
403 lines
9.6 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.c>
#include <r_io.h>
#include <r_hash.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_print.h>
#include "../blob/version.c"
static ut64 from = 0LL;
static ut64 to = 0LL;
static int incremental = 1;
static int iterations = 0;
static int quiet = 0;
static RHashSeed s = {0}, *_s = NULL;
static void do_hash_seed(const char *seed) {
const char *sptr = seed;
if (!seed) {
_s = NULL;
_s = &s;
s.buf = (ut8*)malloc (strlen (seed)+128);
if (!s.buf) {
_s = NULL;
if (*seed=='^') {
s.prefix = 1;
} else s.prefix = 0;
if (!strncmp (sptr, "s:", 2)) {
strcpy ((char*)s.buf, sptr+2);
s.len = strlen (sptr+2);
} else {
s.len = r_hex_str2bin (sptr, s.buf);
if (s.len<1) {
strcpy ((char*)s.buf, sptr);
s.len = strlen (sptr);
static void do_hash_hexprint (const ut8 *c, int len, int ule) {
int i;
if (ule) {
for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--)
printf ("%02x", c[i]);
} else {
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
printf ("%02x", c[i]);
printf ("\n");
static void do_hash_print(RHash *ctx, int hash, int dlen, int rad, int ule) {
char *o;
const ut8 *c = ctx->digest;
const char *hname = r_hash_name (hash);
switch (rad) {
case 0:
if (!quiet)
printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x"-0x%08"PFMT64x" %s: ",
from, to, hname);
do_hash_hexprint (c, dlen, ule);
case 1:
printf ("e file.%s=", hname);
do_hash_hexprint (c, dlen, ule);
o = r_print_randomart (c, dlen, from);
printf ("%s\n%s\n", hname, o);
free (o);
static int do_hash_internal(RHash *ctx, int hash, const ut8 *buf, int len, int rad, int print, int le) {
int dlen;
if (len<1)
return 0;
dlen = r_hash_calculate (ctx, hash, buf, len);
if (!dlen) return 0;
if (!print) return 1;
if (hash == R_HASH_ENTROPY) {
double e = r_hash_entropy (buf, len);
if (rad) {
eprintf ("entropy: %10f\n", e);
} else {
printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x"-0x%08"PFMT64x" %10f: ",
from, to, e);
r_print_progressbar (NULL, 12.5 * e, 60);
printf ("\n");
} else {
if (iterations>0)
r_hash_do_spice (ctx, hash, iterations, _s);
do_hash_print (ctx, hash, dlen, rad, le);
return 1;
static int do_hash(const char *file, const char *algo, RIO *io, int bsize, int rad, int ule) {
ut64 j, fsize, algobit = r_hash_name_to_bits (algo);
RHash *ctx;
ut8 *buf;
int i;
if (algobit == R_HASH_NONE) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Invalid hashing algorithm specified\n");
return 1;
fsize = r_io_size (io);
if (fsize <1) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Invalid file size\n");
return 1;
if (bsize<0) bsize = fsize / -bsize;
if (bsize == 0 || bsize > fsize) bsize = fsize;
if (to == 0LL) to = fsize;
if (from>to) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Invalid -f -t range\n");
return 1;
if (fsize == -1LL) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Unknown file size\n");
return 1;
buf = malloc (bsize+1);
if (!buf)
return 1;
ctx = r_hash_new (R_TRUE, algobit);
if (incremental) {
for (i=1; i<0x800000; i<<=1) {
if (algobit & i) {
int hashbit = i & algobit;
int dlen = r_hash_size (hashbit);
r_hash_do_begin (ctx, i);
if (s.buf && s.prefix) {
do_hash_internal (ctx,
hashbit, s.buf, s.len, rad, 0, ule);
for (j=from; j<to; j+=bsize) {
r_io_pread (io, j, buf, bsize);
do_hash_internal (ctx, hashbit, buf,
((j+bsize)<fsize)? bsize:
(bsize>j)?(fsize-j):0, rad, 0, ule);
if (s.buf && !s.prefix) {
do_hash_internal (ctx, hashbit, s.buf,
s.len, rad, 0, ule);
r_hash_do_end (ctx, i);
if (iterations>0)
r_hash_do_spice (ctx, i, iterations, _s);
if (!*r_hash_name (i))
if (!quiet)
printf ("%s: ", file);
do_hash_print (ctx, i, dlen, rad, ule);
if (_s)
free (_s->buf);
} else {
/* iterate over all algorithm bits */
if (s.buf)
eprintf ("Warning: Seed ignored on per-block hashing.\n");
for (i=1; i<0x800000; i<<=1) {
ut64 f, t, ofrom, oto;
if (algobit & i) {
int hashbit = i & algobit;
ofrom = from;
oto = to;
f = from;
t = to;
for (j=f; j<t; j+=bsize) {
int nsize = (j+bsize<fsize)? bsize: (fsize-j);
r_io_pread (io, j, buf, bsize);
from = j;
to = j+bsize;
do_hash_internal (ctx, hashbit, buf, nsize, rad, 1, ule);
from = ofrom;
to = oto;
r_hash_free (ctx);
free (buf);
return 0;
static int do_help(int line) {
printf ("Usage: rahash2 [-rBhLkv] [-b sz] [-a algo] [-s str] [-f from] [-t to] [file] ...\n");
if (line) return 0;
printf (
" -a algo comma separated list of algorithms (default is 'sha256')\n"
" -b bsize specify the size of the block (instead of full file)\n"
" -B show per-block hash\n"
" -e swap endian (use little endian)\n"
" -d / -D encode/decode base64 string (-s) or file to stdout\n"
" -f from start hashing at given address\n"
" -i num repeat hash N iterations\n"
" -S seed use given seed (hexa or s:string) use ^ to prefix\n"
" -k show hash using the openssh's randomkey algorithm\n"
" -q run in quiet mode (only show results)\n"
" -L list all available algorithms (see -a)\n"
" -r output radare commands\n"
" -s string hash this string instead of files\n"
" -t to stop hashing at given address\n"
" -v show version information\n");
return 0;
static void algolist() {
ut64 bits;
int i;
for (i=0; ; i++) {
bits = ((ut64)1)<<i;
const char *name = r_hash_name (bits);
if (!name||!*name) break;
printf ("%s\n", name);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i, ret, c, rad = 0, bsize = 0, numblocks = 0, ule = 0, b64mode = 0;
const char *algo = "sha256"; /* default hashing algorithm */
const char *seed = NULL;
char *hashstr = NULL;
ut64 algobit;
RHash *ctx;
RIO *io;
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "dDrvea:i:S:s:b:nBhf:t:kLq")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'q': quiet = 1; break;
case 'i': iterations = atoi (optarg);
if (iterations<1) {
eprintf ("error: -i argument must be positive\n");
return 1;
case 'S': seed = optarg; break;
case 'n': numblocks = 1; break;
case 'd': b64mode = 1; break;
case 'D': b64mode = 2; break;
case 'L': algolist (); return 0;
case 'e': ule = 1; break;
case 'r': rad = 1; break;
case 'k': rad = 2; break;
case 'a': algo = optarg; break;
case 'B': incremental = 0; break;
case 'b': bsize = (int)r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
case 'f': from = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
case 't': to = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break;
case 'v': return blob_version ("rahash2");
case 'h': return do_help (0);
case 's': hashstr = optarg; break;
default: eprintf ("rahash2: Unknown flag\n"); return 1;
do_hash_seed (seed);
if (hashstr && !strcmp (hashstr, "-")) {
#define INSIZE 32768
int res = 0;
hashstr = malloc (INSIZE);
if (!hashstr)
return 1;
res = fread ((void*)hashstr, 1, INSIZE-1, stdin);
hashstr[res] = '\0';
if (hashstr) {
switch (b64mode) {
case 1: // encode
int binlen = strlen (hashstr);
ut8 *out = malloc (((binlen+1)*4)/3);
if (out) {
r_base64_encode (out, (const ut8*)hashstr, binlen);
printf ("%s\n", out);
fflush (stdout);
free (out);
case 2: // decode
ut8 *out = malloc (INSIZE);
if (out) {
int outlen = r_base64_decode (out, hashstr, strlen (hashstr));
write (1, out, outlen);
free (out);
char *str = (char *)hashstr;
int strsz = strlen (hashstr);
if (_s) {
// alloc/concat/resize
str = malloc (strsz + s.len);
if (s.prefix) {
memcpy (str, s.buf, s.len);
strcpy (str+s.len, hashstr);
} else {
strcpy (str, hashstr);
memcpy (str+strsz, s.buf, s.len);
strsz += s.len;
str[strsz] = 0;
algobit = r_hash_name_to_bits (algo);
for (i=1; i<0x800000; i<<=1) {
if (algobit & i) {
int hashbit = i & algobit;
ctx = r_hash_new (R_TRUE, hashbit);
from = 0;
to = strsz;
do_hash_internal (ctx, hashbit,
(const ut8*)str, strsz, rad, 1, ule);
r_hash_free (ctx);
if (_s) {
free (str);
free (s.buf);
return 0;
if (optind>=argc)
return do_help (1);
if (numblocks) {
bsize = -bsize;
} else if (bsize<0) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Invalid block size\n");
return 1;
io = r_io_new ();
for (ret=0, i=optind; i<argc; i++) {
switch (b64mode) {
case 1: // encode
int binlen;
ut8 *out, *bin = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (argv[i], &binlen);
if (!bin) {
eprintf ("Cannot open file\n");
out = malloc (((binlen+1)*4)/3);
if (out) {
r_base64_encode (out, bin, binlen);
printf ("%s\n", out);
fflush (stdout);
free (out);
free (bin);
case 2: // decode
int binlen, outlen;
ut8 *out, *bin = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (argv[i], &binlen);
if (!bin) {
eprintf ("Cannot open file\n");
out = malloc (binlen+1);
if (out) {
outlen = r_base64_decode (out, (const char*)bin, binlen);
write (1, out, outlen);
free (out);
free (bin);
if (r_file_is_directory (argv[i])) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Cannot hash directories\n");
return 1;
if (!r_io_open_nomap (io, argv[i], 0, 0)) {
eprintf ("rahash2: Cannot open '%s'\n", argv[i]);
return 1;
ret |= do_hash (argv[i], algo, io, bsize, rad, ule);
free (hashstr);
r_io_free (io);
return ret;