(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str, ut64 *num) {
return r_anal_esil_get_parm_size (esil, str, num, NULL);
R_API int r_anal_esil_reg_write(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *dst, ut64 num) {
int ret = 0;
IFDBG { eprintf ("%s=0x%" PFMT64x "\n", dst, num); }
if (esil->cb.hook_reg_write) {
ret = esil->cb.hook_reg_write (esil, dst, num);
if (!ret && dst[0] == ESIL_INTERNAL_PREFIX && dst[1]) {
ret = esil_internal_write (esil, dst, num);
if (!ret && esil->cb.reg_write) {
ret = esil->cb.reg_write (esil, dst, num);
return ret;
R_API int r_anal_esil_reg_read(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *regname, ut64 *num, int *size) {
bool ret = false;
ut64 localnum; // XXX why is this necessary?
if (!esil || !regname) {
return false;
if (regname[0] == ESIL_INTERNAL_PREFIX && regname[1]) {
if (size) *size = esil->anal->bits;
return esil_internal_read (esil, regname, num);
if (!num) num = &localnum;
*num = 0LL;
if (size) *size = esil->anal->bits;
if (esil->cb.hook_reg_read) {
ret = esil->cb.hook_reg_read (esil, regname, num, size);
if (!ret && esil->cb.reg_read) {
ret = esil->cb.reg_read (esil, regname, num, size);
return ret;
static int esil_eq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
ret = r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num2);
if (ret && r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) { //necessary for some flag-things
esil->cur = num2;
esil->old = num;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
} else {
IFDBG eprintf ("esil_eq: invalid src\n");
} else {
IFDBG eprintf ("esil_eq: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_neg(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, !!!num);
ret = 1;
} else {
if (isregornum (esil, src, &num)) {
ret = 1;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, !!!num);
} else {
eprintf ("esil_neg: unknown reg %s\n", src);
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_neg: empty stack\n", esil->address);
free (src);
return ret;
static int esil_negeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, src, &num, NULL)) {
num = !num;
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, src, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_negeq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
//r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, ret);
return ret;
static int esil_nop(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return 0;
static int esil_andeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = num;
esil->cur = num & num2;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num & num2);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_andeq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_oreq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = num;
esil->cur = num | num2;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num | num2);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_ordeq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_xoreq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = num;
esil->cur = num ^ num2;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num ^ num2);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_xoreq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
#if 0
static int esil_interrupt_linux_i386(RAnalEsil *esil) { //move this into a plugin
ut32 sn, ret = 0;
char *usn = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (usn) {
sn = (ut32) r_num_get (NULL, usn);
} else sn = 0x80;
if (sn == 3) {
// trap
esil->trap_code = 3;
return -1;
if (sn != 0x80) {
eprintf ("Interrupt 0x%x not handled.", sn);
esil->trap_code = sn;
return -1;
#undef r
#define r(x) r_reg_getv (esil->anal->reg, "##x##")
#undef rs
#define rs(x, y) r_reg_setv (esil->anal->reg, "##x##", y)
switch (r(eax)) {
case 1:
printf ("exit(%d)\n", (int)r(ebx));
rs(eax, -1);
// never return. stop execution somehow, throw an exception
case 3:
ret = r(edx);
printf ("ret:%d = read(fd:%"PFMT64d", ptr:0x%08"PFMT64x", len:%"PFMT64d")\n",
(int)ret, r(ebx), r(ecx), r(edx));
rs(eax, ret);
case 4:
ret = r(edx);
printf ("ret:%d = write(fd:%"PFMT64d", ptr:0x%08"PFMT64x", len:%"PFMT64d")\n",
(int)ret, r(ebx), r(ecx), r(edx));
rs(eax, ret);
case 5:
ret = -1;
printf ("fd:%d = open(file:0x%08"PFMT64x", mode:%"PFMT64d", perm:%"PFMT64d")\n",
(int)ret, r(ebx), r(ecx), r(edx));
rs(eax, ret);
#undef r
#undef rs
return 0;
static int esil_trap(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 s, d;
if (popRN (esil, &s) && popRN (esil, &d)) {
esil->trap = s;
esil->trap_code = d;
return r_anal_esil_fire_trap (esil, (int)s, (int)d);
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_trap: missing parameters in stack\n", esil->address);
return false;
static int esil_interrupt(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 interrupt;
if (popRN (esil, &interrupt)) {
return r_anal_esil_fire_interrupt (esil, (int)interrupt);
return false;
static int esil_cmp(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 num, num2;
int ret = 0;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
esil->old = num;
esil->cur = num - num2;
ret = 1;
if (r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, dst, -1)) {
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
} else if (r_reg_get (esil->anal->reg, src, -1)) {
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, src);
free (dst);
free (src);
//r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, ret);
return ret;
#if 0
x86 documentation:
CF - carry flag -- Set on high-order bit carry or borrow; cleared otherwise
PF - parity flag
Set if low-order eight bits of result contain an even number of "1" bits; cleared otherwise
ZF - zero flags
Set if result is zero; cleared otherwise
zf = num?0:1;
SF - sign flag
Set equal to high-order bit of result (0 if positive 1 if negative)
sf = ((st64)num)<0)?1:0;
OF - overflow flag
if (a>0&&b>0 && (a+b)<0)
Set if result is too large a positive number or too small a negative number (excluding sign bit) to fit in destination operand; cleared otherwise
JBE: CF = 1 || ZF = 1
* Expects a string in the stack. Each char of the string represents a CPU flag.
* Those relations are associated by the CPU itself and are used to move values
* from the internal ESIL into the RReg instance.
* For example:
* zco,?= # update zf, cf and of
* If we want to update the esil value of a specific flag we use the =? command
* zf,z,=? # esil[zf] = r_reg[zf]
* Defining new cpu flags
#if 0
static int esil_ifset(RAnalEsil *esil) {
char *s, *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
for (s=src; *s; s++) {
switch (*s) {
case 'z':
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "zf", R_BIT_CHK(&esil->flags, FLG(ZERO)));
case 'c':
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "cf", R_BIT_CHK(&esil->flags, FLG(CARRY)));
case 'o':
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "of", R_BIT_CHK(&esil->flags, FLG(OVERFLOW)));
case 'p':
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, "pf", R_BIT_CHK(&esil->flags, FLG(PARITY)));
free (src);
return 0;
static int esil_if(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 num;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src) {
// TODO: check return value
(void)r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num);
// condition not matching, skipping until }
if (!num)
esil->skip = true;
return true;
return false;
static int esil_lsl(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
ut64 res = num << num2;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, res);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_lsl: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_lsleq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
esil->old = num;
num <<= num2;
esil->cur = num;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_lsleq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_lsr(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
ut64 res = num >> num2;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, res);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_lsr: empty stack\n", esil->address);
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_lsreq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &num, NULL)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
esil->old = num;
num >>= num2;
esil->cur = num;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_lsreq: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_ror(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int regsize, ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm_size (esil, dst, &num, &regsize)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
ut64 mask = (regsize - 1);
num2 &= mask;
ut64 res = (num >> num2) | (num << ((-num2) & mask));
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, res);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_ror: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_rol(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int regsize, ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm_size (esil, dst, &num, &regsize)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
ut64 mask = (regsize - 1);
num2 &= mask;
ut64 res = (num << num2) | (num >> ((-num2) & mask));
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, res);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_rol: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_and(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
num &= num2;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_and: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_xor(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
num ^= num2;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_xor: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_or(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 num, num2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &num)) {
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num2)) {
num |= num2;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, num);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_xor: empty stack\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
R_API int r_anal_esil_dumpstack(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int i;
if (!esil)
return 0;
if (esil->trap) {
eprintf ("ESIL TRAP type %d 0x%x\n",
esil->trap, esil->trap_code);
if (esil->stackptr < 1)
return 0;
//eprintf ("StackDump:\n");
for (i = esil->stackptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
esil->anal->cb_printf ("%s\n", esil->stack[i]);
return 1;
static int esil_break(RAnalEsil *esil) {
esil->parse_stop = 1;
return 1;
static int esil_clear(RAnalEsil *esil) {
char *r;
while ((r = r_anal_esil_pop (esil)))
free (r);
return 1;
static int esil_todo(RAnalEsil *esil) {
esil->parse_stop = 2;
return 1;
static int esil_goto(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 num = 0;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && *src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num)) {
esil->parse_goto = num;
free (src);
return 1;
static int esil_pop(RAnalEsil *esil) {
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
free (dst);
return 1;
static int esil_mod(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &d)) {
if (s == 0) {
eprintf ("esil_mod: Division by zero!\n");
esil->trap_code = 0;
} else {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d % s);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_mod: invalid parameters");
free (dst);
free (src);
return ret;
static int esil_modeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &d, NULL)) {
if (s) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = d;
esil->cur = d % s;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, d % s);
} else {
eprintf ("esil_modeq: Division by zero!\n");
esil->trap_code = 0;
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_modeq: empty stack\n");
} else {
eprintf ("esil_modeq: invalid parameters");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_div(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &d)) {
if (s == 0) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_div: Division by zero!\n", esil->address);
esil->trap_code = 0;
} else {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d / s);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_div: invalid parameters\n", esil->address);
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_diveq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &d, NULL)) {
if (s) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = d;
esil->cur = d / s;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, d / s);
} else {
// eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_diveq: Division by zero!\n", esil->address);
esil->trap_code = 0;
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_diveq: empty stack\n");
} else {
eprintf ("0x08%"PFMT64x" esil_diveq: invalid parameters\n", esil->address);
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_mul(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &d)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d * s);
ret = 1;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_mul: empty stack\n");
} else {
eprintf ("esil_mul: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_muleq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &d, NULL)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = d;
esil->cur = d * s;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, s * d);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_muleq: empty stack\n");
} else {
eprintf ("esil_muleq: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src);
return ret;
static int esil_add(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &d)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, s + d);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_add: invalid parameters\n", esil->address);
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_addeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &d, NULL)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = d;
esil->cur = d + s;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, s + d);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_addeq: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_inc(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, s);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_inc: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
return ret;
static int esil_inceq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 sd;
char *src_dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src_dst && (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src_dst) == R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_REG) && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src_dst, &sd)) {
// inc rax
esil->old = sd++;
esil->cur = sd;
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, src_dst, sd);
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, src_dst);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_inceq: invalid parameters\n", esil->address);
free (src_dst);
return ret;
static int esil_sub(RAnalEsil *esil) {
ut64 s = 0, d = 0;
if (!popRN (esil, &d)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_sub: dst is broken\n", esil->address);
return false;
if (!popRN (esil, &s)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_sub: src is broken\n", esil->address);
return false;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d - s);
return true;
int ret = 0;
ut64 s = 0, d = 0;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &d)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d-s);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_sub: invalid parameters\n");
} else {
eprintf ("esil_sub: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_subeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_reg_read (esil, dst, &d, NULL)) {
if (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src) != R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_INTERNAL) {
esil->old = d;
esil->cur = d - s;
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, dst);
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, dst, d - s);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_subeq: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_dec(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s;
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, s);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("esil_dec: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
return ret;
static int esil_deceq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 sd;
char *src_dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src_dst && (r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src_dst) == R_ANAL_ESIL_PARM_REG) && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src_dst, &sd)) {
esil->old = sd;
esil->cur = sd;
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, src_dst, sd);
esil->lastsz = esil_internal_sizeof_reg (esil, src_dst);
ret = true;
} else {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_deceq: invalid parameters\n", esil->address);
free (src_dst);
return ret;
/* POKE */
static int esil_poke_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
ut64 bitmask = genmask (bits - 1);
ut64 num, addr;
union {
ut8 byte;
ut16 word;
ut32 dword;
ut64 qword;
} n, n2;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
int bytes = bits / 8, ret = 0;
if (bits % 8) {
free (src);
free (dst);
return 0;
//eprintf ("GONA POKE %d src:%s dst:%s\n", bits, src, dst);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &num)) {
if (dst && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dst, &addr)) {
int type = r_anal_esil_get_parm_type (esil, src);
n.qword = n2.qword = 0;
r_anal_esil_mem_read (esil, addr, (ut8 *)&n, bytes);
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8 *)&n2, (ut8 *)&n, bytes, !esil->anal->big_endian);
esil->old = n2.qword;
esil->cur = (num & bitmask);
esil->lastsz = bits;
num = num & bitmask;
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8 *)&n, (ut8 *)&num, bytes, !esil->anal->big_endian);
ret = r_anal_esil_mem_write (esil, addr, (const ut8 *)&n, bytes);
return ret;
static int esil_poke1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_poke_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_poke2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_poke_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_poke4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_poke_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_poke8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_poke_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_poke(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_poke_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
static int esil_poke_some(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int i, ret = 0;
ut64 ptr, regs;
char *count, *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst) {
// reg
isregornum (esil, dst, &ptr);
count = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (count) {
isregornum (esil, count, &regs);
if (regs > 0) {
ut64 num64;
ut32 num32;
for (i = 0; i < regs; i++) {
char *foo = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
isregornum (esil, foo, &num64);
/* TODO: implement peek here */
// read from $dst
num32 = num64;
ret = r_anal_esil_mem_write (esil, ptr,
(const ut8 *)&num32, sizeof (num32));
if (ret != sizeof (num32)) {
//eprintf ("Cannot write at 0x%08" PFMT64x "\n", ptr);
esil->trap = 1;
ptr += 4;
free (foo);
free (dst);
free (count);
return 1;
free (dst);
return 0;
/* PEEK */
static int esil_peek_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
char res[32];
ut64 addr;
int ret = 0, bytes = bits / 8;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (bits & 7) {
free (dst);
return 0;
if (dst && isregornum (esil, dst, &addr)) {
ut64 a, b, bitmask = genmask (bits - 1);
ret = r_anal_esil_mem_read (esil, addr, (ut8 *)&a, bytes);
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8 *)&b, (const ut8 *)&a, bytes, !esil->anal->big_endian);
snprintf (res, sizeof (res), "0x%" PFMT64x, b & bitmask);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, res);
esil->lastsz = bits;
free (dst);
return ret;
static int esil_peek1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_peek_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_peek2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_peek_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_peek4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_peek_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_peek8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_peek_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_peek(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_peek_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
static int esil_peek_some(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int i, ret = 0;
ut64 ptr, regs;
// pop ptr
char *count, *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (dst) {
// reg
isregornum (esil, dst, &ptr);
count = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (count) {
isregornum (esil, count, &regs);
if (regs > 0) {
ut32 num32;
for (i = 0; i < regs; i++) {
char *foo = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (!foo) {
eprintf ("Cannot pop in peek\n");
return 0;
ret = r_anal_esil_mem_read (esil, ptr,
(ut8 *)&num32, sizeof (num32));
if (ret == sizeof (num32)) {
r_anal_esil_reg_write (esil, foo, num32);
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot peek from 0x%08" PFMT64x "\n", ptr);
ptr += 4;
free (foo);
free (dst);
free (count);
return 1;
free (dst);
return 0;
/* OREQ */
static int esil_mem_oreq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil); //save the dst-addr
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil); //get the src
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) { //get the src
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst); //push the dst-addr
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits)); //read
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil); //get the old dst-value
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) { //get the old dst-value
d |= s; //calculate the new dst-value
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d); //push the new dst-value
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst); //push the dst-addr
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits)); //write
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_oreq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_oreq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_oreq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_oreq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_oreq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_oreq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_oreq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_oreq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_oreq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_oreq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_oreq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* XOREQ */
static int esil_mem_xoreq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d ^= s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_xoreq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_xoreq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_xoreq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_xoreq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_xoreq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_xoreq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_xoreq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_xoreq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_xoreq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_xoreq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_xoreq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* ANDEQ */
static int esil_mem_andeq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d &= s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_andeq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_andeq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_andeq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_andeq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_andeq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_andeq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_andeq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_andeq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_andeq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_andeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_andeq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* ADDEQ */
static int esil_mem_addeq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d += s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_addeq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_addeq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_addeq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_addeq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_addeq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_addeq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_addeq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_addeq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_addeq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_addeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_addeq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* SUBEQ */
static int esil_mem_subeq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d -= s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_subeq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_subeq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_subeq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_subeq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_subeq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_subeq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_subeq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_subeq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_subeq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_subeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_subeq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* MODEQ */
static int esil_mem_modeq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
if (s == 0) {
eprintf ("esil_mem_modeq4: Division by zero!\n");
esil->trap_code = 0;
} else {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d = d % s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_modeq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_modeq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_modeq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_modeq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_modeq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_modeq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_modeq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_modeq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_modeq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_modeq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_modeq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* DIVEQ */
static int esil_mem_diveq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
if (s == 0) {
eprintf ("esil_mem_diveq8: Division by zero!\n");
esil->trap_code = 0;
} else {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d = d / s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_diveq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_diveq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_diveq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_diveq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_diveq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_diveq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_diveq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_diveq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_diveq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_diveq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_diveq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* MULEQ */
static int esil_mem_muleq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits, ut64 bitmask) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s, d;
char *dst = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src0 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src1 = NULL;
if (src0 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src0, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src1 = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src1 && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src1, &d)) {
d *= s;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, d);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, dst);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_muleq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (dst);
free (src0);
free (src1);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_muleq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_muleq_n (esil, 8, UT8_MAX);
static int esil_mem_muleq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_muleq_n (esil, 16, UT16_MAX);
static int esil_mem_muleq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_muleq_n (esil, 32, UT32_MAX);
static int esil_mem_muleq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_muleq_n (esil, 64, UT64_MAX);
static int esil_mem_muleq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
switch (esil->anal->bits) {
case 64: return esil_mem_muleq8 (esil);
case 32: return esil_mem_muleq4 (esil);
case 16: return esil_mem_muleq2 (esil);
case 8: return esil_mem_muleq1 (esil);
return 0;
/* INCEQ */
static int esil_mem_inceq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s;
char *off = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = NULL;
if (off) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, off);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, s);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, off);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_inceq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (off);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_inceq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_inceq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_inceq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_inceq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_inceq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_inceq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_inceq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_inceq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_inceq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_inceq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* DECEQ */
static int esil_mem_deceq_n(RAnalEsil *esil, int bits) {
int ret = 0;
ut64 s;
char *off = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
char *src = NULL;
if (off) {
r_anal_esil_push (esil, off);
ret = (!!esil_peek_n (esil, bits));
src = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (src && r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, src, &s)) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, s);
r_anal_esil_push (esil, off);
ret &= (!!esil_poke_n (esil, bits));
} else ret = 0;
if (!ret)
eprintf ("esil_mem_deceq_n: invalid parameters\n");
free (src);
free (off);
return ret;
static int esil_mem_deceq1(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_deceq_n (esil, 8);
static int esil_mem_deceq2(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_deceq_n (esil, 16);
static int esil_mem_deceq4(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_deceq_n (esil, 32);
static int esil_mem_deceq8(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_deceq_n (esil, 64);
static int esil_mem_deceq(RAnalEsil *esil) {
return esil_mem_deceq_n (esil, esil->anal->bits);
/* get value of register or memory reference and push the value */
static int esil_num(RAnalEsil *esil) {
char *dup_me;
ut64 dup;
if (!esil)
return false;
if (!(dup_me = r_anal_esil_pop (esil)))
return false;
if (!r_anal_esil_get_parm (esil, dup_me, &dup))
return false;
free (dup_me);
return r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, dup);
/* duplicate the last element in the stack */
static int esil_dup(RAnalEsil *esil) {
if (!esil || !esil->stack || esil->stackptr < 1 || esil->stackptr > (esil->stacksize - 1))
return false;
return r_anal_esil_push (esil, esil->stack[esil->stackptr-1]);
static int esil_swap (RAnalEsil *esil) {
char *tmp;
if (!esil || !esil->stack || esil->stackptr < 2)
return false;
if (!esil->stack[esil->stackptr-1] || !esil->stack[esil->stackptr-2])
return false;
tmp = esil->stack[esil->stackptr-1];
esil->stack[esil->stackptr-1] = esil->stack[esil->stackptr-2];
esil->stack[esil->stackptr-2] = tmp;
return true;
/* in case of fail, we must set some var */
static int esil_smaller(RAnalEsil *esil) { // 'src < dst' => 'src,dst,<'
ut64 s, d;
if (!popRN (esil, &d)) {
eprintf ("esil_smaller: src is broken\n");
return false;
if (!popRN (esil, &s)) {
eprintf ("esil_smaller: dst is broken\n");
return false;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, (d < s));
return true;
// TODO:
// sign is not handled
// ESIL flags not updated?
static int esil_bigger(RAnalEsil *esil) { // 'src > dst' => 'src,dst,>'
ut64 s, d;
if (!popRN (esil, &d)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_bigger: src is broken\n", esil->address);
return false;
if (!popRN (esil, &s)) {
eprintf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" esil_bigger: dst is broken\n", esil->address);
return false;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, (d > s));
return true;
static int esil_smaller_equal(RAnalEsil *esil) { // 'src <= dst' => 'src,dst,<='
ut64 s, d;
if (!popRN (esil, &d)) {
eprintf ("esil_smaller_equal: src is broken\n");
return false;
if (!popRN (esil, &s)) {
eprintf ("esil_smaller_equal: dst is broken\n");
return false;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, (d <= s));
return true;
static int esil_bigger_equal(RAnalEsil *esil) { // 'src >= dst' => 'src,dst,>='
ut64 s, d;
if (!popRN (esil, &d)) {
eprintf ("esil_bigger_equal: src is broken\n");
return false;
if (!popRN (esil, &s)) {
eprintf ("esil_bigger_equal: dst is broken\n");
return false;
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, (d >= s));
return true;
static int iscommand(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *word, RAnalEsilOp *op) {
char t[128];
char *h;
h = sdb_itoa (sdb_hash (word), t, 16);
if (sdb_num_exists (esil->ops, h)) {
*op = (RAnalEsilOp)(size_t)sdb_num_get (esil->ops, h, 0);
return true;
return false;
static int runword(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *word) {
RAnalEsilOp op = NULL;
if (esil->parse_goto_count < 1) {
eprintf ("ESIL infinite loop detected\n");
esil->trap = 1; // INTERNAL ERROR
esil->parse_stop = 1; // INTERNAL ERROR
return 0;
// Don't push anything onto stack when processing if statements
if (!strcmp (word, "?{") && esil->Reil) {
esil->Reil->skip = esil->Reil->skip? 0: 1;
if (esil->Reil->skip) {
esil->Reil->cmd_count = 0;
memset (esil->Reil->if_buf, 0, sizeof (esil->Reil->if_buf));
if (esil->Reil && esil->Reil->skip) {
int tmp_len = strlen (esil->Reil->if_buf);
strncat (esil->Reil->if_buf, word, sizeof (esil->Reil->if_buf) - tmp_len - 2);
strncat (esil->Reil->if_buf, ",", 1);
if (!strcmp (word, "}")) {
r_anal_esil_pushnum (esil, esil->Reil->addr + esil->Reil->cmd_count + 1);
r_anal_esil_parse (esil, esil->Reil->if_buf);
return 1;
if (iscommand (esil, word, &op)) esil->Reil->cmd_count++;
return 1;
//eprintf ("WORD (%d) (%s)\n", esil->skip, word);
if (!strcmp (word, "}{")) {
esil->skip = esil->skip? 0: 1;
return 1;
} else if (!strcmp (word, "}")) {
esil->skip = 0;
return 1;
if (esil->skip) {
return 1;
if (iscommand (esil, word, &op)) {
// run action
if (op) {
if (esil->cb.hook_command) {
if (esil->cb.hook_command (esil, word))
return 1; // XXX cannot return != 1
return op (esil);
if (!*word || *word == ',') {
// skip empty words
return 1;
// push value
if (!r_anal_esil_push (esil, word)) {
eprintf ("ESIL stack is full\n");
esil->trap = 1;
esil->trap_code = 1;
return 1;
static const char *gotoWord(const char *str, int n) {
const char *ostr = str;
int count = 0;
while (*str) {
if (count == n)
return ostr;
if (*str == ',') {
ostr = str + 1;
return NULL;
/** evaluate an esil word and return the action to perform
* TODO: Use `enum` here
* 0: continue running the
* 1: stop execution
* 2: continue in loop
* 3: normal continuation
static int evalWord(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *ostr, const char **str) {
if ((*str)[0] && (*str)[1] == ',')
return 2;
if (esil->repeat)
return 0;
if (esil->parse_goto != -1) {
// TODO: detect infinite loop??? how??
*str = gotoWord (ostr, esil->parse_goto);
if (*str) {
esil->parse_goto = -1;
return 2;
eprintf ("Cannot find word %d\n", esil->parse_goto);
return 1;
if (esil->parse_stop) {
if (esil->parse_stop == 2) {
eprintf ("ESIL TODO: %s\n", *str + 1);
return 1;
return 3;
R_API int r_anal_esil_parse(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str) {
int wordi = 0;
int dorunword;
char word[64];
const char *ostr = str;
if (!esil || !str || !*str)
return 0;
esil->trap = 0;
esil->repeat = 0;
esil->skip = 0;
esil->parse_goto = -1;
esil->parse_stop = 0;
if (esil->anal) {
esil->parse_goto_count = esil->anal->esil_goto_limit;
} else {
esil->parse_goto_count = R_ANAL_ESIL_GOTO_LIMIT;
str = ostr;
wordi = 0;
while (*str) {
if (wordi > 62) {
eprintf ("Invalid esil string\n");
return -1;
dorunword = 0;
if (*str == ';') {
word[wordi] = 0;
dorunword = 1;
if (*str == ',') {
word[wordi] = 0;
dorunword = 2;
if (dorunword) {
if (!runword (esil, word)) {
return 0;
word[wordi] = ',';
wordi = 0;
switch (evalWord (esil, ostr, &str)) {
case 0: goto loop;
case 1: return 0;
case 2: continue;
if (dorunword == 1)
return 0;
word[wordi++] = *str;
word[wordi] = 0;
if (*word) {
if (!runword (esil, word))
return 0;
switch (evalWord (esil, ostr, &str)) {
case 0: goto loop;
case 1: return 0;
case 2: goto repeat;
return 1;
//frees all elements from the stack, not the stack itself
R_API void r_anal_esil_stack_free(RAnalEsil *esil) {
int i;
if (esil) {
for (i = 0; i < esil->stackptr; i++)
R_FREE (esil->stack[i]);
esil->stackptr = 0;
R_API int r_anal_esil_condition(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *str) {
char *popped;
int ret;
if (!esil)
return false;
while (*str == ' ') str++; // use proper string chop?
ret = r_anal_esil_parse (esil, str);
popped = r_anal_esil_pop (esil);
if (popped) {
ut64 num;
if (isregornum (esil, popped, &num)) {
ret = !!num;
} else ret = 0;
free (popped);
} else {
eprintf ("ESIL stack is empty\n");
return -1;
return ret;
static void r_anal_esil_setup_ops(RAnalEsil *esil) {
#define OP(x, y) r_anal_esil_set_op (esil, x, y)
OP ("$", esil_interrupt);
OP ("==", esil_cmp);
OP ("<", esil_smaller);
OP (">", esil_bigger);
OP ("<=", esil_smaller_equal);
OP (">=", esil_bigger_equal);
OP ("?{", esil_if);
OP ("<<", esil_lsl);
OP ("<<=", esil_lsleq);
OP (">>", esil_lsr);
OP (">>=", esil_lsreq);
OP (">>>", esil_ror);
OP ("<<<", esil_rol);
OP ("&", esil_and);
OP ("&=", esil_andeq);
OP ("}", esil_nop); // just to avoid push
OP ("|", esil_or);
OP ("|=", esil_oreq);
OP ("!", esil_neg);
OP ("!=", esil_negeq);
OP ("=", esil_eq);
OP ("*", esil_mul);
OP ("*=", esil_muleq);
OP ("^", esil_xor);
OP ("^=", esil_xoreq);
OP ("+", esil_add);
OP ("+=", esil_addeq);
OP ("++", esil_inc);
OP ("++=", esil_inceq);
OP ("-", esil_sub);
OP ("-=", esil_subeq);
OP ("--", esil_dec);
OP ("--=", esil_deceq);
OP ("/", esil_div);
OP ("/=", esil_diveq);
OP ("%", esil_mod);
OP ("%=", esil_modeq);
OP ("=[]", esil_poke);
OP ("=[1]", esil_poke1);
OP ("=[2]", esil_poke2);
OP ("=[4]", esil_poke4);
OP ("=[8]", esil_poke8);
OP ("|=[]", esil_mem_oreq);
OP ("|=[1]", esil_mem_oreq1);
OP ("|=[2]", esil_mem_oreq2);
OP ("|=[4]", esil_mem_oreq4);
OP ("|=[8]", esil_mem_oreq8);
OP ("^=[]", esil_mem_xoreq);
OP ("^=[1]", esil_mem_xoreq1);
OP ("^=[2]", esil_mem_xoreq2);
OP ("^=[4]", esil_mem_xoreq4);
OP ("^=[8]", esil_mem_xoreq8);
OP ("&=[]", esil_mem_andeq);
OP ("&=[1]", esil_mem_andeq1);
OP ("&=[2]", esil_mem_andeq2);
OP ("&=[4]", esil_mem_andeq4);
OP ("&=[8]", esil_mem_andeq8);
OP ("+=[]", esil_mem_addeq);
OP ("+=[1]", esil_mem_addeq1);
OP ("+=[2]", esil_mem_addeq2);
OP ("+=[4]", esil_mem_addeq4);
OP ("+=[8]", esil_mem_addeq8);
OP ("-=[]", esil_mem_subeq);
OP ("-=[1]", esil_mem_subeq1);
OP ("-=[2]", esil_mem_subeq2);
OP ("-=[4]", esil_mem_subeq4);
OP ("-=[8]", esil_mem_subeq8);
OP ("%=[]", esil_mem_modeq);
OP ("%=[1]", esil_mem_modeq1);
OP ("%=[2]", esil_mem_modeq2);
OP ("%=[4]", esil_mem_modeq4);
OP ("%=[8]", esil_mem_modeq8);
OP ("/=[]", esil_mem_diveq);
OP ("/=[1]", esil_mem_diveq1);
OP ("/=[2]", esil_mem_diveq2);
OP ("/=[4]", esil_mem_diveq4);
OP ("/=[8]", esil_mem_diveq8);
OP ("*=[]", esil_mem_muleq);
OP ("*=[1]", esil_mem_muleq1);
OP ("*=[2]", esil_mem_muleq2);
OP ("*=[4]", esil_mem_muleq4);
OP ("*=[8]", esil_mem_muleq8);
OP ("++=[]", esil_mem_inceq);
OP ("++=[1]", esil_mem_inceq1);
OP ("++=[2]", esil_mem_inceq2);
OP ("++=[4]", esil_mem_inceq4);
OP ("++=[8]", esil_mem_inceq8);
OP ("--=[]", esil_mem_deceq);
OP ("--=[1]", esil_mem_deceq1);
OP ("--=[2]", esil_mem_deceq2);
OP ("--=[4]", esil_mem_deceq4);
OP ("--=[8]", esil_mem_deceq8);
OP ("[]", esil_peek);
OP ("[*]", esil_peek_some);
OP ("=[*]", esil_poke_some);
OP ("[1]", esil_peek1);
OP ("[2]", esil_peek2);
OP ("[4]", esil_peek4);
OP ("[8]", esil_peek8);
OP ("STACK", r_anal_esil_dumpstack);
OP ("POP", esil_pop);
OP ("TODO", esil_todo);
OP ("GOTO", esil_goto);
OP ("BREAK", esil_break);
OP ("CLEAR", esil_clear);
OP ("DUP", esil_dup);
OP ("NUM", esil_num);
OP ("SWAP", esil_swap);
OP ("TRAP", esil_trap);
/* register callbacks using this anal module. */
R_API int r_anal_esil_setup(RAnalEsil *esil, RAnal *anal, int romem, int stats) {
if (!esil) return false;
//esil->debug = 0;
esil->anal = anal;
esil->parse_goto_count = anal->esil_goto_limit;
esil->trap = 0;
esil->trap_code = 0;
//esil->user = NULL;
esil->cb.reg_read = internal_esil_reg_read;
esil->cb.reg_write = internal_esil_reg_write;
esil->cb.mem_read = internal_esil_mem_read;
esil->cb.mem_write = internal_esil_mem_write;
r_anal_esil_mem_ro (esil, romem);
r_anal_esil_stats (esil, stats);
r_anal_esil_setup_ops (esil);
if (anal->cur && anal->cur->esil_init && anal->cur->esil_fini) {
return anal->cur->esil_init (esil);
return true;