mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 16:18:33 +00:00
474 lines
18 KiB
474 lines
18 KiB
NAME=jump table for swift on arm64
e asm.bytes=false
e asm.lines=false
;-- section.0.__TEXT.__text:
; DATA XREF from sym.func.100004000 @ 0x100004040(r)
276: sym.func.100004000 (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2, int64_t arg4, int64_t arg5, int64_t arg6, int64_t arg7, int64_t arg_80h);
; arg int64_t arg1 @ x0
; arg int64_t arg2 @ x1
; arg int64_t arg4 @ x3
; arg int64_t arg5 @ x4
; arg int64_t arg6 @ x5
; arg int64_t arg7 @ x6
; arg int64_t arg_80h @ sp+0x100
; var int64_t var_20h @ sp+0x20
; var int64_t var_30h @ sp+0x30
; var int64_t var_40h @ sp+0x40
; var int64_t var_50h @ sp+0x50
; var int64_t var_60h @ sp+0x60
; var int64_t var_70h @ sp+0x70
0x100004000 sub sp, sp, 0x80 ; [00] -r-x section size 13240 named 0.__TEXT.__text
0x100004004 str x28, [var_20h]
0x100004008 stp x27, x26, [var_30h]
0x10000400c stp x25, x24, [var_40h]
0x100004010 stp x23, x22, [var_50h]
0x100004014 stp x20, x19, [var_60h]
0x100004018 stp x29, x30, [var_70h]
0x10000401c add x29, sp, 0x70
0x100004020 mov x20, x8
0x100004024 lsr x8, x4, 0x3e ; arg5
0x100004028 mov x19, x21
0x10000402c mov x24, x6 ; arg7
0x100004030 mov x26, x5 ; arg6
0x100004034 mov x22, x1 ; arg2
0x100004038 mov x23, x0 ; arg1
0x10000403c mov x25, 0
0x100004040 adrp x9, sym.func.100004000 ; 0x100004000
0x100004044 add x9, x9, 0x114
;-- switch:
0x100004048 adr x10, switch.0x100004048 ; switch table (4 cases) at 0x100004114
0x10000404c ldrsw x11, [x9, x8, lsl 2]
0x100004050 add x10, x10, x11
0x100004054 br x10
;-- case 0: ; from 0x100004048
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004000 @ 0x100004048(x)
0x100004058 ubfx x25, x4, 0x30, 8 ; arg5
0x10000405c b case.0x100004048.3
| // true: 0x100004080
;-- case 1: ; from 0x100004048
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004000 @ 0x100004048(x)
0x100004060 lsr x8, x3, 0x20 ; arg4
0x100004064 subs w8, w8, w3
0x100004068 b.vs 0x10000410c
| // true: 0x10000410c false: 0x10000406c
0x10000406c sxtw x25, w8
0x100004070 b case.0x100004048.3
| // true: 0x100004080
;-- case 2: ; from 0x100004048
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004000 @ 0x100004048(x)
0x100004074 ldp x9, x8, [x3, 0x10] ; arg4
0x100004078 subs x25, x8, x9
0x10000407c b.vs 0x100004110
| // true: 0x100004110 false: 0x100004080
;-- case 3: ; from 0x100004048
; CODE XREFS from sym.func.100004000 @ 0x100004048(x), 0x10000405c(x), 0x100004070(x)
0x100004080 ldr x28, [x26]
0x100004084 ldr x27, [x28, 0x10]
0x100004088 mov x0, x28
0x10000408c bl sym.imp.swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native
0x100004090 str x28, [x26]
0x100004094 tbnz w0, 0, 0x1000040b0
| // true: 0x1000040b0 false: 0x100004098
0x100004098 mov w0, 0
0x10000409c mov x1, x27
0x1000040a0 mov w2, 0
0x1000040a4 mov x3, x28
0x1000040a8 bl sym.func.1000045dc
0x1000040ac mov x28, x0
| // true: 0x1000040b0
0x1000040b0 str x28, [x26]
0x1000040b4 add x8, x28, 0x20
0x1000040b8 stp x27, x24, [sp, 8]
0x1000040bc str x8, [sp]
0x1000040c0 mov w0, 0
0x1000040c4 mov w1, 2
0x1000040c8 mov w2, 1
0x1000040cc mov x3, x23
0x1000040d0 mov w4, 0x18
0x1000040d4 mov x5, 0
0x1000040d8 mov x6, x22
0x1000040dc mov x7, x25
0x1000040e0 bl sym.imp.CCCrypt
0x1000040e4 str w0, [x20]
0x1000040e8 mov x21, x19
0x1000040ec ldp x29, x30, [var_70h]
0x1000040f0 ldp x20, x19, [var_60h]
0x1000040f4 ldp x23, x22, [var_50h]
0x1000040f8 ldp x25, x24, [var_40h]
0x1000040fc ldp x27, x26, [var_30h]
0x100004100 ldr x28, [var_20h]
0x100004104 add sp, sp, 0x80
0x100004108 ret
0x10000410c brk 1
0x100004110 brk 1
NAME=ccccrypt argument values from esil
e asm.bytes=false
e asm.lines=false
e emu.str=true
s 0x1000040c0
pd 10
;-- pc:
0x1000040c0 mov w0, 0
0x1000040c4 mov w1, 2
0x1000040c8 mov w2, 1
0x1000040cc mov x3, x23
0x1000040d0 mov w4, 0x18
0x1000040d4 mov x5, 0
0x1000040d8 mov x6, x22
0x1000040dc mov x7, x25
0x1000040e0 bl sym.imp.CCCrypt ; CCCryptorStatus CCCrypt(CCOperation op, CCAlgorithm alg, int32_t options, const void *key, uint32_t keyLength, const void *iv, const void *dataIn, uint32_t dataInLength, void *dataOut, uint32_t dataOutAvailable, uint32_t *dataOutMoved)
; CCCryptorStatus CCCrypt(0, 2, 1, 0, 0x18, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1)
0x1000040e4 str w0, [x20]
NAME=jump table for swift on arm64 again
e asm.bytes=false
e asm.lines=false
904: sym.func.100004124 (int64_t arg1, int64_t arg2, int64_t arg_140h);
; arg int64_t arg1 @ x0
; arg int64_t arg2 @ x1
; arg int64_t arg_140h @ sp+0x280
; var int64_t var_0h @ sp+0x0
; var int64_t var_8h @ sp+0x8
; var int64_t var_10h @ sp+0x10
; var int64_t var_18h @ sp+0x18
; var int64_t var_20h @ sp+0x20
; var int64_t var_28h @ sp+0x28
; var int64_t var_30h @ sp+0x30
; var int64_t var_38h @ sp+0x38
; var int64_t var_40h @ sp+0x40
; var int64_t var_48h @ sp+0x48
; var int64_t var_50h @ sp+0x50
; var int64_t var_58h @ sp+0x58
; var int64_t var_60h @ sp+0x60
; var int64_t var_68h @ sp+0x68
; var int64_t var_70h @ sp+0x70
; var int64_t var_78h @ sp+0x78
; var int64_t var_80h @ sp+0x80
; var int64_t var_88h @ sp+0x88
; var int64_t var_90h @ sp+0x90
; var int64_t var_e0h @ sp+0xe0
; var int64_t var_f0h @ sp+0xf0
; var int64_t var_100h @ sp+0x100
; var int64_t var_110h @ sp+0x110
; var int64_t var_120h @ sp+0x120
; var int64_t var_130h @ sp+0x130
0x100004124 sub sp, sp, 0x140
0x100004128 str x28, [var_e0h]
0x10000412c stp x27, x26, [var_f0h]
0x100004130 stp x25, x24, [var_100h]
0x100004134 stp x23, x22, [var_110h]
0x100004138 stp x20, x19, [var_120h]
0x10000413c stp x29, x30, [var_130h]
0x100004140 add x29, sp, 0x130
0x100004144 adrp x8, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x100004148 ldr x8, [x8, 0x390]
0x10000414c ldr x8, [x8]
0x100004150 stur x8, [x29, -0x60]
0x100004154 str x1, [var_80h] ; arg2
0x100004158 lsr x25, x1, 0x3e ; arg2
0x10000415c adrp x24, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x100004160 ldr x24, [x24, 0x398]
0x100004164 mov x19, x21
0x100004168 adrp x8, sym.func.100004000 ; 0x100004000
0x10000416c add x8, x8, 0x4ac
;-- switch:
0x100004170 adr x9, switch.0x100004170 ; switch table (4 cases) at 0x1000044ac
0x100004174 ldrsw x10, [x8, x25, lsl 2]
0x100004178 add x9, x9, x10
0x10000417c br x9
;-- case 0: ; from 0x100004170
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004170(x)
0x100004180 ldr x8, [var_80h]
0x100004184 ubfx x26, x8, 0x30, 8
0x100004188 b 0x1000041ac
| // true: 0x1000041ac
;-- case 1: ; from 0x100004170
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004170(x)
0x10000418c lsr x8, x0, 0x20 ; arg1
0x100004190 subs w8, w8, w0
0x100004194 b.vs 0x100004498
| // true: 0x100004498 false: 0x100004198
0x100004198 sxtw x26, w8
0x10000419c b 0x1000041ac
| // true: 0x1000041ac
;-- case 2: ; from 0x100004170
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004170(x)
0x1000041a0 ldp x9, x8, [x0, 0x10] ; arg1
0x1000041a4 subs x26, x8, x9
0x1000041a8 b.vs 0x10000449c
| // true: 0x10000449c false: 0x1000041ac
; CODE XREFS from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004188(x), 0x10000419c(x)
0x1000041ac adrp x24, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x1000041b0 ldr x24, [x24, 0x398]
0x1000041b4 cbz x26, case.0x100004170.3
| // true: 0x100004438 false: 0x1000041b8
0x1000041b8 stur x24, [x29, -0x68]
0x1000041bc cmp x26, 0
0x1000041c0 csel x1, x26, xzr, gt
0x1000041c4 str x0, [arg_140hx88] ; arg1
0x1000041c8 sub x20, x29, 0x68
0x1000041cc mov w0, 0
0x1000041d0 mov w2, 0
0x1000041d4 bl sym.func.1000044bc
0x1000041d8 ldr x22, [arg_140hx88]
0x1000041dc sxtw x8, w22
0x1000041e0 str x8, [arg_140hx78]
0x1000041e4 str x19, [sp]
0x1000041e8 cbz w25, 0x1000041fc
| // true: 0x1000041fc false: 0x1000041ec
0x1000041ec cmp w25, 1
0x1000041f0 b.ne 0x100004204
| // true: 0x100004204 false: 0x1000041f4
0x1000041f4 ldr x23, [arg_140hx78]
0x1000041f8 b 0x100004208
| // true: 0x100004208
0x1000041fc mov w23, w25
0x100004200 b 0x100004208
| // true: 0x100004208
0x100004204 ldr x23, [x22, 0x10]
| // true: 0x100004208
; CODE XREFS from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x1000041f8(x), 0x100004200(x)
0x100004208 tbnz x26, 0x3f, 0x100004494
| // true: 0x100004494 false: 0x10000420c
0x10000420c ldur x24, [x29, -0x68]
0x100004210 asr x10, x22, 0x20
0x100004214 ldr x9, [var_80h]
0x100004218 and x20, x9, 0x3fffffffffffffff
0x10000421c ubfx x8, x9, 0x30, 8
0x100004220 stp x10, x8, [arg_140hx68]
0x100004224 lsr x10, x22, 8
0x100004228 lsr x8, x22, 0x10
0x10000422c stp x8, x10, [arg_140hx58]
0x100004230 lsr x10, x22, 0x18
0x100004234 lsr x8, x22, 0x20
0x100004238 stp x8, x10, [arg_140hx48]
0x10000423c lsr x10, x22, 0x28
0x100004240 lsr x8, x22, 0x30
0x100004244 stp x8, x10, [arg_140hx38]
0x100004248 lsr x10, x22, 0x38
0x10000424c lsr x8, x9, 8
0x100004250 stp x8, x10, [arg_140hx28]
0x100004254 lsr x8, x9, 0x10
0x100004258 str x8, [arg_140hx20]
0x10000425c adrp x8, 0x100007000
0x100004260 ldr q0, [x8, 0x800]
0x100004264 str q0, [arg_140hx90]
0x100004268 lsr x10, x9, 0x18
0x10000426c lsr x8, x9, 0x20
0x100004270 stp x8, x10, [arg_140hx10]
0x100004274 lsr x8, x9, 0x28
0x100004278 str x8, [var_8h]
0x10000427c stp x25, x20, [x29, -0x88]
| // true: 0x100004280
0x100004280 cbz x26, 0x100004478
| // true: 0x100004478 false: 0x100004284
0x100004284 cbz w25, 0x1000042c4
| // true: 0x1000042c4 false: 0x100004288
0x100004288 cmp w25, 1
0x10000428c b.ne 0x100004348
| // true: 0x100004348 false: 0x100004290
0x100004290 ldr x8, [arg_140hx78]
0x100004294 cmp x23, x8
0x100004298 b.lt 0x10000447c
| // true: 0x10000447c false: 0x10000429c
0x10000429c ldr x8, [arg_140hx68]
0x1000042a0 cmp x23, x8
0x1000042a4 b.ge 0x10000447c
| // true: 0x10000447c false: 0x1000042a8
0x1000042a8 bl sym Foundation.__DataStorage._bytes.allocator__UnsafeMutableRawPointer -> ().Sgvg ; sym.imp.Foundation.__DataStorage._bytes.allocator__UnsafeMutableRawPointer______.Sgvg
0x1000042ac cbz x0, 0x1000044a0
| // true: 0x1000044a0 false: 0x1000042b0
0x1000042b0 mov x19, x0
0x1000042b4 bl sym getter Foundation.__DataStorage._offset.allocator__Swift.Int -> (): allocator_offsetallocatorS...vg ; sym.imp.getter_Foundation.__DataStorage._offset.allocator__Swift.Int______:_allocator_offsetallocatorS...vg
0x1000042b8 subs x8, x23, x0
0x1000042bc b.vc 0x100004378
| // true: 0x100004378 false: 0x1000042c0
0x1000042c0 b 0x100004488
| // true: 0x100004488
0x1000042c4 ldr x8, [arg_140hx70]
0x1000042c8 cmp x23, x8
0x1000042cc b.ge 0x100004480
| // true: 0x100004480 false: 0x1000042d0
0x1000042d0 sturb w22, [x29, -0x78]
0x1000042d4 ldr x8, [arg_140hx60]
0x1000042d8 sturb w8, [x29, -0x77]
0x1000042dc ldr x8, [arg_140hx58]
0x1000042e0 sturb w8, [x29, -0x76]
0x1000042e4 ldr x8, [arg_140hx50]
0x1000042e8 sturb w8, [x29, -0x75]
0x1000042ec ldr x8, [arg_140hx48]
0x1000042f0 sturb w8, [x29, -0x74]
0x1000042f4 ldr x8, [arg_140hx40]
0x1000042f8 sturb w8, [x29, -0x73]
0x1000042fc ldr x8, [arg_140hx38]
0x100004300 sturb w8, [x29, -0x72]
0x100004304 ldr x8, [arg_140hx30]
0x100004308 sturb w8, [x29, -0x71]
0x10000430c ldr x8, [var_80h]
0x100004310 sturb w8, [x29, -0x70]
0x100004314 ldr x8, [arg_140hx28]
0x100004318 sturb w8, [x29, -0x6f]
0x10000431c ldr x8, [arg_140hx20]
0x100004320 sturb w8, [x29, -0x6e]
0x100004324 ldr x8, [arg_140hx18]
0x100004328 sturb w8, [x29, -0x6d]
0x10000432c ldr x8, [arg_140hx10]
0x100004330 sturb w8, [x29, -0x6c]
0x100004334 ldr x8, [var_8h]
0x100004338 sturb w8, [x29, -0x6b]
0x10000433c sub x8, x29, 0x78
0x100004340 ldrb w19, [x8, x23]
0x100004344 b 0x100004380
| // true: 0x100004380
0x100004348 ldr x8, [x22, 0x10]
0x10000434c cmp x23, x8
0x100004350 b.lt 0x100004484
| // true: 0x100004484 false: 0x100004354
0x100004354 ldr x8, [x22, 0x18]
0x100004358 cmp x23, x8
0x10000435c b.ge 0x10000448c
| // true: 0x10000448c false: 0x100004360
0x100004360 bl sym Foundation.__DataStorage._bytes.allocator__UnsafeMutableRawPointer -> ().Sgvg ; sym.imp.Foundation.__DataStorage._bytes.allocator__UnsafeMutableRawPointer______.Sgvg
0x100004364 cbz x0, 0x1000044a4
| // true: 0x1000044a4 false: 0x100004368
0x100004368 mov x19, x0
0x10000436c bl sym getter Foundation.__DataStorage._offset.allocator__Swift.Int -> (): allocator_offsetallocatorS...vg ; sym.imp.getter_Foundation.__DataStorage._offset.allocator__Swift.Int______:_allocator_offsetallocatorS...vg
0x100004370 subs x8, x23, x0
0x100004374 b.vs 0x100004490
| // true: 0x100004490 false: 0x100004378
0x100004378 ldrb w19, [x19, x8]
0x10000437c ldr x22, [arg_140hx88]
| // true: 0x100004380
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004344(x)
0x100004380 adrp x0, segment.__DATA ; 0x100010000
0x100004384 add x0, x0, 0xc0
0x100004388 bl sym.func.10000524c
0x10000438c mov w1, 0x48 ; 'H'
0x100004390 mov w2, 7
0x100004394 bl sym.imp.swift_allocObject
0x100004398 mov x2, x0
0x10000439c ldr q0, [arg_140hx90]
0x1000043a0 str q0, [x0, 0x10]
0x1000043a4 adrp x8, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x1000043a8 ldr x8, [x8, 0x360]
0x1000043ac str x8, [x0, 0x38]
0x1000043b0 adrp x8, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x1000043b4 ldr x8, [x8, 0x368]
0x1000043b8 str x8, [x0, 0x40]
0x1000043bc strb w19, [x0, 0x20]
0x1000043c0 mov x0, 0x3025 ; '%0'
0x1000043c4 movk x0, 0x6832, lsl 16 ; '2h'
0x1000043c8 movk x0, 0x7868, lsl 32 ; 'hx'
0x1000043cc mov x1, -0x1a00000000000000
0x1000043d0 bl sym FoundationCVarArg...dtcfC ; sym.imp.FoundationCVarArg...dtcfC
0x1000043d4 mov x27, x0
0x1000043d8 mov x28, x1
0x1000043dc stur x24, [x29, -0x68]
0x1000043e0 ldp x25, x8, [x24, 0x10]
0x1000043e4 add x19, x25, 1
0x1000043e8 cmp x25, x8, lsr 1
0x1000043ec b.hs 0x100004410
| // true: 0x100004410 false: 0x1000043f0
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004430(x)
0x1000043f0 str x19, [x24, 0x10]
0x1000043f4 add x8, x24, x25, lsl 4
0x1000043f8 stp x27, x28, [x8, 0x20]
0x1000043fc add x23, x23, 1
0x100004400 subs x26, x26, 1
0x100004404 ldp x25, x20, [x29, -0x88]
0x100004408 b.ne 0x100004280
| // true: 0x100004280 false: 0x10000440c
0x10000440c b 0x100004434
| // true: 0x100004434
0x100004410 cmp x8, 1
0x100004414 cset w0, hi
0x100004418 sub x20, x29, 0x68
0x10000441c mov x1, x19
0x100004420 mov w2, 1
0x100004424 bl sym.func.1000044bc
0x100004428 ldr x22, [arg_140hx88]
0x10000442c ldur x24, [x29, -0x68]
0x100004430 b 0x1000043f0
| // true: 0x1000043f0
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x10000440c(x)
0x100004434 ldr x19, [sp]
| // true: 0x100004438
;-- case 3: ; from 0x100004170
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x100004170(x)
0x100004438 ldur x8, [x29, -0x60]
0x10000443c adrp x9, reloc.Foundation.__DataStorage.bytes.allocator...itcfc ; 0x10000c000
0x100004440 ldr x9, [x9, 0x390]
0x100004444 ldr x9, [x9]
0x100004448 cmp x9, x8
0x10000444c b.ne 0x1000044a8
| // true: 0x1000044a8 false: 0x100004450
0x100004450 mov x0, x24
0x100004454 mov x21, x19
0x100004458 ldp x29, x30, [var_130h]
0x10000445c ldp x20, x19, [var_120h]
0x100004460 ldp x23, x22, [var_110h]
0x100004464 ldp x25, x24, [var_100h]
0x100004468 ldp x27, x26, [var_f0h]
0x10000446c ldr x28, [var_e0h]
0x100004470 add sp, sp, 0x140
0x100004474 ret
0x100004478 brk 1
0x10000447c brk 1
0x100004480 brk 1
0x100004484 brk 1
; CODE XREF from sym.func.100004124 @ 0x1000042c0(x)
0x100004488 brk 1
0x10000448c brk 1
0x100004490 brk 1
0x100004494 brk 1
0x100004498 brk 1
0x10000449c brk 1
0x1000044a0 brk 1
0x1000044a4 brk 1
0x1000044a8 bl sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail