
2440 lines
55 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2019 - pancake, nibble */
#include <r_anal.h>
#include <r_sign.h>
#include <r_search.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_core.h>
#include <r_hash.h>
R_LIB_VERSION (r_sign);
const char *getRealRef(RCore *core, ut64 off) {
RFlagItem *item;
RListIter *iter;
const RList *list = r_flag_get_list (core->flags, off);
if (!list) {
return NULL;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, item) {
if (!item->name) {
if (strncmp (item->name, "sym.", 4)) {
return item->name;
return NULL;
R_API RList *r_sign_fcn_vars(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn, NULL);
RCore *core = a->coreb.core;
if (!core) {
return NULL;
RListIter *iter;
RAnalVar *var;
RList *ret = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
RList *reg_vars = r_anal_var_list (core->anal, fcn, R_ANAL_VAR_KIND_REG);
RList *spv_vars = r_anal_var_list (core->anal, fcn, R_ANAL_VAR_KIND_SPV);
RList *bpv_vars = r_anal_var_list (core->anal, fcn, R_ANAL_VAR_KIND_BPV);
r_list_foreach (bpv_vars, iter, var) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("b%d", var->delta));
r_list_foreach (spv_vars, iter, var) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("s%d", var->delta));
r_list_foreach (reg_vars, iter, var) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("r%d", var->delta));
r_list_free (reg_vars);
r_list_free (bpv_vars);
r_list_free (spv_vars);
return ret;
R_API RList *r_sign_fcn_types(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
// From anal/types/*:
// Get key-value types from sdb matching "func.%s", fcn->name
// Get func.%s.args (number of args)
// Get type,name pairs
// Put everything in RList following the next format:
// types: main.ret=%type%, main.args=%num%, main.arg.0="int,argc", ...
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn, NULL);
RList *ret = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
const char *arg = NULL;
char *args_expr = r_str_newf ("func.%s.args", fcn->name);
const char *ret_type = sdb_const_get (a->sdb_types, r_str_newf ("func.%s.ret", fcn->name), 0);
const char *fcntypes = sdb_const_get (a->sdb_types, args_expr, 0);
int argc = 0;
int i;
if (fcntypes) {
if (ret_type) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("func.%s.ret=%s", fcn->name, ret_type));
argc = atoi (fcntypes);
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("func.%s.args=%d", fcn->name, argc));
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
arg = sdb_const_get (a->sdb_types, r_str_newf ("func.%s.arg.%d", fcn->name, i), 0);
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf ("func.%s.arg.%d=\"%s\"", fcn->name, i, arg));
free (args_expr);
return ret;
R_API RList *r_sign_fcn_xrefs(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
RAnalRef *refi = NULL;
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn, NULL);
RCore *core = a->coreb.core;
if (!core) {
return NULL;
RList *ret = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
RList *xrefs = r_anal_fcn_get_xrefs (a, fcn);
r_list_foreach (xrefs, iter, refi) {
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE || refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL) {
const char *flag = getRealRef (core, refi->addr);
if (flag) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf (flag));
r_list_free (xrefs);
return ret;
R_API RList *r_sign_fcn_refs(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
RAnalRef *refi = NULL;
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn, NULL);
RCore *core = a->coreb.core;
if (!core) {
return NULL;
RList *ret = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
RList *refs = r_anal_fcn_get_refs (a, fcn);
r_list_foreach (refs, iter, refi) {
if (refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE || refi->type == R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL) {
const char *flag = getRealRef (core, refi->addr);
if (flag) {
r_list_append (ret, r_str_newf (flag));
r_list_free (refs);
return ret;
static RList *zign_types_to_list(RAnal *a, char *types) {
RList *ret = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
unsigned int i = 0, prev = 0, len = strlen (types);
bool quoted = false;
char *token = NULL;
for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
if (types[i] == '"') {
quoted = !quoted;
else if ((types[i] == ',' && !quoted) || types[i] == '\0') {
token = r_str_ndup (types + prev, i - prev);
if (token) {
prev = i + 1;
r_list_append (ret, strdup (token));
free (token);
token = NULL;
free (token);
return ret;
R_API bool r_sign_deserialize(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, const char *k, const char *v) {
char *refs = NULL;
char *vars = NULL;
char *types = NULL;
const char *token = NULL;
int i = 0, n = 0, nrefs = 0, nvars = 0, size = 0, w = 0;
r_return_val_if_fail (a && it && k && v, false);
char *k2 = r_str_new (k);
char *v2 = r_str_new (v);
if (!k2 || !v2) {
free (k2);
free (v2);
return false;
// Deserialize key: zign|space|name
n = r_str_split (k2, '|');
if (n != 3) {
goto out;
if (strcmp (r_str_word_get0 (k2, 0), "zign")) {
eprintf ("Invalid entry in the zigns database\n");
goto out;
// space (1)
it->space = r_spaces_add (&a->zign_spaces, r_str_word_get0 (k2, 1));
// name (2)
it->name = r_str_new (r_str_word_get0 (k2, 2));
// it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
// Deserialize value: |k:v|k:v|k:v|...
n = r_str_split (v2, '|');
for (w = 0; w < n; w++) {
const char *word = r_str_word_get0 (v2, w);
if (!word) {
if (!*word) {
token = word + 2;
if (!strcmp (word, "*")) {
if (strlen (word) < 3 || word[1] != ':') {
eprintf ("Corrupted zignatures database (%s)\n", word);
RSignType st = (RSignType)*word;
switch (st) {
eprintf ("Unsupported\n");
it->realname = strdup (token);
it->comment = strdup (token);
if (strlen (token) == 2 * sizeof (RSignGraph)) {
it->graph = R_NEW0 (RSignGraph);
if (it->graph) {
r_hex_str2bin (token, (ut8 *) it->graph);
it->addr = atoll (token);
refs = r_str_new (token);
nrefs = r_str_split (refs, ',');
if (nrefs > 0) {
it->refs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
for (i = 0; i < nrefs; i++) {
r_list_append (it->refs, r_str_newf (r_str_word_get0 (refs, i)));
refs = r_str_new (token);
nrefs = r_str_split (refs, ',');
if (nrefs > 0) {
it->xrefs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
for (i = 0; i < nrefs; i++) {
r_list_append (it->xrefs, r_str_newf (r_str_word_get0 (refs, i)));
vars = r_str_new (token);
nvars = r_str_split (vars, ',');
if (nvars > 0) {
it->vars = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
r_list_append (it->vars, r_str_newf (r_str_word_get0 (vars, i)));
types = r_str_new (token);
it->types = zign_types_to_list (a, types);
if (token[0] != 0) {
it->hash = R_NEW0 (RSignHash);
if (it->hash) {
it->hash->bbhash = r_str_new (token);
if (!it->bytes) {
eprintf ("Missing bytes-size command before bytes\n");
if (strlen (token) != 2 * it->bytes->size) {
goto out;
it->bytes->bytes = malloc (it->bytes->size);
if (it->bytes->bytes) {
r_hex_str2bin (token, it->bytes->bytes);
if (!it->bytes) {
eprintf ("Missing bytes-size command before bytes-mask\n");
if (strlen (token) != 2 * it->bytes->size) {
goto out;
free (it->bytes->mask);
it->bytes->mask = malloc (it->bytes->size);
if (!it->bytes->mask) {
goto out;
r_hex_str2bin (token, it->bytes->mask);
// allocate
size = atoi (token);
if (size > 0) {
free (it->bytes);
it->bytes = R_NEW0 (RSignBytes);
if (!it->bytes) {
goto out;
it->bytes->size = size;
eprintf ("Unsupported (%s)\n", word);
free (k2);
free (v2);
free (refs);
free (vars);
free (types);
return (w == n);
static void serializeKey(RAnal *a, const RSpace *space, const char* name, char *k) {
snprintf (k, R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ, "zign|%s|%s", space? space->name: "*", name);
static void serializeKeySpaceStr(RAnal *a, const char *space, const char* name, char *k) {
snprintf (k, R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ, "zign|%s|%s", space, name);
static void serialize(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, char *k, char *v) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *hexbytes = NULL, *hexmask = NULL, *hexgraph = NULL;
char *refs = NULL, *xrefs = NULL, *ref = NULL, *var, *vars = NULL;
char *type, *types = NULL;
int i = 0, len = 0;
RSignBytes *bytes = it->bytes;
RSignGraph *graph = it->graph;
RSignHash *hash = it->hash;
if (k) {
serializeKey (a, it->space, it->name, k);
if (v) {
if (bytes) {
len = bytes->size * 2 + 1;
hexbytes = calloc (1, len);
hexmask = calloc (1, len);
if (!hexbytes || !hexmask) {
free (hexbytes);
free (hexmask);
if (!bytes->bytes) {
bytes->bytes = malloc ((bytes->size + 1) * 3);
r_hex_bin2str (bytes->bytes, bytes->size, hexbytes);
if (!bytes->mask) {
bytes->mask = malloc ((bytes->size + 1) * 3);
r_hex_bin2str (bytes->mask, bytes->size, hexmask);
if (graph) {
hexgraph = calloc (1, sizeof (RSignGraph) * 2 + 1);
if (hexgraph) {
r_hex_bin2str ((ut8 *) graph, sizeof (RSignGraph), hexgraph);
i = 0;
r_list_foreach (it->refs, iter, ref) {
if (i > 0) {
refs = r_str_appendch (refs, ',');
refs = r_str_append (refs, ref);
i = 0;
r_list_foreach (it->xrefs, iter, ref) {
if (i > 0) {
xrefs = r_str_appendch (xrefs, ',');
xrefs = r_str_append (xrefs, ref);
i = 0;
r_list_foreach (it->vars, iter, var) {
if (i > 0) {
vars = r_str_appendch (vars, ',');
vars = r_str_append (vars, var);
i = 0;
r_list_foreach (it->types, iter, type) {
if (i > 0) {
types = r_str_appendch (types, ',');
types = r_str_append (types, type);
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
if (bytes) {
// TODO: do not hardcoded s,b,m here, use RSignType enum
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|s:%d|b:%s|m:%s", bytes->size, hexbytes, hexmask);
if (it->addr != UT64_MAX) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%"PFMT64d, R_SIGN_OFFSET, it->addr);
if (graph) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_GRAPH, hexgraph);
if (refs) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_REFS, refs);
if (xrefs) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_XREFS, xrefs);
if (vars) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_VARS, vars);
if (types) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_TYPES, types);
if (it->comment) {
// b64 encoded
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_COMMENT, it->comment);
if (it->realname) {
// b64 encoded
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_NAME, it->realname);
if (hash && hash->bbhash) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "|%c:%s", R_SIGN_BBHASH, hash->bbhash);
if (r_strbuf_length (sb) >= R_SIGN_VAL_MAXSZ) {
eprintf ("Signature limit reached for 0x%08"PFMT64x" (%s)\n", it->addr, it->name);
char *res = r_strbuf_drain (sb);
if (res) {
strncpy (v, res, R_SIGN_VAL_MAXSZ);
free (res);
free (hexbytes);
free (hexmask);
free (hexgraph);
free (refs);
free (vars);
free (xrefs);
free (types);
static void mergeItem(RSignItem *dst, RSignItem *src) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *ref, *var, *type;
if (src->bytes) {
if (dst->bytes) {
free (dst->bytes->bytes);
free (dst->bytes->mask);
free (dst->bytes);
dst->bytes = R_NEW0 (RSignBytes);
if (!dst->bytes) {
dst->space = src->space;
dst->bytes->size = src->bytes->size;
dst->bytes->bytes = malloc (src->bytes->size);
if (!dst->bytes->bytes) {
free (dst->bytes);
memcpy (dst->bytes->bytes, src->bytes->bytes, src->bytes->size);
dst->bytes->mask = malloc (src->bytes->size);
if (!dst->bytes->mask) {
free (dst->bytes->bytes);
free (dst->bytes);
memcpy (dst->bytes->mask, src->bytes->mask, src->bytes->size);
if (src->graph) {
free (dst->graph);
dst->graph = R_NEW0 (RSignGraph);
if (!dst->graph) {
*dst->graph = *src->graph;
if (src->comment) {
dst->comment = strdup (src->comment);
if (src->realname) {
dst->realname = strdup (src->realname);
if (src->addr != UT64_MAX) {
dst->addr = src->addr;
if (src->refs) {
r_list_free (dst->refs);
dst->refs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (src->refs, iter, ref) {
r_list_append (dst->refs, r_str_new (ref));
if (src->vars) {
r_list_free (dst->vars);
dst->vars = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (src->vars, iter, var) {
r_list_append (dst->vars, r_str_new (var));
if (src->types) {
r_list_free (dst->types);
dst->types = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (src->types, iter, type) {
r_list_append (dst->types, r_str_new (type));
if (src->hash) {
if (!dst->hash) {
dst->hash = R_NEW0 (RSignHash);
if (!dst->hash) {
if (src->hash->bbhash) {
dst->hash->bbhash = strdup (src->hash->bbhash);
static bool addItem(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it) {
const char *curval = NULL;
bool retval = true;
RSignItem *curit = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!curit) {
return false;
serialize (a, it, key, val);
curval = sdb_const_get (a->sdb_zigns, key, 0);
if (curval) {
if (!r_sign_deserialize (a, curit, key, curval)) {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
mergeItem (curit, it);
serialize (a, curit, key, val);
sdb_set (a->sdb_zigns, key, val, 0);
r_sign_item_free (curit);
return retval;
static bool addHash(RAnal *a, const char *name, int type, const char *val) {
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
r_sign_item_free (it);
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
r_sign_item_free (it);
return false;
it->hash = R_NEW0 (RSignHash);
if (!it->hash) {
r_sign_item_free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
bool retval = false;
switch (type) {
it->hash->bbhash = strdup (val);
retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
static bool addBBHash(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, const char *name) {
bool retval = false;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
goto beach;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
goto beach;
it->hash = R_NEW0 (RSignHash);
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
if (!it->hash) {
goto beach;
char *digest_hex = r_sign_calc_bbhash (a, fcn);
if (!digest_hex) {
free (digest_hex);
goto beach;
it->hash->bbhash = digest_hex;
retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
static bool addBytes(RAnal *a, const char *name, ut64 size, const ut8 *bytes, const ut8 *mask) {
bool retval = true;
if (r_mem_is_zero (mask, size)) {
eprintf ("error: zero mask\n");
return false;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->bytes = R_NEW0 (RSignBytes);
if (!it->bytes) {
goto fail;
it->bytes->size = size;
it->bytes->bytes = malloc (size);
if (!it->bytes->bytes) {
goto fail;
memcpy (it->bytes->bytes, bytes, size);
it->bytes->mask = malloc (size);
if (!it->bytes->mask) {
goto fail;
memcpy (it->bytes->mask, mask, size);
retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
if (it) {
free (it->name);
if (it->bytes) {
free (it->bytes->bytes);
free (it->bytes);
free (it);
return false;
R_API bool r_sign_add_hash(RAnal *a, const char *name, int type, const char *val, int len) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && type && val && len > 0, false);
if (type != R_SIGN_BBHASH) {
eprintf ("error: hash type unknown");
return false;
int digestsize = r_hash_size (R_ZIGN_HASH) * 2;
if (len != digestsize) {
eprintf ("error: invalid hash size: %d (%s digest size is %d)\n", len, ZIGN_HASH, digestsize);
return false;
return addHash (a, name, type, val);
R_API bool r_sign_add_bb_hash(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, const char *name) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && name, false);
return addBBHash (a, fcn, name);
R_API bool r_sign_add_bytes(RAnal *a, const char *name, ut64 size, const ut8 *bytes, const ut8 *mask) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && size > 0 && bytes && mask, false);
return addBytes (a, name, size, bytes, mask);
R_API bool r_sign_add_anal(RAnal *a, const char *name, ut64 size, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 at) {
bool retval = false;
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && size > 0 && bytes, false);
ut8 *mask = r_anal_mask (a, size, bytes, at);
if (mask) {
retval = addBytes (a, name, size, bytes, mask);
free (mask);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_graph(RAnal *a, const char *name, RSignGraph graph) {
bool retval = true;
if (!a || !name) {
return false;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->graph = R_NEW0 (RSignGraph);
if (!it->graph) {
free (it->name);
free (it);
return false;
*it->graph = graph;
retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_comment(RAnal *a, const char *name, const char *comment) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && comment, false);
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->comment = strdup (comment);
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_name(RAnal *a, const char *name, const char *realname) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && realname, false);
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (it) {
it->name = r_str_new (name);
it->realname = strdup (realname);
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
return false;
R_API bool r_sign_add_addr(RAnal *a, const char *name, ut64 addr) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && addr != UT64_MAX, false);
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return NULL;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->addr = addr;
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_vars(RAnal *a, const char *name, RList *vars) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && vars, false);
RListIter *iter;
char *var;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
r_sign_item_free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->vars = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (vars, iter, var) {
r_list_append (it->vars, strdup (var));
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_types(RAnal *a, const char *name, RList *types) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && types, false);
RListIter *iter;
char *type;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
r_sign_item_free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->types = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (types, iter, type) {
r_list_append (it->types, strdup (type));
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_refs(RAnal *a, const char *name, RList *refs) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && refs, false);
char *ref;
RListIter *iter;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->refs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (refs, iter, ref) {
r_list_append (it->refs, strdup (ref));
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_add_xrefs(RAnal *a, const char *name, RList *xrefs) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && name && xrefs, false);
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *ref = NULL;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
return false;
it->name = r_str_new (name);
if (!it->name) {
free (it);
return false;
it->space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
it->xrefs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (xrefs, iter, ref) {
r_list_append (it->xrefs, strdup (ref));
bool retval = addItem (a, it);
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
struct ctxDeleteCB {
RAnal *anal;
char buf[R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ];
static int deleteBySpaceCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxDeleteCB *ctx = (struct ctxDeleteCB *) user;
if (!strncmp (k, ctx->buf, strlen (ctx->buf))) {
sdb_remove (ctx->anal->sdb_zigns, k, 0);
return 1;
R_API bool r_sign_delete(RAnal *a, const char *name) {
struct ctxDeleteCB ctx = {0};
if (!a || !name) {
return false;
// Remove all zigns
if (*name == '*') {
if (!r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces)) {
sdb_reset (a->sdb_zigns);
return true;
ctx.anal = a;
serializeKey (a, r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces), "", ctx.buf);
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, deleteBySpaceCB, &ctx);
return true;
// Remove specific zign
serializeKey (a, r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces), name, k);
return sdb_remove (a->sdb_zigns, k, 0);
static double matchBytes(RSignItem *a, RSignItem *b) {
double result = 0.0;
if (!a->bytes || !b->bytes) {
return result;
size_t min_size = R_MIN ((size_t) a->bytes->size, (size_t) b->bytes->size);
if (!min_size) {
return result;
ut8 *combined_mask = NULL;
if (a->bytes->mask || b->bytes->mask) {
combined_mask = (ut8*) malloc (min_size);
if (!combined_mask) {
return result;
memcpy (combined_mask, a->bytes->mask, min_size);
if (b->bytes->mask) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i != min_size; i++) {
combined_mask[i] &= b->bytes->mask[i];
if ((combined_mask && !r_mem_cmp_mask (a->bytes->bytes, b->bytes->bytes, combined_mask, min_size)) ||
(!combined_mask && !memcmp (a->bytes->bytes, b->bytes->bytes, min_size))) {
result = (double) min_size / (double) R_MAX (a->bytes->size, b->bytes->size);
free (combined_mask);
return result;
#define SIMILARITY(a,b) \
((a) == (b) ? 1.0 : (R_MAX ((a),(b)) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (double) R_MIN ((a), (b)) / (double) R_MAX ((a), (b))))
static double matchGraph(RSignItem *a, RSignItem *b) {
if (!a->graph || !b->graph) {
return 0.0;
double total = 0.0;
total += SIMILARITY (a->graph->cc, b->graph->cc);
total += SIMILARITY (a->graph->nbbs, b->graph->nbbs);
total += SIMILARITY (a->graph->ebbs, b->graph->ebbs);
total += SIMILARITY (a->graph->edges, b->graph->edges);
total += SIMILARITY (a->graph->bbsum, b->graph->bbsum);
return total / 5.0;
R_API bool r_sign_diff(RAnal *a, RSignOptions *options, const char *other_space_name) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && other_space_name, false);
RSpace *current_space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
if (!current_space) {
return false;
RSpace *other_space = r_spaces_get (&a->zign_spaces, other_space_name);
if (!other_space) {
return false;
serializeKey (a, current_space, "", k);
SdbList *current_zigns = sdb_foreach_match (a->sdb_zigns, k, false);
serializeKey (a, other_space, "", k);
SdbList *other_zigns = sdb_foreach_match (a->sdb_zigns, k, false);
eprintf ("Diff %d %d\n", (int)ls_length (current_zigns), (int)ls_length (other_zigns));
SdbListIter *iter;
SdbKv *kv;
RList *lb = NULL;
RList *la = r_list_new ();
if (!la) {
goto beach;
ls_foreach (current_zigns, iter, kv) {
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
goto beach;
if (r_sign_deserialize (a, it, kv->base.key, kv->base.value)) {
r_list_append (la, it);
} else {
r_sign_item_free (it);
lb = r_list_new ();
if (!lb) {
goto beach;
ls_foreach (other_zigns, iter, kv) {
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
goto beach;
if (r_sign_deserialize (a, it, kv->base.key, kv->base.value)) {
r_list_append (lb, it);
} else {
r_sign_item_free (it);
ls_free (current_zigns);
ls_free (other_zigns);
RListIter *itr;
RListIter *itr2;
RSignItem *si;
RSignItem *si2;
// do the sign diff here
r_list_foreach (la, itr, si) {
if (strstr (si->name, "imp.")) {
r_list_foreach (lb, itr2, si2) {
if (strstr (si2->name, "imp.")) {
double bytesScore = matchBytes (si, si2);
double graphScore = matchGraph (si, si2);
bool bytesMatch = bytesScore >= (options ? options->bytes_diff_threshold : SIGN_DIFF_MATCH_BYTES_THRESHOLD);
bool graphMatch = graphScore >= (options ? options->graph_diff_threshold : SIGN_DIFF_MATCH_GRAPH_THRESHOLD);
if (bytesMatch) {
a->cb_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x " %02.5lf B %s\n", si->addr, si2->addr, bytesScore, si->name);
if (graphMatch) {
a->cb_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x" %02.5lf G %s\n", si->addr, si2->addr, graphScore, si->name);
r_list_free (la);
r_list_free (lb);
return true;
ls_free (current_zigns);
ls_free (other_zigns);
r_list_free (la);
r_list_free (lb);
return false;
R_API bool r_sign_diff_by_name(RAnal *a, RSignOptions * options, const char *other_space_name, bool not_matching) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && other_space_name, false);
RSpace *current_space = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
if (!current_space) {
return false;
RSpace *other_space = r_spaces_get (&a->zign_spaces, other_space_name);
if (!other_space) {
return false;
serializeKey (a, current_space, "", k);
SdbList *current_zigns = sdb_foreach_match (a->sdb_zigns, k, false);
serializeKey (a, other_space, "", k);
SdbList *other_zigns = sdb_foreach_match (a->sdb_zigns, k, false);
eprintf ("Diff by name %d %d (%s)\n", (int)ls_length (current_zigns), (int)ls_length (other_zigns), not_matching ? "not matching" : "matching");
SdbListIter *iter;
SdbKv *kv;
RList *lb = NULL;
RList *la = r_list_new ();
if (!la) {
goto beach;
ls_foreach (current_zigns, iter, kv) {
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
goto beach;
if (r_sign_deserialize (a, it, kv->base.key, kv->base.value)) {
r_list_append (la, it);
} else {
r_sign_item_free (it);
lb = r_list_new ();
if (!la) {
goto beach;
ls_foreach (other_zigns, iter, kv) {
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!it) {
goto beach;
if (r_sign_deserialize (a, it, kv->base.key, kv->base.value)) {
r_list_append (lb, it);
} else {
r_sign_item_free (it);
ls_free (current_zigns);
ls_free (other_zigns);
RListIter *itr;
RListIter *itr2;
RSignItem *si;
RSignItem *si2;
size_t current_space_name_len = strlen (current_space->name);
size_t other_space_name_len = strlen (other_space->name);
r_list_foreach (la, itr, si) {
if (strstr (si->name, "imp.")) {
r_list_foreach (lb, itr2, si2) {
if (strcmp (si->name + current_space_name_len + 1, si2->name + other_space_name_len + 1)) {
// TODO: add config variable for threshold
double bytesScore = matchBytes (si, si2);
double graphScore = matchGraph (si, si2);
bool bytesMatch = bytesScore >= (options ? options->bytes_diff_threshold : SIGN_DIFF_MATCH_BYTES_THRESHOLD);
bool graphMatch = graphScore >= (options ? options->graph_diff_threshold : SIGN_DIFF_MATCH_GRAPH_THRESHOLD);
if ((bytesMatch && !not_matching) || (!bytesMatch && not_matching)) {
a->cb_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x" %02.5f B %s\n", si->addr, si2->addr, bytesScore, si->name);
if ((graphMatch && !not_matching) || (!graphMatch && not_matching)) {
a->cb_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" 0x%08"PFMT64x" %02.5f G %s\n", si->addr, si2->addr, graphScore, si->name);
r_list_free (la);
r_list_free (lb);
return true;
ls_free (current_zigns);
ls_free (other_zigns);
r_list_free (la);
r_list_free (lb);
return false;
struct ctxListCB {
RAnal *anal;
int idx;
int format;
struct ctxGetListCB {
RAnal *anal;
RList *list;
static void listBytes(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RSignBytes *bytes = it->bytes;
if (!bytes->bytes) {
int masked = 0, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < bytes->size; i++) {
masked += bytes->mask[i] == 0xff;
char * strbytes = r_hex_bin2strdup (bytes->bytes, bytes->size);
if (!strbytes) {
char * strmask = r_hex_bin2strdup (bytes->mask, bytes->size);
if (!strmask) {
free (strbytes);
if (format == '*') {
if (masked == bytes->size) {
a->cb_printf ("za %s b %s\n", it->name, strbytes);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("za %s b %s:%s\n", it->name, strbytes, strmask);
} else if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" b(%d/%d)", masked, bytes->size);
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"bytes\":\"%s\",", strbytes);
a->cb_printf ("\"mask\":\"%s\",", strmask);
} else {
a->cb_printf (" bytes: %s\n", strbytes);
a->cb_printf (" mask: %s\n", strmask);
free (strbytes);
free (strmask);
static void listGraph(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RSignGraph *graph = it->graph;
if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" g(cc=%d,nb=%d,e=%d,eb=%d,h=%d)",
graph->cc, graph->nbbs, graph->edges, graph->ebbs, graph->bbsum);
} else if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s g cc=%d nbbs=%d edges=%d ebbs=%d bbsum=%d\n",
it->name, graph->cc, graph->nbbs, graph->edges, graph->ebbs, graph->bbsum);
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"graph\":{\"cc\":%d,\"nbbs\":%d,\"edges\":%d,\"ebbs\":%d,\"bbsum\":%d},",
graph->cc, graph->nbbs, graph->edges, graph->ebbs, graph->bbsum);
} else {
a->cb_printf (" graph: cc=%d nbbs=%d edges=%d ebbs=%d bbsum=%d\n",
graph->cc, graph->nbbs, graph->edges, graph->ebbs, graph->bbsum);
static void listComment(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
if (it->comment) {
if (format == 'q') {
// a->cb_printf (" addr(0x%08"PFMT64x")", it->addr);
a->cb_printf ("\n ; %s\n", it->comment);
} else if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("%s\n", it->comment); // comment injection via CCu..
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"comments\":\"%s\",", it->comment);
} else {
a->cb_printf (" comment: 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", it->addr);
static void listRealname(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
if (it->realname) {
if (format == 'q') {
// a->cb_printf (" addr(0x%08"PFMT64x")", it->addr);
} else if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s n %s\n", it->name, it->realname);
a->cb_printf ("afn %s @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", it->realname, it->addr);
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"realname\":\"%s\",", it->realname);
} else {
a->cb_printf (" realname: %s\n", it->realname);
static void listOffset(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
if (format == 'q') {
// a->cb_printf (" addr(0x%08"PFMT64x")", it->addr);
} else if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s o 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", it->name, it->addr);
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"addr\":%"PFMT64d",", it->addr);
} else {
a->cb_printf (" addr: 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", it->addr);
static void listVars(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *var = NULL;
int i = 0;
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s v ", it->name);
} else if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" vars(%d)", r_list_length (it->vars));
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"vars\":[");
} else {
a->cb_printf (" vars: ");
r_list_foreach (it->vars, iter, var) {
if (i > 0) {
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf (" ");
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf (",");
} else {
a->cb_printf (", ");
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"%s\"", var);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("%s", var);
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("],");
} else {
a->cb_printf ("\n");
static void listTypes(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *type = NULL;
int i = 0;
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s t ", it->name);
} else if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" types(%d)", r_list_length (it->types));
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"types\":[");
} else {
a->cb_printf (" types: ");
r_list_foreach (it->types, iter, type) {
if (i > 0) {
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf (" ");
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf (",");
} else {
a->cb_printf (", ");
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"%s\"", type);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("%s", type);
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("],");
} else {
a->cb_printf ("\n");
static void listXRefs(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *ref = NULL;
int i = 0;
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s x ", it->name);
} else if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" xrefs(%d)", r_list_length (it->xrefs));
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"xrefs\":[");
} else {
if (it->xrefs && !r_list_empty (it->xrefs)) {
a->cb_printf (" xrefs: ");
r_list_foreach (it->xrefs, iter, ref) {
if (i > 0) {
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf (" ");
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf (",");
} else {
a->cb_printf (", ");
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"%s\"", ref);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("%s", ref);
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("],");
} else {
a->cb_printf ("\n");
static void listRefs(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *ref = NULL;
int i = 0;
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf ("za %s r ", it->name);
} else if (format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf (" refs(%d)", r_list_length (it->refs));
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"refs\":[");
} else {
if (it->refs && !r_list_empty (it->refs)) {
a->cb_printf (" refs: ");
r_list_foreach (it->refs, iter, ref) {
if (i > 0) {
if (format == '*') {
a->cb_printf (" ");
} else if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf (",");
} else {
a->cb_printf (", ");
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"%s\"", ref);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("%s", ref);
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("],");
} else {
a->cb_printf ("\n");
static void listHash(RAnal *a, RSignItem *it, int format) {
if (!it->hash) {
switch (format) {
case 'q':
if (it->hash->bbhash) {
a->cb_printf (" h(%08x)", r_str_hash(it->hash->bbhash));
case '*':
if (it->hash->bbhash) {
a->cb_printf ("za %s h %s\n", it->name, it->hash->bbhash);
case 'j':
a->cb_printf ("\"hash\":{");
if (it->hash->bbhash) {
a->cb_printf ("\"bbhash\":\"%s\"", it->hash->bbhash);
a->cb_printf ("}");
if (it->hash->bbhash) {
a->cb_printf (" bbhash: %s\n", it->hash->bbhash);
static int listCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxListCB *ctx = (struct ctxListCB *) user;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
RAnal *a = ctx->anal;
if (!r_sign_deserialize (a, it, k, v)) {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
goto out;
RSpace *cur = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
if (cur != it->space && cur) {
goto out;
// Start item
if (ctx->format == 'j') {
if (ctx->idx > 0) {
a->cb_printf (",");
a->cb_printf ("{");
// Zignspace and name (except for radare format)
if (ctx->format == '*') {
if (it->space) {
a->cb_printf ("zs %s\n", it->space->name);
} else {
a->cb_printf ("zs *\n");
} else if (ctx->format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", it->addr);
const char *pad = r_str_pad (' ', 30- strlen (it->name));
a->cb_printf ("%s:%s", it->name, pad);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
if (it->space) {
a->cb_printf ("{\"zignspace\":\"%s\",", it->space->name);
a->cb_printf ("\"name\":\"%s\",", it->name);
} else {
if (!r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces) && it->space) {
a->cb_printf ("(%s) ", it->space->name);
a->cb_printf ("%s:\n", it->name);
// Bytes pattern
if (it->bytes) {
listBytes (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"bytes\":\"\",");
// Graph metrics
if (it->graph) {
listGraph (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"graph\":{},");
// Offset
if (it->addr != UT64_MAX) {
listOffset (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"addr\":-1,");
// Name
if (it->realname) {
listRealname (a, it, ctx->format);
if (it->comment) {
listComment (a, it, ctx->format);
// References
if (it->refs) {
listRefs (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"refs\":[],");
// XReferences
if (it->xrefs) {
listXRefs (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"xrefs\":[],");
// Vars
if (it->vars) {
listVars (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"vars\":[],");
if (it->types) {
listTypes (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"types\":[],");
// Hash
if (it->hash) {
listHash (a, it, ctx->format);
} else if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("\"hash\":{}");
// End item
if (ctx->format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("}");
if (ctx->format == 'q') {
a->cb_printf ("\n");
r_sign_item_free (it);
return 1;
R_API void r_sign_list(RAnal *a, int format) {
r_return_if_fail (a);
struct ctxListCB ctx = { a, 0, format };
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("[");
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, listCB, &ctx);
if (format == 'j') {
a->cb_printf ("]\n");
static int listGetCB(void *user, const char *key, const char *val) {
struct ctxGetListCB *ctx = user;
RSignItem *item = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!item) {
return false;
if (!r_sign_deserialize (ctx->anal, item, key, val)) {
r_sign_item_free (item);
return false;
r_list_append (ctx->list, item);
return 1;
R_API RList *r_sign_get_list(RAnal *a) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a, NULL);
struct ctxGetListCB ctx = { a, r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_sign_item_free) };
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, listGetCB, &ctx);
return ctx.list;
static int cmpaddr(const void *_a, const void *_b) {
const RAnalBlock *a = _a, *b = _b;
return (a->addr - b->addr);
R_API char *r_sign_calc_bbhash(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
RAnalBlock *bbi = NULL;
char *digest_hex = NULL;
RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_ZIGN_HASH);
if (!ctx) {
goto beach;
r_list_sort (fcn->bbs, &cmpaddr);
r_hash_do_begin (ctx, R_ZIGN_HASH);
r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, iter, bbi) {
ut8 *buf = malloc (bbi->size);
if (!buf) {
goto beach;
if (!a->iob.read_at (a->iob.io, bbi->addr, buf, bbi->size)) {
goto beach;
if (!r_hash_do_sha256 (ctx, buf, bbi->size)) {
goto beach;
free (buf);
r_hash_do_end (ctx, R_ZIGN_HASH);
digest_hex = r_hex_bin2strdup (ctx->digest, r_hash_size (R_ZIGN_HASH));
free (ctx);
return digest_hex;
struct ctxCountForCB {
RAnal *anal;
const RSpace *space;
int count;
static int countForCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxCountForCB *ctx = (struct ctxCountForCB *) user;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (r_sign_deserialize (ctx->anal, it, k, v)) {
if (it->space == ctx->space) {
} else {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
r_sign_item_free (it);
return 1;
R_API int r_sign_space_count_for(RAnal *a, const RSpace *space) {
struct ctxCountForCB ctx = { a, space, 0 };
r_return_val_if_fail (a, 0);
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, countForCB, &ctx);
return ctx.count;
struct ctxUnsetForCB {
RAnal *anal;
const RSpace *space;
static int unsetForCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxUnsetForCB *ctx = (struct ctxUnsetForCB *) user;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
Sdb *db = ctx->anal->sdb_zigns;
if (r_sign_deserialize (ctx->anal, it, k, v)) {
if (it->space && it->space == ctx->space) {
it->space = NULL;
serialize (ctx->anal, it, nk, nv);
sdb_remove (db, k, 0);
sdb_set (db, nk, nv, 0);
} else {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
r_sign_item_free (it);
return 1;
R_API void r_sign_space_unset_for(RAnal *a, const RSpace *space) {
r_return_if_fail (a);
struct ctxUnsetForCB ctx = { a, space };
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, unsetForCB, &ctx);
struct ctxRenameForCB {
RAnal *anal;
char oprefix[R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ];
char nprefix[R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ];
static int renameForCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxRenameForCB *ctx = (struct ctxRenameForCB *) user;
const char *zigname = NULL;
Sdb *db = ctx->anal->sdb_zigns;
if (!strncmp (k, ctx->oprefix, strlen (ctx->oprefix))) {
zigname = k + strlen (ctx->oprefix);
snprintf (nk, R_SIGN_KEY_MAXSZ, "%s%s", ctx->nprefix, zigname);
snprintf (nv, R_SIGN_VAL_MAXSZ, "%s", v);
sdb_remove (db, k, 0);
sdb_set (db, nk, nv, 0);
return 1;
R_API void r_sign_space_rename_for(RAnal *a, const RSpace *space, const char *oname, const char *nname) {
r_return_if_fail (a && space && oname && nname);
struct ctxRenameForCB ctx = {.anal = a};
serializeKeySpaceStr (a, oname, "", ctx.oprefix);
serializeKeySpaceStr (a, nname, "", ctx.nprefix);
sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, renameForCB, &ctx);
struct ctxForeachCB {
RAnal *anal;
RSignForeachCallback cb;
void *user;
static int foreachCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
struct ctxForeachCB *ctx = (struct ctxForeachCB *) user;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
RAnal *a = ctx->anal;
int retval = 1;
if (r_sign_deserialize (a, it, k, v)) {
RSpace *cur = r_spaces_current (&a->zign_spaces);
if (ctx->cb && cur == it->space) {
ctx->cb (it, ctx->user);
} else {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
r_sign_item_free (it);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_foreach(RAnal *a, RSignForeachCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && cb, false);
struct ctxForeachCB ctx = { a, cb, user };
return sdb_foreach (a->sdb_zigns, foreachCB, &ctx);
R_API RSignSearch *r_sign_search_new() {
RSignSearch *ret = R_NEW0 (RSignSearch);
if (ret) {
ret->search = r_search_new (R_SEARCH_KEYWORD);
ret->items = r_list_newf ((RListFree) r_sign_item_free);
return ret;
R_API void r_sign_search_free(RSignSearch *ss) {
if (!ss) {
r_search_free (ss->search);
r_list_free (ss->items);
free (ss);
static int searchHitCB(RSearchKeyword *kw, void *user, ut64 addr) {
RSignSearch *ss = (RSignSearch *) user;
return ss->cb? ss->cb ((RSignItem *) kw->data, kw, addr, ss->user): 1;
struct ctxAddSearchKwCB {
RSignSearch *ss;
int minsz;
static int addSearchKwCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxAddSearchKwCB *ctx = (struct ctxAddSearchKwCB *) user;
RSignSearch *ss = ctx->ss;
RSignBytes *bytes = it->bytes;
RSearchKeyword *kw = NULL;
if (!bytes) {
eprintf ("Cannot find bytes for this signature: %s\n", it->name);
return 1;
if (ctx->minsz && bytes->size < ctx->minsz) {
return 1;
RSignItem *it2 = r_sign_item_dup (it);
if (it2) {
r_list_append (ss->items, it2);
// TODO(nibble): change arg data in r_search_keyword_new to void*
kw = r_search_keyword_new (bytes->bytes, bytes->size, bytes->mask, bytes->size, (const char *) it2);
r_search_kw_add (ss->search, kw);
return 1;
R_API void r_sign_search_init(RAnal *a, RSignSearch *ss, int minsz, RSignSearchCallback cb, void *user) {
struct ctxAddSearchKwCB ctx = { ss, minsz };
r_return_if_fail (a && ss && cb);
ss->cb = cb;
ss->user = user;
r_list_purge (ss->items);
r_search_reset (ss->search, R_SEARCH_KEYWORD);
r_sign_foreach (a, addSearchKwCB, &ctx);
r_search_begin (ss->search);
r_search_set_callback (ss->search, searchHitCB, ss);
R_API int r_sign_search_update(RAnal *a, RSignSearch *ss, ut64 *at, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && ss && buf && len > 0, 0);
return r_search_update (ss->search, *at, buf, len);
// allow ~10% of margin error
static int matchCount(int a, int b) {
int c = a - b;
int m = a / 10;
return R_ABS (c) < m;
static bool fcnMetricsCmp(RSignItem *it, RAnalFunction *fcn) {
RSignGraph *graph = it->graph;
int ebbs = -1;
if (graph->cc != -1 && graph->cc != r_anal_fcn_cc (NULL, fcn)) {
return false;
if (graph->nbbs != -1 && graph->nbbs != r_list_length (fcn->bbs)) {
return false;
if (graph->edges != -1 && graph->edges != r_anal_fcn_count_edges (fcn, &ebbs)) {
return false;
if (graph->ebbs != -1 && graph->ebbs != ebbs) {
return false;
if (graph->bbsum > 0 && matchCount (graph->bbsum, r_anal_function_linear_size (fcn))) {
return false;
return true;
struct ctxFcnMatchCB {
RAnal *anal;
RAnalFunction *fcn;
RSignGraphMatchCallback cb;
void *user;
int mincc;
static int graphMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
RSignGraph *graph = it->graph;
if (!graph) {
return 1;
if (graph->cc < ctx->mincc) {
return 1;
if (!fcnMetricsCmp (it, ctx->fcn)) {
return 1;
if (ctx->cb) {
return ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
return 1;
R_API bool r_sign_match_graph(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, int mincc, RSignGraphMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, mincc };
return r_sign_foreach (a, graphMatchCB, &ctx);
static int addrMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
if (it->addr == UT64_MAX) {
return 1;
if (it->addr != ctx->fcn->addr) {
return 1;
if (ctx->cb) {
return ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
return 1;
R_API bool r_sign_match_addr(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, RSignOffsetMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, 0 };
return r_sign_foreach (a, addrMatchCB, &ctx);
static int hashMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
RSignHash *hash = it->hash;
if (!hash || !hash->bbhash || hash->bbhash[0] == 0) {
return 1;
char *digest_hex = r_sign_calc_bbhash (ctx->anal, ctx->fcn);
bool retval = false;
if (digest_hex && strcmp (hash->bbhash, digest_hex)) {
goto beach;
if (ctx->cb) {
retval = ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
free (digest_hex);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_match_hash(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, RSignHashMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, 0 };
return r_sign_foreach (a, hashMatchCB, &ctx);
static int refsMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
RList *refs = NULL;
char *ref_a = NULL, *ref_b = NULL;
int i = 0, retval = 1;
if (!it->refs) {
return 1;
// TODO(nibble): slow operation, add cache
refs = r_sign_fcn_refs (ctx->anal, ctx->fcn);
if (!refs) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
ref_a = (char *) r_list_get_n (it->refs, i);
ref_b = (char *) r_list_get_n (refs, i);
if (!ref_a || !ref_b) {
if (ref_a != ref_b) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (strcmp (ref_a, ref_b)) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (ctx->cb) {
retval = ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
goto out;
r_list_free (refs);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_match_refs(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, RSignRefsMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, 0 };
return r_sign_foreach (a, refsMatchCB, &ctx);
static int varsMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
RList *vars = NULL;
char *var_a = NULL, *var_b = NULL;
int i = 0, retval = 1;
if (!it->vars) {
return 1;
// TODO(nibble): slow operation, add cache
vars = r_sign_fcn_vars (ctx->anal, ctx->fcn);
if (!vars) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
var_a = (char *) r_list_get_n (it->vars, i);
var_b = (char *) r_list_get_n (vars, i);
if (!var_a || !var_b) {
if (var_a != var_b) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (strcmp (var_a, var_b)) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (ctx->cb) {
retval = ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
goto out;
r_list_free (vars);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_match_vars(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, RSignVarsMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, 0 };
return r_sign_foreach (a, varsMatchCB, &ctx);
static int typesMatchCB(RSignItem *it, void *user) {
struct ctxFcnMatchCB *ctx = (struct ctxFcnMatchCB *) user;
RList *types = NULL;
char *type_a = NULL, *type_b = NULL;
int i = 0, retval = 1;
if (!it->types) {
return 1;
// TODO(nibble | oxcabe): slow operation, add cache
types = r_sign_fcn_types (ctx->anal, ctx->fcn);
if (!types) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
type_a = (char *) r_list_get_n (it->types, i);
type_b = (char *) r_list_get_n (types, i);
if (!type_a || !type_b) {
if (type_a != type_b) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (strcmp (type_a, type_b)) {
retval = 1;
goto out;
if (ctx->cb) {
retval = ctx->cb (it, ctx->fcn, ctx->user);
goto out;
r_list_free (types);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_match_types(RAnal *a, RAnalFunction *fcn, RSignVarsMatchCallback cb, void *user) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && fcn && cb, false);
struct ctxFcnMatchCB ctx = { a, fcn, cb, user, 0 };
return r_sign_foreach (a, typesMatchCB, &ctx);
R_API RSignItem *r_sign_item_new() {
RSignItem *ret = R_NEW0 (RSignItem);
if (ret) {
ret->addr = UT64_MAX;
ret->space = NULL;
return ret;
R_API RSignItem *r_sign_item_dup(RSignItem *it) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
char *ref = NULL;
if (!it) {
return NULL;
RSignItem *ret = r_sign_item_new ();
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
ret->name = r_str_new (it->name);
if (it->realname) {
ret->realname = r_str_newf (it->realname);
if (it->comment) {
ret->comment = r_str_newf (it->comment);
ret->space = it->space;
if (it->bytes) {
ret->bytes = R_NEW0 (RSignBytes);
if (!ret->bytes) {
r_sign_item_free (ret);
return NULL;
ret->bytes->size = it->bytes->size;
ret->bytes->bytes = malloc (it->bytes->size);
if (!ret->bytes->bytes) {
r_sign_item_free (ret);
return NULL;
memcpy (ret->bytes->bytes, it->bytes->bytes, it->bytes->size);
ret->bytes->mask = malloc (it->bytes->size);
if (!ret->bytes->mask) {
r_sign_item_free (ret);
return NULL;
memcpy (ret->bytes->mask, it->bytes->mask, it->bytes->size);
if (it->graph) {
ret->graph = R_NEW0 (RSignGraph);
if (!ret->graph) {
r_sign_item_free (ret);
return NULL;
*ret->graph = *it->graph;
ret->refs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (it->refs, iter, ref) {
r_list_append (ret->refs, r_str_new (ref));
ret->xrefs = r_list_newf ((RListFree) free);
r_list_foreach (it->xrefs, iter, ref) {
r_list_append (ret->xrefs, r_str_new (ref));
return ret;
R_API void r_sign_item_free(RSignItem *item) {
if (!item) {
free (item->name);
if (item->bytes) {
free (item->bytes->bytes);
free (item->bytes->mask);
free (item->bytes);
if (item->hash) {
free (item->hash->bbhash);
free (item->hash);
free (item->graph);
free (item->comment);
free (item->realname);
r_list_free (item->refs);
r_list_free (item->vars);
free (item);
static int loadCB(void *user, const char *k, const char *v) {
RAnal *a = (RAnal *) user;
RSignItem *it = r_sign_item_new ();
if (it && r_sign_deserialize (a, it, k, v)) {
serialize (a, it, nk, nv);
sdb_set (a->sdb_zigns, nk, nv, 0);
} else {
eprintf ("error: cannot deserialize zign\n");
r_sign_item_free (it);
return 1;
R_API char *r_sign_path(RAnal *a, const char *file) {
char *abs = r_file_abspath (file);
if (abs) {
if (r_file_is_regular (abs)) {
return abs;
free (abs);
if (a->zign_path) {
char *path = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", a->zign_path, R_SYS_DIR, file);
abs = r_file_abspath (path);
free (path);
if (r_file_is_regular (abs)) {
return abs;
free (abs);
} else {
char *home = r_str_home (R2_HOME_ZIGNS);
abs = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", home, R_SYS_DIR, file);
free (home);
if (r_file_is_regular (abs)) {
return abs;
free (abs);
abs = r_str_newf (R_JOIN_3_PATHS ("%s", R2_ZIGNS, "%s"), r_sys_prefix (NULL), file);
if (r_file_is_regular (abs)) {
return abs;
free (abs);
return NULL;
R_API bool r_sign_load(RAnal *a, const char *file) {
if (!a || !file) {
return false;
char *path = r_sign_path (a, file);
if (!r_file_exists (path)) {
eprintf ("error: file %s does not exist\n", file);
free (path);
return false;
Sdb *db = sdb_new (NULL, path, 0);
if (!db) {
free (path);
return false;
sdb_foreach (db, loadCB, a);
sdb_close (db);
sdb_free (db);
free (path);
return true;
R_API bool r_sign_load_gz(RAnal *a, const char *filename) {
ut8 *buf = NULL;
int size = 0;
char *tmpfile = NULL;
bool retval = true;
char *path = r_sign_path (a, filename);
if (!r_file_exists (path)) {
eprintf ("error: file %s does not exist\n", filename);
retval = false;
goto out;
if (!(buf = r_file_gzslurp (path, &size, 0))) {
eprintf ("error: cannot decompress file\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
if (!(tmpfile = r_file_temp ("r2zign"))) {
eprintf ("error: cannot create temp file\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
if (!r_file_dump (tmpfile, buf, size, 0)) {
eprintf ("error: cannot dump file\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
if (!r_sign_load (a, tmpfile)) {
eprintf ("error: cannot load file\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
if (!r_file_rm (tmpfile)) {
eprintf ("error: cannot delete temp file\n");
retval = false;
goto out;
free (buf);
free (tmpfile);
free (path);
return retval;
R_API bool r_sign_save(RAnal *a, const char *file) {
r_return_val_if_fail (a && file, false);
if (sdb_isempty (a->sdb_zigns)) {
eprintf ("WARNING: no zignatures to save\n");
return false;
Sdb *db = sdb_new (NULL, file, 0);
if (!db) {
return false;
sdb_merge (db, a->sdb_zigns);
bool retval = sdb_sync (db);
sdb_close (db);
sdb_free (db);
return retval;
R_API RSignOptions *r_sign_options_new(const char *bytes_thresh, const char *graph_thresh) {
RSignOptions *options = R_NEW0 (RSignOptions);
if (!options) {
return NULL;
options->bytes_diff_threshold = r_num_get_float (NULL, bytes_thresh);
options->graph_diff_threshold = r_num_get_float (NULL, graph_thresh);
if (options->bytes_diff_threshold > 1.0) {
options->bytes_diff_threshold = 1.0;
if (options->bytes_diff_threshold < 0) {
options->bytes_diff_threshold = 0.0;
if (options->graph_diff_threshold > 1.0) {
options->graph_diff_threshold = 1.0;
if (options->graph_diff_threshold < 0) {
options->graph_diff_threshold = 0.0;
return options;
R_API void r_sign_options_free(RSignOptions *options) {
R_FREE (options);